HomeMy WebLinkAbout228 Rte 28 SPR Comment Sheet w attachments 031924 SIGNEDSITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Date: March 19, 2024 Applicant: A Plus Real Estate LLC Location: 228 Route 28. West Yarmouth Kathy Williams _Mark Grylls Ca t Huck Lt Bearse Barry Lewis Lot: 37 Zone: B2 _ Persons Present: Mike Putnam Emad Zahran Jack O'Laery Dave Vachon Scott Parrella Roy Catignani Proiect Summary Construct new retail building with 13 apartments on second floor. Comments Formal Review Parcel: 148 Building: Applicant proposes to utilize the ROAD section of the Zoning Bylaw to construct a so called restaurant supply store on the first floor which will be open to the public, and 13 dwelling units on the second. The mixed use of the property is allowed by SP instead of variances provided certain design criteria are met as referenced in section 411.2 paragraph 3. The structure does not meet the standard as required by the siting strategies in the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards. Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw section 411.1.2 states in part: "Substantial adherence, as determined by the Planning Board, to the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards shall be compulsory." The Planning Board shall make the determination if the standards are being substantially adhered with. A photometric plan has not been provided for me to confirm the plan meets the standard of section 301.4.10. Photometric plan shall be provided prior to application with the ZBA. A snow storage area shall be indicated on the plan as indicated in section 301.10. Section 411.3.2 ROAD district special permit(s). The ZBA may grant relief from the following sections which do not comply with the sections 202,203,301,303,402 and 407 may grant special permit with or without conditions. Section 411.3.3 indicates which subsections of the bylaw would require a variance. Relief from the following sections will be required unless plans are modified. SP : Table 202.5 use Al multifamily. SP: 301.4.6 In lot trees not shown on plan. SP: 301.4.9 Front buffer trees. SP: Driveway separation. All construction to meet the requirements of 780 CMR MA State Building Code and appendant codes. The 10th edition of the building code is projected to be in place July 2024, however, the state has indicated that there is likely to be a concurrency period of six months as has been the case in past code changes. �9V'E anning: The Town is very interested in mixed -use developments along Route 28 as it retains our commercial corridor while providing much needed rental housing in our community. The project is proposed to be developed under the ROAD bylaw which allows for zoning flexibility in exchange for a high standard of site and building design. The Planning Board serves as the Design Review Authority for ROAD projects and is responsible for ensuring the project substantially adheres to the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards (Design Standards) as well as the Supplemental ROAD District Standards in Section 411.5.1(F). Substantial adherence to the Design Standards is compulsory and cannot be waived by the ZBA. Subsequent to SPR, the Applicant will need to submit a ROAD application to the Planning Division with all the information outlined in Section 411.4 and should include a clear narrative on how they feel they are substantially adhering to the Siting Strategies and the Building Strategies, a narrative on the economic and other benefits to the town, and an outline of the specific relief being sought (see Building Comments). The project is also reviewed by the Design Review Committee and the Community & Economic Development Committee who provide their input to the Planning Board. If the Planning Board approves the ROAD District Development Plan, the applicant can submit for a Special Permit from the ZBA for a wide range of waivers from the Zoning Bylaw 411.3.3), rather than requiring Variances. Architectural Plans: 1. Elevations: The attached renderings submitted to the Planning Office on February 26'h are superior to those included in the SPR package as they have far more variety to the roof line and roof pitches which helps to break up the mass of the building. As previously mentioned, you should consider enclosing some of the porches to have the required building modulations occur within the building walls rather than through porches to better meet the standards. No front facing entrance is provided. 