HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOI 9.11.2024WRS Engineering LLC PO BOX 266 RHODODENDRON, OR 97049 508-776-0956 royokurowski@gmail.com August 30th, 2024 By Hand Delivery Kathryn Brooks Administrative Assistant Yarmouth Natural Resources (508) 760-4800 Re: Proposed Ramp and Float 66 Grandview Drive Paul and Jody Steele 66 GRANDVIEW DRIVE YARMOUTH MA 02664 Map 191 Parcel 77 On behalf of our client, Paul and Jody Steele, we are submitting 3 copies of a proposed package for your review, including a copy of the existing permits. Please schedule this for the October 3rd, 2024 public hearing. If you have any questions or require additional information, please give our office a call. Thank you. Sincerely, WRS Engineering LLC Roy E. Okurowski P.E. 66 grandview NHESP Priority Habitats of Rare Species Areas of Critical Environmental Concern ACECs Property Tax Parcels 1 d Proposed replacement of boat lift with ramp and float and dredging. NOTICE OF INTENT FILING LING Filing Date: 082024 Filing Date: 3/23/23 Filing Date: 3/23/23 66 Grand View Drive Yarmouth, MA Prepared by: WRS Engineering 33 Prince Road Yarmouth, MA Prepared by: WRS Engineering 33 Prince Road Yarmouth, MA Prepared by: WRS Engineering Paul M and Jody L Steel Cutter 66 Grand View Drive 2 Table of Contents 1. eDEP online filing application including original owner signature (not included) 2. Town of Yarmouth Administrative Checklist for NOI (not included) 3. Existing and Proposed Conditions narrative 4. Construction Sequence narrative (equipment, staging locations, etc.) 5. Alternatives Analysis narrative including mitigation proposed 7. Performance standard narrative (310 CMR 10.00 and Town of Yarmouth Wetland Bylaw Chapter 143 9. Additional information (research, deeds, tax assessors card, maps) 10. Existing License and Plan 11. Shellfish Survey (on plan) 12. Other town forms (not included) 13. Certified mail receipts (not included) 14. Copies of checks (not included) 15. 3 originals 16. Certified abutters list and Notice to Abutters (not included) 66 Grand View Drive 3 Property Description The property is located on middle section of the Bass River South of High Bank Road in Yarmouth, MA; a tidal river on Nantucket sound. The project site is approximately 2.8 miles inland from Nantucket Sound. The property is located on the Northern section of the channel facing South and subject to Southwest winds. The area of direct flow for the channel is South of the dock at a distance of approximately 700’ and subject to current from both flood and ebb tides. The site has an existing single family dwelling with a 2021 licensed pier, with a boatlift at the end. The structure Was recently constructed by the owner’s contractor. The Coastal Bank consists of a bulkhead, vegetated bank, and fronted by salt marsh. It appears that the dock was constructed as it was shown in the original license with the exception that is at elevation 9’ MLW where it was supposed to be at 7’ MLW. The pier is set on a sand bar with only an operating depth of 2.2 feet of water at 83’ from MHW. The boat lift is also subject to daily 10-15 knot winds in summer from the southwest with a fetch of 0.6 miles and waves of 1- 2’ on any given summer day. The site consists of an existing single family dwelling that was recently purchased in 2016 by the current owner. Based on the latest MORIS maps, the scope of this project is noy located within NHESP jurisdiction for estimated or rare wildlife (see below). 66 Grand View Drive 4 Project Description Project Description This Notice of Intent filing proposes the removal of the boat lift and shortening the pier and the addition of a 18’ x 3’ ramp and 10’ x 20’ float that does not extend out farther then the end of the existing structure. This would require the waiver from conservation to be changed to Include approximately 1’ of dredging of material to provide 3’ of clearance from the float to the bottom. In addition float stops would be installed on the pilings to maintain this depth. Please see alternatives analysis for the reasoning for the request. The new proposed structure will improve both the use of the marine facility and will not adversely effect the marine habitat. This would be an improvement from a resource area impact as