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BLD-23-003802 plans
New Residence For: THE BURDEN COMPANY Professional Drafting Services PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA 02768 Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com 13e ZDR. Z 3 - 003Fj REV DA.'_.' Cn`,'PLI L THE APPi A 'T T �,ri BUILT" O O o DATE: C�-- G�i 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA A CERTIFIFD AS GUILT IS REQUIRED BEFORE INAL INSPECTION �'LtH Of Atq"sa psi JEROME J. CMG WO,.'CiK Structu No. 38M qr t/ 9`23 row SP67CcFje�b A c,, N 6C6S5;,4(Y ,5-rk0C_Tk3 k_►kL PN LFS + Ho,�kS iN rboTi c-" Ware.,' Sheet List Sheet Number Sheet Name Current Revision Current Revision Date A-0 Title Page 6 12/22/2022 A- I Existing Basement Plan 6 12/22/2022 A-2 Existing First Floor Plan Existing Second Floor Plan Existing Elevations 6 12/22/2022 A-3 6 12/22/2022 12/22/2022 A-4 6 A-5 Existing Elevations Demolition Plans 5 9/ I /2022 A-6 6 12/22/2022 A-7 Proposed Basement Plan Proposed First Floor Plan 6 12/22/2022 A-8 6 12/22/2022 A-9 Proposed Second Floor Plan 6 12/22/2022 A- 10 Proposed Elevations 5 31112022 A- I I Proposed Elevations 6 12/22/2022 A- 12 ,Cross Sections Details 6 12/22/2022 A- 13 Construction Details 5 9/ I /2022 A- 14 Master Bedroom Elevations 6 12/22/2022 5-1 Foundation Plan 5-2 Framing Plans 5 6 9/ I /2022 12/22/2022 a EXISting Door Schedule MK Count Unit Size Description Width Hei9 ht 1 1 3' - 0" G' - 8" 2-Lite Steel Exterior 2 1 2' - 8" G' - 8" 9-Lite Steel Exterior 3 1 2' - G" G' - 8" 9-Lite Steel Exterior 4 1 G' - 0" GI - 8" 15 Lite Vinyl Sliding Patio 5 1 1 2' - 0" G' - G" 15-Lite/ 4-Panel Sliding Patio G 8 2' - G" G' - 8" G Panel Hollow Core Interior 7 2 2' - 3" GI - 8" G-Panel Hollow Core Interior 8 1 2' - 0" G' - 8" G-Panel Hollow Core Interior 9 2 4' - 0" G' - 8" G Panel Hollow Core Interior 5-fold 10 1 5' - 0" G' - 8" G Panel Hollow Core Interior 5-fold 0 N EXISTING FIRST FLOOR 1 /4" = 1'-0" Existing Window Schedule MK Count Rough Openincj Description Width 9ht A 5 3' - 0" 5' - 0" Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad Al I G' - 5" 1' - 0" Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad A2 1 4' - 5" 1' - 0" Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad C G 2' - G" 3'- 5" Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - 0" 3' - G" Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad D 1 1 4' - 5" 1' - 0" Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad D2 1 2' - 5" 1' - 0" Picture Low -If Aluminum Clad E 1 4' - 0 11411 4' - 0" Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad F 1 4' - 5 1 /2" 4' - 111 Vinyl Double Hung/ Triple Mullion F I 1 2' - 5" 1 ' - 0" Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad G 1 8' - 1 1 3/8" 4' - 1011 0" Bowed Casement Aluminum Clad H 4 2' - G" 4' - 9 1 /2" Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad r,, d.' _ III NOTES: I . CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WINDOW It DOOR SIZES BEING REPLACED 2. EXISTING WINDOWS ARE ANDER50N ALUMINUM CLAD WINDOWS GENERAL NOTES No. Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 3 Adjustments to Front Bumpout 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION ll/20 222 9i1 2 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 These plans are for the construction of one buildmg only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) d owner(s) to review the drawmgs for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site *structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) * owner(s) shall not scale these drawmgs, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawmgs for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels * measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code E laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DE51GNER NAMED HERON 15 RE5PON515LE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL FIAN5 AND DETAIL5 ONLY A5 5HOWN IN TH15 PLAN 5ET E 15 NOT LIABLE FOR THE C05T OR CONSTRUCTION Or THE BUILDING 5HOWN HERON. THE BURDEN COMPANY