HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-E083 43 Pine Street Approved.%0 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1 R CFIwEr) o y 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 'x Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 JUL 2 4 2024 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTE rAhmuu i r, ^` , : KlNG'ifiNWAY CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FOR SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL FLUSH MOUNTED NON - GLOSSY ALL -BLACK ROOFTOP SOLAR PANEL ARRAY stF.lrk t E 7121i14 Map/Parcel No.'. 1 ARH6UTH (M Applic tio� fort4he issuance of a Certificate of Exemption for a flush mounted non -glossy all -black rooftop solar panel array for the single-family dwelling as described below and on plans, drawings, specifications, and pictures accompanying this application. Address of proposed work 43 Pine Street, Yarmouth Port Owner's Name Peter and Corinne Shannon Email pshannon@capeassociates com Owner's mailing Address 43 Pine Street Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Installer `'ly Gcna ration Energy Contact 4508-292-1118 License No. cs-11623'2 Email jessica-niuygeiteratioitexrergy.com Installer's Address 1001adependence Dare. Suite 10. Hyauiiis. NiA 02601 Contact # 505-694-6884 (a.) I certify that the flush mounted non -glossy all black rooftop solar panel array will be affixed to the dark colored shingled roof of a single-family dwelling that is less than seventy-five (75) years of age and according to the Town Tax Assessor's records was built in 1935 (b.) I certify that the dwelling is not part of a listed contributing property on the Massachusetts or National Register of Historic Buildings and Sites. (c.) I certify that the solar panel array will not be visible from Route 6A, or any other road designated under M.G.L. Chapter 40 Section 15C, or other authority, as a scenic road. (d.) I certify that the length of the single-family dwelling's roof ridgeline is less than 50' and is 34' feet, the height of the roof is less than 35' and is 24' feet, and the roof pitch ratio is not greater than 7 over 12 and is 4112 The solar panel array must meet the combination of a., b., c., & d. and failure to meet any one of the four listed requirements above shall render the project ineligible for this residential solar panel array exemption. Attached and submitted herewith is: (1.) a Certified Plot Plan showing the location of the dwelling on its lot. (2.) A plan showing accurately the layout and location for the solar panel array and that the shape is a contiguous rectangular pattern and not broken up with visual gaps or disjointed sections. (3.) A copy of the Manufacturer's printed solar panel specifications verifying that the non -glossy black solar panel thickness will not exceed 2" and the non -glossy black roof rack specifications showing that the top surface of the solar panel array's height will not be more than 6" above the dark shingled roof surface. My Generation ri PO D i" Required - Owner's Signature Required - Installer's Signature I JUL 2 06 2024 This Certificate is hereby: rARMUU 1 H � t 1 71X17y OLD K1NG'S tirtal�w�„ Approved by PM'1z Date: Denied by Reason for Denial Application #-ED° Sherman, Lisa From: Robert Wilkins <yportbob@gmall.com> Sent: Friday, July 26, 2024 1:20 PM To: Sherman, Lisa Subject: Re: 24-EO83 43 Pine Street Attachments: 24-EO83 43 Pine Street.pdf Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. approved On Jut 24, 2024, at 3:08 PM, Sherman, Lisa <LSherman@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Residents would like to install solar panels on the rear of 43 Pine Street. