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24-E093 74 Starbuck Lane Approved
ocxl%, RECEIVED o TOWN OF YARMOUTH �. G-, �� H 4 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 E 3 2024 _ ? Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 s AHMVUI h OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE OLD KINGS HIGHWAY CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FOR SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL FLUSH MOUNTED NON - GLOSSY ALL -BLACK ROOFTOP SOLAR PANEL ARRAY 'ARMI OUTH 1 UWPI ULEKK 5PS it r0s ot���M: 8/28/2024 Map::Parcel No. 115*141 Application for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption for a flush mounted non -glossy all -black rooftop solar panel array for the single-family dwelling as described below and on plans, drawings, specifications, and pictures accompanying this application_ Address of proposed work 74 Starbuck Lane Owner's NameMarida Osborne Email mosborne03northshore.edu Owner's mailing Address74 Starbuck Lane Yarmouth MA 02675 Contact # 617-460-3661 InstallerSunrun Installation Services License No.180120 Email eastmapermits&sunrun.com Installer's Address 695 Myles Standish Blvd Taunton MA 02780 Contact #978-793-7881 (a.) I certify that the flush mounted non -glossy all black rooftop solar panel array will be affixed to the dark colored shingled roof of a single-family dwelling that is less than seventy-five (75) years of age and according to the Town Tax Assessor's records was built in 1970 (b.) I certify that the dwelling is not part of a listed contributing property on the Massachusetts or National Register of Historic Buildings and Sites. (c.) I certify that the solar panel array will not be visible from Route 6A, or any other road designated under M.G. L. Chapter 40 Section 15C, or other authority, as a scenic road. (d.) I certify that the length of the single-family dwelling's roof ridgeline is less than 50' and is 48' feet, the height of the roof is less than 35' and is -- 20' feet, and the roof pitch ratio is not greater than 7 over 12 and is 19 Degrees . The solar panel array must meet the combination of a., b., c., & d. and failure to meet any one of the four listed requirements above shall render the project ineligible for this residential solar panel array exemption. Attached and submitted herewith is: (L) a Certified Plot Plan showing the location of the dwelling on its lot. (2.) A plan showing accurately the layout and location for the solar panel array and that the shape is a contiguous rectangular pattern and not broken up with visual gaps or disjointed sections. (1) A copy of the Manufacturer's printed solar panel specifications verifying that the non -glossy black solar panel thickness will not exceed 2" and the non -glossy black roof rack specifications showing that the top surface of the solar panel array's height will not be more than 6" above the dark shingled roof surface. APPROVED Required - Owner's Signature Required - nstaller's S' nature S E P 0 9 2024 This Certificate is hereby: Ri (1 N YARMOUTH Approved by1; k tiVt)�M,5 OW 1+eO-I1 Date: II>q OLD K1NG'S-HIGHWAY Denied by Reason for Denial Application # � TOWN OF YARMOUTH p y 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 F" OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION Frmwc SEP 0 3 2024 r ARIViUUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY The applicant applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness; Demolition'Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTIQN 9-Afeelingc, Hearings, Time fur Makitrg Delersrinatiolrs "As soon av conrenient tiller- such public hearing but in am- crell/ urithin /brtr-five (45. cicn-s c fter thefiling of rrpplicalion, or' n'llhin such fur thei- linle m the appliccurl shall crllmv in it-r-iling. the Committee shall nwke cr deice -urination on the cq)phcu!!on - Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant.:Agent Name (please print): Sunrun Installation Services 1 Stephen A Kelly Applicant.'Agent signature: r - Date:812812024 APPROVED SEP 0 9 2024 YARMOUTH OLD KINGS HIGHWAY 3120e0 Application �: /,� y-0q3- Z6 C l0 Ql Y H � U NlCE 73 aao� o Qda� U � U L a �Sma� o a 0 ro- E U 0 i F 'FIVF— SEP 0 3 2024 Y AhWiVU I r. 0 L D KINGS HIGHWAY APPROVEDI SEP 0 9 A24 YARMOU FH e;L-I,'F03 - ,r■ FI FD 3 W U lu 1 a/ M RF- 6 Y Q^ O Z X S w ,n SEP 0 3 2024 C ' 4Zmy ' �m LU Wpm" z0 ao w ' O a fHhtIVkVUIi+ saeav~i� �4an mr.�,Qa, vn g cz-Doi �V a w OLD KING'S HIGH AY u ^" W a" o ° U, rc a O mg~ a} vaR =aLL OW F J =r a <� MU z Ma rc `vi s�u� wa za^".Z$� a w0� w �� " C J a a W NOo z, nQ x wUaa 7Jr� 0z�ZaU j a W G w a g 0 a-o OrUyaaOp z`�a�" g Wa 010za0"'away= zco�-g Uwe x5Z6§s � wWQw wa wwaz�°woojzm �aaz0�ww�W 00 JnU �Oo �zc°ioaacZza �oia 1U, OF-J��zdvFim UO���111111�Ff. ° SN -H VZIa7}��VJ v)�Z raa�UO Uy ZFZ J42N OOww� �KOW�NOR aZ rJ 99 a'U zWIwaF-aUUNJ J W �0°'0waOOr W �ZZHa Ewa'= azpFwc7wa0~HznaO 40929 O d�WgV~/�V~1Zi�r�Zy����yNp j7 U ar >_aa� Nz �00w c� N J �=Vw��zZb�c�i�<pzzp�a0�0 �IY N O <OU O U- aU q qOjUrp OJWp aN Npa8,3 zwwU ��agp z Z� 2 Joann a�Z Wo W J W q_ O w 0 7 U a ¢ q� ad o z O qaZ� o Tw ?aTZ.085 ,pippiD l) SEP 0 9 2D2� TzW A J zw (L aZ O = S� 12 ��Oa Y U a s J a 0 o Y o $az O up zw a e a J U O 0, 9 ` �w � 'x-rg F WW Mir 05 'a 5zZ a LL n z w a q Q 0 l^�ym �z-W rcnZ +d W 4)f/}oa, yoy WQ CL 0 �3�ia gz am Z , cn0�$ca�2 z~S z J f 8[ Z O ; � I W z z w> b b Z WLU o U o 0 0 0 0 X � 5 C � j d i w # uj ^ ri ■}r+ i F n z ¢ r O Z Z w Z g y }�' C " Dm < w SE 0 3 2024 �omN zO P i¢4r"0. iz � Uti Or o H a w j cn N 'Ya Ix V) mr 0m FLL (7'n W ¢ W UJ Y N1111UIVl� I 1 ' 7! g7 Uni 1N 00 N K a OLD KINGS HIGHWAY y J ~ O Y O W ~ �z LLLL oP' EO mi OT-..Z g o y a�� � z APPROVED 2 LL _ M LL 00 SAP 0 9024 Q O _ ��00 K� N (ARMOU i h z a V a LLdl Y ~ N W z L O OLD KINGS HIGHWAY K e Q Uw 0 it zo�O0S Z� 0w w� aI-u):; aHQ z vwO w dz or 0U�O1 ozaLu m-0 oo wa Zy a � �OI � a . . . LJ ¢� as O \ LU O W ui z W o- U Q a a a _w z zz ? �O q O O W W Y Y V F W MUM i r w� x a W Q =a X M m 7 7 O W W -9 o y 2}g i m r ~i a �w w o cW U K 0. Q t W V Lu 9 z } U O Wv� W0 ¢ ® u EIr • + ow a Q N LLJ r V f~f W W i • U W 2 z j3 W O O Oo O � U Q W Ya z < V U W V y K K o o w g v� ❑ } gs,FaQ a o i +0n .. LU aa ¢[ �1 z w �] �{{ �® �w z � U) EL cc g cc a z �15 \ O w O W j Q a C F3 4 z 0 z O m � 7 W 7 0. N O (0 4 Y W 2 a a � 4 w Z U a ® 3 Lu ^2 c & vx §\� �§ R Fr.F|VF § R . z qR..a 6 ! .k§ §# tan » Irli 22�� ;G �§2&. 21Am.