2. ROAD application: Include additional building information as required in Section 411 including but not limited to labels on elevations, color samples, cut sheets of proposed windows, doors, roofing, siding, and sign detail. Site Plans: Parking is located to the side and rear of the building and the loading dock has been well hidden behind the building. 1. Drainage Swale: Having a longitudinal 3'+ deep drainage swale with 2.5:1 side slopes in the front buffer greatly impacts the ability to provide the required comprehensive landscape plan in front of the building. Consider directing the roof runoff to the underground infiltration chambers and creating a more organically shaped true shallower rain garden in the front to handle the minimum amount of parking/driveway pavement. 2. Front Buffer Plantings: Section 301.4.9 requires a comprehensive landscape plan in front of the building along a road which shall include native plantings with 2.5" caliper trees approximately every 35' and shall include a mixture of shrubs and flowering plants. 3. Buffer Trees: All buffer trees need to be a minimum of 3" caliper. 4. In -Lot Trees: Based on 31 parking spaces, 4 in -lot trees are required per Section 301.4.6. Placing 2 trees 10' apart in one island does not meet the intent of this section nor will this proximity accommodate future growth of the trees. 5. Dumpster Access: Consider relocating the dumpster to provide for an in -lot tree and provide easier trash truck access. Provide solid fencing/gate around dumpster. 6. Pedestrian Access: Provide pedestrian access from Route 28 to the business entrance and from residential parking area to their main entrance. 7. Pavement: Show delivery truck and fire access turning movements to see if there can be any reduction in pavement that can be achieved. 8. Lighting: Provide photometric plan showing footcandles per Section 301.4.10. 9. Affordable Housing: Two affordable units are required by Section 412 of the Zoning Bylaw. 10. MassDOT Corridor Improvement Project #608264: Please note that the MassDOT Corridor Improvement Project dhows approximately 6'-7' for permanent utility easements for relocation of utility poles. See attached preliminary plans. C mmunity Development: The project proposes 13 new dwelling units: 10 one -bedroom units and three 2-bedroom units, which address the need for rental housing in Yarmouth. Zoning Bylaw 412.2 Affordable Housing Inclusionary Zoning applies to the project as there is an increase of five (5) or more dwelling units at the site. Per Section 412.2.3 the project is required to provide two (2) affordable units. Following the bylaw, these affordable units must be restricted affordable in perpetuity by a regulatory agreement (sample provided) and serve households earning no more than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) with an affordable rent. The affordable rent is capped at 30% of 80% of the median income or the Federal Fair Market Rate Rents, whichever is lower. A sample rent calculation is shown below. Selection of affordable tenants must be via an affirmatively marketed fair lottery. Town of Yarmouth Affordable Housing Rent Calculation Federal Fiscal Year 202-3 March 15, 2024 3096 of8096 AMI Rent Federal Fair Market Rate Unit Bedroom Count Household Size 80% AMI Income Limit Amount includes all (FY2024) Rent Includes (US HUD 2023) utilities all Utilities One -Bedroom 2 $73,650 $1,84 S1,585 Two -Bedroom 3 $82,8501 $2,074 $2,092 Rentis cappedat the Iwverof either the NPA of SWAMI rent orthe Fed Fair Market Rate rert. Rents listed here include all utilities, i.e. all utilities are paid for by property owner. If tenants are required to pay utilities, the utilities must be metered separately