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks Bob, Lisa Lisa Sherman Town of Yarmouth Administrator, Old King's Highway Historic District and Yarmouth Historical Commission 508-398-2231. ext. 1292 lsherman@yarmouth.ma.us PPOVD JUL 2 0 2024 OL- D KIN S HIrHwnv I 94- -ev�13 49 Kawi4m Rnzyy_y1p 9QuNa ! _ n o r Qg2 1 {_J5 nj oat RR y ��pp55 IIHH M O AO [1 a$ -�$ JE € { .0 y�G�ziy� �i0 9 �(A�pp /�y7 *lS, S G i 71 rn rn �yQ�� Lid 3 Q� Z g° ox5 mr K ' 8 pax RS > g O pOi rn ME 1 d go = ' la 1z, Cs r fi b �S� � �� w�y.••� �` Il J 0 �5OAR - �w E w�ZE '.. E I�y¢E[a C_ � A a N fu LD LP ni O+- 7g� �Awl I a o a z Cm r s _ 35 6 3 N i5 N w aO y 4 o �� D A $ ul rn rn S W 7q rn En C a N � S2 w U) = c I I I I I o FL c s 3 Ca tirC'I O �I NOElI G1CO NW O LZ IV pp- mNo� O ms cn aN o ° Rip�° a U] .rp 9R ° Z;cg 7vb�'cop� mw=pact ° Cam] -G� � � 7tCj ZFna�z7�,���°zS��pO Z V $ jF W C �j rWll E5'1 Ern V W 1+ aUi N sum` o O z n (� ro y a� C C,5K X C ai Z ]—j _b � n Mn 4 rl� �' `4 •�RR Rr • A! ����" � ��##� � .' � • ry,# , - . �^'� ���d�+?eta, ^ .� , R� �� � �.t R�. {' �' �,*}� �'•'k^Lr .fir ''i�'.�f �� {.�, y�i oAeol '- 14, ^ \ l •. ' N � � a J i o Q LL N N L S Awe alnpow or Q.TRON BLK M-G2+ SERIES 410 - 430 Wp 1108 Cel Is 22.4% Maximum Module Efficiency MODEL Q.TRON BLK M-G2+ The ideal solution for - Rooftop arrays on residential bu.ldings ACF1VF- JUL 2 4 2024 r{i11VlVu I r OLD KkNG'S HIGHWAY wcells Q.ANTUM High performance Ocells N-type N-0 solar cells 0 ANTUM NEO Technology with optimized module layout hooms module effiripnry uf) t . 22.4 %. t -. A reliable investment Indusive 25-year product warfaniy and 25-year linear Warranty performance warranty Enduring high performance +� Long term ye d security with Ant, LeTID Tedinology- Aryr PID ?� Technology', Hot Spot P+otect Extreme weather rating High-tech eluminiUm alloylome. cerlfred fo high snow J5400 Pal and wind Icads (3600 Pa. Innovative all-weather technology Optimal yields, whatever r,e weather with excellent ow-lig0l. and temperature behaviour The most thorough testing programme in the industry Ocels is tre first solar module ^,anufa_turef to pass the most comp,ehensive quality programme in the industry The new'Oual ty Co-itn,lfed -V" of the ndependent certificaron institute TW Rheinland r See tlala sheet on rear for IWiher inrormaoon APT Aral kLmjurn. Lvrdrrry WFC. TS 62604.12015 ay.hu+l A t-ISWV. j6hf APPROVED !I.A. 2 6 2024 AFWUu I H CIR 1/�rr r .rn, ry wiw [ Y 4 r Z J a 2q_ fVR_3 Q.TRON BLK M-G2+ SERIES ■ Mechanical Specification Formal 67.8 in < 44.6 in . 