HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 805 185 South Sea Ave Recorded 12.29.1978- TOW -OF. YAMUM '
B0MD . OF APPEALS f �Jr ✓�, �• � t '�
Filed ;ri. Tofu Clsrl�: Hearing Daiei - •.7/7/66
Petitioner s - Joseph: 11. and Barbara Walker • Petiti_ on : # 805
The petitioner'requested •ap*v all of the Board of Appeals .to- conduct a geiuera]. horti-
cultural (flower .mid ."urn ) busii=si together' With items •related -•thereto upon property
on 185. South' Sea �ire.s Went Yai ►auth�;�+hich'•e4d-property contains: appro=imately J-.$,ores
fbr said'nse.-.:Included, in'. ,aid'.usa" to be- oign -nT49 •.Wi1kera".:• Na' exteri.ar altearations`to
extatixsg boil dings ooon assessors map .ems parcel' F1.
• Members. of:Board of Appeals pre is Stuart: Ryder,$n J
: Waltoos, Harold L. Hayest Jr.
Ho DiT3berio; Albert'Webb
i _ „
it appearing that notice of,., sad. hearing has been given by,. aending notice thereof to ;the
petitioner sad' an .those„ gMer Lof property - deemed by .the • Board '.to : be - afflected. thereby,
and. that pnbo notice , of, imoh.hearing -ham been. giyen'bp'pablicatiQn iri th_ e'. Cape Cod
5tisidard Times on' 6/23I66 azld b/30�66 she:hearing .Wag opened aud•held., on the . data first
above �.tten:''• r t s' . :
The ' following appeared -in • favor of, khe, petitions Join H.: Campbellp Gretchen E.- Campbell -
Ssther LL.I. Kershawi J&if Kershawp ' J seph ; H. Krainin by' ].attars!' : Mr.' Ardito''' Mrs. Baker -
Mrs:+' HCK4 and'Mr:" HMO
The+ -following appeared not in oppo bons but .With •questions:, "Mrs. Doren,' Mrs. Cntlsr.#
Miss Kapito3.'"and Hxp.. Patten. i
Reason- for • dsoisibns.;' It ; appeared at the hearing . that' there .iiciuld: be no changes to -the
• each buildings, on the' property; with" the e�oaepticn of an 'addition of .a greenhouse.
: The . greenhanse . appe. .. d� to -'6e :appzw:;I nate]y 25 s ' = 25 s
Tt "further `appa ardd - at • the, he ariag Ghat, the, zoning by-laws . allows, . ua&r - Section ' II s which
is,,'cieAgaaated ."Residence'District �1ees��;, enb�agraph'.5, farm •or gardeiie.,without',thel "
approval of. thia,'boariL ` HoWevert �nidar'.3eotioa'II,$ub-Paragx'aph roning`tiyerlawa
provide'.. as followas = "Atgy of.'the' following uses; on approval. of , the:the Board `ofAppeals"
mffi4aragraph (o): paree house'or Hurseryn.'� • Therefor is :this' Board ;finds ; that .under•'the
psovi'ions of .the••zoniUg1b`j ; 2av this .board hia" the diaoretion to 'A1vv*tha .r`eque"sted use.
a resid+entiah.area. ,The, board oonsidei*ed the use1that'ifio ec;uestsd' an m ka.s •the
following ndiags
1) ,It`aPi a6a �a'.that tha-builditig.'to.- be' used will' be, well 'net back from." .the main.
street'. and.will.no �in:'any wain affeot,the paea=m .'existing.buildir.�gs'izi the iiiediate'
•vicinity; � � ..' ;� : . , . - -• ! � • - ... .
2) It - appear d thane Would. be !adequate - off-street parking;, - ;
3) . It speared -that . then' a :said#, be ,no' ctu_ urge ' in, the'-preaaisea that:.xauld detract in • any
way from are eidsntial'neighborhood�
The. Board therefore ; p over petitionerIa. i arquest with -."',,following conditi,onss
. 1, - That- there • will be no wv buildings other than -the greenhouse mentioned without
the apppmial 'of ,this board; �.