its in deeper water. The equipment anticipated for the project will be a small barge with a crane and an impact or vibratory hammer that will be utilized to drive the piles. The piles are not in the marsh and the piles will be driven with a impact or vibratory hammer suspended off the barge. The barge will be used at high tide as to not ground out at low tides. The material will be dredged with a small excavator on a barge and the material estimated at under 100 c.y. will be loaded into containers and disposed of offsite at an approved facility. The use of the structure was an existing permitted use and will not impact any recreational use of the waterway as its sided on both sides by existing structures. Resource Area Determination The project site is located on Bass River, a tidal river which flows to and from Nantucket Sound. Mean High Water and Mean Low Water elevations were obtained from survey utilizing an rtk gps and refencing the conversions from NAVD88 in the project area. Please note that previous licenses reference MLW as the project datum while this filing references NAVD88 vertical datum (conversion provided in plans). The further you travel upstream, the more impact the river bottom, land restrictions, etc. impact the flow of water and reduce tidal flow except in storm events. Since the proposed project property is located relatively far to the mouth of the river, the existing tidal elevations from the charts can be used along with vegetation changes. 66 Grand View Drive 5 Performance Standards The project proposes the removal of 3 piles and the repositioning of 4 piles at the end of the pier. Additionally the pier will be shortened in the process. The areas directly affected by the amended project containing shellfish, and land under ocean. The project as proposed will not have any adverse effects to the surrounding resource areas which include the areas listed above.310 CMR 10, sections 10.21 through 10.37. The work proposed in this area consists of removing some old piles and the stairway and driving new piles to support the pier and anchor the float. The area consists of the coastal beach, land containing shellfish, land under ocean, and LCCSF. The construction is located in the footprint of the existing project. Therefore, the project as proposed can be permitted under 310 CMR 10.30 (6) through (8). Land Containing shellfish – A portion of the dock is within land containing shellfish. The disturbance to the area consists of removing and constructing pilings to support the pier and float. There will also be 1’ of dredging of the area as shown on the project plans. The float will not be less than the 3’ required height above the bottom at low tide. The disturbance to the area from the construction effort is expected to be minimal and will not adversely affect any shellfish as they will be removed and replaced after dredging occurs. The project will not change what is relative to the bottom substrate, and therefore have no significant impact to the following interests: alterations of water circulation, alterations in the distribution of sediment grain size, alterations from natural drainage from adjacent land, or changes in water quality. This includes but is not limited to, fluctuations in level of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, temperature and turbidity, or the addition of pollutants. Therefore, the project as proposed will not have any significant adverse impacts to the coastal beach can be permitted under 310 CMR 10.34 (4) through (7). Alternatives Analysis for dock The proposed work consists of re-constructing of a pre-existing pier, and boat lift with a ramp float and dredging. The project as proposed occupies only a small area of the resource areas where the piles are driven and the float is located as such to be in the required 3’ of water at MLW, the following analysis is offered to describe the available options for this project. OPTION 1: Do Nothing – If nothing is constructed the water dependent use of the property is not realistic as the boat lift is not usable by the owner an average day due to wind and waves rendering the apparatus unsafe. Due to the height of the structure its also on an average 10’ above the water and children will not go on it as