Professional Drafting Services PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www. burdendrafters. com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Existing First Floor Plan Project number 22-004 Date 4/6/2022 Drawn by MJ B Checked by MJB A-2 Scale 1 /4" = 1'-0" Y v N _o C) 0 N N N Existing Door Schedule MK Count Unit Size Description Width Hei9 ht 1 I 3' - 0" G' - 8" 2-Lite Steel Exterior 2 1 2' - 8" G' - 8" 9-Lite Steel Exterior 3 I 2' - G" G' - 8" 9-Lite Steel Exterior 4 I G' - 011 G' - 8" 15 Lite Vinyl Sliding Patio 5 1 1 2' - 0" G' - G" 15-Lite/ 4-Panel Sliding Patio G 8 2' - G" G' - 811 G Panel Hollow Core Interior 7 2 2' - 3" G' - 8" G-Panel Hollow Core Interior 8 1 2' - 011 G' - 811 G-Panel Hollow Core Interior 9 2 4' - 0" G' - 811 G Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 10 1 5' - 0" G' - 8" G Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold EXISTING SECOND FLOOR 1 /4" = 1'-0" Existing Window Schedule MK Count Rough Openi Description Widt Hei ht 9 A 1 5 3' - 011 5' - 011 Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad AI I G' - 5" 1' - 0" Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad A2 1 4' - 511 1' - 0" Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad C G 2' - G" 3' - 511 Double Hung Low -If Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - 011 3' - G" Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad D 1 1 4' - 511 1' - 0" Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad D2 1 2' - 511 1 ' - 011 Picture Low -If Aluminum Clad E 1 4' - 0 1 /411 4' - 011 Awning Low -If Aluminum Clad F 1 4' - 5 11211 4' - I " Vinyl Double Hung/ Triple Mullion F I 1 2' - 511 1' - 011 Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad G 1 8' - 1 1 3/8" 4' - 10" Bowed Casement Aluminum Clad H 4 2' - G" 4' - 9 1 /211 Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad N m 221 - I" NOTES: I . CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WINDOW $ DOOR 51ZE5 BEING REPLACED 2. EXISTING WINDOW5 ARE ANDERSON ALUMINUM CLAD WINDOWS 4'-5112" 17-7112" OPEN Ell TO FIRST FLOOR BELOW I lit Hill I I 111 11 111� 8'-G" 12'-5112" 3 112" I © 2'-4" OlL 7 3'-0"/ ° 2'-(0" 3 112" BEDROOM #3 9 13'-3 112" 3 1/2" DN i 3 1/2"7[ 3 112" © W O © CV J \ U � BEDROOM # I BEDROOM #2 w O \, J '�J c � 8'-81/4" 2'-21/4" 10'-0112" N_ m IF C GI Oil 3 1/2" 3 112" N m l0'- I" G'-Oil 2 2' - 1" —3 112" F O 11 —3 112" F GENERAL NOTES No. Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) d owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site 4; structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractors) 8 owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels 4 measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not Specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the budding code and local code E laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THI5 PLAN SET t 15 NOT LIABLE POP THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. THE BURDEN COMPANY Professional Drafting Services PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Existing Second Floor Plan Project number 22-004 Date 4/6/2022 Drawn by MJ B Checked by MJ B A-3 Scale 1 /41' = 1'-0" OW- `47 v �t N 0 N 0 N N N FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE �J 7' - 6 1 /2" FIRST FLOOR _ �J 0' - 0„ EXISTING FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 1 /4" = 1'-0" 3—SEASON TOP PLATE 3-SEASON FLOOR 6 1/2" I IIIII 1 1I I i—I ► I I I I I II I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I EXISTING LEFT ELEVATION PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12' - 0 3/4" L1 FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE 7' - 6 1 /2" SECOND FLOOR /1 4' - 6 1 /4" BASEMENT TOP PLATE 3' - 7" �1 FIRST FLOOR n 0'-0" _FOUNDATION I1 GENERAL NOTES P. Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR 4/6/2022 CONSTRUCTION) 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/26/2022 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 lAdjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Profe55ional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Profe55ional Drafters. It 15 the re5pon5ibility of the contractor(5) * owner(5) to review the drawings for errors or omi55ton5 prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. profe55ional engineered Site E 5tructural plans, construction 5peafication5, etc). The contractor(5) 3 owner(5) shall not Scale these drawmg5, visual dimen5ion5 supersede any Scaled dimen5ion5. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawng5 for measurements, but shall verify on Bite that all levels $ measurements for complete a55embly and m5tallation of their work are correct. Minor detad5 of the work not Specifically shown on the drawng5 shall be assumed by the contractor on Bite in conjunction with the budding code and local code d law5 in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DE51GNEP NAMED HERON 15 RE5PON51151E FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLAN5 AND DETAIL5 ONLY A5 SHOWN IN TH15 PLAN SET 8 15 NOT LIABLE FOR THE C05T OR CON5TRUCTION OF THE BUILDING 5HOWN HERON. THE BURDEN COMPANY Professional Drafting Services PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Existing Elevations Project number 22-004 Date 4/6/2022 Drawn by MJB Checked by MJB A-4 Scale 1 /4" = 1'-0" a 00 N 0 N O N N N XISTING REAR ELEVATION PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" ra SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE \J 12' - 0 3/4" rk SECOND FLOOR 4' ---6 1/4" rh BASEMENT TOP PLATE / 3'-7" FINISH GRADE �J 1 1 - 6" EXISTING RIGHT ELEVATION PLAN 1 /4" = 1'-0" FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE 7' - 6 1 /2" v FIRST FLOOR 0'-off FOUNDATION /1 -0' - 10" FINISH GRADE -1' - 6" FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE T - 6 1 /2" v 3-SEASON TOP PLATE n 5'- 5 1 /2" FIRST FLOOR 0'-0" FOUNDATION 3-SEASON FLOOR -1' - 6 1 /2" GENERAL NOTES No. Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site E structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) 4 owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels d measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code E laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DE51GNEP NAMED HERON 15 RE5PON51BLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY A5 SHOWN IN THI5 PLAN SET * 15 NOT LIABLE FOR THE C05T OR CON5TRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. THE BURDEN COMPANY Professional Drafting Services PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Existing Elevations Project number 22-004 Date 4/6/2022 Drawn by MJB Checked by MJB A-5 Scale 1 /4" = 1'-0" rn v v N N 0 N tt N N r- Proposed Door Schedule MK Count Unit Size Description Width height 1 1 3' - O" G' - 8" 2-Lite Steel Exterior 2 1 2' - 8" G' - 8" 9-Lite Steel Exterior 3 1 2' - G" G' - 8" 9-Lite Steel Exterior 4 1 G' - 0" G' - 8" 15 Lite Vinyl Sliding Patio 5 1 1 2' - 0" G' - G" 15-Lite/ 4-Panel Sliding Patio G 9 2' - G" G' - 8" G Panel Hollow Core Interior 7 4 2' - 3" G' - 8" G-Panel Hollow Core Interior 8 1 2' - 0" G' - 8" G-Panel Hollow Core Interior 9 2 4' - 0" G' - 8" G Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 10 1 5' - 0" G' - 8" G Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 13 1 G'-0" G'-811 PROPOSED BASEMENT 1 /41' = 1'-0" Proposed Window Schedule MK Count Unit Opening Description Width Height A 3 3' - 0" 7' - 10 3/4" Large Picture w/ 24" Awning Above Low -If Aluminum Clad 5 4 2' - 7" G' - 2 3/411 Large Picture w/ 24" Awning Above Low -If Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - 0" 2' - 0" Awning Low-IfAluminum Clad G 4 3' - 0 9/ 1 G" 2' - 0 11211 Awning Low -If Aluminum Clad H 4 2' - G" <varies> Double Hung Low -If Aluminum Clad J I 2' - G 11411 2' - 7 3/411 Awning Low -If Aluminum Clad NOTES: I . CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WINDOW * DOOR SIZES BEING REPLACED 2. NEW WINDOWS SHALL BE MARVIN INTEGRITY WINDOWS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL R.O. SIZES WITH MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO ORDERING GENERAL NOTES No. Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR 4/6/2022 CONSTRUCTION) 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/26/ 0022 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) S owner(s) to review the drawmgs for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site d structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractors) b owner(s) shall not scale these drawmgs, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels E measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the buildmg code and local code t laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DE51GNEP NAMED HERON 15 RE5PON5115LE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLAN5 AND DETAILS ONLY A5 5HOWN IN THI5 PLAN 5ET 4 15 NOT LIABLE FOR THE C05T OR CON5TRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. THE BURDEN COMPANY Professional Drafting Services PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Proposed Basement Plan Project number 22-004 Date 4/6/2022 Drawn by MJB Checked by MJ B A-7 Scale 1 /4" = 1'-0" 0 v N 0 N 0 N dam' N N Proposed Door Schedule MK Count Unit Size Description Width Height 1 1 3' - 0" G' - 8" 2-Lite Steel Exterior 2 1 2' - 8" G' - 8" 9-Lite Steel Exterior 3 1 2' - G" G' - 8" 9-Lite Steel Exterior 4 1 G' - 0" G' - 8" 15 Lite Vinyl Sliding Patio 5 1 1 2' - 0" G' - G" 15-Lite/ 4-Panel Sliding Patio G 9 2' - C" 6' - 8" G Panel Hollow Core Interior 7 4 2' - 3" G' - 8" G-Panel Hollow Core Interior 8 1 2' - 0" G' - (5" G-Panel Hollow Core Interior 9 2 4' - 0" G' - 8" G Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 10 1 5' - O" 6' - 8" G Panel Hollow Core Interior Di -Fold 13 1 G'-Oil G'-811 PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR 1 /4" = 1'-0" Proposed Window Schedule MK Count Unit Opening Description Width Height A 3 3' - 0" 7' - 10 3/4" Large Picture w/ 24" Awning Above Low -If Aluminum Clad B 4 2' - 7" G' - 2 3/411 Large Picture w/ 24" Awning Above Low-E Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - 0" 2' - 0" Awning Low -If Aluminum Clad G 4 3' - 0 9/ 1 G" 2' - 0 11211 Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad H 4 21 - G" <varies> Double Hung Low -If Aluminum Clad J 1 2' - G 11411 2' - 7 3/4' Awning Low -If Aluminum Clad NOTES: I . CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WINDOW * DOOR SIZES BEING REPLACED 2. NEW WINDOWS SHALL BE MARVIN INTEGRITY WINDOWS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL R.O. SIZES WITH MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO ORDERING ?" X I G" CONCRETE FOOTING TO BE I UNDER EXISTING REAR BUMPOUT 1EET A-1 2 SECTION "A" FOR DETAILS) These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) t owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site d structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) E owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels € measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code E laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON 15 RE5PON51BLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLAN5 AND DETAILS ONLY A5 SHOWN IN TH15 PLAN SET E 15 NOT LIABLE FOR THE C05T OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING 5HOWN HERON. THE BURDEN COMPANY Professional Drafting Services PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Proposed First Floor Plan Project number 22-004 Date 4/6/2022 Drawn by MJ B Checked by MJB A-8 Scale 1 /4" = 1'-0" Q LO Proposed Door Schedule MK Count Unit Size Description Width Hei9 ht 1 1 3' - 0" G' - 8" _ 2-Lite Steel Exterior 2 1 2' - 8" G' - 8" 9-Lite Steel Exterior 3 1 2' - G" G' - 8" 9-Lite Steel Exterior 4 1 G' - 0" G' - 8" 15 Lite Vinyl Sliding Patio 5 1 1 2' - 0" G' - G" 15-Lite/ 4-Panel Sliding Patio G 9 2' - G" G' - 8" G Panel Hollow Core Interior 7 4 2' - 3" G' - 8" G-Panel Hollow Core Interior 8 1 2' - 0" G' - 8" G-Panel Hollow Core Interior 9 2 4' - 0" G' - 8" G Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 10 1 5' - 0" G' - 8" G Panel Hollow Core Interior Di -Fold G'-8" PROPOSEDSECOND 114" = 1 '-01, Proposed Window Schedule MK Count Unit Opening Description Width Height A 3 3' - 0" 7' - 10 3/4" Large Picture w/ 24" Awning Above Low-E Aluminum Clad B 4 2' - 7" G' - 2 3/4" Large Picture w/ 24" Awning Above Low-E Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - 0" 2' - 0" Awning Low -If Aluminum Clad G 4 3' - 0 9/ 1 G" 2' - 0 1 /2" Awning Low -If Aluminum Clad H 4 2' - G" <varies,> Double Hung Low -If Aluminum Clad J 1 2' - G 11411 1 2' - 7 3/4" lAwnincj Low -If Aluminum Clad CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WINDOW * DOOR SIZES BEING REPLACED NEW WINDOWS SHALL BE MARVIN INTEGRITY WINDOWS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL R.O. SIZES WITH MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO ORDERING GENERAL NOTES No. Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 4 Slider revision, Master Bedroom Elevations 8/20/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 These plans are for the construction of one buildmg only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It 15 the responsibility of the contractor(5) $ owner(5) to review the drawm6j5 for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site E structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(5) d owner(5) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels * measurements for complete assembly and m5tallation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code 4 laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DE51GNEP NAMED HERON 15 RE5PON51BLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PIAN5 AND DETAIL5 ONLY A5 SHOWN IN TH15 PLAN 5ET * 15 NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING 5HOWN HERON. THE BURDEN COMPANY Professional Drafting Services PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Proposed Second Floor Plan Project number 22-004 Date _4_/6/2022 Drawn by MJB Checked by MJ B A-_9 Scale 1 /4" = 1'-0" 5FAMLE55 METAL ROOF (COLOR BY OWNER) NEW FRONT DOOR AWNING (SEAMLESS METAL ROOF) FIRST FLOOR TOP PL, 7' 6 1 /2" — — NEW WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES (TO MATCH EXISTING) MARVIN ULTIMATE LOW-E ALUMINUM CLAD WINDOWS �1 FIRST FLOOR _ 0' 0" PROPOSED FRONT ELEV/AI IVIN rLHIN 1 /4" = 1'-0" ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING) NEW I X 8 AZECK FASCIA TO MATCH EXISTING NEW ALUMINUM GUTTERS * DOWNSPOUTS S1SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 2' - 0 3/4" G" X G" PRESSURE TREATED COLUMNS WRAPPED IN WHITE AZECK SLEEVE PVC RAILINGS 3-SEASON TOP PLATE 5 - 5 1/2" COMPO51TE DECKING ON RUBBER MEMBRANE (PITCH MEMBRANE TOWARD OUTER EDGE) —� EXISTING 3-5EA50N ROOM TO REMAIN rh 3-SEASON FLOOR qu -1' - 6 1 /2" IIIIIIIII—IIIIII—III—III I III � IIII I MASTER BEDROOM ELEVATION 3 1/4" = 1'-0" NEW ARCHITECTURAL ROOF 5HINGLE5 (COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING) NEW ALUMINUM GUTTERS * DOWNSPOUTS NEW FASCIA BOARDS TO MATCH EXISTING NEW CORNER BOARDS TO MATCH EXISTING MARVIN ULTIMATE LOW-E ALUMINUM CLAD WINDOWS NEW COMP051TE DECK NW/ PVC RAILINGS 17 - SEASON FLOOR �J 1- 6 1/2" PROPOSED LEFT ELEVATION PLAN 1 /4" = 1'-0" M �G SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12' - 0 3/4" �7 _FIRST FLOOR TOP PLAT T - 6 1 /2" BASEMENT TOP PLATE 3' - 7" �11 FOUNDATION_ n -0' - 10" �/ iiiIIIIIIIIIIIINW•R GENERALNOTES No. Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 These plans are for the construction of one budding only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) 4 owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site E structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) t owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawmge for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels b measurements for complete assembly and in of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code d laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLAN5 AND DETAILS ONLY A5 SHOWN IN THIS PLAN 5ET d 15 NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. THE BURDEN COMPANY Professional Drafting Services PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Proposed Elevations Project number 22-004 Date 4/6/2022 Drawn by MJ B Checked by MJB A-1 0 Scale 1 /4" = 1'-0" NEW ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING) _SECOND FLOOR TOP PLA 112' - 0 3/4" NEW G" X G" PRESSURE TREATED COLUMNS WRAPPED IN WHITE AZECK SLEEVES 3-SEASON TOP PLATE v 5'-51/2" � S_ECOND FLOOR 4' - 6 1 /4" NEW WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING NEW CORNER BOARDS TO MATCH EXISTING 3-SEASON FLOOR �-1' - 6 1 /2" PROPOSED REAR _ELEVATION PLAN 1 /4" = 1'-0" NEW ARCHITECTURAL ROOF 5HINGLE5 (COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING) NEW I X 8 AZECK TRIM BOARDS TO MATCH EXISTING NEW ALUMINUM GUTTER5 * DOWNSPOUTS FIRST FI OOR TOP PLATE -MARVIN INTEGRITY ALUMINUM CLAD WINDOWS 1/2" NEW WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING NEW AZECK CORNER BOARDS z TO MATCH EXISTING M11115171EIllu �11 FIRST FLOOR 0' - 0" J NEW COMPOSITE DECKINGATION W/ PVC RAILINGS -0' - 10" 3 3-SEASON ROOM ELEVATION 1/4111-011 PROPOSED RIGHT ELEVATION 1 /4" = 1'-0" TREATED COLUMNS AZECK SLEEVES 3-SEASON TOP PLATE -_ 5'-51/2 L7 FOUNDATION 3-SEASON FLOOR -1' - 6 1/9 " GENERAL NOTES Description . Date PNo. 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 j ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 These plans are for the construction of one budding only and are not to be copied in arty form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) C owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These - plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site d structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) E owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels d measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code S laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON 15 RE5PON51BLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLAN5 AND DETAILS ONLY A5 SHOWN IN TH15 PLAN SET S 15 NOT LIABLE FOR THE C05T OR CON5TRUCTION OF THE BUILDING 5HOWN HERON. THE BURDEN COMPANY Professional Drafting Services PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone- (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Proposed Elevations Project number 22-004 Date 4/6/2022 Drawn by MJB Checked by MJB A-11 Scale 1 /4" = 1'-0" N 0 N N O N N K ROOF RAFTERS 2 X 10 RAFTERS @ I G" O.C. W/ 112" GYPSUM WALL BOARD (CEILINGS) R-38 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING 1 5# FELT PAPER ICE * WATER (ALL EVES, VALLEYS, * PLANE CHANGES) ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING) 7A� 1 A-12 SECOND FLOOR WALLS NEW 2 X G STUD WALLS @ I G" O.C. W/ 112" GYPSUM WALL BOARD (INTERIOR) R-2 1 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION 112" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING 'TYVECK' HOUSEWRAP OR EQUAL WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES _ _ SECOND FLOOR TOP_PLATE — — (TO MATCH EXISTING) 12' - 0 3/4" _ 2 A-12 SECOND FLOOR DECK NEW 2 X 8 FLOOR JOISTS @ 1 2" O.C. W/ 112" GYPSUM WALL BOARD (CEILINGS) 3/4" ADVANTECH SUBFLOOR FINISH FLOORING (TYPE BY OWNER) _ 3-SEASON TOP _PLATE /1 3 4 5'-51/2" FIRST FLOOR WALLS A-12 A-12 EXISTING 2 X G STUD WALL TO REMAIN UNMODIFIED EXISTING FLOOR SLAB EXISTING FOUNDATION _ 3-SEASON FLOOR n EXISTING CMU FOUNDATION oJi 61/2�—(1 NEW FOOTINGI- NEW 1 2" HIGH X I G" WIDE FOOTING DIG POUR IN 48" SECTIONS INCLUDE HORIZONTAL * VERTICAL KEYWAY � = I I —I 1EE1 I II- - -III—IIIIIIIII—III III III 1 1 1 III IIII I I MASTER BEDROOM ADDITION SECTION 1/4" = 1'-0" CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT LVL RIDGE BEAM (SEE FRAMING PLANS FOR SIZE) RIDGE DETAIL TOP OF WALL DOUBLE 2 X G TOP PLATE 3- 2 X 12 HEADER 2-2XG DOORWAY OPENING BOTTOM OF WALL DOOR HEADER DETAIL 3/4" = 1'-0" 2 X 10 RAFTERS @ I G" O.C. W/ 5/5" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING 1 5# FELT PAPER * ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR BY OWNER) 2 X 10 RAFTERS @ I G" O.C. W/ 112" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING 1 5# FELT PAPER