HomeMy WebLinkAboutVCOD SPR 2024-1A - 811 Rte 28 Planner Report 081424 w attach T O W N O F Y A R M O U T H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1276, Fax (508) 398-2365 MEMORANDUM To: Planning Board From: Kathy Williams, Town Planner Date: August 15, 2024 Subject: The Residences at 811 Main – 811 Route 28, South Yarmouth - REVISED Assessor Map 32.72 - Village Centers Overlay District (VCOD) VC2 VCOD SPR 2024-1A A. General Description: The Planning Board previously approved this project under VCOD SPR 2024-1 to develop the 0.58 acre property into 8 units of multi-family housing with shared central laundry room, reconfigured shared access with 8 parking spaces, a large turn around in the front required by the Fire Dept for the ladder truck, utility connections, a new sewage disposal system, stormwater management and landscaping. The Planning Board approved the project with conditions (see attached decision) at their June 5th meeting. At that meeting, the Planning Board expressed concerns about only having 1 parking space/unit. Parking is limited by the amount of the property being used for a fire truck turn-around and the need to locate parking to the side or rear of the building. Subsequently, Town Staff and the Planning Board Chair met with the Fire Department to talk about their regulations and identify alternatives that could meet their safety regulations and improve the site design. Based on these discussions, it appears moving the sprinkled building closer to Route 28 and having a new fire hydrant brought onto the property would be acceptable to the Fire Department. Subsequently, we had a meeting with the applicant Christina Meggison and Brian Yergatian of BSC Group who decided to move forward with modifications to the site layout to add 8 additional parking spaces, for a total of 16 spaces (see attached plans). No changes to the building design or architecture has been proposed. B. Process-VCOD Site Plan Review: VCOD Design Standards per Section 414.8 and the Architectural & Site Design Standards are mandatory for VCOD projects. The Planning Board reviews the project for compliance with these standards, however the VCOD SPR is not a Special Permit Decision and does not grant any zoning relief or make any zoning determinations. Applicants have the right to appeal the decision of the Planning Board to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any zoning relief required would be done through the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), as determined by the Building Commissioner. Final action by the Planning Board on VCOD applications needs to occur within 50 calendar days of the application submission. The application was received on August 15, 2024 and is on the August 21st Planning Board Agenda. C. Comments from Other Staff/Committees: As the applicant has already gone through the Site Plan Review Team and the Design Review Committee, no additional reviews were conducted for these limited changes. However, the new layout was reviewed by the Building Department and Fire Department. The Fire Department was fine with the proposed layout on the property, but had some concerns about the hydrant location and fire lane markings which they felt could be addressed during their Planning Division Planning Board 811 Route 28 – VCOD SPR 2024-1A August 14, 2024 Page 2 of 2 building permit review of the project. A condition has been included to require final approval by the fire department for the hydrant location and fire lane markings. The Building Department reviewed the relief needed. Under the new design, Special Permit relief is no longer needed for the rear setback. Special Permit relief is still needed for §414.8.9.4(D) to waive the requirement for a 10-foot landscaped buffer between travel lane