HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-1 ROAD Approval 071824 TCTOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1276, Fax (508) 398-2365 FORM R-I PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF A R.O.A.D. PLAN July 18, 2024 Town Clerk Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts RE: Planning Board R.O.A.D. No. 2024-1 Planning Board Applicant: A Plus Real Estate LLC (Emad Zahran), 206 Barnstable Road, Hyannis, MA 02601 Property Location: 228 Route 28, West Yarmouth, MA, Assessor Map 37, Parcel 148 It is hereby certified by the Planning Board of the Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts, that at a duly called and properly posted and advertised Public Hearing of said Planning Board, held on June 26, 2024, the Board voted as follows: On a motion by Jim Saben, and seconded by Susan Brita, the Planning Board voted (6-0) to approve ROAD Application #2024-1 submitted for a mixed -use development at 228 Route 28, West Yarmouth with the following conditions, with Jim Saben, Chris Vincent, Susan Brita, Joanne Crowley, Peter Slovak and Ken Smith voting in favor: 1. Existing trees which are to be retained, and protected during construction, shall be identified on C-2 - Demolition & Erosion Control Plan. 2. Provide two (2) Affordable units. The plans and the application for the requested action were filed with your office on May 9, 2024, and a 30-day extension was provided, resulting in a 75-day review period. PLANS AND MATERIALS SUBMITTED AND MADE PART OF THIS APPROVAL: May 9, 2024 Project Narrative from Green Seal Environmental Design Review Materials Specification Sheet with cut sheets on trim, siding, roofing, brick base, window and doors, and railing Architectural Plans: Prepared by ConSery Group ■ A00 - 3D Renderings, undated ■ A201 — Exterior Elevations, last revision date of June 13, 2024 ■ Al00 — First Floor Plan, last revision date of May 9, 2024 ■ A101 —Second Floor Plan, last revision date of May 9, 2024 ARMOUTH TOWN CLERK RE JUL 18 '24 Am8:52 Form R-1, Ref. 2024-1 Page 2 of 3 Site Plans: All plans prepared by Green Seal Environmental, dated 2/28/24 with last revision date of June 17, 2024, unless otherwise noted: • Cover Sheet, last revision date June 19, 2024 ■ G-2 — Notes & Legend ■ C-1 — Existing Conditions Plan ■ C-2 — Demolition & Erosion Control ■ C-3 — Layout & Materials ■ C-4 — Utility Plan ■ C-5 — Grading & Drainage Plan ■ C-6 — Landscaping ■ C-7 — Lighting ■ TR1 — Turning Radius Plan, dated April 16, 2024 ■ D-1 — General Site Details, last revision date of 2/14/23 ■ D-2 — General Site Details, last revision date of 2/14/23 ■ D-3 — Site Landscaping Details ■ D-4 — Erosion Control Details, dated 2/28/24 ■ D-5 - Site Utility Details, dated 2/28/24 ■ D-6 — Stormwater Details, dated 2/28/24 ■ D-7 — Stormwater Details, last revision date of 5/6/23 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project consists of redevelopment of a currently vacant 1.88 acre former restaurant property with a new mixed -use building including retail on the first floor and thirteen (13) apartments on the second floor made up of ten 1-bedroom units and three 2-bedroom units, with four units having balconies. The building materials are varied and include composite clapboards/shingle siding, asphalt shingle roofing, and gray brick wainscotting. Building colors are grays and blues. The proposed site includes 31 parking spaces located to the side/rear with 4 in -lot trees; loading dock; use of existing large restaurant septic system with a future connection to municipal sewer; grading and drainage including water quality structure, underground infiltration basins and small rain garden to capture driveway runoff at the entrances; landscaping plan with new plantings, identification of larger buffer trees to be retained, rain garden and irrigation system; site lighting; traffic circulation for ladder fire truck and larger tractor trailer trucks; sign detail; and fenced in dumpster area. ZONING RELIEF: The project will require the following zoning relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals: 1. Al 2, multifamily use,Table 202.5 and Section 411 (with no more than 50% of total building floor area being used for residential). FINDINGS: The Planning Board finds that the project meets the following general criteria for approval of a R.O.A.D. District Development Plan as outlined in Section 411.5 of the Zoning Bylaw as follows: 1. Results in economic benefits to the Town and recommended by the Community & Economic Development Committee. 2. The Design Review Committee and the Planning Board have both determined that the project substantially adheres to the applicable sections of the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards. 3. Improves the aesthetics of the commercial corridor by using cape cod style architecture, traditional looking building materials and muted colors. 4. Mixed -use promotes an attractive and viable commercial district while providing much needed rental housing. ARHOU1H TOWN CLERK RE JUL 18'24 Am8:52 Form R-1, Ref. 2024-1 Page 3 of 3 5. Parking located to the sides and rear and landscaping reduce the visibility of parking from the public way. 6. Better defines the curb cuts, allowing for more landscape buffer along Route 28. 7. Provides fire access, internal circulation/egress, and sprinkler system. 8. Utilities and drainage provide functional service for the site and structures. 9. Project work limits are outside wetland resources, floodplains, or drinking water recharge areas. 10. The benefits of the project outweigh the detriments resulting from the requested relief being through a Special Permit as the project provides much needed rental housing, two of which will be Affordable, with a higher design standard. NOTE TO THE APPLICANT: Approval by the Planning Board does not grant zoning relief. Application must be made to the Board of Appeals. NOTE TO PLANNING BOARD: Approval by the Planning Board must be noted on the plan to the Board of Appeals as an endorsement, per Zoning Bylaw section 411.6. NOTE TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS: Planning Board approval is a recommendation to the Board of Appeals that the above referenced zoning relief be granted in the form of a Special Permit, as outlined in Zoning Bylaw section 411.3.2. Mandatory criteria of Board of Appeals approval are outlined in Bylaw section 411.5, paragraph 2. A true copy, attest: ?0�� A�A Z anne Crowley, Chair Yarmouth Planning Board Duplicate copy sent to applicant Duplicate entered into project file Duplicate sent to Board of Appeals MOUTH If OWN CLERK RE JUL 18'24 Am8:52