HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDE-24-344 3/7/24,6:06AM about:blank . Commonwealth of Massachusetts of • 1r4k * Town of Yarmouth c o , ;: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 226 ROUTE 28 Unit: Owner Name: SYNH LLC Email: tony@alphamanagementcorp. Owner's Address: 1249 Beacon ST Phone: 617-730-5888 corn Purpose of Building Commercial Utility Authorization No.: Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? No Permit Number: BLDE-24-344 Existing Service Amps/Volts Overhead ❑ Underground ❑ No. of Meters: New Service Amps/Volts Overhead❑ Underground❑ No. of Meters: Description of Proposed Electrical Installation: Replace 90 bathroom fans& install 2 roof fans No.of Receptacle Outlets: No.of Switches: Generator KW Rating: Type: No.Luminaires: No.of Recessed Luminaires: No.Wind Generators: Wind KW Rating: No.Appliances: KW: No.Water Heaters: KW: No.Transformers: Total KVA: Space Heating KW: Heating Equipment KW: No.Motors: Total HP: Total KW: No. Heat Pumps: Total KW: Total Tons: Fire Alarm System❑ No.of Devices: Swimming Pool: In-Grnd.❑ Above-Grnd.❑ Hot Tub❑ No.of Self-Contained Detection/Alerting Devices: No.Oil Burners: No.Gas Burners: Video System ❑ No.of Devices: No.Air Conditioners: Total Tons: Telecom System ❑ No.of Outlets: No. Energy Storage Systems: KWH Storage Rating: Security System ❑ No.of Devices: Solar PV KW DC Rating: Solar PV KW AC Rating: No.of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment: No.of Modules: Roof-Mount❑ Ground-Mount❑ Level 1 ❑ Level 2❑ Level 3❑ Rating: Estimated Value of Electrical Work: $ 19,000 Work to Start: May 20, 2024 FIRM NAME: License Number: Master/System and/or Journeyman Licensee: MICHAEL J PEARSON License Number: 50954 Security System Business requires a Division of Occupational Licensure "S" LIC. License Number: Address: QUINCY, MA, 021702756 QUINCY MA 021702756 Fee Paid: $1,060.00 Email: tony-@alphamanagementcorp.com Business Telephone: 617-730-5888 INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner, no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including "completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force, and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. INSURANCE: 19,11-r4 ste .7-4A, s1ff 3I/ Z241g---- r4 A--1 6 f/ 1(?1 ps5 1/1 about:blank 3/20/24,3:46 PM OpenGov StStUS: Partial Pass l Partial Pass on Mar 14,2024 by Will Sinclair room 114-not enough wire in box ✓ room 112 staples room 110 wire in ceiling not terminated V room 100 no access room 123 not enough wire in box I room 113 staples room 111 staples room 109 staples', room 101 staples V room 127 no access'✓ room 129 staples✓ room 139 not enough wire in box 1✓ room 141 staples V room 143 staples '✓ �/ room 145 wire clamp cutting into wire in box rr room 147 staples room 243 not enough wire in box,s)aplesV room 239 not enough wire in box'( room 231 not enough wire in box V room 225 staples ✓ room 217 staples <✓ room 215 staples"✓ room 205 staples room 203 staples V room 238 not enough wire in box �- room 246 not enough wire in box,staples room 218 not enough wire in box room 216 no access✓ all other rooms ok https://yarmouthma.worktow.opengov.com/#/explore/records/783146/1264559/step-inspection-types/35612 1/1 Elliott, Ken From: PEARSON,MICHAEL <+18573 48 Sent: Friday, May 10, 2024 8:57 AM To: Elliott, Ken f/yam' Subject: Voice Mail (33 seconds) (111 Attachments: audio.mp3 1•� Attention!:This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Hi, Ken. This is Mike Pearson from Alpha Management. My phone number is 857-312-6483 and I'm looking for a final at the Sunbird 226 Route 28 and the building permit says BL DE-24-344. I called earlier this time looking for a call back. Thank you. You received a voice mail from PEARSON,MICHAEL. Thank you for using Transcription! If you don't see a transcript above, it's because the audio quality was not clear enough to transcribe. Set Up Voice Mail 1