HomeMy WebLinkAboutAsbestos Abatement Noticication To: Page 1 of 5 2024-08-28 20:05:CO GMT 19783831097 From: Economic Enviro Techs, Inc FAX COVER SHEET TO COMPANY FAX NUMBER 15087603472 FROM Economic EnviroTechs,Inc. DATE 2024-08-28 20:01:16 GMT RE 1095 Route 28, South Yarmouth COVER MESSAGE GoodAfternoon, Following please find a copy of the DEP/DOS notification form for the asbestos abatement at 1095 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA. The project is scheduled for Sept 10, through Sept 11, 2024. Please contact Jeff Pace(978)423-3998 or myself if you have any questions. Thanks so much, Rhonda Economic Enviro Techs,Inc. 38 Intervale Road Fitchburg,MA01420 Phone (978) 348-1118 Fax (978) 383-1097 www.ecoenvirotech.net To: pane zms znz4-0o«8unn5:0nGMT 19783831097 From: Economic EnvmTacx . In umor* 3:33P10 AQu4'An»msw*Removal woVnoauonpm` .AwF-0u1-Transaction#1mo�7V0 � Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection � ' Asbestos Project ` .- Prq,,ect noiown pmwmo�xm��un | � A Asbestos Abatement Description ` | ' 1. Facility Location: . ' amame�puumv *,a�o* Ao�v" -------'-'----��� � -_--------,-_--� | MOUTH ' - _---___ , - _ -- C. n�Smu cP� / cnxe , ny�m=oo ` ' � | `�� � ��-- - -- - --'---' - - ' kFPRESIENTATIVE -- | / g,Fadlily,,'osaact pvsn w*m" o'raumvovnu��pn�ooru� ` � -' -' --` ---^ , VV�rksh�Lova�nm� !e��mswr �*w�o" m � wu°° of lhmm�,~m Lnv**vu Name,«vwo Flo-,) np^m.Ptc � bc ramrdutec m c.m°r w �� � /� � �" 'w, mooep 2. |a�e�cU� p n� � yor�y�Ved? ]�� !�_, wv _ ,'»mownroand 3. \u this a fee exempt :otifi��mhvn(uity, tOWD, diStr!Ct. 'Pul-liCipalhpus|ngauthorlty' Statetooility� orowne, or,mtrrnr�a1-aur orcupfed residential property()zho',)runhScv|ens)? w� ���!�w* ` '_- _ 4. Blanket Permit Project Approval, ifapplicable: ` *l�aoepuv Approval x)4 ' r-------`- | 5. NwnJi�d�una|�abaa�aAbahamontV�or Pra�jooAppmva[ �appJiceN*, »pp�va V�� Mm^�Ep Use oo� |'----'- --� 6.Asbeshzs Coo�unk�� ` |^'--- - -- ----' - - —� 'DaeRewwod isCoNowki�m��dfcC�5 _� . ! 36i t-.!r L* '-----------------1 a.woon b.Auue, MA ` C-.4 2h' ---' � 978-348+1118- '-r-----'---/ � cownown d,_otaw � �� ovo* / m, vv�x.e' �un*amTypn �12 1�,��en�� � �o�sWxonso�� � 7. HrNRY P440SES -- -'- '-- ' --' --- - --- --`----- -------------------7 ` _.......... -__-� � a. Num,mcvnu�cw nu»o*�nxpor�^" u,ouxCpmoc��xx 8. HE-EN � ����'' ' -` - - � ��sm�*--- '---'-- ---~----,--- '-1 -- a,Nr:om Project muv*, b.cuocpdmaounft W. - _-'. -_-_-___-_-__-_--_ - =�'==----------------- � ����-------'-' -------~'---�--__--� | | a.N'a.-re%.,f AsbeOois Analytical La u x u�cucnmooao oon --- - --------'----l 10� ' ' ������___________--____'_-_- ��le��_-_-_-___' _-___-__- a.Project.Start Date(mmxDoYvn? ��ICoITo(ywIDn.Y,vv) ------'--- ---------- --- ' N�,- ----- ---' ------------'---~r - ' - -_ - _ - ' c.Wo(k Huu*-hriootiay n"u:glhrouxr d.wmk*m^s'aa*ld°r&Sunday _ - ' 11. What type of project hsths'? � / "I'vcmmvm*n �?2;�Rem*eov^ ��lcR^pa. F���cAh* '| 5oo�� � . 