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AR leslie lane 8.13.2024
0 ' C: Applicant Information: Yarmouth Conservation Commlssk>n Administrative Review CONSERVATION OFFICE bdirie nzo @yarmouth ma us Mallin& Addr~s: 1: J._Q_ 'S) \( )~ Phone: Ls:©~ \-S~ff> ~Cc'-ti:~~,+ . Email: ?r r\ (A cs. h Nil C\Jv'\ll.J ~Q,\) ). C,,,,-n I hereby authorize the lnclMdual members of the Yal'l'IIOUth Conservation ComlNlllon and Its apnt(1) to enter upon the property Usted below for the Pll'POM of ptherln1 Information re1ardln& this Admlnlstntlve Review form, 7 \ n Q\ ',n \ -,d) ~r'V"\=~~~{) ~ Property/Location of Work:. __ _;___K--_,-.")__;)\_;_~_i...}:JJJV:-:-=---.....j~~;_:__·_ I IV v_;v __ --4-_"_ .,. __ _ Street Name and Number Slgnature:. ___ ~__.::::~~'---...c.::: ..... -rSJ.,,1i'.--..wc;:::,,.1,&.::,.,,:.o-:..--<C>::::....,--------------------- Detailed Description and Reason for Proposed Work: ~", ~ (')(_Q.(M\ 0f\~ pr'Ool~ ~ w,'t1-\*~ ~ (}.2.M , ,vJoJv1 -PcJQ ~r;f 0( ~O (YY\ tf \u~()do a _ Closest Distance to Resource Area: ________________________ _ Proposed Start Date: __ \.A.0 __ K_~_~_{) ____________________ _ Company to do Work: Name: Address: ________________________________ _ Phone: __________________ Email:. _____________ _ Admlnistratiye Approyal: This approval is valid for one year. This Approval does not grant any rty • ht authorize any injury to private property or invasion of property. prope r11 s or any exclusive privileges; it does not Yarmouth Conservation Commission . 1146 Route 28 South y h , armout , MA 02664 · (508) 398-2231 • Ext 1288 One dead and leaning pine approved for removal-flush cut only, the stump must remain. See photo attached. Other trees to remain . 8/13/2024 Boats/kayaks/paddle boards must be stored on the rack attached to the walkway or inan upland location, they may not be stored on the marsh as this kills the vegetation.Landscape debris including logs must be stored in an upland location. on the coastal bank