they are scared and it is an unsafe condition. This was verified by the contractor and the owner who both tried numerous times to use the lift with the owner’s boat and were not successful. Therefore, this is not the preferred option. OPTION 2: Replace the boat lift. WRS Engineering evaluated the boat lift and also solicited the advice of a long time contractor Larry Dimerse former owner of Cape Cod Docks to evaluate the boat lift and an alternative to the existing lift. Due to the owner has a pontoon boat, it is not practical to pull into a boat lift from the south with a following wind and hold the boat in the correct position to use the lift. The associated waves beat the boat up against the pilings as you Can not use fenders as you would on a regular float. The only substitute would be a semisubmersible floating structure typically used for jet skies or by the coastguard in rough areas. The installation of this type of dock would bottom out at low tide due to the working depth and most likely need to have the entire lift structure reconstructed to install it. This does not solve the safety issue of the 10’ drop to the dock. Therefore, this is not the preferred option. 66 Grand View Drive 6 OPTION 3: The simple solution is to remove the boat lift shorten the pier and replace it with a ramp and float similar to every dock in the area. There will be minor dredging needed to ensure the 3’ of water depth required is established. This will solve the situation and actually improve the effect on the resource areas as the boat wont be operating in 2’ of water on any given day. As part of the project, we feel that it is appropriate to mitigate the work by contributing to the propagation of shellfish seed. We will be happy to contribute the amount suggested by shellfish or waterways. CONSTRUCTION PROTOCOL Water based Construction Protocol The proposed work shall be performed with the minimum amount of equipment required to obtain the project objectives. The staging area for materials will be from a working barge and the upland property. All equipment shall be stored on the barge or away from the resource areas when not in use. When the equipment is not being utilized the barge shall not come in contact the adjacent marsh at any time and shall not be allowed to bottom out. Land Containing Shellfish Protocol The proposed work shall be performed in the following manner. The lift and piles will be removed and new piles driven from a floating working barge at high tide. The barge will not be allowed to ground out at any time minimizing any impacts. Shellfish will be removed stored and replaced after construction. Pre-Construction Meeting Prior to construction, a pre-construction meeting shall be held on-site with the Contractor, Property Owner, Conservation Commission and/or agent, and the Project Manager (WRS Engineering LLC). The purpose of t he meeting is to clearly delineate the limits of work and access, as well as the staging area. The Contractor will describe the proposed means and methods for performing the work within the requirements of the plans, order of conditions and construction protocol. The Contractor will comply with mitigation measures as established by the Conservation Commission. To be discussed at this meeting: ◆ Existing property conditions, necessary precautions to be taken by the Contractor; ◆ Means and methods for construction; ◆ Necessary post-construction reparations and conditions; ◆ Procedure for post-construction inspection; ◆ WRS Engineering’s responsibilities for inspection and project coordination 66 Grand View Drive 7 During Construction, the site shall be accessible for inspection during reaso nable hours by all parties, members of the conservation commission and their agents, and the Project Manager. Post-construction meeting Upon completion of construction, but prior to equipment being removed from the site, a post-construction meeting shall be held on-site with the Contractor, Property Owner, Conservation Commission and/or agent, and the Project Manager (WRS Engineering). The purpose of this meeting is to determine that the project has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with all permits, and that no additional work or mitigation is required by the Contractor. Restoration of project area Upon completion of construction any and all areas disturbed by the construction effort shall be returned as much as practical to their pre-construction conditions to the satisfaction of the property owner and conservation agent. events. Since the proposed project property is located relatively far to the mouth of the river, the existing sed along with vegetation changes. 