HomeMy WebLinkAbout33 DEERFIELD ROAD YARMOUTH RDA FOR NEW DETACHED GARAGE WITH SIGNATURESF v'qR� adnaubtuakw ehedubt DI , y� CONSERVATION OFFICE 6t fi yodewamiltion ©f appa""ity, gata>«tion: Ail filings must be made on Town of Yarmouth forms. The filing deadline is two weeks prior to the next scheduled Conservation Commission meeting for new applications. Failure to follow this Checklist shall result in an Administratively Incomplete Application and will not be advertised for a Public Hearing. Refer to the meeting schedule. Contact the Conservation Office if you need assistance. Smfiaggggg an appeicatc`cn. Hardcopy filing dropped off or mailed to the Conservation Office including: X 1 RDA Administrative Checklist X 1 complete RDA application WPA form 1 with original signatures (double sided). X Detailed narrative of the project with sufficient information to enable the Commission to determine whether the proposed work will alter an area subject to protection. NA If BVW or vegetated wetlands are present, delineation sheet(s), coastal bank calculation and other relevant material if applicable (not applicable for flood zone only projects). X Yarmouth Assessor's locator ma highlighting parcelsi where work is proposed, including map and parcel numbers X 1 current abutters list identifying the property owners who are to be notified and abutter notification form_. All abutters to be notified via certified mail, Certified Mail Receipts (PS Form 3800) must be provided. X 1 original and 6 photocopies of the plan/sketch, folded separately, right side out with title and address visible. All plans shall reference NAVD1988 unless otherwise noted. Landscape plans shall be detailed to show proposed and existing conditions, native species, quantity, size and spacing. X By-law filing fee: Separate check made payable to "Town of Yarmouth" X Legal ad fee: Separate check made payable to "Town of Yarmouth" Please list project property's street address on checks. Refer to Fee Schedule. Digital and DEP filing A pdf of the entire application emailed to bdirienzo armouth.ma.us and fkellev@varmouth.ma.us and DEP Southeast Region at SERO NOI(dmass.gov in the same email. Subject line shall be "YARMOUTH - RDA — Street Address - Applicant Name„ Please list project property's street address in the pdf file name. Initial below CERTIFY that all on -site requirements will be completed by noon on the Friday prior to the hearing date. All proposed structures must be staked, and all relevant resource areas and buffer zones must be staked or flagged. Please consult the Yarmouth Wetland Regulations, page 17. 'INI understand that in person representation is required at the scheduled hearing to present to the conservation commission. If the applicant is NOT the property owner: Please submit a signed Site Access Authorizatioi _ ; AND The owner must be sent a copy of the application via Certified Mail on the same day it is filed with this office. Please submit a copy of the Certified Mail receipt with application. If Applicable Certified Mail Receipt for Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Certified Mail Receipt for Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries. if filing via email, CC bdirienzo@yarmouth.ma.us and fkelle arrnouth.ma.us Yarmouth Conservation Commission - 114E Route 28 - South Yarmouth. MBA, 02664-4492 Tel. (508)-398-2231 Ext. 1288 - Fax (508)-398-0836 - TT€)#t (508) 398-2231 - bdirien7ori yarmouth.ma.uc Re%. 