and westerly property line, and to waive the requirement to relocate utilities underground from Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards Section 10. New Special Permit relief is needed from §414.7.1 to allow for 2 parking spaces per unit, as the VCOD stipulates a maximum of 1.5 spaces/unit. The original Architectural Floor Plans and Elevations have not changed and will be referenced in the new decision. D. Planner Comments: The following is suggested language for consideration by the Planning Board. Please note all the applicable conditions from the original VCOD SPR 2024-1 decision have been listed here. Motion to approve The Residents at 811 Main multi-family housing project at 811 Route 28, VCOD SPR 2024-1A, as presented at the Planning Board meeting of August 21, 2024 and in accordance with the plans and materials submitted, subject to the following conditions: 1. Revised Easement for the shared access driveway shall be recorded at the Barnstable Country Registry of Deeds prior to issuance of a building permit. 2. Vary the building materials on the eastern side of the building between clapboards and shingles. 3. Provide one (1) affordable unit. 4. Coordinate with the Fire Department for final approval of the fire hydrant location and fire lane markings. 5. Coordinate with the Water Department on watermain locations. 6. Existing trees which are to be retained, and protected during construction, shall be identified on the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan. 7. Plantings along the southern property line (abutting the residential zoning district) shall fully meet the requirements of Zoning Bylaw Section 414.8.9.3.b. 8. Any relief required shall be sought through the Zoning Board of Appeals. ATTACHMENTS: • VCOD SPR 2024-1 Decision • VCOD SPR 2024-1A Application and August 14, 2024 Letter from Brian Yergatian, BSC Group • Site Plans: All plans prepared by BSC Group, dated March 18, 2024, last revised August 14, 2024, unless otherwise noted o Cover Sheet o G-100 Existing Conditions Plan, last revised 5/22/24 o C-100 Erosion & Sediment Control Plan o C-200 Site Preparation & Demolition Plan o C-300 Layout & Materials Plan o C-400 Grading & Drainage Plan o C-500 Septic & Utilities Plan o L-100 Planting Plan o C-600, C-601 & C-602 Details (3-sheets) Engineers Environmental Scientists Software Developers Landscape Architects Planners Surveyors AUGUST 14, 2024 www.bscgroup.com Kathy Williams, P.E. Yarmouth Town Planner 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 RE: VCOD SPR Application, 811 Route 28, South Yarmouth Dear Kathy, BSC Group, Inc. (BSC) has revised the site plans for the proposed multi-family development at 811 Route 28 in South Yarmouth. The plans were revised based on the coordination meeting with the Yarmouth Fire Department on July 25, 2024. The following summarizes the plan modifications that have resulted in the current site plans, revised August 14, 2024: · The emergency vehicle turnaround was removed, and a fire hydrant was added to the site plan in the agreed upon location. · The building was moved north, maintaining the 30-foot minimum front yard setback. · Eight (8) additional parking spaces were created on the south side of the proposed building. · The dumpster was relocated southeast of the proposed building, at the edge of the parking area. · Modified the proposed plantings accordingly based on the layout updates. · Infiltration System #1 was reconfigured to accommodate the proposed building. · The bicycle rack was moved north and the adjacent walkway was reconfigured accordingly, to accommodate the proposed building. We look forward to presenting these changes to the Planning Board at the next regularly scheduled public hearing on August 21, 2024. If you have any questions