HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLans140 BAXTER AVENUE-PHRAGMITESMANAGEMENT AREA(9,350± SF)31 GRIST MILL LANE-PHRAGMITES/INVASIVESPECIES MANAGEMENTAREA (700± SF)KNOTWEEDMANAGEMENTAREA (820± SF)(18) BLACK CHOKEBERRYLEAVE 2' BUFFER FORONGOING MANAGEMENTOF JAPANESE KNOTWEED140 BAXTER AVENUE-UPLAND INVASIVESPECIES MANAGEMENTAREA (2,900± SF)(7) WINTERBERRY(6) HIGHTIDE BUSH(7) HIGHTIDE BUSH(8) BLACK CHOKEBERRY(4) BAYBERRY(7) ROSES(5) BEACH PLUM(5) ROSES(5) BAYBERRY(5) BEACH PLUM(9) SUMMERSWEETPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE 31 GRIST MILL LANE-UPLAND INVASIVESPECIES MANAGEMENTAREA (350± SF)SCALE:DATE:NO:DATE:REVISION:BY:All rights reserved. The drawings, designs, andideas embodied therein are property of CLMand shall not be copied, reproduced, ordisclosed in connection with any work otherthan the project for which they have beenprepared, in whole or part, without priorwritten authorization of CLM.88 Route 6A, Suite 2B | Sandwich, MA 02563www.crawfordlm.com | 508.477.1346YARMOUTH, MA 02673
& 31 GRIST MILL LANE08/22/20241" = 10'1 of 1N10 5 0 10 30RESTORATIONPLAN3 Giddiah Hill RoadOrleans, MA 02662(508) 255-8312SURVEYOR/ENGINEER:CLM WILL NOT PROVIDEOVERSIGHT OR CERTIFICATIONFOR ANY WORK COMPLETEDBY OTHERS, NOR DOES CLMTAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FORWORK COMPLETED BY OTHERS.NOT FORCONSTRUCTION(ISSUED FORPERMITTING)PHRAGMITES MANAGEMENT AREA (10,050± SF)UPLAND RESTORATION AREA (3,250± SF)RESTORATION NOTES*see the Project Activity Timeline in the Land ManagementPlan for more details regarding the timeline of proposedwork.INITIAL INVASIVE MANAGEMENT·Treat and remove all approved invasive, non-native oraggressive vegetation using an appropriate herbicide(Glyphosate-based or Triclopyr-based) using a cut andwipe method.·Vegetation to be flush cut leaving the roots in place tomaintain soil stability.·Seed all exposed soils with the specified RestorationSeed Mix and cover with a thin layer of clean hardwoodwood chips OR hydro-seed with the ProGanics Biotic SoilMedia/Flexterra erosion control system.·Rejuvenate any native shrub species uncovered in therestoration area, if needed, with regenerative pruningtechniques to encourage new, dense growth.RESTORATION PLANTING:·Restoration plantings may be installed once invasivespecies have achieved at least 80% control.·Plantings to be installed ideally in the spring or fall.·Install a temporary, above-ground irrigation system toprovide supplemental water to all plantings for 2-3growing seasons, or until plants are fully established.KNOTWEED MANAGEMENT:·In late summer or early fall, treat Japanese knotweed using astem injection method with a Glyphosate product between thenodes inside the stem.·In winter or early spring, remove old/dead stalks from treatmentarea to ease the treatment process later in the growing season.·Repeat treatment for several growing seasons to achievecomplete eradication. Knotweed which has grown back in awitch-broom-like manner should be treated with a foliarapplication method on an as-needed basis with aGlyphosate-based product, ideally in the late summer or earlyfall.PHRAGMITES MANAGEMENT:·Cut and remove dead stalks prior to the start of thegrowing season to facilitate the treatment process laterin the growing season.·Where stalks occur densely enough, bundle, cut andtreat cut ends using a Glyphosate-based herbicidespecially formulated for use around aquaticenvironments.·If stalks are sparse, cut stalks individually and treat withan appropriate herbicide.·If stalks are too small to cut and treat, use a swipemethod to apply an appropriate herbicide to the stalksand leaves.·Manage re-growth over the following seasons using aswipe method or low-volume foliar spray to applyherbicide to the stalks and leaves, ideally in the latesummer or early fall.MAINTENANCE & ESTABLISHMENT FOR ALL NATURALIZEDAREAS(3 SEASONS MIN.):·Monitor restoration area and perform maintenance cutand wipe treatments or hand weed invasive, non-native,and aggressive species that have germinated fromexisting seed bank, or re-sprouted from roots afterremoval.·Mow/cut cool season grasses in June to encourageestablishment of warm-season grasses, if necessary.·Rejuvenate native shrub species, if needed, withregenerative pruning techniques to encourage new,dense growth.APPLICATOR & OVERSIGHT QUALIFICATIONS:·Herbicide application will only be completed byMassachusetts state-licensed and insured pesticideapplicators knowledgeable with invasive, non-native,and native plant identification, both in-leaf andbare-twig.·All restoration work will be overseen by a CertifiedEcological Restoration Practitioner (CERP).KNOTWEED MANAGEMENT AREA (820± SF)RESTORATION PLANT SCHEDULESCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMEQTY.SIZEWOODY SHRUBSAronia melanocarpaBlack chokeberry26#2 - #5Clethra alnifoliaSummersweet9#2 - #5Ilex verticillataWinterberry7#2 - #5Iva frutescensHightide bush13#2 - #5Morella pensylvanicaBayberry9#2 - #5Prunus maritimaBeach plum10#2 - #5Rosa carolinaCarolina rose12#2 - #3SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDCOVER GRASSES & FORBSEragrostis spectabilisPurple love grass50DP50Panicum virgatumSwitchgrass50DP50Schizachyrium scopariumLittle bluestem50DP50Restoration Seed Mix:Carex brevior (Plains Oval Sedge),Danthonia spicata (Poverty Oat Grass),Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem),Sporobolus cryptandrus (Sand Dropseed)Note: supplemental grass plugs are to be planted in the uplandrestoration area but not within the knotweed management area.+ 700± SF @ 31 GRIST MILL LANE+ 9,350± SF @ 140 BAXTER AVENUENote: areas for Phragmites management will not be planted, as native salt marsh grassesare likely to naturally revegetate the area once Phragmites is effectively controlled.+ 350± SF @ 31 GRIST MILL LANE+ 2,900± SF @ 140 BAXTER AVENUE