HomeMy WebLinkAboutPercolation Test Log PERCOLATION TEST LOG Time: V eN Date: K•0 07 / Map/Lot No. Address: ((A r-vrisl lS/c p I ILI Engineer: S o � 1 Health Agent: c, 62A- _ Expansion Area: Yes: No: Suitable/Subsurface Sewage: Yes: No: 1 i Expansion Area Tested: Yes No: Leaching Field: Pits: Trenches: If No, Why? Unsuitable: Why? Well: Town Water: Subdivision/Owner's Name: SKETCH: 0 . � 4- 12 i Notes: Water At: Ft. DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth fromSurface Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Motting Other (inches) (USDA) (Structure,Stones,Boulders, Consistency,%Gravel) 4+,,c,L w� 5-ee sco{- [2.cc, -fresci- (/es LA I DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth fromSurface Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color (inches) Soil Molting Other (USDA) (Structure,Stones,Boulders, Consistency,%Gravel) r \ ,Per.wwwwwirh 00wwloMMoimmPli°mmmimm • , Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1 City/Town of Yarmouth '- 104 NIFI Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed primary and reserve disposal area) Deep Observation Hole Number: 1 6/12/24 9:00 sunny and clear 41.6151 -70.2591 Hole# Date Time Weather Latitude Longitude 1. Land Use Woodland Pine, Oak&Sassafras Some stones 0-3 (e.g.,woodland,agricultural field,vacant lot,etc.) Vegetation Surface Stones(e.g.,cobbles,stones,boulders,etc.) Slope(%) Description of Location: See Attached sketch 2. Soil Parent Material: Ice contact Outwash Kame Terrace SU Landform Position on Landscape(SU,SH, BS, FS,TS,Plain) 3. Distances from: Open Water Body 180+ feet Drainage Way 100'+ feet Wetlands 150+/- feet Property Line 80+/- feet Drinking Water Well 150'+ feet Other feet 4. Unsuitable Materials Present: ❑ Yes ® No If Yes: ❑ Disturbed Soil/Fill Material ❑ Weathered/Fractured Rock ❑ Bedrock 5. Groundwater Observed:❑ Yes ® No If yes: Depth to Weeping in Hole Depth to Standing Water in Hole Soil Log Coarse Fragments Redoximorphic Features % Soil Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Matrix:Color- by Volume Soil Depth(in) /Layer (USDA Moist(Munsell) Structure Consistence Other Depth Color Percent Gravel Cobbles& (Moist) Stones Cnc : 4-0 0 Organic leaf litter Dpl: 0-7 NE Sandy loam 10YR5/2 Cnc : Massive Friable 10YR3/3 Dpl: 7-25 Bw Sandy loam 10YR4/6 - cnc : - cobbles 5% Massive V. Friable Dpl: 25-42 Cl Loamy sand 10YR6/6 - Cnc : - SGR Loose Dpl: Cnc : 42-55 C2 Sandy loam 10YR5/4 - - Firm Dpl: Cnc : 55-75 C3 Loamy Sand 10YR5/6 - 3% cobbles& Perc#1 is in this horizon Dpl: stones 5% Additional Notes: 75-130" C4 Loamy Sand 10YR6/4 - - - SGR Loose t5form1 l a-1129 Great Island Road Yarmouth Form 11 —Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal •Page 2 oft Q Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1 City/Town of Yarmouth w-me-fi7. y Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review(minimum of two holes required at every proposed primary and reserve disposal area) Deep Observation Hole Number:2 6/12/24 9:30 am clear& sunny 41.6151 -70.2591 Hole# Date Time Weather Latitude Longitude 1. Land Use: Woodland Oak, Pine & Sassafras Few stones 0-3 % (e.g.,woodland,agricultural field,vacant lot,etc.) Vegetation Surface Stones(e.g.,cobbles,stones,boulders,etc.) Slope(%) Description of Location: See Attached sketch 2. Soil Parent Material: Ice contact Outwash Kame Terrace SU Landform Position on Landscape(SU,SH, BS, FS,TS,Plain) 3. Distances from: Open Water Body 200 feet Drainage Way 100+ feet Wetlands 170+/- feet Property Line 75+/- feet Drinking Water Well 200+ feet Other feet 4. Unsuitable Materials Present: ❑ Yes ® No If Yes: ❑ Disturbed Soil/Fill Material ❑ Weathered/Fractured Rock ❑ Bedrock 5. Groundwater Observed:❑ Yes ® No If yes: Depth to Weeping in Hole Depth Standing Water in Hole Soil Log Coarse Fragments Redoximorphic Features % Soil Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Matrix:Color- by Volume Soil Depth(in) Consistence Other /Layer (USDA) Moist(Munsell) Cobbles& Structure Depth Color Percent Gravel Stones (Moist) 3-0 0 Orgainc Cnc : leaf litter Dpl: 0-8 A/E Sandy loam 10YR3/3 - cnc 10YR5/2 Dpl: 8-22 Bw Sandy Loam 10YR5/6 - cnc : - Massive Friable Dpl: 22-51 C1 Sandy loam 10YR6/4 - cnc : - Massive Friable Dpl: 51-81 C2 Loamy Sand 10YR5/4 - Cnc - SGR Loose coarse Dpl: 0 81-122 C3 Sand 10YR6/4 - Dpl - gravel SGR Loose coarse Additional Notes: t5forml l a-1129 Great Island Road Yarmouth Form 11 —Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal •Page 3 off9 • Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Yarmouth a'= • Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed primary and reserve disposal area) Deep Observation Hole Number: 3 6/12/24 10:00 sunny and clear 41.6151 -70.2591 Hole# Date Time Weather Latitude Longitude 1. Land Use Woodland Pine, Oak& Sassafras Some stones 0-3 (e.g.,woodland, agricultural field,vacant lot,etc.) Vegetation Surface Stones(e.g.,cobbles,stones,boulders,etc.) Slope(%) Description of Location: See Attached sketch 2. Soil Parent Material: Ice contact Outwash Kame Terrace SU Landform Position on Landscape(SU, SH, BS, FS,TS,Plain) 3. Distances from: Open Water Body 200+ feet Drainage Way 100'+ feet Wetlands 200+ feet Property Line 80+/- feet Drinking Water Well 170'+ feet Other feet 4. Unsuitable Materials Present: ❑ Yes ® No If Yes: ❑ Disturbed Soil/Fill Material El Weathered/Fractured Rock ❑ Bedrock r 5. Groundwater Observed:❑ Yes ® No If yes: Depth to Weeping in Hole Depth to Standing Water in Hole Soil Log Redoximorphic Features Coa rse Fragments Soil Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Matrix:Color- %by Volume Soil Depth(in) /Layer (USDA Moist(Munsell) Structure Consistence Other Depth Color Percent Gravel Cobbles& (Moist) Stones Cnc : 4-0 0 Organic leaf litter Dpl: 0-8 NE Sandy loam 10YR5/2 cnc 10YR3/3 Dpl: Cnc : 8-18 Bw Sandy loam 10YR4/6 - - cobbles 5% Massive Friable Dpl: 18-57 Cl Sandy loam 10YR5/4 - cnc : - Firm Dpl: 57-120 C2 Sand 10YR5/6 - cnc : - SGR Loose coarse Dpl: Cnc : Dpl: Additional Notes: t5forml l b-1129 Great Island Road Yarmouth Form 11 —Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal •Pager '4 6 F. , Commonwealth of Massachusetts _W City/Town of Yarmouth :Maw <U Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review(minimum of two holes required at every proposed primary and reserve disposal area) Deep Observation Hole Number:4 6/12/24 10:30 am clear& sunny 41.6151 -70.2591 Hole# Date Time Weather Latitude Longitude 1. Land Use: Woodland Oak, Pine & Sassafras Few stones 0-3 % (e.g.,woodland,agricultural field,vacant lot,etc.) Vegetation Surface Stones(e.g.,cobbles,stones, boulders,etc.) Slope(%) Description of Location: See Attached sketch 2. Soil Parent Material: Ice contact Outwash Kame Terrace SU Landform Position on Landscape(SU,SH, BS, FS,TS,Plain) 3. Distances from: Open Water Body 200+ feet Drainage Way 100+ feet Wetlands 150+/- feet Property Line 75+/- feet Drinking Water Well 160+/- feet Other feet 4. Unsuitable Materials Present: ❑ Yes ® No If Yes: ❑ Disturbed Soil/Fill Material ❑ Weathered/Fractured Rock ❑ Bedrock 5. Groundwater Observed:❑ Yes ® No If yes: Depth to Weeping in Hole Depth Standing Water in Hole Soil Log Coarse Fragments Redoximorphic Features % Soil Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Matrix:Color- by Volume Soil Depth(in) /Layer (USDA) Moist(Munsell) Cobbles& Structure Consistence Other Depth Color Percent Gravel (Moist) Stones 4-0 0 Orgainc Cnc : leaf litter Dpl: 0-5 NE Sandy loam 10YR3/3 Cnc : Massive Friable 10YR5/2 Dpl: 5-17 Bw Sandy Loam 10YR5/6 - Cnc : - Massive Friable Dpl: 17-40 Cl Sandy loam 10YR6/4 - Cnc : - Massive Friable Dpl: 40-60 C2 Sandy loam 10YR5/4 - Cnc : - 3-5% Dpl: 0 60-102 C3 Loamy Sand 10YR6/4 - Dpl gravel SGR Loose coarse Additional Notes: t5form1 1 b-1129 Great Island Road Yarmouth Form 11 —Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal •Page?,ef 5 c'c c