HomeMy WebLinkAboutPetition VCOD 2024-1A SPR 811 Rte 28 090524 TCYn露露醸懇Ttt T魯 蒻撻cL三 愛麗霞≡SEP 5'24費HE:編1
F:LED WiTH TOWN CLERK: September 5,2024
VCOD Site P!an Review
vcoD 2024-1A
August 21,2024
Christina Meggison
Roseanna Nikolaidis and Lambros Nikolaidis
811 Route 28, South Yarmouth
Assessor's Map 33, Parcel T2
Zoning District - VCOD VC2
MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Jim Saben, Susan Brita, Joanne Crowley, Wil!
Rubenstein, and Ken Smith
Notice of the Public Meeting was posted with the Town Clerk and on the Town website, as
required by law. Village Center Overlay District (VCOD) Site Plan Review (SPR) does not
require a formal Public Hearing. Site Plan Review for VCOD projects is done through the
Planning Board in accordance with Section 414.3.2 of the Zoning Bylaw.
The Planning Board previously approved this project under VCOD SPR 2024-1 to develop the
0.58 acre property into 8 units of multi-family housing with shared central laundry room,
reconfigured shared access, 8 parking spaces, a front yard fire truck turn around required by
the Fire Dept, utility connections, a new sewage disposal system, stormwater management
and landscaping. The existing single-family dwelling and shed on the propefty would be razed.
When reviewing this original design, the Planning Board expressed concerns about only
having one (1) parking space/unit. Parking had been limited by the amount of the property
being used for a fire truck turn-around along Route 28 and the need to locate parking to the
side or rear of the building. Subsequently, Town Staff, the Planning Board Chair and the
applicant had meetings with the Fire Department to talk about their regulations and identify
alternatives that could meet their safety regulations and improve the site design. Based on
these discussions, the turn-around was eliminated, the building moved closer to Route 28, and
a new fire hydrant brought onto the property. The relocation of the building allowed for eight
(8) additional parking spaces, for a total of sixteen (16) spaces or two (2) spaces/unit, to be
added to the site.
Planning Eoard VCOD Site Plan Review
Petitionr VCOD 2024-1A
Other elements of the project remained the same including a total of eight (8) one-bedroom
units with access to lhe propedy through a reconfigured shared-access drive and access
easement with 807 Route 28. The project also Includes utility connections, a new
lnnovative/Alternative (l/A) septic system with future connection to the municipal sewer
system; stormwater management system with underground inliltration near Floute 28, direct
infiltration behind the building lor the roof runoff, and a rain garden; sidewalk access to Route
28 along with a bike rack; fenced in dumpster; and overall landscaping plan with 30o/. tree
canopy coverage over the parking areas.
No changes to the building design or architecture were proposed as part of this new
application. The two-story townhouses remain a mixture of clapboard and shingle siding,
architectural asphalt roof shingles, covered front entrances and sliders to access the rear ol
the building, along with shared central laundry facilities. Colors shall be white and/or granite
gray with black accents for the metal roofs at entryways, roof shingles, building mounted light
fixtures and entry doors. Portions of the property are located within a FEMA flood zone
resulting in the first floor elevation being set at '13.5.
Use A'12 - multi-family housing is allowed by-right in the VC2 at a density ol sixteen (16)
units/acre. One atfordable unit is required per Section 412 of the Zoning Bylaw.
1. VCOD SPR 2024-1A Application and August 14, 2024 Letter from Brian Yergatian, BSC Group
2. Site Plans: All plans prepared by BSC Group, dated March 18,2024, last revised August 14,
2024. unless otherwise notedo Cover Sheeto G-100 Existing Conditions Plan, lasl tevised 5/22124o C-100 Erosion & Sediment Control Plano C-200 Site Preparation & Demolition Plano C-300 Layout & Materials Plano C-400 Grading & Drainage Plano C-500 Septic & Utilities Plano L-l00 Planting Plano C-600, C-601 & C-602 Details (3-sheets)
3. Architeclural Plans: Prepared by ERT Architects, dated April 25, 2024o A.'1 - Floor Planso A.2 - Elevations
Brian Yergatian of BSC Group gave a brief overview of the changes, noting their desire to
improve the site layout and add additional parking beyond one (1) space/unit. He gave an
overview ol the meeting with the Fire Deparment to look at other options for meeting fire
safety. Through these discussions, the large turn-around was eliminated, the sprinkled
building was relocated closer to Route 28, and a fire hydrant was brought onto the site to
address fire safety. This change allowed for the addition of parking at the rear of the propeny
for a total of sixteen ('16) spaces. As this exceeds the maximum allowed of 1.5 spaces/unit in
the VCOD for multi-family housing, Special Permit relief from the ZBA will be needed.
However, lhe relocation of the building eliminates the need for any relief from the rear yard
No letters related to the project were received and no one lrom the public spoke in favor or in
opposition to lhe project at the Public Meeting.
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Planning Board VCOD Site Plan Review
Petition: VCOD 2024-1A
The Planning Board expressed their appreciation for the changes made and the collaborative
efforts with the Fire Department. The Board Ielt the additional parking spaces will improve the
viability ol the housing project, especially for young professionals. Some general discussion
topics from the Board included identifying the location and access to the dumpster; noting that
the building moved forward about 40'; value of an inigation system to protect landscape
investment; and noting the screening on the east side of the property would be via a white
vinyl fence and vegetation.
VOTE: With no further discussion, the Planning Board voted as follows:
On a motion by Jim Saben, and seconded by Ken Smith, the Planning Board voted (5-0) to
approve The Residents at 811 Main multi-family housing proiect at 811 Boute 28, VCOD SPR
2024-1A, as presented at the Planning Board meeting of August 21,2024 and in accordance
with the plans and materials submitted, subiect to the lollowing conditions, with Jim Saben,
Susan Brita, Joanne Crowley, Will Rubenstein and Ken Smith voting in favor:
1. Revised Easement for the shared access driveway shall be recorded at the Barnstable
Country Registry of Deeds prior to issuance of a building permit.
2. Vary the building materials on the eastern side of the building between clapboards and
3. Provide one (1) affordable unit.
4. Coordinate with the Fire Department for final approval of the fire hydrant location and
fire lane markings.5. Coordinate with the Water Department on watermain locations.
6. Existing trees which are to be retained, and protected during construction, shall be
identified on the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan.
7. Plantings along the southern property line (abutting the residential zoning district)
shall lully meet the requirements of Zoning Bylaw Section 414.8.9.3.b.
8. Any relief required shall be sought through the Zoning Board ol Appeals.
Jodnne Crowley, Chai
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