or comments in the interim, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, BSC Group, Inc. Brian G. Yergatian, P.E., LEED AP Manager of Civil Engineering, Senior Associate 349 Main Street, Route 28, Unit D / West Yarmouth, MA 02673 / 508-778-8919 MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 811 MAIN STREET (ROUTE 28) SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS MARCH 18, 2024 REVISED: AUGUST 14, 2024 T-100 TITLE SHEET G-100 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN C-100 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN C-200 SITE PREPERATION & DEMOLITION PLAN C-300 LAYOUT & MATERIALS PLAN C-400 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C-500 SEPTIC & UTILITIES PLAN L-100 PLANTING PLAN C-600 - 602 DETAILS CHRISTINA MEGGISON 693 RUSSELLS MILLS ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 LOCUS LOCUS MAP ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION INDEX OF DRAWINGS 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 WWWWWGGGWWPUBLI C W A Y -- 4 0' WI D E ROUT E 2 8 WWWWWWWWWISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C-100 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION WWWWWGGGGOH W OH W OH WW WG G G G G S SSGOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G PUBLI C W A Y -- 4 0' WI D E ROUT E 2 8 OHWOHWOHWWWWWWWWWWOHWOHWOHWOHWGGGGGGGGG349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C-200 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) SITE PREPARATION & DEMOLITION PLAN MARCH 18, 2024 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PUBLI C W A Y -- 4 0' WI D E ROUT E 2 8 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C-300 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) LAYOUT & MATERIALS PLAN MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION S SS PUBLI C W A Y -- 4 0' WI D E ROUT E 2 8 RDRDRDRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD D ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C-400 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION WWWWWGGGGSSSGGGGGGGWS S G G G G G S SSGG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G PUBLI C W A Y -- 4 0' WI D E ROUT E 2 8 OHWOHWOHWWWWWWWWWWOHWOHWOHWOHWGGGGGGGGGRDRDRDRDWWWFFFSSSSSSS G GGE C-500 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) SEPTIC & UTILITIES PLAN MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W PUBLI C W A Y -- 4 0' WI D E ROUT E 2 8 OHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHW(3) - QU (3) - AC (2) - Id (6) - Ig (6) - Ig (3) - Ca (3) - Ca (5) - Ro SSSS(3) - Ca (2) - Ir (38) - Sis a (84) - Car s (51) - Sis a (79) - Car m LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN (74) - Lir s (71) - Lir s (2) - Id (2) - Ry (1) - AC R=15' R=15' R=15' R=20' LAWN LAWN 530 SF 330 SF 570 SF 450 SF (3) - Is (1) - Pj (7) - Pj (4) - Re (1) - Id (1) - AA (1) - AA (1) - AA (5) - Ca E R=20' (3) - GI (7) - Ig (2) - Ig (2) - Id (2) - Id (2) - Ry (3) - TO (2) - TO (3) - TO (3) - Id (2) - Ig (3) - Ig (2) - Aa2 (2) - Aa2 R=20' 100 SF 450 SF 320 SF R=20' CODE QTY BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME NOTES SIZE EVERGREEN TO 8 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS AMERICAN ARBORVITAE B & B 6-7` HT FLOWERING / SMALL TREES AC 4 AMELANCHIER CANADENSIS CANADIAN SERVICEBERRY B & B 7-8` HT. SHADE TREESAA4 ACER RUBRUM 'AUTUMN FLAME' AUTUMN FLAME RED MAPLE B & B 3-3.5" CAL GI 3 GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS INERMIS THORNLESS HONEY LOCUST B & B 3-3.5" CAL QU 3 QUERCUS PALUSTRIS PIN OAK B & B 3-3.5" CAL CODE QTY BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME SIZE SIZE SHRUBSAa2 7 ARONIA MELANOCARPA `AUTUMN MAGIC` AUTUMN MAGIC BLACK CHOKEBERRY 5 GAL Ca 14 CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA SUMMERSWEET 5 GAL