2. • The 'sign rie" anoiaed with the underst=ding :that'the sin a -will' be .no greater
than 6' squar9 'feet.: It, is- noted" -#hat this" sign 'will.• -be in keoping`•with Section II,
Residence Diatriot Uses" sub -paragraph T (c). -
Joseph(:H: and Barbara Walker - Appeal #805 continued
Alter a -fun. disaussion and'deliberation by•the Board relaiive to;1&e#her or.not the
requested nse xi11 ha'Pe .wW. adverse. ;aaact-onte-neighbarhaod : the, Board,, is of the. opinion
that-it'vill ham ao adverse affect•on the risigbborhood._
The. Board,speoitYaa7ly tYnds,�that.the publia�_good.will not be adverwAy. affected* and
the,Eoard-apoolSica&UyIinds,that-the.intent Bad purpose'or.the.zonit 'byrlaw.tiri]1 .
sub .Board ?1y.:adhered-to;by. grii#ing petitionerIs requaat. -
Members-.of'BomoM -votin -Stuart.iiy�lero Walton JeAkind "Itarold L.'SWoaj Jr.� B.-Di7'ibeii.op
-.. ; . alber� Webb' = = aLl. voted
Sri: favor:
�ixerefore� :the'-Mitioa,for APFroa'al. is ;gr�nnted;
::. d:tie: �uttwrize ,.a variance, tot • con&Wt- a general horUmatural business in accordance
with-requeot�'i1lth.the,.condition mentioneu'.aboves aud,to'allox,'a,ai.gn-not'l4er-than 61
HQ : peimi t Iiasued',vntil . 20., de�ra . fr= date of .•filing decision xith'Ahe Tom. Clerk.'
Albert E' Webb
Aoting__G k-Board ol;Ilppeals
N 0 T N 0 T
O F F� I CI"a�.0 �OB OFF I C I-1,97d31
TH"Ottt�lOr[)JUTH OF MA/BACHuel7T6 C O P Y
N 0 VTY — "Aw"N O T
C O P Y ........................gcemher..C?8P_J)l9Y78
Conditional or Limited Variance or Special Permit
(Cm -r.l lAwr Chaptm 40A, $eeplen le — —=dad)
Notice is hereby given that a Conditional or Limited Variance or Special Permit has been granted
Owner or reghlm
Address.............185 South Sea Averiue
City or Town....f?eet Yarmouth+ Massachusetts
......................... L3aak ..24A..7P.a9s..3 S...&..> e4.k.... ...> ..9.$..-...R.=( ..Raf....AQQk.
Id. Lily Lwd AN -WA
by the Town of... .. . ...... _ ... YA,rm.oulih. ........ _._ ........................ Board of Appeals affecting the
rights of the owner with respect to the use of promises on.
................ .9.S.. Q xh...S>xa..AYl+ u W1110 .......... .................
eL.a aIV or Toee
the record title standing ill the name of
�oNe�h FS. & Barbara Walker
whose address is.�.$S..wiA.Rkk]l..Sid..Z1R>3.{1t3.�R...F1R13.t,.-XaxAls7t3k1]1,...tAasachuaett:a...
Sheep CRY e! To--,sut.
by a deed duly recorded in the..-.AiiS:)7SttablA............County Registry of Deeds in Book
7. Q 3.... PR80....H.1 ................................. ...... .................
&NA..l�ttgietlepclail t�raaic NxaAaa
'A"liib............. ................... .i6i" ... ............ =0 ...............
The decision of said Board is on file with the papers in Decision or Cssc No...80?.............
in the office of the Town Clerk ....... Of ... armouth.. , , - . -
Certified this..28th.day of.....Q4celnbar .......................19 78,
Board of Appeals: _
�. c�.I✓...y.:� `: Y...aA.�................ Chairnpan
aoord of Appl N
aa.rd of Appals
................................................19........ nt.............. o'clock and..-. ...... ..................... 'Minutes ....M.
Received and entered with the Register of Deeds in tho County of ..........................................
Book...................... Page........................
Register o/ Deeds
Notice to be recorded by Land Owner.
ropm 1004 it4?448 ■ WARRW. INC., n.Yl..e .— ... ........ ilL URDLn DEC 2 91978