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HomeMy WebLinkAboutYarmouth Cons Com Slides 09-05-2024September 6, 2024 Conservation Commission Yarmouth Phase 1 Collection System: Contracts 5 and 6 Phase 1 Collection System 2 Phase 1 Contracts 5 3 ▪Contract 5: 7,200 lf of 8-in to 30-in gravity sewer including a main gravity sewer in Route 28 ▪8,900 lf of 16-in force main to pump flow from P3 up to the proposed WRRF on Buck Island Road via Route 28 (Main Street), Windslow Grey Road, Joshua Baker Road, Arbutus Path, and cranberry bog roads. ▪Proposed work is within existing streets and right of ways, and cranberry bog access roads ▪Limited Project per 310 CMR 10.53 (3)(d) – Public utilities ▪Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF)(elevation 11 ft) ▪35-ft and 50-ft Setback and 100-ft Buffer Zone Contract 5 – Arbutus Path to Proposed WRRF 4 Contract 5 – Arbutus Path to Proposed WRRF 5 Phase 1 Contracts 6 6 ▪Contract 6: 10,000 lf of 8-in to 24-in gravity sewer and 3,000 lf of 8-in to 12-in force main ▪Proposed work is within existing streets and right of ways ▪Temporary Impacts to Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF)(elevation 11 ft) and 35-ft and 50-ft Setback and 100-ft Buffer Zone in streets ▪Limited Project per 310 CMR 10.53 (3)(d) – Public utilities Overview of Contract 6 7 Mitigation Measures 8 ▪Erosion and sedimentation control (staked compost logs) ▪Stockpiled soils enclosed with staked compost logs ▪Storm drain inlet protection in all catch basins ▪Spill control measures including: Refueling outside wetland resource areas and 100-ft Buffer Zones Spill containment equipment on site Trench Dewatering ▪Water will be pumped to a Settling Tank or other filtering device before discharge ▪Contractor required to develop a Dewatering Plan to be approved by Town staff and Yarmouth Conservation Commission ▪Contractor required to develop Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and file a NPDES Construction General Permit (CGP) 9 Wetland Resource Area Impacts ▪Limited to Temporary Impacts. All areas disturbed for pipe installation will be restored to preconstruction conditions. ▪LSCSF: 15,552 sf 10