HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater sign off 5/17/23 ' ° rt��N �,� �.Nki( n I RECEIVt:o o WATER DEPARTMENT `— -- MAY 2 o,- �• t Hi. .. I 3 2023 BUILDING DEPgRTMENT Bt'ILDI\C1 PERMIT _APPLI( . l'ION FOR V1 A I ER DEPARTMENT SR;\ OFF TRA.NSMITTALFOR�I HI II DING SITE LOCA"I ION: •7130cti7 ., ...._ ._I S6n j r d, PROPOSED WORK: t V vb tklbroAIPI ICANT:ScJIMMit7 t iddl OA 4.4E 41!. c+cs..-t AI)1)RFSS: L,, nv-ci cr?S . rd? IFLPIIO\E: 9,A --77�. �1�,, RESIDENTIAL AND OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING C irryliiip,rd 164 EX ,j1°}))e 1 S. Water Department: I)etennines Compliance of Water Availability and or existing location Engineering Department: Determines Compliance for Parking and Drainage Conservation Commission: Determines Compliance to Wetlands Act: i_c !lions)border any type of vyetian:ls, streams.ponds,riNers.ocean, bogs, hens, marshland. ETC... I ealth I)epartment: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations, i.e. requirements for Septage Disposal and other Public health Activites `Cpre I ,artme t: I)ct • nni Compliance to State and Town Requirements for Personal 1; Saf y 'r'>perty Protections. i.e. Smoke Detectors. Sprinkler Sy°stems,etc ...-------- S 17?7). —3 . PPI c" NT ' .NATuRF. DATE ( FIIC" ; SE: CONINIEN I e+ ON PFR011 I k I'PRON'.1I OR I)FNI U. RIV"IF\ I I> BY WATER DIVISION(SIC;\.VIURE) I) 1..1 F „.... / 2 -/ - 3 --i -5-- ` , \_, „ SERVICE NO. 13751 Ernest J 'rovers 7-2 NAME ' 3-30-2000 / /1*) :,, .C-?-‘2.-• N----Gi/i r.;SeAe,4Z)=e--3 STREET 05;)14 e VILGE (g./e..:071-• • L ' e/Vevi-72 / METER NC. /i,3) 57 --- ol. 414 ferd; IA i' aqi-• 7.... _ / ,.... --..„ ........_ _____ ...._ ......_ , 1 t -I ) I I I I i I I 1 1 A 1 I 1 1 , _ .....Th .... / \..Y- , ( / : r r '",;ra 'l[Af;d . �._.�.�-,`�-4 �/ 1 E ud // r' ��.�� GP isg , 14 4, '-3 ,.-, ' y., ( d t <_ ?IN"7Ak J! ! er Pc♦z...ad$t 1 5 ;`Fri° `± it / t t �,t 7 / . / .g;a:1 J / // 1 171t f`� J I�/,, trt.ur i,� / / / 1 //ffy'/ / / i f rasa 1 }>Fr,� //,,,: f*rv.i ' i / l ' /� X�-, /i /__- - \I- r ; 4.; 4'essis">\;i5:29"---f' .‘-'.- i i I ' � / l i ti 1 Cy`, A / 1/ /f //% /,/,`r Lqr S // / -_f 1/1 r _ i / .. s / i / j 1 . -..-/ 1/ /IA7 ;//i /j /f * 3 't /� / R.�f /- / / / / / 11 �� 1 /1yLf•/r /y[��eES // �� �i /v//� /wQtry/ '7u' / / ,.../t -/zr / / "'. ,...;;A. " )to /� ��.-`4 i r i IIs, ./ j � 1/� rtiji4-:rF(A,E+1 419.), :—1,icr s4S(4, ,L7)‘'.:):17.'''. '''. '— il ,/''%'r:;'""u iile3 'AI dew'?cape Cn9rneer'if ire. ' c r," °' /, �i r 1 S�1geS . ta.s oes y �r ,.,�- E � IZ'E is Yeer t.irg,m4 E z, 7 / '— _-max ...z.,; t-I. CALF_1p,c-_ CsA ir 1:. &O