HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-D006 221 Center Street Approved' Ne TOWN OF YARMOUTH ° 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 '- Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITIE�CEIVED IFIRMOUTH TOWN CLERK RE APPLICATION FOR M+- 2 1 29`44 JUN 25'24 AM1_0:1H CERTIFICATE OF DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL - AHMOUTI-, OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Application is hereby made for the issuance of a permit for the Demolition or Removal of a building or structure or part thereof, under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT FOUR `) COPIES OF SITE PLAN AND PHOTOS ALONG WITH APPLICATION FORM AND ABUTTERS LIST. Type or print le ta.btY: Address of proposed work: 221 Center Street, Yarmouthport, MA Map/Lot # Map# 1401 Lot# 39 Owner(s): Sean & Lauren Greenhow Phone #: (617)999-3099 Alt applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 221 Center Street, Yarmouthport, MA Year built: 1955 Email: sean@greenhow.com & Igreenhow@hire-tech.net Preferred notification method: ❑ US Mail El Email Agent/contractor: Catalyst Architecture/Interiors Phone M (508)362-8382 Mailing Address: 203 Willow Street, Suite A, YarmouthpoM MA Email: tim@catalystarchitects.com & yanni@catalystarchitects.corrpreferred notification method: 11 US Mail a Email Description of Proposed -Work The existing accessory cottage in the back yard is to be demolished & removed and a new cottage is to be constructed roughly in the same location Signed (Owner or age): _ _._ _ Date - It Qi~ ➢ Photos (4 sets) showing all sides of building MUST accompany application. ➢ If building is to be moved, give new location. ➢ If relocation is granted, Certificate of Appropriateness application is required if new,ocation is within the Yarmouth OKH District. ➢ Ownerlcontractorlagent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department. :Check other departments, also.) ➢ If application is approved, approval is sub!ect to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. ➢ This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be ater. } For Committee use onl ZApproved ...--Approved with __modifications Denied Rcvd Date: 5111,1In Amount ' 00 Cash1CK # Va Rcvd by: Lr 5 45 Days: Reason for denia-: Signed: Date Signed-`?' �_7 ._b; r''(.4 =020a APPROVED I APPLICATION #: ' Dov6 TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING CHANGES TO AN OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED PLAN As property own erlcontractorlagent for construction at sa �Ce✓�"" Map/Lot 1 ` o CIA # `d '� — ��� Approval Date: ' I certify that I understand the following requirements regarding any changes that may be required for this project: In accordance with paragraph 2(a) of section 1.03(General Procedures) of the OKH 972 CMR Rules and Regulations: Only minor changes may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application and a new hearing. Minor changes include alterations that can be done without a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the project such as altering a single window or door change or a minor change of colors. All minor changes by amendment will require the local Committee's or its designee's approval. All changes to previously OKH approved plans require notification to and approval from the local OKH Committee. Change requests must be submitted to the Committee in writing on the appropriate request form, which may be obtained from the OKH office. All change approvals must be obtained before incorporating the change into the project. If the change has been implemented prior to receipt of OKH approval, a Minor Change approval or Certificate of Appropriateness application for the revised plans is still required and will result in a doubled filing fee for the appropriate category of work. Failure to comply with the above statements will result in the Building Department issuing a stop -work order or delaying the issuance of an Occupancy Permit or final inspection approval. I have read and understand the above statements. Date: APPROVED JUN 2 4 2024 ,Signed, (Chairman, O ing's Highway Committee) YARMOUTH i Updated &3112024 Y. TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 026644451 Q ,x Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext, 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appx•opriateness/Demolitionr'Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 -Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within fbi-ty five (45) days after the filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please print): Tim Sawyer (Catalyst Architecture/Interiors) ApplicaritlAgent signa e: _ Date: 2 MAY 21 2024 It-kMjI1Vv11, OLD KINGS HIGHWAY AR VE®! JUN 2 4 2024 fAHMUU rH Application #: ;k4" 000 312020 TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name: Sean & Lauren Greenhow Property Address/Location: 221 Center Street, Yarmouthport, MA Hearing Date: June 10, 2024 Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or }private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.yarmouth.ma-us Applicant Information: Abutter Information: i1Y1lViVu � � OLD K{NG'S HIGHWAY � A1D JUN 2 4 2024 YA!�M U,( Map Number Lot Number 140 39 148 2 1&75-0 140 40 7 (ay 140 35 if -7 140 38 , 140 45 -� 140 46 Application #: 2q— 0 0 01V 1481 21 1 1 TOWN OF YARMOUTH CONSERVATION DEPT 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 1401 451 1 1 JAMESON LARRY J JAMESON CATHY A 39 HICKORY DR MAPLEWOOD , NJ 07040 1401 461 1 1 HUNT ROBERT E HUNT SARA 220 CENTER ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1401 391 1 1 GREENHOW SEAN GREENHOW LAUREN 221 CENTER ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1401 381 1 1 GREENHOW PHILIP G GREENHOW HELEN M P O BOX 73 YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1401 351 1 1 CONNOLLY JAMES B CONNOLLY CAROLE A 195 CENTER ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1401 401 1 1 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4463 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: 221 Center St., Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Assess rs Map 140, of 39 Andy V5chado, Director of Assessing June 4, 2024 ECIVED JUN 0 4 2024 APPROVE JUN 2 4 2024 rARMOU'rh vv W q h E � e N 7 %S n u� in O �n ��8 c L ng.., �1 2 <w+ 0 A G w 9 L � A li RFCFIVF MAY 21 2024 1 AtlivIuu I I . OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVE JUN 2 4 2024 (ARMOUTH 2 Q �. 0 O u D i �-t G) o m m m (n v m m r C O Z C 0 � v�m� HOME ALTERATIONS GREENHOW RESIDENCE 221 CENTER ST. YARMOUTHPORT, MA m x z 0 0 m O 1 0 �n O z W Catalvst Architecture Interiors Where visions take shape 203WLLOTTSTREET, SUREA YARMWFHPORT,MAMG75 P. 506-3624= WWWCATALTSTARCHiTECTSCOM \N I a lONv7Qt6AZ / � 1 rB rzn a a ff A i 4 F o The Greenhow Residence Ymmath kK ^ Ip ~ �qQa 4 f