and the rent is reduced by a utility allowance. Typical utility allowances range from $190 to $230. I recommend the affordable units are provided onsite as the project is located in our Route 28 economic corridor, with job opportunities and amenities nearby, and on public transportation. The Town is available to provide technical assistance to ensure the affordable units comply with the zoning bylaw and applicable affordable housing regulations, for example, the project proponent is encouraged to utilize the Town's Ready Renter Lottery Program to conduct the affordable housing lottery. The project proponent is also encouraged to request a letter of support for the project from the Community Housing Committee for use during the review process. Conservation: The proposed project is subject to the Stormwater Bylaw, a stormwater management permit application is required for projects proposing > 1 acre of disturbance. Design Review: Not present. Engineering: Engineering has developed the following comments: General • Confirm highway access permit/curb cut for the new driveway apron has been approved. Provide restoration area for abandoning the other curb cut. • Coordinate this project with the MassDOT's engineer for the upcoming streetscape project beginning in FY2028. • Coordinate this project with Contract 5 for the wastewater project. See website for more information. Yarmouth.ma.us • As noted previously, provide o photometric plan. o snow storage areas. o truck turning to minimize pavement & confirm emergency vehicle movements. Drainage • As noted, the disturbance is greater than one acre and will require a filing with Conservation. A detail drainage review will be completed through that process. However, Engineering developed the following comments: o Can the pump system at the loading bay be eliminated if the system is dropped by 1-2 feet? Unless possibly groundwater is the Limiting issue? o Provide O&M plan o Confirm stormceptor sizing will meet the catchment areas of A. o Confirm stormceptor design can receive stormwater (with a grate) and be using as for treatment from catchment B. • Provide local installation list for the R-Tank. itFire: Fire Dept Access per 527 CMR 1 Ch 18, If no direct access to sprinkler room, OS&Y will be required. Fire Dept. Access key lock box required. Maintaining fire lane markings as required. Fire Department Connection to be determined by AHA, BDA may need to be installed. Integrated fire alarm system with mixed use. Local alarms that are combination shall be talking technology. t:(Aealh Ifloorsand walls must be smooth and easily cleanable. Current septic is designed for 7,000 gpd, The septic system so has a 4,000 gallon grease trap that should remain and still be monitored. Water: PE tubing is acceptable for the 1-inch domestic service. See materials specifications here: https://www yarmouth ma us/DocumentCenterNiew/14952Mater-Materials-and-Installation-Standards The fire line will require backflow protection. Please submit the Cross Connection Design Data (under DPW) in OpenGov when applying for building permits. Read & Received by Applicant(s) CONG C-P r Road, Su ite 7 O n e ry SagamoretBeach, MA 02562 Group Tel: 508-888-6555 FRONT VIEW RETAIL/RESIDENTIAL PROJECT A PLUS 228 ROUTE 28, YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02-26-2024 onServ State Road, Suite 7 Sagagamore Beach, MA 02562 Group Tel: 508-888-6555 /,?- L/ d"t'�r SIDE VIEW RETAIL/RESIDENTIAL PROJECT AO 1 A PLUS 228 ROUTE 28, YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02-26-2024 SYNH, LLC L.C.C. NO. 22377-B CERT. N0. 