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HomeMy WebLinkAboutVariance Approval Letter ;'$ o TOWN OF YARMOUTH 0 y 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH\".\RMOt III MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 MATTACMEES �% 'fro oa.,,,tob�`'0, Telephone(508)398 2231, Ext. 241 — Fax(508)398 2365 • BOARD OF HEALTH Mr. John King Variance from Provisions of Title V: P.O. Box 737 Regulation: Dennisport,MA 02639 Town Amendments: Section: 3.7 Re: 58 Greenland Circle Date: May 17, 1999 Yarmouthport,MA As Shown on Engineered Plans By: Sweetser Engineering Date: July 17, 1998 Rev. March 5, 1999 Dear Mr. King • The Yarmouth Board of Health has received your application for a Variance from the provisions of Regulation of Title V of the State Environmental Code and/or Section 3.7 of the Town of Yarmouth Amendments for Subsurface Disposal of Sewage. Having determined that strict enforcement of the above regulations in this instance would do manifest injustice, and further,that your requested variance does not conflict with the spirit of the State Environmental Code or the Regulations of the Town of Yarmouth Amendments,the variance is hereby granted on this date 05/17/99 as follows: A variance to allow the top of foundation to be set at elevation 101.1 which is 1.72 feet above the high point of the fronting road. The high point of the fronting road is elevation 99.38. This is a total variance of 0.28 feet from the required two feet above the high point of the fronting road. You must provide a 3/4 inch negative grade for fifteen feet surrounding the foundation. You are hereby advised that the variance granted herein will expire in 90 days from date of issue unless all work authorized by said variance has been completed prior to the date of expiration. In granting this variance the Town of Yarmouth will not be responsible for any water damage to the foundation, septic system or adjoining lots. I have read and fully understand the ��/ � /G� Q ' conditions of the above variance and Amy L. VowHone,R.S. accept them as written. Assistant Health Agent Town of Yarmouth cc: Building Department x Date: file Printed on Recycled LTA Paper