03/2024 Important: When filling out forms on the computer. use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. r� Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Water Resources - Wetlands WPA Form 1- Request for Determination of Applicability YARMOI ITH Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Municipality A. General Information 1. Applicant: EDUARDO First Name 26 SPINNAKER STREET Address SANDWICH Ut /Town �774)994-6887 — Phone Number 2. Property Owner (if different from Applicant): FERN First Name 33 DEERFIELD ROAD Address WEST YARMOUTH City/Town -- 508-954-4905 Phone Number 3. Representative (if any) EDUARDO First Name DE SOUZA Last Name MA 02563 State Zip Code NEWENGLANDHOMEIMPROVEMENT HOTMAIL.COM Email Address MAHER Last Name MA 02673 State Zip Code FERN.MAHER@YAHOO.COM Email Address (if known) DE SOUZA Last Name NFW I=N(�I aND HOME IMRRMIEMEN-T INC Company Name — SAME AS APPLICANT State rnone Numoer B. Project Description Address (if known) Zip Code 1. a. Project Location (use maps and plans to identify the location of the area subject to this request): _ 33 DEERFIELD ROAD WEST YARMOUTH, M.A02673 Street Address City/Town How to find Latitude and Longitude Latitude (Decimal Degrees Format with 5 digits after decimal e.g. XX.XXXXX) and how to convert 23 to decimal d2grees Assessors' Map Number Longitude (Decimal Degrees Format with 5 digits after decimal e.g.-XX.XXXXX) 293 Assessors' LotiParcel Number IN Area Description (use additional paper, if necessary): LOCATED IN AN ESTABLISHED NEIGHBORHOOD SOUTH OF ROUTE 38 NEAR SOUTH SEA AVENUE WITH DEEDED REACH RIG HTS IN THEACRES nG aINE B ACH ASSOCIATION c. Plan and/or Map Reference(s): (use additional paper if necessary) PLOT PLAN OF LOT 5 (LAND COURT LOT 45) BY CANAL LANDS SURVEYOR TiNe 04/22/24 Date LAND C OURT PI AN �7149F SHEET Z 034/1958 Title Date wpaformi.doo • rev. 412W2023 WPA Form t — Request for Determination of ApplicalAity • Page i of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection 1- Bureau of Water Resources - Wetlands WPA Form 1- Request for Determination of Applicability YARMOUTH Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Municipality B. Project Description (cont.) 2. a. Activity/Work Description (use additional paper and/or provide plan(s) of Activity, if necessary): SEE ATTACHED NARRATIVE THE PROJECT IS FOR A DETACHED 2 CAR GARAGE 16 ' X 24" at right rear of property b. Identify provisions of the Wetlands Protection Act or regulations which may exempt the applicant from having to file a Notice of Intent for all or part of the described work (use additional paper, if necessary). SEE ATTACHED ABOUT PROJECTS IN A FLOOD ZONE Land Subject to Flooding - see section 5.04 (1) (a) and (b) 3. a. If this application is a Request for Determination of Scope of Alternatives for work in the Riverfront Area, indicate the one classification below that best describes the project. ❑ Single family house on a lot recorded on or before 8/1/96 ❑ Single family house on a lot recorded after 8/1196 Expansion of an existing structure on a lot recorded after 8/1196 © Project, other than a single-family house or public project, where the applicant owned the lot before 817/96 ❑ New agriculture or aquaculture project ❑ Public project where funds were appropriated prior to 8/7/96 ❑ Project on a lot shown on an approved, definitive subdivision plan where there is a recorded deed restriction limiting total alteration of the Riverfront Area for the entire subdivision ❑ Residential subdivision; institutional, industrial, or commercial project ❑ Municipal project ❑ District, county, state, or federal government project ❑ Project required to evaluate off -site alternatives in more than one municipality in an Environmental Impact Report under MEPA or in an alternatives analysis pursuant to an application for a 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or 401 Water Quality Certification from the Department of Environmental Protection. b. Provide evidence (e.g., record of date subdivision lot was recorded) supporting the classification above (use additional paper and/or attach appropriate documents, if necessary.) ATTACHED LAND COURT MAP DATED 1958 (EXISTING HOUSE ON LOT BUILT IN 1941 ) wpaform1.doc• rev.4128/2023 WPArorm 1 —R equost for Determination of Applicability •Page 2 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Water Resources - Wetlands YARMt1E3'rH WPA Form 1- Request for Determination of Applicability _ Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Municipaky C. Determinations 1. 1 request the YARMou7'N make the following determination(s). Check any that apply: d6niery Wn Ccmmissum ❑ a. whether the area depicted on plan(s) and/or map(s) referenced above is an area subject to jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act. ❑ b. whether the boundaries of resource area(s) depicted on plan(s) and/or map(s) referenced above are accurately delineated. c. whether the Activities depicted on plan(s) referenced above is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and its regulations. ❑ d. whether the area and/or Activities depicted on plan(s) referenced above is subject to the jurisdiction of any municipal wetlands' ordinance or bylaw of; 48—rn of - ❑ e. whether the following scope of alternatives is adequate for Activities in the Riverfront Area as depicted on referenced plan(s). D. Signatures and Submittal Requirements I hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing Request for Determination of Applicability and accompanying plans, documents, and supporting data are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that the property owner, if different from the applicant, and the appropriate DEP Regional Office were sent a complete copy of this Request (including all appropriate documentation) simultaneously with the submittal of this Request to the Conservation Commission. Failure by the applicant to send copies in a timely manner may result in dismissal of the Request for Determination of Applicability. Signatures: I also understand that notification of this Request will be placed in a local newspaper at my expense in accordance with SecUon 10 (3)(b)(1) of the Wetlands Protection Act regulations. raattife of Applicant Dale , any) flats wpaiormt.dnc • rev. 4/28=3 WPAFomf t —Request for Determination of APPNcabWW • Page 3 of 3 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION r a & M�ii9W'fr{ f J '''fl m If the applicant is not the property owner, please submit this form with your application. The owner must be sent a copy of the application on the same day it is filed with this office. Property Address: 22 DEERFIELD ROAD WEST YARMOUTH, MA. 0207ti Assessors M. ap/Lot: 23/293 I (we) hereby authorize the individual members of the Yarmouth Conservation Commission and its agents to enter upon the referenced property for the purpose of gathering information regarding the application filed with the Commission pursuant to the Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. Ch. 131, s. 40) and/or the Yarmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw (Chapter 143). Authorized Signature: %((� Date: 07/Oi/2024 Please Print Nance. FERN MAHER If ether than owner, please state whether tenants agent, or other. Mailing Address: 33 DEERFIELD ROAV Phone: 508-954-4905 . Cell: Entail: Fem.i71f1her@)Ir'i. hooxom Fax: Yarmouth Conservation Commission -1146 Route 28 - South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 Tel. (508)-398-2231 Ext. 1288 - Fax (508)-398-0836 - TTD# (508) 398 2231 NARRATIVE 33 DEERFIELD ROAD WEST YARMOUTH CONSTRUCTION OF A DETACHED GARAGE AT THE REAR RIGHT OF THE PROPERTY: Existing property consists of a 3-bedroom 2-bathroom Ranch style home on a 11,761 sq foot lot built in 1941. There will be no changes to the existing house. The project is to construct a detached 2 car, 1 story garage (16 `x 24') on a slab foundation after removal of a small existing shed. The proposed 384 sf garage will be located at the right rear of the property. The house is located on Deerfield Road shown on Massachusetts Land Court plan 17149-F sheet 2 as lot 45. It is not in any wetlands or conservation area besides the AE-11 Flood zone like many of the homes in the area. The garage will be constructed to Massachusetts Building codes, Zoning codes & Health codes to obtain a building permit by the applicant on behalf of the