1.18 in lincluding fraT" (I722mm - 1134mm w 30mm) Weight 4721bs(21.4kgl Front Cover 0.13 P- (3.2 mm) thermally pre -stressed yktss oath anti-renecLion Lechnology Back Cover Compcsfte film Framp Slack anodised aluminium Celt 6 + 18 monocryslalkne 0 ANTUM NEO solar half eel's Junction box 2.09-398m • 126-236im 059-0.71m 153.101mm • 32.60 mm 4 15-18mm), Proleclion cVss IP67. with bypass diodes Cable 4-Y1i2 Solar cable:14)t59Ain0510mry¢,(-pk5S.41'051Lmm) Connector Staubh MC4, IP68 ■ Electrical Characteristics FCFi. J ', 4 2024 OWN. ' IGH AY •N#�nM �M rltrvi..w irrru,..r [I- n a.ru. rs „°�fliawrs.r, POWER CLASS *% MINIMUM PERF -R VANCE AI -IANDAz?0 TEST CONDITIONS. 5TC' (POWER TOLERANCE +5 W r-0WI 416 420 4211 430 Power at MPP' Prr„ A 410 415 420 425 430 Short Circuit Current' I, [A) 13.39 1342 13.46 13.49 13.53 Open Circut Voltage' V. M 38.58 3861 38.64 38,67 38.70 Current at MPP fw, [#] 12.68 1275 12.82 12.88 12.95 Voltage at MAP Vw„ M 32.32 32.55 3277 3298 33.20 Efficiency' n [%] 11:21.4 e21.6 a21.9 f222 E22.4 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE At NORMA- OPERATING CONDITIONS, NMO'= Power at MPP P- PN� 310.0 313.8 3176 321.4 325.2 E Short Circuit Current 1„ (A) 10.79 10.82 10.84 10.87 10.90 Open Circuit Voltage V , M 36.61 36.63 36.66 3669 36.71 Current at MPP I- [A) 9.97 10.03 10.09 10,15 10.21 Voltage at MPP Vy,. M 31.09 31.29 31.48 31,66 31.85 'Mea meal tolerances P_ +3 %; l;t; Vt,. r 5% at STC: lf=W'm' x • :? •.: AM 15 arfinrdtr0 to IEC 60904-_ -'800W/m , NMOT cpecu-im AM 1 i Ocells PERFORMANCE WARRANTY At leasl 99.5% of nominal power during first year Thereafter max g ,s 0.33% degradation per year. At least 95.53%of no nlnal power x up 10 Vyears. At least 90 58% 01 z o no n.nat power up to 25 years w2 o r] All data w11hln measurement 8 tolerances, Ful'warranlies in accordance with the wananty o .160 terms of the ocefls sales + q a rf a#WganisatMn o1 your respective •pit` 6euntry. 'al.rdard W- a p,uramee ivMi W romprrlx rnlh tt rivi-.productioncM dya30M ►eGt#ry 20211 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Temperate re CopKc eni of Ia 4 xI lemperatureCoetfic ant of P_ tr (,%;xI ■ Properties for System Design Maximum System Voltage V" IV] Maximum series Fuse Rating (A DC] Max DeslgoLoad. PusWPull• Yes/it'I Max Test Load, PushlPull' Y4s/tt'I PERFORMANCE AT LOW IRRADIANCE w 3 s � ,ro .w m era wrr jruru Wy'r4k }r �-'1 TypicnlmoUe perfwm#'S+rxlda WOW,ln COmpprlM MST' =py=gn.125-C 1000wYn`.. .,4 Temperature Coefficient of V, B . (: 41 -0.241 .'C'3u Nominal Module Operating Temperature Nmc- 109±5.4 J43+3'C) 1000 UECI 10001UL; PV module classification Cilm y 20 Fire Rat ng based on ANSI I UL 61730 C / TYPE 2 75 13600 Pf13150 24100Pa; Permitted Module Temperature -40'F up to +185'F 1315430Pa7175 J3600PaI on Continuous Duty HO'C up to +85'Ci ,. r W. t' . Ya^Lje APPROVED', ■ Qualifications and Certificates JUL 2 6 2Q2� j 0uaity CantrgK 9v- TUV Rhe�i+an0 IEG 617302 16. GO � YARMuu i H IEC 6173020f6- � � C Thisdatdshest complies ` """' OLD KIIVG'S HIGHWAY 1 ' with 0{N EN 503t30 �' e .. I 1=1t" rralrl.�wllerr errs Ocells pursues minimizing paper output in consideration of the global environment. Nae: rr.sler,USA.„cr.errsmusrnrro t,- eMUKr# Seca e.lw w rC lwew'InroA' IF,-1949U°dmlrlwnnor rr.,w#d.er lleeilis l,w,wnnoCrll54ma�.•'�t a00 SOacv°wrGnte•Driva. SoxaWW.#vn#,CA 97618.IJ$6i1Fi•f 9a9 ta659%�fNak 1pcingWry.gcehcomi NlG vw.wgc#ar min ��rra►�I �7