228516 DOC. NO. 1447068 226 ROUTE 28 MAP/LOT 37/147.2 PARCEL 13-TE-91 SYNH, LLC (REGISTERED LAND) AREA ABOUT 104 S.F. PARCEL 13-TE-75 SYNH, LLC (REGISTERED LAND) AREA ABOUT 877 S.F. PARCEL 13-PUE-36 SYNH, LLC (REGISTERED LAND) PROP. SERVICE AREA ABOUT 1.157 S.F. CONNECTI N (TYP.) ET. TREE. PRUNING PROP. FULL DEPTH G� HMA DWY (TYP.) PROP. SLOPE HMA LIMIT (TYP.) 3�* L OLV. HMA 8 -. "CASTLE DAWN & (RET.) MOTEL-(RET.) SAWCUT PROP. LOAM d Y3't SEED (TYP.) 100't ^acs �.t IPROP. SERVICE CONNECTION (TYP.) RET UPL I Guy O "1 O o ON ------ ------- ------ ROP. GRAN. CURB TYPE i R6R UPL 37/14 ,ly �RdR 'R UPL 37/43 — _ P.) 45 HYD. S,�WCU f - - 1933 BASELINE (SECTION 1) - STREET (PUB ROUTE 28)156 C) r PROP.HMA VREM.) j SHARED USE PATH I► jjj AT DWY (TYP.) — 13T•t- ax:k --- - - HMA PROP. LOAM d_ SEEDTTVP.) (RET.) '225 BAYSIDE PESORT HOTEL" PROP AGED PINE BARK MULCH L'w �` PROP. AGED PINE f 7KMULCH — PARCELy13-E-6 AMS PROPERTIES, LLC (REGISTERED LAND) AREA ABOUT 614 S.F. PARCEL 13-TE-78 AMS PROPERTIES, LLC (REGISTERED LAND) AREA ABOUT 1,401 S.F. AMS PROPERTIES, LLC L.C.C. NO. 35925-A CERT. NO. 196257 DOC. NO. 1183751 225 ROUTE 28 MAP/LOT 37/71 BARNSTABLE WAREHOUSE CONDOMINIUM (MASTER BK/PG 5450/180/184 228 ROUTE 28 MAP/LOT 37/148 PARCEL 13-TE-76 BARNSTABLE WAREHOUSE CONDOMINIUM AREA ABOUT 1,161 S.F. PARCEL 13-PUE-37 — BARNSTABLE WAREHOUSE CONDOMINIUM AREA ABOUT 1,533 S.F. PROP. 5.5' CEM. CONC. SW (TYP.) (" PROP. FULL DEPTH HMA FI CONSTRUCTION (TYP.) R&R UPL 37/45 STATE FED. ND PROJ. NO. &IEET NO. TOTAL SHEETS MA 45 1 64 PROJECT FILE NO. 608204 PRELIMINARY RIGHT OF WAY PLANS MERTY PLANS SHEET 15 OF 34 z/ I s/Z v PROP. HMA CURB TYPE 2 (TYP) "TASTY BUFFET" RET. LSA) 141'I't _ =91.* SAWCUT � 111't F(WAR) 46 '---S.HL.O.LT.NO.8854� .A--------------� �z -1 (SECTION 3) 47 o I p 159 I — -- - I Lu PROP. STANDARD MILLING S.H.L.O. ALT. NO. 8854 1 160 Z W 8 HMA OVERLAY (TYP ) (SECTION 2) I H = (R8R) [J (R8R) 2 U) L -1t WG 411. 4't Yl't 71't V \ R I PARCEL 13-37 ROD T. SROCZENSKI AREA ABOUT 1,043 S.F. PARCEL 13-TE-79 I I ROD T. SROCZENSKI AREA ABOUT 1,593 S.F. Y I ROD T. SROCZENSKI BK/PG 26052/212 229 ROUTE 28 �• t C MAP/LOT 37/70 e 0 20 50 100 SCALE: 1" = 20' MEN-lM,fQAP,M ?ot, ) z/rs/zy BARNSTABLE WAREHOUSE CONDOMINIUM (MASTER DEED) BK/PG 5450/184 I I O 228 ROUTE 28 w a I MAP/LOT 37/148 w� zW ILu ZNI L° J PARCEL 13-TE-76 BARNSTABLE WAREHOUSE CONDOMINIUM AREA ABOUT 1,161 SY PARCEL 13-PUE-37 -- BARNSTABLE WAREHOUSE CONDOMINIUM AREA ABOUT 1,533 S.F. PROP. 5.5' CEM. CONIC. SW (iYPJ j' PROP. FULL DEPTH HMA CONSTRUCTION (TYPJ R&R UPL 37.45 0 (- — DETAIL 30� r DETAIL 311 SCALE:1"=10' I I SCALE: 1"=12' PROP. SHLOANT. I I (SECTION PROP. SHLO ALT. 2) I I 1933 IIII J9�'7ARCEL.1,3-40 H*IIIIII IIIIII (SECTION 2) NO. PARCEL L 1340* IIIII II[I PRI SHLO 193- 1933 SHLO N0. 297740'* NO.2977 PARCEL48'*IrkL—*PARCEL13«o2* PARCEL **u 13-TE-82 PARCE_ 'PARCELI I I 1 13-TE-81 - �* fp't PARCEL 13TE-821 I PARCEL PARCEL[ I •� L 13-HS-18 — — 13-PUE 38 8* 13-TE-83 1 / PARCEL 13-PU MARTHA DOW PROP. SERVICE I AREA ABOUT 1.825 CONNECTION (TYP.) PARCEL 13-TE-8 PROP. HMA CURB TYPE 2 / MARTHA DOUGLI: RYP) / \ AREA ABOUT 1,875 S.F PROP. SERVICE (RET.) \ CONNECTION (TYP.) "TASTY BUFFET" / / PROP. CEM. CONC. SW O O RET. L&A Y '� AT P. (TYP.) / HMA �+ Li HMA i I DWy \ II R&R UPL " D1V1' 148'* _ _ u / (RET.) Ia �•* \�- Al ' PROP. AGED PINE B. WY SAWGD7 I, p / lij MULCH ]W* �91'* SAWCUT ' � 111'* tom- — �= r* — — r SHL N0.—2 R —7 � PROP. LOAM & SEED `------------------------ rir --------- __ _ REM. MULCH --------------- -- - S.H.L.O.AL1.140.8854 -- --------- _ 47 o-o ----- ' I (SECTION 3)_ -- 1 )- snw�uT (R R) �1 1933 BASELINE_(SECTION-(SECTION- 160 O r PROP 100'HM (R6R) / SHARED USE PATH (TYP.) PROP. SERVICE R&RI "KEN'S WY- EM. TREE / SEE DETAIL 30 CONNECTION (TYP.) (R&R) S.H.L.O ALT. NO. 8854 1 '*— 1 Oa-. a,* (SECTION SW -- _ (SECTION2) R '* 183'* WG( kC), 81'* — — ti L�120'* GRASS 71'* ��� \-_,_. I �-- "BEATRICE LN" '�-(REM.) J A ~ PARCEL 13-TE-81 !� � GRgS, CHARLES WHITE PROP. PARCEL 13-37 MANAGEMENT, INC. _ - BERM, ROD T. SROCZENSKI LIMIT OF WORK AREA ABOUT 1.105 S.F. RET A -MOD MEET EXISTING UPL _ AREA ABOUT 1,043 S.F. (REM p 3" PARCEL 13-TE-79 PARCEL 13-39 ; a ROD T. SROCZENSKI PARCEL 13-HS-17 - - CHARLES WHITE PROP, s CHARLES WHITE LIMIT, AREA ABOUT 1,593 S.F. MANAGEMENT, INC. ITI MANAGEMENT, INC. AREA ABOUT 598 S_F. i D AREA ABOUT 20 S.F. I 'alPROP. SER ICE (SEE DETAIL 32) Y CONNECT[ (TYP . � n RET. UPL CHARLES WHITE i M ;K 69/1 MANAGEMENT, INC. 15 in BK/PG 31648/61 ROD T. SROCZENSKI ? PB/PL 239/17 Z 8K/PG 26052/212 i/1 237 ROUTE 28 m 229 ROUTE 28 D MAP/LOT 37/63 t MAP/LOT 37/70 �1 e PARCEL 13-HS-18 I '�^CHARLES WHITE