[F § K�§� /?; 3,c �2§§� jm§& ; ■#§E§ OKSGHwAY w 1c o 2 �> APPWOVE su 0§M ¥ -�q,rM 3 )§ ]ui § !Z §\ �a� fig§ §72 tu0) \§/ k 0 §� §§ § �a Sp O 220 2 & $E})§■�m82 G§ /§ a��Udan W HIGHWAY 9� 6-o §2 �w LU a<A a 00�NOS C 3■ % < wd-f § ■§&/ o � koo0 �ƒk §t�£222 <�o�©@� &°2)EES f§aEs2LU . ,=o==)4 ] » ca § ! §k )0 / ( % ( §LU§f$ k k § § � .. § § + LU ( \ w § k k > _ Mƒ \ \ \ � § ¥ > > L § ] ] § a § § § § k ) ) § U U . �A PP � ®} P 0 §/)� ] 1 �JdMQUUIN §>> < §�S�f $�. k ;f2 & §fd¥( &»#?) # );k3 `}/§ � § e § . |w /x § $�k/)� |2 k§ § \dk o e2% m L;\ §�\ LU �y 9� .vadM aW6ow %W9Ix 0 o;°g� &002 2„-, E§§0(§ .=,o 40§§(/ . 13 _ C w a �`FIVFD m a w I ozz s 5EP 0 3 2024 C -0- ma v a z �m� ;. a � T AhMUU I t o 4 z OLD KINGS HIGHWAY I W + n� x Qu 0 ny� LL� ■ ■ W S u] i w O W ° w> > ¢ CO 4 W O I W W yWdl W a S 2W Z o o ��� � H U V a ; rWj �a O W Z Z H a Q Z ¢0 X w W Z 00 g °si V Z W W 0 Q n V } W o 0 w /�y/ z 4 N m b W W W W U LL 0 3� Z In M.W 0 Lu z_ a m b y g w r �/ ry' a W J zz ^ti CO X i--� Z H � a J 0: W g z 0 0 VJ U W ��Z� ❑ a z � ra��uv�GHW Y ❑ p + �p KINGS Or ❑ � t W H f ❑ s" 20 W >�� U) �o e L > - :> a = u m zz JUZa �� oMz °Fz �ti o • °way x ¢ zd ♦�l f 09z Dl0 • go O i _ Q`}2n G°K �¢ W ■ eVJ° �(�j y¢¢WyY1 YT Z �¢ul�y ' ` W �ro • awg 41 • 33 � W oR r' Qpa N J J a 1p� i U LO L u m Z �1 �S ` Z S (7 u o zS F ? Q �°a� 03 t~� VIOL mG° � w ¢ r oY 3 _ Z .n Ws � ■e � 8 65 - W W n ? 1V w 5 W Z F a ZZ L3OY sD q f J m 2 ;,W)x a W 17i °w? 7 OV2 uVi rS�z r F� zw $ $°' N z r y w Ow r w Q Lu W g a Q�� Q s o woos OPEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+ SERIES 385 - 410 Wp 1132 Cells 20.9% Maximum Module Efficiency MODEL Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+ 6 busbar cep. technology 12 busbar cer technology PPROW iL SEP 0 9 2024 fAHMOU i h OLD KW'S HIGHWAY G The ideal solution for. Rooftop arrays on ' ° res dental bui d•ngs 11 I1 ecells 4= F1V1= -)EP 0 3 2024 (AhMUU i I OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Breaking the 20% efficiency barrier O.ANTUM DUO Z Technology with zero gap cell layout boosts module efficiency up to 2u.9'i_ R A reliable investment me usrve 25 year product warranty and 25-year linear Warranty performance warranty' Enduring high performance Long-term yield security with Ant LeTiD Technology, ot4M� Anti PID Technology' and Hot-5pot Protect Extreme weather rating High-tech aluminium alloy flame, certified loi high snow?5a00Pa1 and wind loads (4000Pa). Innovative all-weather technology Oplimal yields, whatever the weather with excellent low•sght and temperature behaviour The most thorough testing programme in the industry Ocells.s the fi.st s,da rnpdule manufact,iei to pass the most Comprehensive quality programme -n the 2ndustry The new "Quality Controlled PV' of the+ndependenl certdica#ion institute TUV Rhein -and. See oala sneel on rev +or runneT'miormanon MT I,-E lv M TS 62804-12015. ni -Ihud n [-'5:0 V, SGr; O.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+ SERIES ■ Mechanical Specification format 74.0 in x 411ir x 1.26 in lin:luding (1879 �m - 1045 mm - 32 mi Weight 48.5lbs (22 0kg) Front Cvwr 013 in t3.2 mm) thermally pre -stressed 912ss with anti-ref:ectiol' technology Back Co"r Composite film Frame Back anodised aluminium Cell 6 x 22 monocryslalline O.ANTUM solar half cells Junction 4rox 2.09-3,91 . 