ICE * WATER (ALL EVES * VALLEYS) ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR BY OWNER) R-38 CLOSED CELL INSULATION I X 8 AZECK TRIM BOARD TO MATCH EXISTING I X 12 AZECK SOFFIT W/ VENTILATION AS REQUIRED SOFFIT DETAIL 3/4" = 1'-0" WINDOW HEADER DETAIL 3/4" = 1'-0" rh FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE ") 7' - 6 1 /2" y FIRST FLOOR of -Off FINISH GRADE 1'-6" n ADDITION FOOTING V7 4�- 0" FAMILY ROOM ADDITION SECTION 1 /4" = 1'-0" TOP OF WALL DOUBLE 2 X G TOP PLATE 3- 2 X 12 HEADER 2-2XG WINDOW OPENING 2 X G WINDOW SILL 2 X G STUDS @ I G" D.C. BOTTOM OF WALL HURRICANE CLIPS @ ALL CONNECTIONS 2X DOUBLE TOP PLATE 2X STUD WALL (SEE SECTION FOR DETAILS) 2 A-13 3- 2 X 12 CENTER BEAM 7f� -I I Iiif, I[ 3-1/2" DIA. LALLY COLUMN o �nlll��,lll LVL RIDGE BEAM ROOF RAFTERS NEW 2 X 10 RAFTERS @ I G" O.C. W/ 112" GYPSUM WALL BOARD (CEILINGS) R-38 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD INSULATION 1 5# FELT PAPER ICE $ WATER (ALL EVES, VALLEYS, * PLANE CHANGES) * ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING) FIRST FLOOR WALLS NEW 2XGSTUD WALL FIRST FLOOR DECK NEW 2 X 10 FLOOR JOISTS @ I G" O.C. W/ R-30 GATT INSULATION 6F :13/4" ADVANTECH 5UBFLOOR A-12 FINISH FLOORING (TYPE BY OWNER) —+— CONCRETE FOUNDATION NEW 8" CONCRETE FOUNDATION W/ 2- #4 REINFORCING BARS (TOP TIE) * DAMPPROOFING EXTERIOR N-{ (MIN. 48" BELOW FINISH GRADE) 10. x —1 _ 2 @IG"O.C. W/ 112" GYPSUM WALL BOARD - — 5 R-2 t CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM INSU I/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING "TYVECK" HOUSEWRAP OR EQUAL LATION A-12 WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES (TO MATCH EXISTING) :III 3 S-1 FINISH FLOOR ON 3/4" ADVANTECH 5UBFLOOP, FLOOR JOISTS (SEE CROSS-SECTION FOR SIZE * SPACING) RIM JOIST DETAIL 3/4" = 1'-0" FLOOR SYSTEM (SEE CROSS SECTION) 3-1/2" DIA. LALLY COLUMNS ON 30" WIDE X 10" DEEP FOOTINGS CENTER BEAM DETAIL 3/4" = 1'-0" 2 X G STUD WALL @ I G" D.C. W/ 112" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING 'TYVECK' HOUSEWRAP OR EQUAL * VINYL SIDING (COLOR BY OWNER) 2 X G BOTTOM PLATE HEADER TO MATCH JOISTS (SEE CROSS-SECTION FOR SIZE) 2 X G STUD WALL @ I G" O.C. W/ 112" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING 'TYVECK' HOUSEWRAP OR EQUAL t VINYL 51DING (COLOR BY OWNER) 3- 2 X 12 CENTER BEAM These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) * owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site 4 structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) S owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels 4 measurements for complete assembly and mstallation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code E laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DE51GNEP NAMED HERON 15 RE5PON516LE POP THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THI5 PLAN SET S 15 NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. THE BURDEN COMPANY Professional Drafting Services PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Cross Sections & Details Project number 22-004 Date 4/6/2022 Drawn by MJB Checked by MJB A-1 2 Scale As indicated N T 2 LO LP N Cl N N O N 4 N N Elevation 1 - a Elevation 1 - b 1 /2" = 1'-0" 1 /2" = 1'-0" Elevation 1 - c 1 /2" = 1'-0" i STAIRWAY FROM EXISTING 2ND FLOOR TO MASTER BEDROOM 4 Elevation 1 - d 1 /2" = 1'-0" - -- - ',:St1ADE D •A T5 SLOPED AREA REPRESEN E GSA -_ �k. J. —SECOND_FLOOR TOP OP PLATE 12'-03/4" 3-SEASON TOP PLATE 5' - 5 1 /2 �7 SECOND FLOOR 4' _ 6 SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE _ - 12' - 0 3/4" 3-SEASON TOP PLATE 5'- 5 1 /2" SECOND FLOOR 4'_ 6 1 /4' J GENERAL NOTES No. Description Date 4 Slider revision, Master Bedroom Elevations 8/20/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 These plans are for the construction of one buildmg only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) $ owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site t structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) d owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale draanngs for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels E measurements for complete assembly and mstallation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code t laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THI5 PLAN SET C 15 NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. THE BURDEN MP N CO Y Professional Drafting Services PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Master Bedroom Elevations Project number 22-004 Date - -- --- 08/20/22 Drawn by MJ B Checked by MJB A-1 4 Scale 1 /2" = 1'-0" co CD N N 0 N N N 01 PIN NEV W/ A FOUNDATION 1 /2" = 1'-0" T — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -� 1 I I IVLL IIV I V lxLvv P L� Lq I ik/IV =OUNDATION INTO EXISTING W/ #4 KLINFORCING BARS @ 12' O.C. 5EE HEADER DETAIL 2 X 4 KEYWAY 2- #4 REINFORCING BARS CENTERED IN FOOTING FOUNDATION DETAIL 3/4" = 1'-0" FOOTING DETAIL 3/411 = 1'-011 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS @4811 O.C. (MAX) * 1 2" FROM EACH CORNER 4" CONCRETE SLAB 8" LAYER COMPACTED GRAVEL ON UNDISTURBED EARTH 30" X 30" CONCRETE FOOTING 3-112" DIA. LALLY COLUMN UNDER ALL LALLY COLUMNS 4" CONCRETE SLAB O a d a dOOOOOOOO >O O 0 00O O DOoOoOo Q0000 I I— �0. 6060006CO000(:)0000 — � IOo oobocioo0ooboao000_ - Q.O.00�_O.0.0�000C %.O� 2'-G" GENERAL NOTES No. Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied In any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) i owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used In conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site t structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) d owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels d measurements for complete assembly and Installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site In conjunction with the budding code and local code S laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY A5 SHOWN IN THI5 PLAN 5ET * 15 NOT LIABLE FOR THE C05T OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING 5HOWN HERON, THE BURDEN COMPANY Professional Drafting Services PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Foundation Plan Project number 22-004 Date 4/6/2022 Drawn by MJB Checked by MJB S-1 Scale As indicated 1p It N 0 N 0 N N N 29' - 10 112" 2 X 8 PRESSURE TREATED RIM JOIST JOISTS W/ SIMPSON LU52 10 HANGERS 2- 2 X 12 PRESSURE TREATED BEAM q G" X G" PRESSURE TREATED COLUMNS 2" DIA. CONCRETE FOOTINGS 48" DEEP 2 X 8 PRESSURE TREATED DECK HEADER HANG JOISTS W/ SIMPSON LU52 10 HANGERS $ LAG TO HOUSE @ 1 2" O.C. (STAGGERED) OOR FRAMING -0" BUILD UP ROOF AS REQUIRED FOR WATER FLOW 2 X 10 RIM JOISTS (TYPICAL EACH END) SECOND FLOOR FRAMING 3/16" = 1'-0" ROOF FRAMING 3/16" = 1'-0" 1 -7/8" LVL RIDGE BEAM (2-PLY) O 1 LU W I I N i BUILD UP ROOF \ TO ALLOW WATER FLOW .� \ I 2-PLY LVL BEAM 3-PLY 7- 1 /4" LVL RAFTERS (TYPICAL EACH SIDE) 1 1 -7/8" LVL K `AM # I (4-PLY) _US2 10 HANGERS STAGGERED) LU5210 HANGERS C IDGE BEAM (I -PLY) �� v LU O x N -- GENERAL NOTES No. I Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 3 Adjustments to Front Bumpout 5/20/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibihty of the contractor(s) E owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site 4 structural plans, construction epecificatlons, etc). The contractor(s) 6 owner(s) shall not scale these drawmgs, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels * measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the budding code and local code * laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PIAN5 AND DETAILS ONLY A5 SHOWN IN THI5 PLAN 5ET 4 IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE C05T OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. THE BURDEN COMPANY Professional Drafting ServiceL, PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax, (508) 692-9505 www. burdendrafters. com Wojcik Construction Co., 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Inc. Framing Plans Project number -- 22-004 — — 4/6/2022 Date Drawn by MJ B Checked by MJB S-2 Scale 3/16" I r` LO �t N O N N O N N a