HomeMy WebLinkAboutSite Plan Review Comment Sheet 04.16.2024Formal Review SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Date: April 16, 2024 Lot: 33 Parcel: 72 Applicant: Christina Meggison (The Residences at 811 Main) Location: 811 Route 28, South Yarmouth Zone: B2 & VCOD VC2 Persons Present: Tim Sears Mary Waygan Brian Yergatian, BSC Nate Whetten Kevin Enright Barry Lewis KathyWilliams Laurie Ruszala Project Summary The Applicant is proposing to redevelop the property as multi -family housing, with a total of eight, one -bedroom units utilizing the Village Centers Overlay District (VCOD) VC2 zoning. The existing single-family dwelling and shell will be razed and a new multi -family townhouse building will be constructed. The project also includes reconfiguration of a shared -access drive, utility connections, a new sewage disposal system, stormwater management and landscaping. Comments 1<< jJ Building: Project is proposed to be developed using the VCOD — 2 standards. Architecture is required to meet the standard of the Architectural Site and Designs standards and section 414.8 VCOD design standards. It is recommended that the Route 28 facing side of the building use similar architectural features as the parking lot side of the building. Site plan provided does not show compliance with section 414.8.9. Plan does not comply with Table of Dimensional Requirements, Footnote I. Consider appropriate changes or seek relief in the alternative. Any relief from the required standards is in the form of a special permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Plantings should be reviewed to confirm compliance with VC2 required standard. Lighting plan and photometric plan not provided. Could not confirm compliance with section 414.8.10. Project is located in the AE-11 flood zone. All construction to comply with 780 CMR - MA State Building Code as well as all other appendant codes and all other applicable standards of the zoning bylaw. Recommended after modification to see the building commissioner before application to any board for review or relief as plan presented is not complete. Community Development: The project proposes 8 new one -bedroom dwelling units in one townhouse style apartment building, which address the need for one -bedroom rental housing in Yarmouth. Zoning Bylaw 412.2 Affordable Housing tVIInclusionary Zoning applies to the project as there is an increase of five (5) or more dwelling units at the site. Per Section 412.2.3 the project is required to provide one (1) affordable unit. Following the bylaw, these affordable units must be restricted affordable in perpetuity by a regulatory agreement and serve households earning no more than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) with an affordable rent. The affordable rent is capped at 30% of 80% of the median income or the Federal Fair Market Rate Rents, whichever is lower. A sample rent calculation is shown below. Selection of affordable tenants must be via an affirmatively marketed fair lottery. The Town can provide lottery services at a reduced rate. Town of Yarmouth Affordable Housing Rent Calculation for 811 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA Federal Fiscal Year 2024 April 16, 2024 All figures are time sensitive and subject to change. The Affordable Apartment must serve a household earning no more than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) with an affordable rent (30% of the 80% AMI). The Town also requires that the rent is lower than the current Federal Fair Market Rate Rent. INCOME UMrrS 80% AMI Income Household She Limit' US HUD 2024 1 $68,500 2 $78,250 RENT CALCUATION 80% AMI Rent. Federal Fair Unit Size Household Size 80% AMI Income limit Amount Market Rate US HUD 2024 Includes all Rents Includes Utilities all Utilities One -Bedroom 2 $78,250 $1,956 $1,585 Currently, the affordable rent for a 1-bedroom unit is capped at $1,585/month including utilities. Owners pays all monthly utilities. if metered separately, owner can require tenant to pay utilities, however rent is reduced by a utility allowance calculated from the Yarmouth Housing Authority's Utility allowance Work Sheet (typically $200) I recommend the affordable unit is provided onsite as the project is in our Route 28 economic corridor, with job opportunities, amenities, and public transportation nearby. The Town is available to provide technical assistance to ensure the affordable unit complies with local and state regulations. The project proponent is also encouraged to request a letter of support for the project from the Community Housing Committee for use during the review process. Planning: The proposed development of eight (8) 1-bedroom residential units is an allowed use within the VCOD VC2 and meets to the density maximum of 16 units/acre. As a VCOD project, it needs to adhere to Section 414 of the Zoning Bylaw including Section 414.8 — VCOD Design Standards and the Architectural and Site Design Standards. Architecture: 1. Route 28: Incorporate architectural features to draw attention to the Route 28 facing entrance, such as including a covered porch, per Section 414.8.4.2. 2. Stairs and Railings: The number of risers shown on the site grading plan exceeds those shown on the Architectural Plans and it appears that railings will be required. Provide details on proposed railings and stairs. 3. Rear Elevation: The siding on the rear of the building is one material, mixing units between clapboards and shingles would provide more visual variety. 4. Building mounted lighting: Although not shown on the Architectural plans, building mounted lighting, light black wall sconces, are proposed at the laundry entrance and the rear sliders (2 each either side). Lighting at the other entrances will be located in the overhang. Site: 1. Access Easement: Revised Easement document is needed for shared access driveway to reflect extension to back of property and realignment of the easement. 2. Dumpster: The dumpster location cannot be with the required vegetated buffer to a residential zone and locating the dumpster along Route 28 is undesirable, even if landscaped. It is unfortunate that the buildings could not have been located closer to Route 28 to allow for the dumpster and turn around to happen in the rear of the property rather than along Route 28. 3. Parking: Minimum/maximum parking is 8/12 spaces. The driveways are 12' wide and would appear to only accommodate a total of 8 cars. Consider widening the driveways for the end units to provide additional parking while remaining below the maximum allowed. Provide documentation that you are adhering to Section 414.8.9.4c showing a minimum of 30% canopy coverage over the parking areas, need for additional trees in the islands is likely. 4. Zoning Summary: Summary of zoning dimensional requirements should reflect VC2, existing and proposed, with appropriate footnotes. 5. Pedestrian Circulation: Provide a segment of sidewalk to connect to Route 28. 6. Table 414.6.3.1- Table of Dimensional Standards, Note I: This note requires the rear setback distance adjacent to residential zones to be 20' or height of the structure, whichever is greater. 7. Landscaping: a. Move street trees further from the Route 28 layout to accommodate future corridor improvement projects. b. All planting materials shall adhere to Section 414.8.9.1 Plant Selection. Use of turf in strips less than 6' is not allowed per paragraph d. c. Virtually opaque 20' buffer required when adjacent to residential districts per Section 414.8.9.3b. Who owns the fencing in the rear and what is the condition/height? d. Buffer trees to be planted every 30' minimum per Section 414.8.9.3g. e. Any existing 4" caliper or greater trees in the proposed buffers should be retained per Section 414.8.9.6g. 8. Bollards: A bollard detail is shown, where are they to be located? May not have the need for the detail. 9. Underground Utilities: Overhead utilities to the first pole on the property would remain although undergrounding overhead utilities is part of the Architectural & Site Design Standards. 10. Sprinklers: Is there a need for a separate water line for the sprinkler system? 11. Grading: Place spot grades along the driveway curb as it is very shallow. Conservation: The proposed project requires a Notice of Intent filing with the Conservation Commission and is subject to the Mass DEP stormwater standards. Plantings: Rain gardens are typically planted with deep-rooted, native shrubs and forbs. If the depression is a grass swale, the label must be updated on the plan. Liriope muscari is a non-native plant that is emerging as invasive in areas in the northeast and should be replaced with a native groundcover. English yew is also non-native and should be considered for replacement with a native alternative. Design Review: Not present. Design Review Committee scheduled for April 23rd and Planning Board for VCOD SPR on May 1, 2024. Engineering: Development extends onto 807 Route 28. They will need to modify the existing access easement with the abutter. Fence around the dumpster is on the property line. Proposed ground surface at the leaching basins is about El. 11, whereas the top of the basins shown on the plans is El. 10.75. There doesn't appear to be room in the profile for the 2 ft. riser. Need to maintain the design separation between the bottom of structure and the adjusted seasonal high ground water. After planting at the rear of the building there will be no vehicle access to the inspection ports on infiltration system #2. How will this infiltration system be maintained? Fire: Fire Lane signage will be required to accommodate the adjusted turnaround as discussed prior. Exact Fire Lane marking to be approved by Fire Department. Fire department lock box will be required for access. Sprinkler FDC location to be approved prior to installation. BDA may be required. ealth: Number of bedrooms match septic plans, NO variances needed. Health Department is all set. taste : Existing water service is 1-inch. What size main is planned for new building? Will fire sprinklers be required? water: It is recommended that the proponent consider the future required connection to the sewer system. Read & Received by Applicant(s)