HomeMy WebLinkAboutConservation Commission Meeting Minutes 01.04.2024 AMENDED001On tlL8l2O24, on a motion by Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence,
the Commission voted 6-0 with 1 abstention, to approve these minutes as written.
January 4,2024
Members Present: Ed Hoopes (Chairman), Ellie Lawrence (Vice Chairman), Patricia
Mulhearn, Paul Huggins, Rick Bishop, Jack Frost
Start Time:
Absent: David Bernstein
Brittany DiRienzo
5:00 pm
Emerqencv Certification
1. Bill Bonnetti, TOY, Beachwood Road- beach nourishment from dredge spoils to remedy
public safety hazard below stairs
Presenting. Bill Bonnetti
Discussion: description of damage, public safety issue with drop off from bottom of the stairs.
Dredge spoils were quickly available from nearby dredge project with order of conditions and army
corps license, these were used and placed only immediately below the stairs. Beach could use
additional nourishment, about 15 yards of sand were used.
Commissioner Frost asked how the sand would stabilize the stairs. Bill responded the stairs could
degrade further without anything below them to support, and further nourishment or additional
steps may be needed in the future under a regular permit. Other coastal resilience methods are
being researched outside just building more stairs. Beach nourishment is a temporary solution.
Commissioner Lawrence made a motion to issue the emergency certification.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner bishop.
The motion carried unanimously, 6-0
Request for Determination of Applicabilitv
2. 10 Mariners Lane-tabled to January 18,2024
3. Bob Perry, Cape Cod Engineering for Holly Davis, 232 Blue Rock Road Proposed floating
dock reconfiguration permitted under SE83-1161 and installation of a new piling in land
under the ocean and land containing shellfish
Presenting: Bob Perry, Cape Cod Engineering
Discussion: Chairman Hoopes confirmed that none of the pilings were ever permitted and is not
comfortable issuing an approvalfor allthe pilings and an additionalfloat without further information
with a stamped plan.
Commissioner Bishop asked about the expanded unpermitted float, and agrees that there needs
to be a stamped plan for more information due to the unpermitted pilings and floats etc.
Mr Perry said that an updated waterways license would be needed either way if an RDA or NOI
was needed. Chairman Hoopes said that a positive determination would be likely. The CA
mentioned the distance to the channelto keep in mind in the NOI filing.
On t,ll8l2024, on a motion by Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence,
the Commission voted 5-0 with 1 abstention, to approve these minutes as written.
Commission decided that lf the original configuration is used, an RDA is ok to permit the pilings
only without the additional float. lf floats are being added, then a NOI would be required.
Bob Perry asked if a shellfish survey would be needed, it would not since the pilings are already
in place.
Bob Perry Withdrew the RDA
No vote was needed
4. Patrick Jacobs, P. Jacobs Custom Carpentry and Remodeling for Elizabeth Sanford, 80
Eldridse Road, P roposed 576 sqft addition in land subject to coastal storm flowage
Presenting: Annie Connor
Discussion: No trees will be removed, area is flat, matches deck that is already there. Drywells
installed gutters and downspouts. Commissioner Lawrence mentioned the drywells are not on the
plan, CA said they can add a special condition in the DOA to require them.
Commissioner Bishop made a motion to issue a negative 2 determination with a special condition
for the drywells
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lawrence
The motion carried unanimously 6-0
5. E.R. Mantini Construction for William Smith Jr. 82 Acres Ave, Proposed 500 sqft addition
in land subject to coastal storm flowage
Presenting: Eli Mantini
Discussion. CA mentioned replacement plantings are needed for an administrative review from a
few years ago, and that leaves are not permitted in the wetland buffer or wetland resource area.
No issues with the proposed addition
Commissioner Frost made a motion to issue a negative 2 and 3 determination with conditions
described above
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lawrence
The motion carried unanimously 6-0
6. Sean Riley, Coastal Engineering for Peggy Lyons 30 Route 6a Proposed 180 square foot
addition and 320 square foot deck within the buffer zone to a vegetated wetland. 5 trees
proposed for removal.
Presenting: Kaya McGill, Coastal Engineering (Now Tighe and Bond)
Discussion: Commission agrees that the entire wetland must be allowed to naturalize, it is
currently being mowed. A no disturb buffer of 10 feet with split rail fence shall be added to a revised
plan for approval. No plantings are needed, the area will just be allowed to naturalize. Chairman
willfile EO if this RDA is appealed, since the commission doesn't have to allow just a 10 foot buffer
instead of a 35 ft fully restored buffer zone
Commissioner Bishop made a motion to issue a negative 3 with special conditions-receiving
revised plan with 10 ft no disturb zone and fence.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Frost
The motion carried unanimously 6-0
On tlt8l2O24, on a motion by Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence,
the Commission voted 5-0 with 1 abstention, to approve these minutes as written.
Emerqency Certification
7. Chris Gloninger, Woods Hole Group for Great lsland Homeowners Association, Great
lsland Road - rebuild portions of the primary coastal dune from significant erosion
Presenting: Craig Fleming, GIHOA, Chris Gloninger and Leslie Fields Woods Hole Group, and
Mills Weaver Fuss and O'Neil Engineering. A Superseding OOC was issued for original beach
and dune nourishment project, but they want to go in a direction where a more comprehensive
effort can be compiled to treat the resilience issues and road issues faced. Woods hole group was
hired to research options, study will take about a year. Chris said Southeastern storms are
becoming more common, and they want to deploy a strategy of 350 1 cu yard sand bags at the
site of the scarps to protect the structural integrity of the roadway, and add sand fill to cover the
sandbags and create a similar dune profile to what was preexisting. They would be Plastic
sandbags with hooks joined to each other to discourage dislodgement.
Commissioner Bishop asked why they are using Plastic, Mills weaver answered -natural materials
are backlogged for several months so are not available for a quick effort.
There is another SE storm in sight for next Wednesday, they hope to install this before then.
Commissioner Bishop still would prefer they use sand from dredging. Fields responded that
candidate sites have been researched and none have been identified yet, and other towns are
also looking for sites.
Commissioner Frost asked how the bags will deteriorate with a concern for microplastics. Weaver-
bags would only remain for the winter- late March 30 would be removed, UV is the most degrading
factor for them, and would remain covered in loose sand. NOI needs NHESP review.
There is an additional concern for plastic staying in place and disturbance in spring with removal,
and future planting measures for stability. Temporary restoration of the area in spring included in
the NOI in addition to timeline for next steps. CA asked if total cubic yards still remain at up to
about 3000 cubic yards, they are now estimating about 1,000 cu yards due to the strategy of the
Commissioner Lawrence made a motion to issue the emergency certification
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bishop
The motion carried unanimously 6-0
Request to Amend an Order of Conditions
8. SE83-2252 Ron Cadillac for Stephen & Christine Arden 65 Winter Street Proposed
construction of a three bedroom dwelling with two car garage within the buffer zone to a
bordering vegetated wetland-Amended to propose a swimming pool
Presenting: representative not present- tabled to January 18,2024
Other Business
9. Approval of meeting Minutes 12.21.2023- tabled to January 18,2024
10. Commissioner Bishop brought 65 Winter Street back up- after the site visit and seeing
all the unpermitted work they have done, he believes enforcement should be taken.
Chairman Hoopes agreed, along with rest of the members present, and the CA will draft
an enforcement order for discussion at the next hearing.
Commissioner Frost made a motion to adjourn.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mulhearn
On 1-lL8l2O24, on a motion by Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence,
the Commission voted 6-0 with 1 abstention, to approve these minutes as written.
The motion carried 6-0
Adjourned at'.6'.24