HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDP&G-24-583 MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO PERFORM GAS FITTING WORK CITY_ 7aIW%4t;�V '4 MA DATEi7a= 7i 2 +f C�1 /'(PERMri# 5k3 ADDRESS NAME—RG �/ a �/ GOWNER ADDRESS i `� JFAX/ _f TPRIIHT OR OCCUPANCY TYPE COMMERCIAL;_•] EDUCATIONAL J RESIDENTIAL'3t7 CLEARLY NEW:,,_] RENOVATION:LI REPLACEMENT: PLANS SUBMITTED:YES!, NO Li APPLIANCES T FLOORS-. BSM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BOILER I.. f_J—J—J_J J_J _J f f r . . —1_J BOOSTER • I. I I—1 . t.. . _t___'J—1 .___I r .. _I—J CONVERSION BURNER i f J I I_!__ 1 J_J r j_ ' I_1,_1 _ COOK STOVE I .. I- r'__T_J_-J J_j—J'-_I__I_) ____IDIRECT VENT HEATER 1_1 J J I i= j_t _,—J_.�____I_j DRYER• I --1_1'-J-1.-J -li__.1--1—J—!-J_I-J I _.... I I L_1J_ _-I�._!—J�_I-J I. FRYOLATOR 1 1,— 1.. _I t, I_1_J--_1. I__!_1_1 -I. -__-1 IV FURNACE I J I:_J___I J" t_,'_I___I____J• I_I_J__J—J GENERATOR I I I t-1__1 J J—J—1____I____I__IGRILLE .1 _.. 1 I—j_1.-1 J.-J'_J I__I___I—J L_J—_1 INFRARED HEATER I h—J�. I_�—J1_�',_J I_J_J—J_� 114, MAKEUP AIR UNIT LABORATORY COCKS 1 J-JJ! tJJJ-1_J_ OVEN ! } -J---1 J 1 J J J___J !J J___1_____I ,116 _ LJ_--I-1_I_JJ•_J___i___J�i go POOL HEATER j_J I_J•J__--J J.�I—J_j,_ I- !__I_J_ I ROOM I SPACE HEATER I ..I_ - I.—I_1.—I J_ I__I_J�J I_I I ROOF TOP UNIT ___I I r 1__I_yj 1 I—J I_ I " r TEST -J_ J—1_f._,___ � i_! ,t I—i I UNIT HEATER 1 I 1 I_i _I 63i � v 1 1 UNVENTED ROOM HEATER • J I _—!_J_I_; —J J_1= —_j—JWATER HEATER .___-- _,--- I I 1_I_I-J,-1 I_ � .___I —J__IOTHER l _ _ ._I J— I_J-J J-J I. —J.-1 I--1—I- I-f-JJ — —J _!-( INSURANCE COVERAGE b I have a current liability insurance policy or Its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL.Ch.142 YES 1---.17r0 J is I IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE INDICATE THE TYPE OF COVERAGE BY CHECKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY i' OTHER TYPE INDEMNITY BOND Li OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Massachusetts General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. CHECK ONE ONLY: OWNER ^I AGENT SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT I hereby certify that all of the details and Information I have submitted or entered regarding this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all plumbing work and installations performed under the permit Issued for this application will be in compliance with all Pertinent provision of the 'Massachusetts State Plumbing Code and Chapter 142 of the General Laws. PLUMBER-GASFITTER NAME; �� rQd LICENSE# ��� ¢SIGNATUR•C// MP-t MGF JP al JGF LPGI CORPORATION erErfifcp PARTNERSHIP_1# 1 LLC;=,If# - COMPANY NAME://I/7 a/i//s �cf/J/C 7 ADDRESS /( ///? T/ '_-- ------ ---- —`..-C CITY �{/. Q.°i9lO4✓+r4 - . ....... . STATE i 1 ZIP I-Oa?LS73ITEL 724- -‘'G7a ' 1 FAX CELL: EMAIL�¢lp/(psdoiGtS��IIIIGt��Q —._ .