1.26-236in r 0.5".71in (53-101 mm x 32-60 mm x i5•ISmm), IP61. wish bypass diodes Cable 4mm`Solarcable;ill 249.2in11250mm),('ja49.2in(1250n i Connector Staubh MC4,IP68 ■ Electrical Characteristics i r=mw SEP 0 s 2024 1 Hriivluu I I +M'�. nI rlvv re rarv,•5 4•.arwn e'N li y r... .+srnn9+�5 ty� .urrt5or.5 } ..ra,wew„ottr + a9 ,5rw5 POWEII CLASS 1165 5pt0 395 400 405 410 st NIMUM i irfORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST C0403TION5 STC' LPOWER %jtERANCE +5 W/-O W) Power at MPP' P„.. Im 385 390 395 400 405 410 Short Circuit Current' 1- (A) t1.04 11.07 11.10 11.14 1117 11.20 F Open Circuit Voltage' Voc (VI 45.19 45.23 45.27 45.30 4534 45.37 Current at MPP ly„ ]Aj 10.59 10.65 10.71 10.77 10.83 10.89 Voltage at MPP V,r (Vj 36.36 3662 3688 37,13 37.39 3764 Efficiency' 11 (%] t19.6 P19.9 r204 a20.4 a20,6 020.9 M Ni PERrORMANCE AT NORMAL OPERATING COND'T ONS NMOT Power at MPP P., (WI 288.8 292.6 296.3 300.1 303.8 3076 Short Circuit Current I..: [A] 8.90 8.92 8.95 8.97 9.04 9.03 Open Circuit Voltage V:,, (V] 42.62 42.65 42.69 42.72 4276 42.79 M Current at MPP Iu.. [A] 8.35 8.71 8.16 8.51 857 8.62 Voltage at MPP V,r. (V) 34.59 34.81 35.03 35.25 35.46 35,68 'Measuremenl tolerances P_ 13%.Ix; V,e t5%at5TC: 1000W:m'. 25+2-C AM 1.5 at'cordingtolEC 60904-3+=800W NMOT :pe:Lrum AM 15 acells PERFORMANCE WARRANTY ~ Al 1198% of nominal pi """""'•"""`' during first year Thereafte, Max # : 0.51L d9gradht»• per yea, At least Ill 5 % or noir•inal paws i i ue to 10 years. At least ss+ of 65 nominal powe, up to 25 years o All data within measulemenl tolerances. Fun wanantfes in gaccordance with the warranty g o terms of the 0cells sales M c ¢ w 15 organisation of your respecuve '!.-! eountry 'v.rrtlara tear. ofpmwu9 lm ere 5 PV soap in w h the -Kt 'x Prudret-reperlly b 7o2l Frb-Y 2021 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Temperature Coefficient of Ip 4 Temperature Coefficient of P r r E x f l€t ■ Properties for System Design Maximum System Voltage V", Maximum Series Fuse Rating A DCJ Max. Design Load. Push/Pull' ;11i Max. Test --oad, Push/Pull' Due" See Imiallal "n Manual ■ Oualifications and Certificates U'- 51730, CIEcompliant, Oval Contrdled PV - TURheinland RheI d PERFORMANCE AT LOW IRRADIANCE z y �o 5 a w w ace yea rm m tore Typrcy m9aUl! K� Uf19aMe tartlet uw YfJla1MK9 [brdbOrp In c9mP•�rwn ie SrC carat.ens 125'S. tIK10wMrtl. *aC4 Temperature CoefOc'ent of V - - ! 4 Nomine' Module Operating Temperature 1000 .IEC),1()00 ,ULI PV module classification 20 Fire Rating based on ANSI: UL 61730 7513600�a1+55(2660Pa1 Permitted Module TeTpe•aturP 113!5400Pa1+84 (4000Pa1 on Continuous Duty rry , IEC 61215:2016, 'EC 61730:2016, A U.S Patent No. 9,893,215 (solar cells), S �0R. r r Lam• APPROVED SEP 0 9 2024 I AH(V ll I 0 i%. KP -0.27 NMOr J*] 109c5.4 (43 - 3 -CI Class It TYPE 2 -40°F up to +185'F 1-40'C up to *85'Z� (tells pursues minimizing paper output in consideration of the global environment. hgrrx oClibnhPr,c I gust beft1111M Cartact9W SUft14 t,W ,C 9261rInMmut;1-1 49742SlnstalGMA of9rh Product QcelIS tlr.xM O Ca.-S ,N.-sa i� dad $pe[trum Center drr+e, auue IdoO, Mims, U 92a18. USA T: � •19{97{859 % EMA• Sr9c ^�YaCc�rgpm � 1YEq »w.� 9teAacorx