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July 3, 2023
June 22, 2023
Maria Curtis
dba Lightning Speed Go -Karts
A Plus Real Estate LLC
206 Barnstable Road, Hyannis, MA
228 Route 28, West Yarmouth, MA
Map 37, Parcel 148
Zoning District: B-2
Title: Book 34148, Page 87
MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Chairman Steven DeYoung, Sean Igoe, Dick
Martin, Jay Fraprie, and John Mantoni
Notice of the hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the Petitioner and all those owners
of property as required by law, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and publishing in
The Cape Cod Times, the hearing opened and held on the date stated above.
This matter came before the Board on June 22, 2023, after having earlier hearing dates of May
11, 2023 and May 25, 2023.
The petitioner, Maria Curtis who does business as Lightning Speed Go -Karts, with the property
location of 228 Route 28, West Yarmouth, Massachusetts, which property is in a B-2 zoning
district. Specifically, the petitioner seeks relief from the buffer tree requirements of the Zoning
Bylaws and"or to change the use to an N-I 1 use at the location, so as to accommodate the
petitioner's use of the property for a go-kart business.
At the final meeting of the consideration of the petition, the petitioner appeared, and spoke well,
as did Kieran Healy of the BSC Group, and Bradley Dunkin, sound consultant, Cavanaugh
Over the course of the three meetings, many people spoke, mostly in opposition to the petition.
Though residential properties do abut the property, which is the subject of the petition to its rear,
the Board also considered it via an abutting property consisting of a hotel and guest
accommodations, the desired hours of operation by the petitioner, the traffic this business would
cause at all hours of the day, and at a very busy location, the likelihood of persons across the
street from the site to walk dangerously where there is no crosswalk, and the sound that the
business would generate. As well, the Board considered the petitioner's efforts to abate the sound
in particular, make the layout of the track safer, and improve the parking lot at the site.
Considering these various factors and others, which were heard, the Board felt the matter should
come to a vote, despite the petitioner's request to withdraw the petition without prejudice. The
request to withdraw the petition was denied.
The Board then proceeded to the merits of the petition, and, after substantial discussion, the
members agreed that they could not support the relief sought as the buffer trees requirement
would not be waived, nor would the Use Table change to an N-I I use be approved.
A roll call vote was taken on a motion made by Mr. Igoe and seconded by Mr. Fraprie, to
approve the petition as presented, to which each member of the Board voted "nay" to the motion.
Accordingly, the petition was denied.
Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed
within 20 days after filing of this notice=`decision with the Town Clerk.
Steven DeYoung, Chairman
I, Mary A. Maslowski, Town Clerk, Town of Yarmouth, do hereby certify that 20 days have
elapsed since the filing with me of the above Board of Appeals Decision #5014 that no notice of
appeal of said decision has been filed with me, or, if such appeal has been filed it has been
dismissed or denied. All appeals have been exhausted.
5—�a- X4&vAte -
Mary A. aslowski
JUL Z 5 2023
L 2023
DECISION d%7 INQli 20 FA 4* 14 "
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FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: November 20, 2008
HEARING DATE: November 13, 2008
PETITIONER: Zhang Zi Qian dba Cape Cod Super Buffet
PROPERTY: 228 Rolo 28, West Yarmouth
Maki'&'Parcel: 0037.148 Zoning District: B2
j If
MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: David S. Reid, Chairman, Joseph Sarnosky, Sean Igoe
t R nie Hamman and Diane Moudouris, and John Richards, Alternate.
It appearing that notice of the hearing has been given by sending notice to the petitioners and all
lofthose owners of property deemed to be affected thereby, and to the public by posting notice of
e hearing and published in The Register, the hearing was opened and held on the date stated
above. r
The applicant seeks a Special Permit from bylaw §411, 1LO.A.D. in order to construct an
additional commercial retail building on the existing site.
Prior to the commencement of a hearing on the merits, the petitioner requested of the Board
leave to withdraw this petition, without prejudice. Since no objection to the request was made, a
motion was made by Mr. Sarnosky, seconded by Mrs. Moudouris to allow the petition to be
withdrawn, without prejudice. The Board members voted unanimously in favor. The petition
was withdrawn without prejudice+
David S. Reid, Cleric
Board of Appeals
Ikw om ms op
YAti11tOUTiI POR•1'. MA O 75
0" 3627199 fax
sOff-kaid-flaw cam
Eider to Fite W6 I
November 3, 2008
Terry Sylvia
Yarmouth Town Planner ,
1146 Route 28 r
South Yarmouth, MA 02664 !