Hv 2 HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA COMMON WITCH HAZEL B & B 5-6' HT. Ig 26 ILEX GLABRA INKBERRY HOLLY 5 GAL Ir 2 ILEX VERTICILLATA 'FARROWBPOP' BERRY POPPINS® WINTERBERRY 5 GAL Is 3 ILEX X CRENATA 'SOFT TOUCH' SOFT TOUCH HOLLY 3 GAL Id 21 ILEX X MESERVEAE 'BLUE PRINCE' & 'BLUE PRINCESS' BLUE PRINCE AND PRINCESS HOLLY 3-4` HT Pj 8 PIERIS JAPONICA JAPANESE PIERIS 5 GAL Ro 5 RHODODENDRON X `OLGA MEZITT` OLGA MEZITT PJM RHODODENDRON 3-4` HT Re 7 RHODODENDRON X 'ENGLISH ROSEUM' ENGLISH ROSEUM RHODODENDRON 3-4` HT Ry 4 RHODODENDRON YEDOENSE POUKHANENSE 'COMPACTA' COMPACT KOREAN AZALEA 24-30" HT. SYMBOL QTY BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT SIZE SPACING GROUND COVERS 79 CAREX MORROWII 'ICE DANCE' ICE DANCE JAPANESE SEDGE 1 GAL 12" o.c. 84 CAREX SIDEROSTICHA 'SNOW CAP' SNOW CAP BROADLEAF SEDGE 1 GAL 12" o.c. 145 LIRIOPE SPICATA CREEPING LILYTURF 4" POT 10" o.c. 89 SISYRINCHIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM 'LUCERNE' LUCERNE BLUE-EYED GRASS 1 GAL 18" o.c. PLANT SCHEDULE L-100 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) PLANTING PLAN MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 NOTE: PARKING & DRIVEWAY AREA: 9,155 SF TREE CANOPY COVERAGE AT PARKING & DRIVEWAY AREA: 2,750 SF IT ACHIEVES 30% OF COVERAGE. ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C-600 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) DETAILS MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 12" MIN. C-601 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) DETAILS MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 6.0" [152 mm] MIN. 18.5" [470 mm] 6.0" [152 mm] MIN. 39.0" [991 mm] CENTER TO CENTER33.0" [838 mm]12.0" [305 mm] MIN. 6.0" [152 mm] MIN.12.0' MAX. COVER DEPTH CULTEC NO. 410 NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE AROUND STONE. TOP AND SIDES ARE MANDATORY; BOTTOM PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN PREFERENCENATURALLY COMPACTED FILL FINISHED GRADE 1-2 INCH [25-50 mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONECULTEC HVLV FC-24 FEED CONNECTOR WHERE SPECIFIED RECHARGER 150XLHD HEAVY DUTY CHAMBER PROJECT ENGINEER OF RECORD OR GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT THE REQUIRED BEARING CAPACITY OF SUB-GRADE SOILS HAS BEEN MET CULTEC NO. 4800 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE TO BE PLACED BENEATH INTERNAL MANIFOLD FEATURE AND BENEATH ALL INLET/OUTLET PIPES (FOR SCOUR PROTECTION) 7.5' [2.29 m] MIN. CULTEC NO. 4800 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE PLACED BENEATH FEED CONNECTORS 10.0' [3.0 m] MIN. CULTEC NO. 4800 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE PLACED BENEATH INLET PIPES PIPE PER ENGINEER DESIGN. PIPE TO BE INSERTED 12.0 INCHES [305 mm] MIN. INTO CHAMBER. MAXIMUM PIPE SIZE: 12.0" [300 mm] HDPE 15.0" [375 mm] PVC FINISHED GRADE NATURALLY COMPACTED FILL CULTEC NO. 410 NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE AROUND STONE. TOP AND SIDES MANDATORY, BOTTOM PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN PREFERENCE CULTEC HVLV FC-24 FEED CONNECTOR WHERE SPECIFIED CULTEC RECHARGER 150XLHD HEAVY-DUTY CHAMBER 6.0 INCH [152 mm] MIN. DEPTH OF 1-2 INCH [25-50 mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE ABOVE CHAMBERS 12.0 INCH [305 mm] MIN. WIDTH OF 1-2 INCH [25-50 mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE BORDER SURROUNDING ALL CHAMBERS 6.0 INCH [152 mm] MIN. DEPTH OF 1-2 INCH [25-50 mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE BELOW CHAMBERS FINISHED GRADE 6.0" [152 mm] [150mm] MIN. 15.0" [375mm] 6" [150mm] SDR-35 BELL END CUT FOR 6" OF INSERTED PIPE 6" [150mm] SDR-35 RISER (LENGTH VARIES) 6" [150mm] PVC SCREW IN CAP AASHTO HS-25 RATED CAST IRON FRAME AND SOLID COVER 12" X 