HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-A119 NewSunroom39EarlyRedBerryYarmPortStamp_08.27.2470' - 0"28' - 0"2' - 0"6' - 0"14' - 0"18' - 0"38' - 0"28' - 0"16' - 0"19' - 0"9' - 0"EXIST. GARAGEEXIST. HOUSE16' - 0"NEW SUNROOMAAABBB116' - 0"AS-1RELOCATE OUTDOOR SHOWER;SAME LEVEL AS DECK3 OR 4R DN TO GRADE2EXTEND DECK TO EDGE OF EXIST. GARAGE4' - 5"CLJULIET BALCONY5' - 6 1/4"7' - 6 3/4"2' - 11"3' - 0" +/-2' - 0"NEW RAILSLOPESLOPE16" min.LOW CABINETS UNDER WINDOW SILL 20" HT. +/-FLUSHA1RESET EXIST. GARAGE DOOR AS NEC. ABOVE NEW DECKWINDOW SILL 18" HT. +/-4' - 0"4' - 0" +/-11"CL1' - 6 1/4"CL DOOR = CL WINDOWDECORATIVE/ FAKE BEAMS(OPTIONAL)DECORATIVE/ FAKE BEAMS (OPTIONAL)AREA OF WORKDECK11EXIST. DBL SLIDING DOOR6' OPENING +/-(VERIFY)NEW 3'x5' PASS THROUGH113R DN TO GRADETO ACCESS GARAGE2' - 6"NEW 3'x5' PASS THROUGH5' - 0" +/-First Floor0"SLAB-1' -0"SUNROOM-5 1/4"7:127:12AAACCCDDERELOCATED O/D SHOWERACEFirst Floor0"GRADE-2' -1 1/4"SUNROOM-5 1/4"NEW SUNROOM & EXTENDED DECK11First Floor0"SUNROOM-5 1/4"BBBCCC2JULIET BALCONYARCHITECTURAL &STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS:Yoana K. Guzman5 Madison CtNantucket, MA 02554yoana.ackdesign@gmail.com774-325-6705ENGINEERING:Michele Cudilo, P.E.123 Cottonwood LaneCenterville, MA 02632-1979mcudilo@comcast.net508-737-8521CLIENT:Kevin Fairkevinfair@comcast.net603-759-0720REVISION 1 08.27.2024FOR PERMITTING08.09.2439 EARLY RED BERRYYAMOUTH PORTMA 02675NEWSUNROOMFLOOR PLAN &ELEVATIONSA-1JOB # / 24 - 2061/4" = 1'-0"11ST FLOOR PLAN1/4" = 1'-0"2PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION (REAR)1/4" = 1'-0"3PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION (LEFT)1/4" = 1'-0"4PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION (RIGHT)EXTERIOR DOOR SCHEDULEDOOR QUANTITY WIDTH HEIGHT DESCRIPTION MODEL FINISH1 2 6' - 0" 7' - 0" DBL SWING DOOR WHITE2 1 3' - 0" 7' - 0" SINGLE SWING DOOR WHITEWINDOW SCHEDULEWINDOW QUANTITY WIDTH HEIGHT DESCRIPTION MODEL FINISHA 4 2' - 8" 4' - 4" DH 6/6 ANDERSEN OR SIM. WHITEB 3 2' - 8" 3' - 10" DH 6/6 ANDERSEN OR SIM. WHITEC 7 2' - 8" 1' - 0" TRANSOM 3L ANDERSEN OR SIM. WHITED 2 2' - 8" 2' - 4" PICTURE 6L ANDERSEN OR SIM. WHITEE 2 2' - 8" 2' - 4" PICTURE - TRAPEZOID ANDERSEN OR SIM. WHITEF 2 4' - 0" 4' - 0" SKYLIGHT VELUX OR SIM. WHITE Multiple pieces can be nailed or bolted together toform a header or beam of the required size, up toa maximum width of 7"Load must be applied evenly acrossentire beam width. Otherwise, useconnections for side-loaded beams.When fasteners are required on bothsides, stagger fasteners on the secondside so they fall halfway betweenfasteners on the first side.(1) 10d nails are 0.128" diameter; 12d-16d nails are 0.148" - 0.162" diameter; screws are SDS, SDW, WS, or Truss-LOK-EWP™.(2) An additional row of nails is required with depths of 14" or greater.