owners. The proposed detached garage will not negatively impactor result in any adverse effects to the property or surrounding area. The Wetlands Protection Act (Massachusetts General Laws (MGQ Chapter 131, Section 40) and the Yarmouth Wetland Protection Bylaw (Chapter 143) Land Subiect to Flooding - see section 5.04 1 a and b 33 DEERFIELD ROAD WEST YAMOUTH LOCATED IN AN AE-11 FLOOD ZONE The proposed detached one story 2 car garage will not negatively impact or result in any adverse effects to the property or the surrounding area. Reason for exemption from a Notice of Intent Section 2.04 of your wetland regulations. Any proposed work will not result in the following: (as per your regulations) (a) Flood damage due to filling which causes lateral displacement of water that would otherwise, be confined within said area. (b) An adverse effect on public and private water supply or ground water supply, where said area is underlain by pervious material. (c) An adverse effect on the capacity of said area to prevent pollution of the ground water, where the area is underlain by pervious material, which in turn is covered by a mat of organic peat or muck. (d) An adverse effect on wildlife or wildlife habitat. (e) An adverse effect on state listed rare and endangered vertebrates and invertebrates as identified by DFW (Mass Division of Fisheries and Wildlife) W W � � � 5'oa �• r � F � p a � � � � iTcylnl ... � � '� ��' `4 I a � � O ,,,1 � g �31 � � � •�� PP N a I TR I �� � G ^ems•. ^ �% %� env q `IBC.. � ��Vi � � � I- •�.Y `� � � �� sg � E_ `sn` Cam."/ 8Y Woe W � ✓ e � g+� ,ax �r , I /\Pao /�L ,•\fie >o �o- $_�� rr.�. h.n �-J "*.���' �� njv� ^� ZWy J q ^ V tv.it Ta \aV .fit" •--y; w 2, � � y�, g I ( w b48 / .3�� a ;xt^, �A. fa `fix [ �..• ` ��\% •l 'zlp� �� �� ��¢�gs ��` �• �� • �� �� � boy -�` � \•is` �/`�, tg� t�^ 4 \4 `�• Y 3 s: • I ® � u /��' j \%'7 � \E / �m / � �..> .. ?p u �< �d (^fin u /� ��''\��\,�7 Ca P yJ'9j� \•�a < `z'(y��� � 5� ? ''��yp � -mil �, < J {{- \ `b?/�� are �, �� ^� �! .� �h" ^�✓F•" '"J \r ,�� \y? R�YI N d T A N Q F F I C I A L C Q P Y N Q T A N Q F F I C I A L Cts�r-qSQ'Va43 Y Co-�+ t H W1w. - 0--t" Mom). 17149 N O T A N O F F I C I A L C O F Y N Q T A N Q F F I C I A L C o p V„., I SUBDIVISION PLAN OF LAND IN YARMOUTH way stricken ou � 7149 ' r�! See Doc. 211,34 Nelson Bears* & 8i ,I.ns�, Surveyors N O T 3"==1T- i a0 - November 3t,N1957 A N O F F I C I A, L O F F I C A L C O P Y v mzdwin tom. a 0CQ-Cj""J6 1j61, C14Kf-*V%= tx j gsx.7A s a • ws• a*- c C0+@11 •G.a, to a.. 40,00• A 41.4 s• o N O T $ �" 1to.o+e �, ��o rt-• txW.o® 3 L .Iil swn on. TAe.•.1 i^sMrN C 1 w A`• p - O F F I C I s L4 B tj �F +L t L a� 1, taa.,�t2 .�.�T'=R E�ap»„� .< <-76.oa7=�+•` w d •%43 110Q 1 4 ice_ t �'!Q- •i p- v't 7. •{�,'> .� 4q oay •�„• - „ I� I 1i s P4an esu ; `:ss•ee a-� +ems Q- st .� Iaan� gis �1 11 p wtr: ° • 'a '1 �* s �: , .> 0 4 .o 'T' a- aatC• f �. .. 4� �- • 9 �fiert, 192lAtl®�=Tf/IJ1 a so Y'� II�� 0 on w - - .*a C! �Qp ' 0r �� a >�/6�.g►9.' sad p� s �,.r w , a 8,vd.ag 1 ° e� O via 0 AO .. 04 = ea s spy f1 �4sp V , 4a p '�`►� e o �o Q Zza 44 4 O a 3a' �' r' i ; :,a 1, Cal �i4 izss.caa - 2��3 �,►-ii11 . Q� IM1 r Subdivision of Part pr Land &—Lot 5 f m Shaon Plans 17149A A 17149 Piled with Cents. of Title Moo, 5323 A 20oo2 Registry District of Barnstable County Awete tort:'feftes of title may be ,sswd for lard s wp herran eRdon.3Nrea#2ar,Lats 6. .Y.r�t ___ 8y the cow't. cw!W4 ofp►in ,a•...aaarMa,tR. •S•, i ts� a,.....,. ........... Sea#efft#44%aaafat tb&7k%fi ).R U 'TAR3igUT4 d®hofisld Brotherai 0.E, • N O T O F F I ` "A rA °;- ?d,38S N_ J 'T freoft rir4 Red O F F 1-4 i 40 � d fsF�� L. �ilJ ?2J. ZS I A L Y 171dc � eEn18�;� R Pat��ck NOT A I f.R ` A 03�"4t.1E2 I ,,� A L - C O Rr N O ' A N " +� O F F I Cl I A I�q: COF;y �c / i" li 1{ i a 9�l7 a\ td �/ Of • tt • p 9A• / i M . ••MC f.7KI�1�• .? 1 2ii.ii 1 t�3 c!