HomeMy WebLinkAboutwater sign off 5/2/23 =O1_•v TOWN OF 1'4R\tOUTI I 3 ,, Cc WATER DEPARTMENT 99 Buck Island Road F'�. .".!,Tie West larmouth,.\1i(1 6-1 Vi..p`ione: 08)771-7921 • fas:' iii3,7-1-'7)5 • BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR WATER DEPARTMENT SIGN OFF /� TRANSMITTAL FORM / BUILDING SITE LOCATION: 2I k/ 0-8 2 PROPOSED WORK: R4, 2466176 ,PyT Gjj�PY APPLICANT: c_S�//Y7612D /? c0/7-1— 4646,1 �dd7r/ ,.4;441y- ADDRESS: /�J {-T 8 7F.LPHONE: 003--93(--9'64 RESIDENTIAL AND OR C'O\IMERCI\L BUILDING Water Department: Determines Compliance of Water \sadabiht)and oresistinn location I;ngii eerinp Departnteni' Determines Compliance for Parking and Drainage ('oii cr\ation Commission I)eter:nines Compliance to Wetlands,\cC i e.II'logs)border any type of netlands.streams.ponds,risers.ocean.bogs.bo)s.marshland.ETC'... I ledth Department: Delenttincs Compliance to State and FM n Regulations,i.e. requirements for Septage Disposal and oilier Public Ilealth Actitites Eire Department: Determines Compliance to State and-Town Requirements for Personal 1oiiyy,Pro y Prate ns,i.e.Smoke Detectors,Sprinkler Systems.elc - ...4." °'1.. - itgA-9 2..--2. PkAPPLIC SIGN:\ D\TE OFFICE USE:COMMENTS ON PERMIT APPROVAL OR DENIAL pros wow A C.,4—a2 0i-- wa-TcaL.)v-lc5. ��-�^`-�-- SJ2 J 2n Z3 RF:VIF: ED BY RATER DIVISION(SIGNATURE) DATE 4,1 tO