__._ ROUGH GAS INSPECTION NOTES THIS PAGE FOR INSPECTOR USE ONLY FINAL INSPECTION NOTES Yea No THIS APPLICATION SERVES AS THE PERMIT ❑ 0 FEE: $ PERMIT# PLAN REVIEW NOTES • Nit/AA1, • V&A C. ir. . f*W.' mgeee aZ,, MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO PERFORM PLUMBING WORK CITY Y Gi I"/��t�J f�i MA .DATE 6—2.7'-aq PERMIT# &pp 91/ s 3 JOBSITE ADDRESS I % I L cr'/ '���vy e ✓ k c I OWNER'S NAME k 1 - C / p .OWNER ADDRESS I I TELL IFAX TYPE OR OCCUPANCY TYPE COMMERCIAL❑ EDUCATIONAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL Er PRINT CLEARLY NEW:❑ RENOVATION:❑ REPLACEMEA T:1301--r PLANSNorm SUBMITTED: YES 0 NOD FIXTURES I FLOOR- 1 2 10 BATFfTUB CROSS CONNECTION DEVICE gni DEDICATED SPECRL WASTE SYSTEM DEDICATED GASIOfL/SANO SYSTEM 1111111.11111. ■�11111:111111 DEDICATED GREASE SYSTEM DEDICATED GRAY WATER SYSTEM — min ;N o I_ _P_N —NM'NM —, DEDICATEDDIWATER RECYCLE SYSTEM SHER MI =�'MINI MN :�MI .'� DRINKING FOUNTAIN �'NN M --,I• M M M —M M M MN M FOOD DISPOSER FLOOR/AREA DRAIN INTERCEPTOR(INTERIOR) KITCHEN SINK N MK AM IIIIIII-1111.411111111 MIS M AI MEI limo an. LAVATORY am an. M NM MN MEI MINM NM: ROOF DRAIN i mos ow mili .min mom um MEI MIK MN S't Now g'am SHOWER STALL ;11. MIN OM NM NM IIIIN J11111 t MIR 11111111,1111= SERVICE/MOP SINK ' MIN IIINS M. MIN.JIM �R miW 1111111.'1 TOILET MEI Int NM _MMNIII BMW"— X#: 1.> Eiji MIN WUAS�HING MACHINE CONNECTION EAR MINIIIIIIIIIR1111111111111 : WATER HEATER ALL TYPES (!IiliI WATER PPING OTHER I MI MN MN , MN.11:NM MEI INN MIMI MIN • INSURANCE COVERAGE: • I have a current liability Insurance policy or its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL Ch.142. YES g-NO D. IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE INDICATE THE TYPE OF COVERAGE BY^HECKi•IG THE AFPROPRL'TE BOX BELOW LAE,'LITY INSURANCE POLICY Q" OTHER TYPE OF INDEMNITY❑ BOND❑ OWNER'S INSURANCE WANER:I am aware that the licensee;foes not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Massachusetts General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. CHECK ONE ONLY: OWNER ❑ AGENT ❑ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT I hereby certify that all of the detak and information I have submitted or entered regarding this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all plumbing work and installations performed under the permit issued for this applIcation will be In compliance with a8 Pertinent provision of the Massachusetts State Plumbing Code and Chapter 142 of the General Laws. .6fre / 1 ��y, -O�l241r4.�I PLUMBER'S NAME, 41,r/44/5'''/f-i't..4/$' - LICENSE#IM'[d'C`j SIGNA MP[ JP❑ CORPORATION PARTNERSHIP❑#1 I LLC❑# J COMPANY NAME VJ11b1 n75 1-/-i iv ...L1 c ADDRESS //l'll.>t it' CITYI/f. D to n I STATE MI zP l DJ 3 , TEL o fr ram I Itear f IC►aA» I / oe..c i❑ It u H kN df = I i sl , I h I I 1 I ( I H. 0 E 0 I a w "--p O . a 1