66 Grand View Drive 8 support system that extends from existing coastal bank to the float as shown on the project plans. The BOAT LIFT IN SHALLOW WATER 66 Grand View Drive 9 areas directly affected by the project are PIER CONSTRUCTED AS SHOWN salt marsh, c rea containing shellfish, and land under ocean. The project as proposed will not have any adverse effects to the surrounding resource areas which include the areas listed above.310 CMR 10, sections 66 Grand View Drive 10 10.21 through 10.37. The work proposed in this area consists of removing and driving some piles to support the dock. The area consists of the coastal beach, land containing shellfish, land under ocean, and salt marsh. The construction is located in the footprint of the existing dock. Therefore, the project as proposed can be permitted under 310 CMR 10.30 (6) through (8). Salt Marsh – Both t shown on the project plans. A minimum number of proposed 3 pilings will be driven around the salt marsh. The new height of the dock is the required minimum over the marsh, with 3/4 deck board spacing as to not prohibit sunlight from reaching the marsh. Therefore, the project as proposed can be permitted under 310 CMR 10.32 (5). Land Containing shellfish – A portion of the dock is within land containing shellfish. The disturbance to the area consists of removing and constructing wood pilings to support the float. The float will not be less than the required height above the bottom at low tide. The disturbance to the area from the construction effort is expected to be minimal and will not adversely affect any shellfish. The project will not change what is relative to the bottom substrate, and therefore have no significant impact to the following interests: alterations of water circulation, alterations in the distribution of sediment grain size, alterations from natural drainage from adjacent land, or changes in water quality. This includes but is not limited to, fluctuations in level of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, temperature and turbidity, or the addition of pollutants. Therefore, the project as proposed will not have any significant adverse impacts to the coastal beach can be permitted under 310 CMR 10.34 (4) through (7). Alternatives Analysis for dock The proposed work consists of re-constructing of the dock and float. The project as proposed occupies only a small area of the resource areas where the piles are driven and the float is loc following analysis is offered to describe the available options for this project. OPTION 1: Do Nothing – If nothing is constructed the existing structure will eventually collapse. Therefore, this is not the preferred option. OPTION 2: Repair the existing structure. The dock has not been serviced in many years and all the piles and timber are dry rotted and the entire structure would eventually have to be replaced anyway. Therefore, this is not the preferred option. OPTION 3: Reconstruct the dock in kind as allowed under the existing chapter 91 License. This will the preferred option. UCTION PROTOCOL Water based Construction Protocol The proposed work shall be performed with the minimum amount of equipment required to obtain the area for materials will be from a working barge and the upland property. All equipment shall be stored on the barge or away from the resource areas when not in use. When the equipment is not being utilized the barge shall not come in contact with the marsh at any time and shall not be allowed to bottom out. Coastal Bank Construction Protocol The proposed work shall be performed in the following manner. The existing stars and deck will be replaced in kind in the existing footprint. All old materials will be removed and disposed of. Any disturbance to the bank will be restored to pre-existing conditions. Pre-Construction Meeting Prior to construction, a pre-construction meeting shall be held on-site with the Contractor, Property Owner, Conservation Commission and/or agent, and the Project Manager (WRS Engineering LLC). The purpose of the meeting is to clearly delineate the limits of work and access, as well as the staging area. The Contractor will describe the proposed means and methods for performing the work within the requirements of the plans, order of conditions and construction protocol. The Contractor will comply with mitigation measures as established by the Conservation Commission. 