David S. Reid, Chairman
Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
Re: Zhang Zi Qian — Dollar Tree project
Dear Mr. Sylvia and Mr. Reid:
As you know, this office represents Zhang Zi Qian, the owner of the property at 228
Route 28, West Yarmouth, Massachusetts, and the applicant under the Revitalization Overlay
Architectural District bylaw for the construction of a new building to house the Dollar Tree. I
am writing to inform you that my client has authorized me to request that we be permitted to
withdraw, without prejudice, any pending requests for relief before your Boards. Please advise if
MY personal appearance is necessary in order for you to act on this request. I certainly thank you
for your assistance in this matter.' j
Very Truly Yours,
'Paul R. Tardif
cc: Zhang Zi Qian
om �u I
Piled with Town Clerk: AUG 81• 968 Hearing Date: June 20, 1963
11 Tuly 1111 1963
Petitioner: Presalde Realty Trust Petition #633
Rtbert A. Metz Trs:
The -petitioner requested permit to allow the maintenance of presently existing
signs at the Rooster Restraunt, Albert A. netz Tra., located on the northerly
side of Route 269 West Yarmouth;
hembers of Board of Appeals present: -
Harold L. Hayes Jr. Albert E. Webb
Alexander Catto Kenneth H. Studley
H. Stuart Ryder
It appearing that notice of said hearing'has,been given by sending notice there-'
or to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be
affectesi thereby, . and that public notice of such hearingbnlFP g bean given by i
publication in the Cape Cod Standard Times on 5/30 & 6/6/63, the hearing was
opened and held on the date first above written.
The following appeared in favor or the petition:
Atty. John Hart representing �resalde Realty Trust
The following appeared in opposition:
Reason for Decision: It appeared at the hearing that the petitioner is the
owner of a restaurant an Route 2$, West Yarmouth, which was formerly known as
"Dannyls" The same premises wars in prior years known as the "Silver Sea Horse,"
It appeared from the petitioner that there was a rooster on the building
which the building inspector said was a sign. This did not in any way appear
to detract from the building but there was no evidence offered at the hearing
to indicate it was other than 'a .sign,
There also appeared in evidence a photc,16Taph which was filed by the petitioner
which showed the sign in question. It consisted of a standard which was of a
rather large size with a large sign on top indicating a rooster and the marquee
type of sign which stated, "Openjto 1 Dine 5 10 Star Tony Snell Dance Toga Hall"
and attached to the same standard was a further sign which had the lettering,
"cocktails food." It appeared at the hearing that two 4 by'6 ft, signs had been
previously granted. It did not appear that these grants were made by the Board
pt Appeals but rather it was indicated that these signs were approved by a
former building Inspector. It was argued to the Board that there was a third
sign and that the previous•ownerjhad stated this further sign was 4 by 6 ft.
It appeared from the buildingIinspector that the total square footage of the
signs involved was some 147 square feet, It was argued to the Board that the
existing sign was approximately the square footage of the previously existing
signs. I
It did not appear at the hearing that the previous signs were in conformity
with the zoning law of the Town of Yarmouth, The Board considered all the
evidence presented in the most favorable light towards the petitioner's request.
However, the Board could not find that a substantial hardship existed to the
petitioner as it was clear to the Board that this business o*eration could
function without the signs as presently exist an the premises. The Board also
found that there was no evidence `to indicate that the previously existing signs
� I
conformed to the soaring by 1a I of the t(nm of Yarmouth.
The Hoard also finds that in the event this request for a variance is
granted that other business establishments in the vicinity could rightly feel
that they should be treated in thb same manner as was this petitioner and there-
fore that they could reason to this Hoard that previously illegal signs should
be given consideration in validating a request for a variance.
The Hoard further finds that the intent of, ;the zoning by law
stantially derogated from were this request granted
Therefore the request for a variance is denied _and it is the
joard that the petitioner must aonfotm with the zoning by law of
Members of Board voting:
1(arold L. Hayea Jr. In opposition
H. Stuart Ryder ;in opposition
Albert Webb ' ixi opposition
Ale=ddr Catto in opposition
Kenneth H. Studley ifi opposition
Therefore, the petition for e4Ppraval is denied.
Kenneth H. Studley
would be nub- ;
opinion of this
the town of
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Appeal No. 633
Presalde Realty Trust
Albert A. Metz Trs.
July 119 1963
Board of Appeals Members' p resent: .
Alexander Catto
Harold L. Hayes Jr. —Chairman
Kenneth H. Studley - Clerk
H. Stuart Ryder
Albert E. Webb.