(3) When connecting 4-ply members, nail each ply to the other and offset nail rows by 2" from the rows in the ply below.Piece Width# ofPliesFastenerType Min. Length # Rows O.C. Spacing Location10d nails 3"31/2"13/4"234212d-16d nailsScrews10d nails12d-16d nailsScrews10d nails12d-16d nailsScrewsScrews1/2" bolts(1)(3)(3)31/4"33/8" or 31/2"3"31/4"33/8" or 31/2"5"3"31/4"5" or 6"63/4"5" or 6"63/4"8"3223223222212"24"12"24"12"24"24"24"One sideBoth sidesOne sideBoth sidesOne side(per ply)Both sidesOne sideBoth sidesOne side-(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)Fastener InstallationRequirementsMultiple-Member Connections for Top-Loaded BeamsAssembly C13/4"31/2"Assembly B13/4"Assembly D13/4"31/2"13/4"13/4"2"2"Assembly E31/2"2"2"13/4"2"2"Assembly A Assembly FEXTENSION8' - 7" +/-EXIST. DECK24' - 0"CANT.1' - 0"EXIST. 2-2x10 DROP P.T. BEAM(4) 2x10 P.T. BEAMOR 5 1/4" x 9 1/4" P.T. PSL2' - 0"6' - 6"7' - 0"6' - 6"2' - 0"FINISHED DECK16' - 7" +/-NEW SUNROOM16' - 0"BELOW EXT. WALL16' - 0"EXIST. JOISTS:P.T. 2x10 @ 16" O.C.GRADE SLOPESNEW JOISTS:P.T. 2x10 @ 16" O.C.NEW 4x4 P.T. POST ON DIAMOND PIER 75-50"VERIFY LEDGER -2 ROWS OF LEDGERLOK @ 16" O.C., 2" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE @ T&B, ADD (4) DTT1Z EQ. SPACED, TYP.CL RIDGEEXIST. 12" DIA. x4' CONC. PIERSTO REMAINADD 10" DIA. CONC. PIER W/ 24" DIA. BASE(4) 2x10 P.T. BEAMOR 5 1/4" x 9 1/4" P.T. PSLGRADE SLOPES3' - 0"VERIFY EXIST. PIERS & BEAMNEW (2) 2x10 P.T. DROP BM334416' - 0"O/D SHOWER PLATFORM:P.T. 2x6 @ 16" O.C.2-2x6 P.T.NEW 4x4 P.T. POST ON DIAMOND PIER 75-50"3 OR 4R DN TO GRADEP.T. 2-2x1013R DN 4' - 0"4' - 0"5' - 0"AS-14x6 RIDGE POST (2) POSTS DN TO CONT. (3) 5 1/4" LVLCONT. HDR (3) 2x6 (1K/1J)6' OPENINGHDR (3) 5 1/2" LVLNEW RAFTERS:2x10 @ 16" O.C.RIDGE BEAM: (2) 11 7/8" LVL6' HDR: (2) 9 1/4" LVL;OVERFRAMED ROOF:2x8 @ 16" O.C. RAFTERSEXIST. RIDGE PLATEEXIST. RAFTERS:2xEXIST. OVERFRAMED ROOFV.I.F.16' - 7" +/-16' - 0"16' - 0"ADD WIND BLOCKING @ 4' O.C. IN FIRST JOIST & RAFTER BAYS, TYP.TYP.16" min.2-JACK POCKET,TYP.3-2x6 (1K/1J)DBL RAFTERS ALL AROUND SKYLIGHT OPENING, TYP.(2) 4'x4' SKYLIGHTS6' OPENINGHDR (3) 5 1/2" LVL3' OPENING:HDR 2-2x63' OPENING:HDR 2-2x626' - 0"16' - 0"GRADE-2' -1 1/4"SUNROOM-5 1/4"7:127:12PLATE HT.8' - 0"EXT. DOORS & TRANSOM WINDOW7' - 0"NEW RIDGE BEAM: (2) 11 7/8" LVL ON 4x6 POSTW/ BC60 CAP & BASESIMPSON H2.5A HURRICANE TIESTIES: 2x6 @ 16" O.C. OR LSTA18 STRAPS @ 16" O.C. OVER SHEATHINGNEW 4x4 P.T. POSTSW/ DP 75-50"ADD NEXT TO EXIST. PIERS -10" DIA. CONC. PIERS W/ 24" DIA. BASEWall Construction:-Match Siding w/ Existing House-30 Lb. Felt -Vert. 7/16" Plywood Sheathing ( or ZIP System® Insulated R-Sheathing) w/ 8D @ 3" o.c. Edge/ 12" o.c. Field-2x6 SPF #2 Studs @ 16" o.c. -1/2" Gypsum, Interior OR White Shiplap-R-21 Insulation4-2x10 P.T. BEAM OR5 1/4 " x 9 1/4" P.T. PSLRoof Construction:-Roofing to Match Ex. House-30 Lb. Felt (OR ZIP System™ Peel and Stick Underlayment)-9/16" Plywood Sheathing w/ 8D @ 6" o.c. Edge, 6" o.c. Field (or ZipR System)-2x10 @ 16" o.c. Rafters-R-49 Open Cell Foam Insulation per CodeFloor Construction:-Finish Flooring-30 Lb. Felt-3/4" T&G Plywood Sheathing-2x10 P.T. @ 16" O.C.