66 Grand View Drive 11 To be discussed at this meeting: ◆ Existing property conditions, necessary precautions to be taken by the Contractor; ◆ Means and methods for construction; ◆ Necessary post-construction reparations and conditions; ◆ Procedure for post-construction inspection; ◆ coordination During Construction, the site shall be accessible for inspection during reasonable hours by all parties, members of the conservation commission and their agents, and the Project Manager. Post-construction meeting Upon completion of construction, but prior to equipment being removed from the site, a post- construction meeting shall be held on-site with the Contractor, Property Owner, Conservation Commission and/or agent, and the Project Manager (WRS Engineering). The purpose of this meeting is to determine that the project has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with all permits, and that no additional work or mitigation is required by the Contractor. Restoration of project area Upon completion of construction any and all areas disturbed by the construction effort shall be returned as much as practical to their pre-construction conditions to the satisfaction of the property owner and conservation agent. All disturbed marsh or vegetated areas shall be re-vegetated with indigenous or grass vegetation to match pre-construction conditions for the surrounding areas, or as determined during the pre-construction meeting. Abutting Properties for 66 GRANDVIEW DR SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 91/ 177/ / / (100 Feet) Location: 91/ 179/ / / 74 GRANDVIEW DR Owner: CONNOLLY J M & P M (TRUSTEES) 74 GRANDVIEW DR REALY TRUST 74 GRANDVIEW DR SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 91/ 178/ / / 70 GRANDVIEW DR Owner: LOVE CAROL L 70 GRANDVIEW DR SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 91/ 177/ / / 66 GRANDVIEW DR Owner: STEEL PAUL M STEEL JODY L 23 OPAL CIR FRANKLIN, MA 02038 Location: 91/ 176/ / / 60 GRANDVIEW DR Owner: RUSCITO GRIMOALDO RUSCITO SYLVIA 600 RANDOLPH ST CANTON, MA 02021 Location: 91/ 185/ / / 65 GRANDVIEW DR Owner: FOLTZ JAMES A TR DOYLE KARIN N TR 136 ARIEL CIR SUTTON , MA 01590 Location: 91/ 183/ / / 75 GRANDVIEW DR Owner: POULIOT JOSEPH J 75 GRANDVIEW DR SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Please use this signature to certify this list of propertiesabutting within 100' of the parcel located at:66 Grandview Dr., South Yarmouth, MA 02664Assessors Map 91, Lot 177_____________________________________Andy Machado, Director of AssessingSeptember 5, 2024 NOTIFICATION TO ABUTTERS UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS WETLANDS PROTECTION ACT & TOWN OF YARMOUTH WETLAND BY-LAW, CHAPTER 143 In accordance with the second paragraph of the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 131, Section 40, you are hereby notified of the following: A. The name of the applicant is __Paul and Jody Steele___________________________________ B. The applicant has filed a Request to Amend an Order of Conditions with the Yarmouth Conservation Commission, seeking permission to remove, fill, dredge or alter an Area Subject to Protection under the Wetlands Protection Act (MGL c. 131 s. 40 & Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-Law, Chapter 143). C. The address of the lot where the activity is proposed is _66 Grand View Drive_______________ D. Proposed work is _____Remove Boat Lift and install a ramp and float ____________________________________________________________________________ E. Copies of the Notice of Intent may be examined at the Yarmouth Town Hall at the Conservation Commission office between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. For more information, call (508) 398-2231 ext. 