/ hbb Ad s a'aa! O V '4E fir Sot, K flr LAND ° frJIS OAVON QMCI DOC:1,413,614 12-04-2020 9:16 Ctf#:224619 N 0 T N 0 T A N A N 0 F F I C I A L 0 F F I C I A L C 0 P y C 0 P y N 0 T N 0 T A N A N 0 IF F(Soa<Q aSo* this line resueecFf4 E!LQr31oAD1eds use) C 0 P y C 0 P y QUITCLAIM DEED We, Stephen G. Bickerton, Mary Ellen Bickerton and Ryan M. Bickerton, Trustee of the Strynick Family Trust dated May 4, 2017, evidence of which is recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds Land Court as Document 1323161 on Certificate of Title 213159 of Barnstable County, MA for consideration paid and full consideration of Four Hundred Fifty -Two Thousand and 00/100 ($452,000.00) DOLLARS 0 z grant to Stephen Maher and Fem Maher, husband and wife, tenants by the entirety, now of C_ 33 Deerfield Road, West Yarmouth, MA %4 cl: with QUITCLAIM COVENANTS the land, together with the buildings thereon, situated in Yarmouth (West), Barnstable 7P County, Massachusetts, described as follows: 0 Being LOT 45, as shown on Land Court Plan 17149-F (Sheet 2) On Said land is subject to the rights set forth in Certificate of Title No. 20636, so far as the same are now in force and applicable. There is appurtenant to said land an casement of way, for all purposes for which ways are ocommonly used in the Town of Yarmouth, in, over and upon the ways shown on said plan and the right to use any utilities now or hereafter installed in said ways, said rights to be used in common with all others entitled thereto. Said land is subject to the restrictions set forth in Document No. 55,959. Said land is subject to the rights granted in an easement given to the Cape & Vineyard Electric Company et al dated January 27, 1958 registered as Document No, 54,730. bfASSACHUSETTS STATE EXCISE TAX BARNSTABLE COUNTY EXCISE TAX BARNSTABLE LAND COURT REGISTRY BARNSTABLE LAND COURT REGISTRY Date: 12-04-2020 @ 09;16ain Date: 12-04-2020 e 09:16am Ctl#: 174 Ct1#: 174 Fee: $1,545.84 Cons: $452,000.00 Fee: $1,383,12 Cons$452,000.00 Doc:1,413,614 12-04-2020 9:16 Page 2 of 3 N 0 T N 0 T Said land is subjecAo Vie rights, granted in an easeAt'liven to the Inhabitants of the Town of NqAoffth 69d � 4*&24, 1958 rPgiReFed ;s & Aber t No. 55,720. C 0 P Y C 0 P Y Said land is subjeX 19 alfaking of Deerfield Road MY @Otown of Yarmouth dated May 24, 1974, registereAsItocument No.) 87,208, A N 0 F F I C I A L 0 F F I C I A L C 0 P Y C 0 P Y The Grantors hereby waive any and all rights of Homestead in and to the premises conveyed and hereby Warrant and represent that there are no other persons entitled to any rights of Homestead under M.G.L. c. 188 in the premises conveyed by this deed. For title, see deed recorded in the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds Land Court as Document 132' ) 162 on Certificate of title 213159- GARAGE for Eduardo Souza�77=9"UT0Souza ' New England dome NnprovemeM Inc -newenglandhomeimprovement@tMmatt,com��gh Fi`ont QZ 33 Deerfield Road, West Yarmouth, MA127 Bristol avenue, Hyannis, MA OM1 IM GARAGE for Eduardo Souza I ti —sass 7-ne engana o�immw empent�hol 07G -m I 16 X 24 GARAGE � n� 33 Deerfield Road, West Yarmouth, MA 127 Edstot avenue, HmMs. MA WSOI v t n C D CD m a) M CD a, < d D 0 b O 7 GARAGE for Eduardo Souza Eduardo 7-noSouza -Nglandhow maimnd mvment@hent,Inc. ELEVATIONS o4 774�94�6887 • newenglandhomelmprovementrghatmallean 33 Deerfield Road, West Yarmouth, MA 127 Bristol avenue, Hyannis, NIA 02601 O --__-----.-- I I --------------------x i { I z I I G) m I � { I I � � I { o 70 I T I t I I � f I M N i I I I I i-----------------= I , + GARAGE for Eduardo Souza 33 Deerfield Road, West Yarmouth, MA Eduardo Souza New England Home improvement tno TT4•gg4.M7 • newenglandhome,mprovemeot&otmall.00m - 127 Bristol Avenue, Hyannis, MA 02601 FOUNDATION 05 O r Z G) m 8 � r � > �l i X m Nv .p iIYY 04 V R III GARAGE for Eduardo Souza EaveraU7-newNew Enghua}Momeemprovema-"Iv, FIRST FLOOR Q6 L774-094.6887 - newengiandhomeimprorement�hotmail.Mm 33 Deerfield Road, West Yarmouth, MA 127 Bristol Mme, Hyawds, MA 02801