6" [300mmX150mm] CULTEC INLINE DRAIN / CLEAN-OUT BASIN w/ GASKETED SDR-35 CONNECTION 6.25" [160mm] HOLE TO BE CUT w/ HOLE SAW CENTERED ON CORRUGATION CREST NATURALLY COMPACTED FILL CULTEC NO. 410 NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE AROUND STONE. TOP AND SIDES MANDATORY, BOTTOM PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN PREFERENCE CULTEC RECHARGER 360HD HEAVY-DUTY CHAMBER CULTEC HVLV FC-48 FEED CONNECTOR WHERE SPECIFIED FINISHED GRADE NATURALLY COMPACTED FILL PIPE PER ENGINEER DESIGN PIPE TO BE INSERTED 12.0 INCHES [305mm] MIN. INTO CHAMBER MAXIMUM PIPE SIZE: 24" [600mm] HDPE 30" [750mm] PVC 6.0 INCH [152mm] MIN. DEPTH OF 1-2 INCH [25-50mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE BENEATH CHAMBERS 12.0 INCH [305mm] MIN. WIDTH OF 1-2 INCH [25-50mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE BORDER SURROUNDING ALL CHAMBERS 6.0 INCH [152mm] MIN. DEPTH OF 1-2 INCH [25-50mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE BENEATH CHAMBERS 12.0' [3.66m] MIN. CULTEC NO. 4800 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE PLACED BENEATH INLET PIPES 7.5' [2.29m] MIN. CULTEC NO. 4800 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE PLACED BENEATH FEED CONNECTORS CULTEC RECHARGER 360HD HEAVY DUTY CHAMBER CULTEC HVLV FC-48 FEED CONNECTOR WHERE SPECIFIED 1-2 INCH [25-50mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE SURROUNDING CHAMBERS FINISHED GRADE CULTEC NO. 410 NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE AROUND STONE. TOP AND SIDES MANDATORY, BOTTOM PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN PREFERENCE NATURALLY COMPACTED FILL 6.0" [153 mm] [152mm] MIN. 36.0" [915 mm] [914mm] 12.0" [304 mm] [305mm] MIN. 6.0" [153 mm] [152mm] MIN. 12.0' [3.66m] MAX. COVER DEPTH 60.0" [1524 mm] [1525mm] 69.0" [1752 mm] [1753mm] MIN. CENTER TO CENTER12.0" [306 mm] [305mm] MIN. PROJECT ENGINEER OF RECORD OR GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT THE REQUIRED BEARING CAPACITY OF SUB-GRADE SOILS HAS BEEN MET CULTEC NO. 4800 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE TO BE PLACED BENEATH INTERNAL MANIFOLD FEATURE AND BENEATH ALL INLET/OUTLET PIPES (FOR SCOUR PROTECTION) 9.0" [228 mm] [229mm] MIN. NOTES: 1. THE CHAMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787 "STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTIC CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS." THE LOAD CONFIGURATION SHALL INCLUDE: 1.a. INSTANTANEOUS AASHTO DESIGN TRUCK LIVE LOAD AT MINIMUM COVER 1.b. MAXIMUM PERMANENT (50-YEAR) COVER LOAD 1.c. 1-WEEK PARKED AASHTO DESIGN TRUCK LOAD 2. THE CHAMBERS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F3430-20 "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR CELLULAR POLYPROPYLENE (PP) CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS" 3. THE INSTALLED CHAMBER SYSTEM SHALL PROVIDE RESISTANCE TO THE LOADS AND LOAD FACTORS AS DEFINED IN THE AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12.12, WHEN INSTALLED ACCORDING TO CULTEC'S RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THE CHAMBERS SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 3.a. THE CREEP MODULUS SHALL BE 50-YEAR AS SPECIFIED IN ASTM F3430 3.b. THE MINIMUM SAFETY FACTOR FOR LIVE LOADS SHALL BE 1.75 3.c. THE MINIMUM SAFETY FACTOR FOR DEAD LOADS SHALL BE 1.95 FINISHED GRADE 6.0" [150 mm] SDR-35 / SCH 40 PVC (INSERTED 8.0" [203 mm] INTO CHAMBER) TRIM CHAMBER INSPECTION PORT KNOCK-OUT TO MATCH O.D. OF 6.0" [150 mm] INSPECTION PORT PIPE 6.0" [150 mm] SDR-35 / SCH. 40 PVC COUPLING 6.0" [150 mm] SDR-35 / SCH. 40 PVC RISER 6.0" [150 mm] SDR-35 / SCH. 40 PVC ENDCAP CLEAN-OUT ADAPTER W/ SCREW-IN CAP C-602 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) DETAILS MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION