HomeMy WebLinkAboutComplaint Order 11 Saltworks Ln July 2, 2024 Saltworks Properties LLC 10 Yale Cir Dennis Port, MA 02639 Re: Complaint/Violation Notice Property Address: 11 Saltworks Lane, South Yarmouth, MA Dear Owner: A complaint was received by this office regarding the dumpster on July 1, 2024. A housing inspection in accordance with 105 CMR 410.000 Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation was conducted at the above referenced property on July 1, 2024. Per 105 CMR 410.560 (D)(1) D) Storage (1) Garbage or mixed garbage and rubbish shall be stored in watertight receptacles with tight-fitting covers. Receptacles and covers shall be durable, pest-resistant and deter access by wildlife. Per 105 CMR 410.560(E)(2): E) Collection (2) An owner who provides a dumpster or other suitable container, shall locate them on the property so as to be convenient to the occupant, so that no objectionable odors enter any residence, and in accordance with 527 CMR 1.00: Massachusetts Comprehensive Fire Safety Code. Dumpsters shall be covered, protected from leakage, and placed on an impervious surface. Your property was found to be in violation of the above two regulations. The dumpster lids were not closed nor was the dumpster on an impervious surface. All violations must be corrected within 30 days of receipt of this notice. If you will be requesting an extension beyond this date a hearing in accordance with 105 CMR 410.800 through 410.860 must be conducted. You may request a hearing before the Board of Health (105 CMR 410.800) in writing within seven days of receipt of this order. You will be contacted with the date of the hearing. Failure to comply with this notice may subject you to a fine of $300.00 per day upon conviction in Housing Court (105 CMR 410.920 through 410.930). If you have any questions regarding this notice or in general, please contact me directly. Sincerely, Logan Patrick Logan Patrick Housing Inspector Lpatrick@yarmouth.ma.us 508-398-2231 Ext 1248 T O W N O F Y A R M O U T H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 Telephone (508) 398-2231, ext. 1240 Fax (508) 760-3472 Board of Health - Health Division