1288. F. Copies of the Request to Amend an Order of Conditions may be obtained from either the applicant or applicant’s representative. Applicant’s phone number __________ Or Applicant’s representatives phone number ___508-776-0956_____________ G. Information regarding the date, time and place of the public hearing may be obtained by calling the Yarmouth Conservation Commission office at (508) 398-2231 ext. 1288 H. Person sending this notification (applicant, representative or other) Name ___Roy Okurowski WRS Engineering LLC Address ___67 Stetson St._____________________________________ Town _Hyannis________________ State _MA______ Zip ___02601______ Telephone _____508-776-0956__________________________________ Note:  Notice of the public hearing, including date, time and place will be published at least five (5) days in advance in a newspaper of general circulation.  Notice of the public hearing, including date, time and place will be posted in the Town Hall not less than forty-eight hours in advance.  You may also contact the Southeast Regional Office of the Department of Environmental Protection at (508) 946-2800 for more information about this application. MassDEP Home | Contact | Privacy Policy MassDEP's Online Filing System UVHUQDPH::RSPERMITTING NLFNQDPH: CAPECODPERMITTING ReceiSW MassDEP Home | Contact | Privacy Policy M a s s D E P 's O n l i n e F i l i n g S y s t e m v e r .1 7 .9 .2 .0 .‹ 2 0 2 4 M a s s D E P M\ eDEP FRUmV M\ PURfile HelS NRWificaWiRnV Summar\/Receipt prinW receipW E[iW Your submission is complete. Thank \ou for using DEP's online reporting s\stem. You can select "M\ eDEP" to see a list of \our transactions. DEP Transaction ID: 1779231 Date and Time Submitted: 9/4/2024 9:52:00 AM Other Email : FRUP NaPe: WPA Form 3 - NOI Project Location Cit\/ToZn Name: YARMOUTH location: 66 GRANDVIEW DR General Description: REMOVE BOAT LIFT, REPLACE FLOAT WITH FLOAT STOPS AND DREDGING. Applicant Information Name: JODY STEEL Compan\ Address: 23 OPAL CIR, FRANKLIN, MA, 02038 Pa\ment Information Your fee for the state share is $: 182.50 If \ou haYe paid b\ credit card or ACH, thank \ou for \our pa\ment. If \ou are pa\ing b\ check or mone\ order, please send \our check (pa\able to the CommonZealth of Massachusetts) to MassDEP, Bo[ 4062, Boston, MA 02211 Additional Forms Submitted WPA Form 3 - NOI (Fee Transmittal)(ONLINE ONLY) AQcillaU\ DRcXPeQW USlRaded/Mailed 60 Grand VieZ AYe. Project narratiYes (2) 66 GrandYieZ dredging option image Doc1 abbutters massmapper nhesp M\ eDEP Forms SignatXre Pa\ment Receipt 9/4/24, 9:53 AM eDEP - MaVVDEP'V OnlineFiling S\VWem hWWSV://edeS.deS.maVV.gRY/eDEP/PageV/PUinWReceiSW.aVS[1/1 MAP 91 LOT 177 WRS ENGINEERING 467 OCEAN ST HYANNIS MA 02601 5087660956 5087660956 ROYOKUROWSKI@GMAIL.COM 21 day waiver CONSERVATION OFFICE Town of Yarmouth Conservation Commission 21-DAY WAIVER Please complete this form, sign at the bottom and return to the Conservation Office. I, , hereby waive the 21-day time period for a public hearing/meeting and/or issuance of the: OOC / DOA / COC / ORAD following receipt of my filing of a: Notice of Intent Request for Determination of Applicability Request for Certificate of Compliance Other by the Yarmouth Conservation Commission under Massachusetts General Laws, Ch. 131, sec. 40, and/or under Yarmouth Wetland Bylaw. The application was submitted on (date received by Conservation Office) for work at (project address/location) I am the: Applicant Applicant's Representative Property Owner Signature Date NOTE: Please be advised that you will be notified of the meeting date once this application has been assigned to a Conservation Meeting Agenda at the email address listed on the application. ROY OKUROWSKI SEPTEMBER 10, 2024 66 GRANDVIEW DRIVE SEPTEMBER 10, 2024 N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y 240MISC SEWER P 12811 1013 Account #12811 Bldg #1 Sec # 1 of Card # of UTILITIESTOPO LOCATION 815 CURRENT ASSESSM ENT Total 1013 1013 474,100 845,800 1 2 6 Septic 4 1 Gas Paved 2 Suburban SUPPLEMENTAL DATA SALE DATE PREVIOUS ASSESSM ENTS (HISTORY) This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or AssessorOTHER ASSESSMENTS APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY EXEMPTIONS 471,200 2,500 400 845,800NOTES 19-000580 