HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubstantial Damage affidavit 07/11/24 o£Y TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT �•n «•-4'` 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 '" -.'' Telephone 508-398-2231 ext.1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Owner's Affidavit: Substantial Improvement or Repair of Substantial Damage Property Address: Cq pe _('l€ Dr i vte Parcel ID Number: (') 19 . 'J Owner's Name: Ef e }Kpmbocnr04.c' Owner's Address/Phone: I t �rt,Ji II()II() CZN• A d%ver Q,,9(o (37(9 t-'19 D4,9 Contractor: 5 '`/ CO 17u.,+,O' Contractor's License Number: l 50 7 9 6 es" Date of contractor's Estimate: -S 6 I hereby attest that the description included in the permit application for work on the existing building all improvements, rehabilitation, remodeling, repairs, additions, and other forms of improvement. I further attest that I requested the above-identified contractor to prepare a cost estimate for all of the work,including the contractor's overhead and profit.I acknowledge that if,during the course of construction,I decided to add more work or to modify the work described,that the Town of Yarmouth will re-evaluate its comparison of the cost of work to the market value of the building to determine if the work is substantial improvement. Such re- evaluation may require revision of the permit and may subject the property to additional requirements. I also understand that I am subject to enforcement action and/or fines if inspection of the property reveals that I have or authorized repairs or improvements that were not included in the description of work,and the cost estimate for that work that were basis for issuance of a permit. Owner's Signature: - /' ,. SSA A ',, c Date: ° ,I`a-�i•.�o': 0 bllaoa� n' ✓�q`� Notarize ( ''���i�j/// y '''•,`Tq�wEALTH `'''' Substantial Improvement Worksheet for Floodplain Construction (for reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvements, and repair of damage from any cause) Property Owner. Clh/-,S a Gpi fe /oi 4•;e4ros• Address: i Cf.PG 3.-5fe 17 5. '/it Permit No.: ����� Location: , ��alG p S' Yqez4e44A, Description.......• .., of improvements: �� e qt *des-. ......• : ,. ., .:. :., .. ,,.. . -.- • '.-. ;.- P :.: .,..... .. . ,.. .. resent tarket'# alue:ofatr'u re.ONi.°Y:marketa heal car gad' d_::. >::. ' ._;=' :_;= .:• ' -- .assessed ialue, BEFORE m roverrmen .or if•-dama ed :.:.:: -_::::'-.: . •: :- ::: .:>: :: :: -°:: : ;`.: ' :-__::: ....- • of©eh e l3ma •e-:ncccirr ' mot ct�n udT .darid•vaive.:_-::':.:'i- � Co• •st-f' roveme ,: :.,... . :_ n • • • - .... ... .. . i. :Acuai icosth•the- r. ijctior�°'� -see 4terr s•to.:rnc1ud .xclucdeJ - . : ::: `- ::=:: :::... . .. .. ,r $ • ��Gi? - • 4 • . .• 1nclud alunteerlabor•and•donater�su 1ies.' - : ;:: _ . :. . -. ..- . --: _-:: : -... ... :... :.. 1lo= 'C. : •� �raD'Y. - -�131~ eiile •��F3 ��3T.�QSt�tfl.� .. .. ...... ..• ..::l ... ..•. ..:.... ........ .... ......._ I. - - - • If ratio is 50 percent or greater (Substantial Improvement), entire structure including the existing . building must be elevated to the base flood elevation (BFE) and all other aspects brought into compliance. Important Notes: 1. Review cost estimates to ensure that all appropriate costs are included or excluded. 2. If a residential pre-FIRM building is determined to be substantially improved, it must be elevated to or above the BFE. If a non-residential pre-FIRM building is substantially improved, it must be elevated or dry floodproofed to the B. 3. Proposals to repair damage from any cause must be analyzed using the formula shown above. 4. Any proposed improvements or repairs to a post-FIRM building must be evaluated to ensure that the improvements or repairs comply with floodplain management regulations and to ensure that the improvements or repairs do not alter any aspect of the building that would make it non-compliant. 5. Alterations to and repairs of designated historic structures may be granted a variance or be exempt under the substantial improverrient definition) provided the work will not preclude continued designation as a "historic structure.' 6. Any costs associated with directly correcting health, sanitary, and safety code violations may be excluded from the cost of improvement. The violation must have been officially cited prior to submission of the permit application. Determination completed J Jv Date: Z 4 c,fr7- TOWN OF Y I� , ,:21- 1�;; BUILDING DEPARTMENT .Pc,. ,,- rsR rvit �'h. 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 -+ � °x�c�ut�%��:� g ti �r.,d�' Telephone 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Contractor's Affidavit: Substantial Improvement or Repair of Substantial Damage , ----7Property Address: ck ----12e YA AR._ -,;,_ 4.., Parcel ID Number: : 1 . -) " : l A Owner's Name: Lks urq3"'CO .. ,/'''---7 Contractor: 1 �i c i' v ) e,i'_-)ci ; I ) Contractor's License Number: CY07 C 6, g6 Date of Contractor's Estimate: I hereby attest that I have personally inspected the building located at the above-referenced address by the nature and extent of the work requested by the owner, including all improvements, rehabilitation, remodeling, repairs, additions, and any other form of improvement. At the request of the owner, I have prepared a cost estimate for all of the improvement work requested by the owner and the cost estimate includes, at a minimum, the cost elements identified by the Town of Yarmouth that are appropriate for the nature of the work. If the work is repair of damage, I have prepared a cost estimate to repair the building to its pre-damage condition . I acknowledge that if, during the course of construction, the owner requests more work or modification of the work described in the application, that a revised cost estimate must be provided to the Town of Yarmouth, which will re-evaluate its comparison of the cost of work to the market value of the building to determine if the work is substantial improvement. Such re- evaluation may require revision of the permit and may require revision of the permit and may subject the property to additional requirements, I also understand that I am subject to enforcement action and/or fines if inspection of the property reveals that I have made or authorized repairs or improvements that if inspection of the property reveals that I have made or authorized repairs or improvements that were not included the description of work and the cost estimate for that work that asis for issuance of a permit, 2 TheCommonwealth of Massachusetts Writs Contractor's Signature, d// � day� 'y 202ti , Date: ' Z / Y. . eared be bre me, and proved to me through evidence of identification, which were l'')L . , OLENKA G. VI L L EGA S RA N I LLA WWI* person whose name is sig • • i 71,40,1,,, or Notarized: Notary Public _ t my presence. I lif Commonwealth of Massac use t1 " My Commission Expir s t i - • - • • January 15, 2027 j ��...-/ v-,5-- ,f-, , I .4.,70--ra - . . 1,