The petitioner, Preaalde:RealtyITrust, Albert A. Metz Trs., requested a
variance from the Board of (Appeals 'to allow the maintenance of presently
existing signs at the $ooster on property belonging to Presalde Realty
Trust, Albert A. Metz Trs., located on the northerly side of Route-28, West.
Yarmoubh. Shown on Assessors 'Mapes #31., Parcel el Wei.
Mr.-ga es: The next hearing will be #633. Presalde Realty Trust, Albert A.
Metz Tra., who has requested a variance to allow the maintenance for the
• presently existing signs. 'Calls on petitioner.
Att . John Hart: I represent the petitioner and I would like to submit
pictures or the sign that is in question.
Mr. Hayes: What are the - s i'z a of the signs?
Hart: Well, there is,a Ufference of opinion between.Mr. Fruean and
myself as to the size ofthe signs. ' Mr. Fruean has had the town engineer
compute the size of the sign from the ground gp the supporting pillar around,
and back down. Mncluding the whole sign. Mr. Gobin the previous owner was
given permission to erect this which is still the same size. Points out
signs -in -pictures. TTais 'Board granted a variance previously to maintain two
signs in addition to the present one. Each sign 41 x 61 for a total of
3 signs in, all. Mr. Gobin' said the sign was no larger than 41x 61. If we
accept Mr. G3bin's word that would mean that Mr. Metz is entitled to 72 sq'
of sign. When Mr. Gobin received that variance he proceeded with pe3shifiBion
of some other sign inspector and when Mr. Metz took -it over it was literally
swamped with signs. He removed all of these and constructed this one. The
total size of the sign is'72 sq• if you measure them end to and and not in-
clude the pillar. Thisjsig' is in keeping with the size of the building and
the size of the parking lot: The Rooster is not a flasing neon•sign and
is in good taste. I
Mr. Ha es: Does this petition include the Rooster on top of the roof?
r. ruean: It is a sign:
Afty. HOUT We admit that it is a sign and that it be included along with
e others,
Mr. Fruean:2 I had the town engineer measure it and he comes u with 147 s .
an a Rooster 46 sq. ft. Previous owners were granted.2 4q
= x6f sign
and An additional sign.
Mr. ayes: Let's make sure we have this right now. They were granted 2 !�.*
x s giiSand a sign on the gable end of the building..
Att7_.__Hart: That's right and it was said that -it wasntt over 41 x 6".
Appeal No. 633 !
Presalde Realty Trust
Albert A. Metz Trs.
July 11, 1963
Mr. Fruean: The previous inspector made the best agreement by could • and
e was to take down two.'doubled faces signs.
Atty. Harfl There was seahorse on the pillar. You cansee the outline.
or it in these pictures;' this was before it came up for approval. The Rooster
was added after Mr. Metz took ,over. ,
Mr. FrueanY Before this was just a plain building but by adding the Rooster
It makes-iT a sign becauselit states in the laws; any device pertainingA
business is a sign whether,it is an ice cream cone or a bannana.
Mr. Hayes: Mtere would you say the violation is?
. Fruean; The Rooster on top of the roof, signs advettising the food part
of it, Moo the sign is 'too close to the highway. He could have 21 sq; fte
but held have to be baok 18'.
Atty. Hart: His predese'ssors had a permit to erect 2 41 x 6' sign for a
total of ' of sign space. Then Dan Zuchero took title,and an agreement
was made with a sign Inspector. Therefore, I feel that Mr. Metz should
have the right to maintain 72 sq. ft.
Mr. Ha es: Whht if this had to be moved back?
AttT. • This what;put up by Mr. Qobin at the time the transaction was
made witH a previous sign inspector and it was a rather.expensive thing and
would be moreso at thisitime.
Mr. Hayes: Can the Rooster on the top be taken off?
Attya Hart: This would be expensive and he has the previous permit for the
or si gn space. I
Mr. Hayes:- We still have the problem of the 347' which Mr. Fruean'says.
ruean: The \sign says Rooster now, next year it will say Rooster
RestEr-a-u-n-Ew jt will tend to grow. Even it will appltr to the pillar, once
you start lettering it,iit becomes a'sign.
Atty. Hart: Mr. Fruean'slstatement isn't consistent. He says it wasn't a
sign but yet there was a seshorse on it before. We could move thin -onto the
roof, and maintain justjthree signs. The Rooster Ke.will admit we are in
violation on that.
Mr. Fruean: Do.ydu intend to light that Rooster?
Atty ar : No, it isn't lit now.
r. 5a es: Anyone else'who would likb to be heard on iiiis hearing.
In that case we will takelit under consideration and you•will be notified.
Hearing closed.