12.Abokamont procoduren(check all thataoply): � --� o o�p�uD*� �� ���,�w�-��pw/��n�"=no ~~~ ` ' ' - - '— _ --�ou)n/ -pwao.cvoc�� �-'--~-~- ----`---------~--~-' ^-------^~---~�~- � -_^--~ - ------^--'-~------'- -_-_^-.f oxnn�ndov�x�.�ov�sov�DEp^wo�ponn,x\��,vu�vvpxwron� o�w~~-' � ' To: Page:3m5 2024*8a820:05i0GKAT 19783831097 From Economic EnvmTecxo.Inc 8j_7812*.»m3pw Aso*'Asbestos Removal wcuificaano Form AmF-0o1-Tm"oactiom,01fie1raV . 13.Johis being conducted: 14 a. ToWl aniount of oach type of asbestos Containing materials (ACM)to be removed, enclosed, or � | encapou1a$y± ;40 _'-'-----``_--__------ `----1 1.uflear p*w<u" �� ~ Square Fee!(Sq.Ft�> b�Boiler,orom=mng.C-uri,ra^k t c.'n*pte Pipe ' Svnuv o*oo1Ow Sq.r� x Lin.p4. 2.So.FL d.Pipe lnsomr=` ���_ ,,7m"amymvole.x ' � ` 1 F. x yn�r� - � '���� � "^ p. s.��a ---~ ' �� �' � s��x�mF�o»nnm� e��ro=pv"u, | ^ �-~----- / 1�Uv F, 2, ---_-_ tu^�a� � -------� � i �Cw��nvve"p*�en iVx�,'p�o�syouty. . ' . 1uoF1, l So.Fl �- -��- � ` �/om:^l*gor"e" ' FIT HN(.;5_____ -J � r---~--� ------- ` � , :_isi,^\ z.Sq.R, Ii.Dn.Ff. o.Sq.H. -----~ � ` . � 15. Describe the decmntammodonoyatem(s}toheused. - -_ - ' - __- _ _I __- -_-...._-___ _ ___ __-___~-^- � | ^^~""~"E" . � ' 16. Describe the contaifmrizaUon/disposal methods oncomp|ywith 310 CMR 7.15.and 453 CIVIRG'14(2) ` -__----_-_- _____........... |�)o*x o�uuwsrrco ` l . � ` 17. For Emergency Asbestos Operations, Vie KAoosf)EF and DL8o#voals who e*aluatedthe � emergency: ' . r-----~_---------- ---`------- . r----~- ------ ------_ a Name wxVissu pomwm �m��w��sp��� - � �Date ufAuwnnzaiion(tmuDo/YrYY) d,wu-ver# ` � --'-----'-----------'-----------� �- -------'--'------------ '`----~'l e.w"nea��VOr�a tno wou�o�:� | n,opom *wx"wx ` � 1O. Cm prevailing wage rates ms per M{.Lc. 148` §26. 27or27/+Fapply to this a�eq�����n^ � project? . B. FGc^|'Yu Description � - � 1.Current cr prior use oftacXty: RAM 9-- .- ---' .----- --- _ --_'---------�--` 2' ks the facility owner-occupied resdonUa}with4unhso,less? -- �w*-- ».wo -�z 3 |T �do�� NA' r��- �x.i �--»�Y � � u rvmmyownn mnvm r�anu*s `� - ~~ i /MouwT �nos � ^ o^+o»°" umu� 0,,�cpue /�o»mm" 4� ------~----'-------' ����- -��~--------~-'------r-^----`--1 | � __-- -- '_ -----_- ^ a Name v/Facility o�,�'s o"-S:r wo"pn° o,Auu�u '| x14pmewu*n.der�n=^�xo,�DE =,�wp^mFoo��e�m no To: Page:4 of 5 2024-08-28 20:05:00 GMT 19783831097 From: Economic Enviro Techs,In 8/28/24,3:.33 PM AO 04- Asbestos Removal Notification Form ANF-001- trarlsactinn#1681790 , I I I i ' • i Note:-remporay storage ,MOUNT LAUREL NN II arli 2tlp,. 02 ' i 77 Kt'r1NOM1, ENVIR T l HS,!NC 4(33 iN Ir.RVAI.f; ROAD 1 o ,.at-n<r( i4t ,,.,Illy J i,.ha,lr.>of General Contractor Q.ACarass t.4Fines Otot)LS ,FI • I.:FIPLRG MA if).ef 2!? 'a(tT-34$ 1118 _ .,..__ _..... i IicrnS3dAsorasio:. C.Cit)'!own d.State •e,Zip Code F. telephone TAP IN U ANC C C OrviPANY I station tnat is pelt miffed g Co tractor's Workers Compensation insarer I by i.l ssJ0F anc •. �v008o8 351i 09;15/2024 operated in cornDrians3 h Policy n i Ekloirat on€Date'MM.'UDiYYYY) wan solid Wsstc- Rev'OfAiOCE 310 CM< , 1 6. What is the size of this facility? ���"`? ..._ . ...... a .5Yu,3r,Feet U.