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HomeMy WebLinkAboutVCOD 2024-1 SPR Approval 811 Rte 28 061324 TC0� 'YA
VCOD Site Plan Review
June 13, 2024
VCOD 2024-1
June 5, 2024
Christina Meggison
Roseanna Nikolaidis and Lambros Nikolaidis
PROPERTY: 811 Route 28, South Yarmouth
Assessor's Map 33, Parcel 72
Zoning District - VCOD VC2
MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Jim Saben, Chris Vincent, Susan Brita, Joanne
Crowley, Ken Smith, Peter Slovak, and Will Rubenstein.
Notice of the Public Meeting was posted with the Town Clerk and on the Town website, as
required by law. Village Center Overlay District (VCOD) Site Plan Review (SPR) does not
require a formal Public Hearing. Site Plan Review for VCOD projects is done through the
Planning Board in accordance with Section 414.3.2 of the Zoning Bylaw.
The Applicant is proposing to redevelop the 0.58 acre property at 822 Route 28 as multi -family
housing, with a total of eight, one -bedroom units utilizing Zoning Bylaw Section 414 - Village
Centers Overlay District (VCOD) VC2. The existing single-family dwelling and shed will be razed
and a new multi -family townhouse building will be constructed. Access to the property is through a
reconfigured shared -access drive and access easement with 807 Route 28. The project also
includes utility connections, a new Innovative/Alternative (I/A) septic system with future connection
to the municipal sewer system; stormwater management system with underground infiltration near
Route 28, direct infiltration behind the building for the roof runoff, and a rain garden; sidewalk
access to Route 28 along with a bike rack; fenced in rear dumpster; four (4) 24' wide driveways to
accommodate 8 parking spaces; and overall landscaping plan with 30% tree canopy coverage.
The project also includes a large turn -around in the front to accommodate turning the ladder truck
around on property per the request of the Fire Department.
The two-story townhouses include a mixture of clapboard and shingle siding, architectural asphalt
roof shingles, covered front entrances and sliders to access the rear of the building, along with
shared laundry facilities. Colors shall be white and/or granite gray with black accents for the metal
roofs at entryways, roof shingles, building mounted light fixtures and entry doors. Portions of the
property are located within a FEMA flood zone resulting in the first floor elevation being set at 13.5.
,SUN 13'24 Am9:30
Planning Board VCOD Site Plan Review
Petition: VCOD 2024-1
Use Al2 — multi -family housing is allowed by -right in the VC2 at a density of 16 units/acre.
One affordable unit is required per Section 412 of the Zoning Bylaw. Parking required in the
VCOD for multi -family is a minimum of 1 space/unit and a maximum of 1.5 spaces/unit.
1. VCOD SPR Application, Design Review Application and Materials Specification Sheet,
and March 18, 2024 BSC Project Narrative
2. Building Mounted lighting specification sheet
3. Site Plan Review Comment Sheet, April 16, 2024
4. April 30th Plan Revision Summary Letter from BSC Group
5. Design Review Comment Sheet, May 7, 2024
6. May 23, 2024 Plan Revision Summary Letter from BSC Group
7. Architectural Plans: Prepared by ERT Architects, dated April 25, 2024
o A.1 —Floor Plans
o A.2 - Elevations
8. Site Plans: All plans prepared by BSC Group, dated March 18, 2024, last revised May
22, 2024
o Cover Sheet
o Existing Conditions Plan
o Erosion & Sediment Control Plan
o Site Preparation & Demolition Plan
o Layout & Materials Plan
o Grading & Drainage Plan
o Septic & Utilities Plan
o Planting Plan
o Details (3-sheets)
Brian Yergatian of BSC Group gave a presentation of the project as outlined in the Project
Summary above. Items highlighted were the access easement; fire truck turn around; A/I
septic system; stormwater management systems; sidewalk access and bike rack; parking;
landscaping; and architectural details.
No letters related to the project were received and no one from the public spoke in favor or in
opposition to the project at the Public Meeting.
The Planning Board members generally felt the project looked great, but had various questions
to which the applicant responded related to the required affordable units (1 required), potential
tenants for the units (young professionals), potential for solar panels (not planned due to
building orientation); the size of each unit (over the required 700 square feet); number of
parking spaces provided (1 space/unit in 4 clusters to allow for canopy trees in larger islands);
maintenance responsibilities (the owner); any irrigation (none planned at this time); anticipated
rental rates (market rate except for affordable); calculations for tree canopy coverages (based
on tree canopy at maturity per staff interpretation of bylaw); dumpster location near abutters
(only other location would be near Route 28 at the end of the fire lane, but can move dumpster
out of the 20' rear setback); owner of stockade fence in the rear (not sure but the fence is not
all on this property); rear buffer would consist of the plantings (an opaque planting screen is
required to be provided regardless of the fencing); potential to vary the siding materials for the
rear elevations (possible as not a large cost difference); relationship between the applicant and
JUN 13'24 Am9:30 Page 2 of 3
Planning Board VCOD Site Plan Review
Petition: VCOD 2024-1
the owners (parents); rental terms (year -long leases with no short-term rentals or subleases);
and the use of such a large portion of the property for a ladder fire truck turn -around on
property which severely limited the site layout, design and available parking. The Planning
Board discussed a future meeting with the Fire Department regarding their requirements,
especially as they affect redevelopment of Route 28 with its many smaller, narrow properties.
A main concern of the Board was related to the limited amount of parking being provided even
though it meets the minimum required by the VCOD bylaw, noting young professional couples
typically have two (2) cars and parking may limit renting to single people or those that use
mass transit which may impact rental rates. As parking was the major issue expressed by the
Board, Town Planner Kathy Williams suggested looking into possible ways to include a few
additional parking spaces such as installing canopy trees on the west side of the driveway
entrance to reduce the width of the islands on property (needs coordination with the abutter);
moving the northern canopy tree further north; and/or parking on top of the septic tanks,
especially once the tanks are abandoned when connected to the municipal system.
VOTE: Subsequent to these discussion, the Planning Board voted as follows:
On a motion by Jim Saben, and seconded by Chris Vincent, the Planning Board voted (7-0)
to approve The Residents at 811 Main multi -family housing project at 811 Route 28 as
presented at the Planning Board meeting of June 5, 2024 and in accordance with the plans
and materials submitted, subject to the following conditions, with Jim Saben, Chris Vincent,
Susan Brita, Joanne Crowley, Ken Smith, Peter Slovak and Will Rubenstein voting in favor:
1. Revised Easement for the shared access driveway shall be recorded at the
Barnstable Country Registry of Deeds prior to issuance of a building permit.
2. Vary the building materials on the eastern side of the building between
clapboards and shingles.
3. Provide one (1) affordable unit.
4. Locate dumpster and dumpster pad outside the 20' rear buffer.
5. Existing trees which are to be retained, and protected during construction, shall
be identified on the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan.
6. Plantings along the southern property line (abutting the residential zoning
district) shall fully meet the requirements of Zoning Bylaw Section 414.8.9.3.b.
7. Any relief required shall be sought through the Zoning Board of Appeals.
o nne Crowley, Chair
Yarmouth Planning Boar
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