-Rigid Foam Insulation w/ Spray Foamfor Air Sealing (FLOOR R-30)-OSB or Plywood Sheathing-Air Sealing Seams w/ Caulk or Flashing TapeANIMAL PROOF WIRE MESH ALL AROUND BALLOON FRAME GABLE WALLS;HT < 8' MID. HEIGH BLOCKING REQUIRED(3) 5 1/2" LVL HDRSEXIST. 12" DIA./ 48" CONC. PIERS2-JACK POCKET, TYP.RAILING (OPTIONAL)12' - 1 3/8"STRAP ALL JOINTS W/ CS16 x 3' LONG VERT/ HORIZ.SIMPSON ABU4448" Min. Below Grade4x4 PT Post10" Dia Sonotube w/ 24" Dia. Spread Footing4x4 PT Post w/ Simpson ABU44Pin Caps1/14" Nom. Diameter Galv. PipeExisting Grade [95% Compaction of Earth Required] 5/8" Galv. Bolt, Approx 1" Height Above ConcreteMULTIPLE-MEMBER CONNECTIONS FOR WALL STUDS2-PLY NAILING RECOMMENDATIONSFor 2x4, 13/4" x 51/2", 2x6, 13/4" x 71/4", and 2x8:Minimum of two rowsof 16d (0.131" x 31/4") pneumatic nails at 10" on-center, staggered.Nail from one side.For 2x4:Minimum of two rowsof 16d (0.131" x 31/4") pneumatic nails at 8" on-center, staggered.For13/4" x 51/2", 2x6, 13/4" x 71/4", and 2x8:Minimum of three rowsof 16d (0.131" x 31/4") pneumatic nails at 5" on-center, staggered.Nail from both sides.For 2x4:Nail each ply to the other with a minimum of two rowsof 16d (0.131" x 31/4") pneumatic nails at 5" on-center. When connecting each ply, offset nail rows by2" from the ply below.For13/4" x 51/2", 2x6, 13/4" x 71/4", and 2x8:Nail each ply to the other with a minimum of three rowsof 16d (0.131" x 31/4") pneumatic nails at 5" on-center. When connecting each ply, offset nail rows by2" from the ply belowor Minimum of two rowsof 1/2" diameter bolts spaced at 8" o.c3-PLY NAILING RECOMMENDATIONS4-PLY NAILING RECOMMENDATIONSWOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL [WSP] NOTES:Wood Structural Panels Shall be a Minimum Thickness of 7/16" and Be Installed as Follows:1. Panels Shall Be Installed with Strength Axis Parallel to Studs.2. All Horizontal Joists Shall Occur Over and Be Nailed to Framing.3. On Single Story Construction, Panels Shall be Attached to Bottom Plates and Top Member of the Double Top Plate.4. On Two Story Construction, Panels Shall be Attached to the Top Member of the Upper Double Top Plate and to Band Joist at Bottom of Panel. Upper Attachment of Lower Panel Shall be Made to Band Joist and Lower Attachment Made to Lowest Plate at First Floor Framing.5. Horizontal Nail Spacing at Double Top Plates, Band Joists, and Girders Shall Be a Double Row of 8D Staggered @ 3 Inches o.c. Per Attached Figures.SIMPSON H2.5A SIMPSON ABU66D-1D-2D-3D-4SIMPSON LUS SIMPSON BC60SIMPSON LSTA18LRUZ OR LSSJD-5D-6D-7SIMPSON CS 16SIMPSON DTT1ZD-81ARCHITECTURAL &STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS:Yoana K. Guzman5 Madison CtNantucket, MA 02554yoana.ackdesign@gmail.com774-325-6705ENGINEERING:Michele Cudilo, P.E.123 Cottonwood LaneCenterville, MA 02632-1979mcudilo@comcast.net508-737-8521CLIENT:Kevin Fairkevinfair@comcast.net603-759-0720REVISION 1 08.27.2024FOR PERMITTING08.09.2439 EARLY RED BERRYYAMOUTH PORTMA 02675NEWSUNROOMFRAMINGPLANS &DETAILSS-1JOB # / 24 - 2061/4" = 1'-0"1DECK FRAMING PLAN1/4" = 1'-0"2ROOF FRAMING1/4" = 1'-0"ASECTION A1/2" = 1'-0"3PIER DETAIL @ SUNROOM ADDN.1/2" = 1'-0"4DIAMOND PIER 75-50" @ DECK ONLY