06-1431 07-30-2018 06-02-2006 BUILDING PERMIT RECORD LAND LINE VALUATION SECTION Level CURRENT OWNER V/IQ/U 66 GRANDVIEW DR Property Location Map ID Vision ID Bldg Name State Use STRT / ROAD Total VISIT / CHANGE HISTORY 1,319,900 1,319,900 1 1 1 Description Code Assessed 474,100 845,800 Assessed CodeYear AssessedCodeYear Total Assessed VYearCodeAssessed TotalTotal 2023 2022 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 432,100 798,000 325,800 637,600 1,319,900 1,230,100 963,400 0 Permit Id Issue Date Year Code Description Amount 0.00 Code Description Number Amount Comm Int Appraised Bldg. Value (Card) Appraised Xf (B) Value (Bldg) Appraised Ob (B) Value (Bldg) Appraised Land Value (Bldg) 1,319,900Total Appraised Parcel Value 845,800 Land Value 48.54 Adj Unit P Special Land Value Q 845,800 VISION 1 Use Code Type INSL AL Install Insula Alterations Description 3,000 50,000 Amount Insp Date 0 % Comp Date Comp Comments Repair: Install Insulation (774- STRIP,REROOF,PAPER,VENT 1.0000 Description SFR WATER M Zone Land Type Cond. 0.90 Nbhd. 0080 Nbhd. Adj 1.650 WF4 Location AdjustmentNotes Total Card Land Units 0.40 Total Land Value 4.00 X .10 EASEMENT DRAIN B 1013 81.00000SF17,424 Site IndexSize AdjUnit PriceLand Units Parcel Total Land AreaSF17,424 8.49 BH DM BH BH JB DH IdDate 07-25-2018 07-21-2015 04-10-2013 04-10-2013 06-28-2005 07-19-1995 91/ 177/ / / Assoc Pid# YARMOUTH, MA Sales Verification Field Review Measur+1Visit Measur+2Visit - Info Card l Measur+Listed Measur+Listed Purpost/Result SV 54 01 02 00 00 Is CdType 01 ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD Nbhd 0080 Nbhd Name B Tracing Batch Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,319,900 Valuation Method C 474,100 845,800 2024 STEEL JODY L 23 OPAL CIR STEEL PAUL M NATURAL E/A I/A RIVERFRONT 06-18-20180 0 0 Print Date 9/18/2023 ZIP CODE 2664: I I I RESIDNTL RES LAND VOTE Y PRIVATE GRANDVIEW DR- 150B M_311122_826455GIS ID PLAN # Alt Prcl ID 81/ X005/ / / FRANKLIN MA 02038 02/19/1996VOTE DATE BETTERMENTS 00 VC 1,150,000 0 0 SALE PRICE D1348500 213180 STEEL PAUL M MILLS CAROL E MILLS CAROL E BK-VOL/PAGERECORD OF OWNERSHIP 1013 Account #12811 Bldg #1 Sec # 1 of Card # of 66 GRANDVIEW DR Element Dep % Ovr Dep Ovr Comment Misc Imp Ovr Misc Imp Ovr Comment Cost to Cure Ovr Element Undeprec Value COST / MARKET VALUATION 77 471,200 Adjust Type CONDO DATA Factor% 12811 Property Location Vision ID Map ID Bldg Name State Use Print Date111 Description Cost to Cure Ovr Comment Description Code OB - OUTBUILDING & YARD ITEMS(L) / XF - BUILDING EXTRA FEATURES(B) BUILDING SUB-AREA SUMMARY SECTION Unit Cost RCNLD Condition 1 0Ext. Comment 0Functional Obsol 23 Year Remodeled Remodel Rating 1960Year Built 611,932 G First Floor Basement, Finished Garage Porch, Open, Finished Porch, Screen, Finished Attic, Unfinished Deck, Wood BAS FBM FGR FOP FSP UAT WDK Ttl Gross Liv / Lease Area 1,672 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,672 4,336 1,672 376 202 16 63 84 15 2,428 249.77 112.47 99.71 49.95 62.44 25.07 24.33 417,609 93,912 50,453 3,996 15,735 20,980 3,746 Parcel Id 0.0 SB C CONSTRUCTION DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL (CONTINUED) Owne Condo Flr Condo Unit Code Description FPL1 PAT1 EOS FPO Code Description Living Area 1,672 835 506 80 252 837 154 Floor Area Appr. Value 1,700 400 0 800 Depreciation Code Building Value New Effective Year Built Depreciation % Trend Factor Condition % Percent Good Unit Price Yr Blt 1990 1960 1990 Cond. Cd 77 100 77 100 % Gd Grade Grade Adj. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Description FIREPLACE 1 PATIO-AVG Encl Outs Shw EXTRA FPL O B L B B L/B Units 1 170 1 1 2200.00 2.50 0.00 800.00 91/ 177/ / / Cd Eff Area 606,431 Cd Style: Model Grade: Stories: Occupancy Exterior Wall 1 Exterior Wall 2 Roof Structure: Roof Cover Interior Wall 1 Interior Wall 2 Interior Flr 1 Interior Flr 2 Heat Fuel Heat Type: AC Type: Total Bedrooms Total Bthrms: Total Half Baths Total Xtra Fixtrs Total Rooms: Bath Style: Kitchen Style: Cape Cod Residential Average +10 1 Story Wood Shingle Gable/Hip Asph/F Gls/Cmp Drywall/Sheet Plywood Panel Hardwood Ceram Clay Til Gas Hot Water Central 3 Bedrooms 7 Rooms Average Average 04 01 04 1 14 03 03 05 04 12 11 03 05 03 03 2 0 7 02 02 9/18/2023