#of floors f f C. Asbestos Transportation & Disposal 1 1,Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from site of generation: i .Directly io t ant#,t r i 'h. 10"rcr.npnrnry Si wage Lo;atrorl ri -.i r Stall On 1 EOONUMIC ENVfRO T=CH'-, INC. 35 INTE VAL E Rr,AL. i ! c.Name or transporter d.Arfdross 1F TC:rtt3il-C , iMA 01420 g78-349-1118 e.City/Town I.State 9.Zip Code hTelephone • 2. If a temporary storage location/transfer station is used. list name of transporter of asbestos containing waste material from temporary storage location/transfer station to final disposal site: 1 trzAt stti aSTi= INC. a BARKER DRIVE 1. a.Name of Transporter b.Address WALLINC'Fr)f•2Q ..,._. CT. i 10549. i20:3-2 8•2:300 i 1 c.City/Town a.Stale e.✓,o Code t,telephone Note:Contrador must s p,1 in,S i0frn tOr lL 3• Name and address of temporary storage loct3tionitransh r station for the asbestos containing waste Ir1r.0.1Gd2Cr perrJo-.f, material: r 1 C_CC>NUMilr t=NVIRO i' H i INC. 38 Ni'LR4-ALA ROAD f Mips:/,sciep.dep.mass.cov%eDEP:WebPorms rAsbestos.rfiWP aV FO01.aspx 4,5 To: Page:5 of 5 2024-08-28 20:05:00 GMT 19783831097 From: Economic Enviro Techs, li B 28r24,3:33 PM AO.04-Asbestos Removal Ncrtific-siton Form ANF-0O?- Transa>-tion:ii:i81790 . a.„.le rcre u Storena-I_c+cati..no Name. ta.-.A.drrF,s_.._ , FITCHBURG MA ' +01420 �'7A,348 >11: C ty!T;;wr, 0.State e.Zip Code 1,'telephone 4. Name and location of final disposal site (asbestos landfill :0.4i tqFrivA F'Nl ENt R(SFS MINERVA ENTERPRISES a.Final Disposal Site Name b,Final D:sposal Site Owner Name c 0Ur1 MINERVA S.E. c:.Address !WAYNESBURG QFf 44hE8 1330 866.34 5 d.City/Town a State I.Zip Code g.Telephone 1 . Certification "I certify that I have persnnalIv examined ,;HENRY MOSES the torer,301ng and ant tane(mr with trio I.Name 2.Ajther''zed Signature informaton cortta,ned in this,jcy'4ment iNTYCil17ENT i and al!attachme:•ts and that teased on .........._ -. ........_. _. ... .... ........ • my inrauiry of those individuals3.Positionrl'+ae Drte(MMIDU:YYVY) • immediately responsible forobtaining 978 42 -3999 LC.)NOMIC ENVIRO T CHS.iNC.. the information,i believe that.the 'i-Telephone 6.Representing ( informeton:s true,acrurato end i3fi INTERVALE ROAD FITCHt3URG cornplete t am aware that there are 7.Address 8.GI ti TuWn significant penaites for submitting false itvMA 1i0i4,; information.inciading aossiblefines and ... imprisonment The underst9ne;f hereby 3. State. 10.Zip Code states that I have read the .Commonwealth of Massachesetts regulations governing asbestos abatement(453 CMR 6.00 promulgated by the Department of Labor Standards and 310 CMFt 'f.ini promulgated by the Department of Env mnmantat i Prt:tect:on),and that I em aware wet this permit appi canon or notifivatiort Oaf(rot be de+:med valid unless payment of the apNicabla lee i made." .httos'.l.+edep.deo.itnass.govieDEP4NebFu tslksbestos;SWPANF001.aspx 5f5