HomeMy WebLinkAboutHealth Sign-offTOWN OF YARMOUTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be completed by Applicant: Building Site Location:Cov Proposed Improvement: t-]e-o I Address:\\13 rnoq\L **Ifyou would lilce e-mail nori/ication of sign ofi, please provide e-mail address OwnerName: Date Filed:gl(,'t \+'aceg Owner Address:Cot)Owner Tel. No.: BcA.z4l. HEALTH DEPARTMENT: .) APR 1 4 ?CI?3 HEALTH DEPT. RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING Determines compliance to state and Town Regulations; i.e., RequirementsFor Septage Disposal and other public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include:(i.) site Plan shorving eiisting buildings, water line location, and septic system location;.). Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) - Note: Floor plans not requiredfor decks, sheds, windows, rooftngi(3.) If necessary, Tifle 5 apprication signed by licensed installerwith fee. REVIEWED BY: PLEASE NOTE DATE: $" COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: Applicant: TqgLrqne L-a;lel Tel. No.: soB-zc+r<1=o 3 Covey Drive - Yarmouth, IvIA Second lEvel Mainlevel Iower Lerrel ESROOi16r t? GllroRofr EDRDCIiIlfrlf Dffinocr, .,rtd FAII{.Y FrcC'J20, 16'oEonpar,rtGrltr tfltofrf&f:16 B'IEMErlll$tetr T U'il.On0drl16'rif lr€a(q,t R00atlil', 12 this floor plan ls an appro(lmation, and ls lntended for ma*edng purposes only.Thls lnforrnation h.s been provided wlth the sellers permlsslon.€ 2022 Glasshouse Medh lnc. ,fIE i" e[ Uy"tq(e-o? I t r, " \\., S{rois .\ 0+0() {* fl 6-&x $- F \)t 9A APR 1 4 2023 HEALTH DEPI I % -4?r 6Se Cg \)+ >C top4 'l-i -\A *-- Io 0 \r -).-\n.+ toa/7\ ,\ (II d)a-rOC{ &-t-.-4\l"1\ i t"ri 7l'c u Uq ,B a- I, A,p D \)n 1 OJ/'1 t,-*q a-"'/\i- \. ,oc, t \\ \ 1 -o 6-Lst?lj)l a (Is s- fi %fl bats I i ,<t ai IJJ ZEEIVEAEil. o 00 ti -* I PNOJECT t 1 I ?' t. a I I t_^cT ZlD-w* $Yr,1''G%orl r{r I 6't,il* Bprn f*tL)"fr 56[ t.F, f w$* DEtrzlrr,,..6y J. ....#--.-4# I I I ItI ( , \ '*r- (,{UJ > CI B UJ 0 U vb 4 / '6i it\ I I I t I I I II I II I //*\ EH tt, t4atEe -.\\ Llilf \\\ ab ErY PtT ! \t 1L '\\I I I/ I I , I II II 3z 6ATCt+ EASI t ) L1 EE*EB-S*IEB FND. EL,, AZ,LL(A*s:v.po) 6tDl \ 0 \ o e ol EM U ET t" t)*Ez o{- A' 1D 7t'6Drtr ctl w,,8,wE*'"x sgA$r EXdAYAT uP+ .rafarr-t TITLG /<r,/A-l I \ I I t I , w VW \ To be completed by Applicant: Building Site Proposed Lnprovement: dt Address **Ifyou would like e-mair notification of sign off, prease provide e-mair OwnerName: Owner Address:7 PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN oFF TRANSMITTAL qHiETH DEPT. $Lb?-aliD77 >0r Tel. No.: m-) fr TOWI\ OF YARMOUTH IIEALTII DEPARTMENT DATE: PLEASE NOTE RECEIVED tlAY 16 2023 r"t.No.W tl IIEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines compliance to state anl.Tgyr Regulations; i.e., RequirementsFor Septage Disposal and other pubric Heatth.i,"iiuiti.r. Please submit three (3) copies of prans, to include:(1.) site plan showing existing [uftings, water line rocation,and septic system location;Q) Floor pto labering ALL rooms within building(all existing and p"oposed; _ Note: Froor prans not requiredfor decks, sheds, windows, rooftngi(3.) rf necessary, Title s appricauon signed by licensed instarlerwith fee. REVIEWED BY: COMMENTS/CONDITIONS Lc v66,e/r7) )