HomeMy WebLinkAboutDMR Filing 08 2024 11494L2445761 Bennett Environmental Associates K11494DA.S.WW.700 THE COVE @ YARMOUTH Client: Project Name: Project Number: 08/20/24 Eight Walkup Drive, Westborough, MA 01581-1019 Lab Number: Report Date: 508-898-9220 (Fax) 508-898-9193 800-624-9220 - www.alphalab.com 1573 Main Street Brewster, MA 02631 Samantha FarrenkopfATTN: ANALYTICAL REPORT (508) 896-1706Phone: The original project report/data package is held by Alpha Analytical. This report/data package is paginated and should be reproduced only in its entirety. Alpha Analytical holds no responsibility for results and/or data that are not consistent with the original. Certifications & Approvals: MA (M-MA086), NH NELAP (2064), CT (PH-0826), IL (200077), IN (C-MA-03), KY (KY98045), ME (MA00086), MD (348), NJ (MA935), NY (11148), NC (25700/666), OR (MA-1316), PA (68-03671), RI (LAO00065), TX (T104704476), VT (VT-0935), VA (460195), USDA (Permit #525-23-122-91930A1). Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 1 of 17 L2445761-01 L2445761-02 Alpha Sample ID INFLUENT EFFLUENT Client ID YARMOUTH, MA YARMOUTH, MA Sample Location THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.S.WW.700 Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: L2445761 08/20/24 08/13/24 10:45 08/13/24 11:15 Collection Date/TimeMatrix Receive Date WATER WATER 08/13/24 08/13/24 Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 2 of 17 THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.S.WW.700 Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: L2445761 08/20/24 Case Narrative I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief and based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for providing the information contained in this analytical report, such information is accurate and complete. This certificate of analysis is not complete unless this page accompanies any and all pages of this report. Authorized Signature: Title: Technical Director/Representative Date: 08/20/24 The samples were received in accordance with the Chain of Custody and no significant deviations were encountered during the preparation or analysis unless otherwise noted. Sample Receipt, Container Information, and the Chain of Custody are located at the back of the report. Results contained within this report relate only to the samples submitted under this Alpha Lab Number and meet NELAP requirements for all NELAP accredited parameters unless otherwise noted in the following narrative. The data presented in this report is organized by parameter (i.e. VOC, SVOC, etc.). Sample specific Quality Control data (i.e. Surrogate Spike Recovery) is reported at the end of the target analyte list for each individual sample, followed by the Laboratory Batch Quality Control at the end of each parameter. Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs), if requested, are reported for compounds identified to be present and are not part of the method/program Target Compound List, even if only a subset of the TCL are being reported. If a sample was re-analyzed or re-extracted due to a required quality control corrective action and if both sets of data are reported, the Laboratory ID of the re-analysis or re-extraction is designated with an "R" or "RE", respectively. When multiple Batch Quality Control elements are reported (e.g. more than one LCS), the associated samples for each element are noted in the grey shaded header line of each data table. Any Laboratory Batch, Sample Specific % recovery or RPD value that is outside the listed Acceptance Criteria is bolded in the report. In reference to questions H (CAM) or 4 (RCP) when "NO" is checked, the performance criteria for CAM and RCP methods allow for some quality control failures to occur and still be within method compliance. In these instances, the specific failure is not narrated but noted in the associated QC Outlier Summary Report, located directly after the Case Narrative. QC information is also incorporated in the Data Usability Assessment table (Format 11) of our Data Merger tool, where it can be reviewed in conjunction with the sample result, associated regulatory criteria and any associated data usability implications. Soil/sediments and solids are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted. Tissues are reported "as received" or on a wet weight basis, unless otherwise noted. Definitions of all data qualifiers and acronyms used in this report are provided in the Glossary located at the back of the report. HOLD POLICY - For samples submitted on hold, Alpha's policy is to hold samples (with the exception of Air canisters) free of charge for 21 calendar days from the date the project is completed. After 21 calendar days, we will dispose of all samples submitted including those put on hold unless you have contacted your Alpha Project Manager and made arrangements for Alpha to continue to hold the samples. Air canisters will be disposed after 3 business days from the date the project is completed. Please contact Project Management at 800-624-9220 with any questions. Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 3 of 17 INORGANICS & MISCELLANEOUS Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 4 of 17 FF INFLUENTClient ID: 08/13/24 10:45Date Collected: 08/13/24Date Received: Parameter Result Dilution Factor Matrix:Water YARMOUTH, MASample Location: L2445761-01Lab ID: Qualifier Units RL SAMPLE RESULTS Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.S.WW.700 L2445761 Field Prep: Date Analyzed Analytical Method Analyst Not Specified General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Solids, Total Solids, Total Suspended Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl BOD, 5 day 500 44. 0.32 9.1 16.0 39 mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 1.3 2.5 1 5 2 2 13 12 0.050 0.50 0.600 4.0 08/16/24 02:09 08/16/24 06:50 08/14/24 06:00 08/14/24 08:53 08/19/24 20:37 08/19/24 10:30 121,2540B 121,2540D 44,353.2 44,353.2 121,4500NH3-H 121,5210B DEW CVN KAF KAF AT MKT Date Prepared - - - - 08/19/24 01:49 08/14/24 13:00 08/20/24 MDL NA NA -- -- -- NA Sample Depth: Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 5 of 17 FF EFFLUENTClient ID: 08/13/24 11:15Date Collected: 08/13/24Date Received: Parameter Result Dilution Factor Matrix:Water YARMOUTH, MASample Location: L2445761-02Lab ID: Qualifier Units RL SAMPLE RESULTS Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.S.WW.700 L2445761 Field Prep: Date Analyzed Analytical Method Analyst Not Specified General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Solids, Total Suspended Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl BOD, 5 day Oil & Grease, Hem-Grav 32. ND ND 5.68 23 ND mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 2.5 1 1 1 2.5 1 12 0.050 0.10 0.300 5.0 4.0 08/16/24 06:50 08/14/24 06:01 08/14/24 08:55 08/19/24 20:37 08/19/24 10:30 08/18/24 15:20 121,2540D 44,353.2 44,353.2 121,4500NH3-H 121,5210B 140,1664B CVN KAF KAF AT MKT IYM Date Prepared - - - 08/19/24 01:49 08/14/24 13:00 08/18/24 10:42 08/20/24 MDL NA -- -- -- NA -- Sample Depth: Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 6 of 17 FF Parameter Result Dilution FactorQualifierUnitsRL Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.S.WW.700 L2445761 Date Analyzed Analytical Method Analyst Date Prepared 08/20/24 Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen, Nitrate BOD, 5 day Solids, Total Solids, Total Suspended Oil & Grease, Hem-Grav Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl ND ND ND ND ND ND ND mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.050 0.10 2.0 10 5.0 4.0 0.300 08/14/24 05:00 08/14/24 05:05 08/19/24 10:30 08/16/24 02:09 08/16/24 06:50 08/18/24 14:50 08/19/24 20:34 44,353.2 44,353.2 121,5210B 121,2540B 121,2540D 140,1664B 121,4500NH3-H KAF KAF MKT DEW CVN IYM AT - - 08/14/24 13:00 - - 08/18/24 10:42 08/19/24 01:49 General Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-02 Batch: WG1958974-1 General Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-02 Batch: WG1958976-1 General Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-02 Batch: WG1959123-1 General Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01 Batch: WG1959979-1 General Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-02 Batch: WG1960040-1 General Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 02 Batch: WG1960681-1 General Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-02 Batch: WG1960806-1 MDL -- -- NA NA NA -- -- Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 7 of 17 Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen, Nitrate BOD, 5 day Solids, Total Solids, Total Suspended Oil & Grease, Hem-Grav Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl 96 100 105 102 99 94 92 - - - - - - - 90-110 90-110 85-115 80-120 80-120 78-114 78-122 - - - - - - - 20 20 18 Parameter LCS %Recovery LCSD %Recovery %Recovery Limits RPD RPD Limits General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 Batch: WG1958974-2 General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 Batch: WG1958976-2 General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 Batch: WG1959123-2 General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01 Batch: WG1959979-2 General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 Batch: WG1960040-2 General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 02 Batch: WG1960681-2 General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 Batch: WG1960806-2 Lab Control Sample Analysis Batch Quality ControlProject Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.S.WW.700 L2445761 08/20/24 Qual Qual Qual Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 8 of 17 Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen, Nitrate BOD, 5 day Oil & Grease, Hem-Grav Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl 1.1 15 0.68 ND ND 0.401 5.6 19 4.5 110 37 8.44 112 100 95 110 94 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - 80-120 83-113 83-113 50-145 78-114 77-111 - - - - - - 20 6 6 35 18 24 Parameter Native Sample MS Found MS %Recovery MSD Found MSD %Recovery Recovery Limits RPD RPD Limits General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 QC Batch ID: WG1958974-4 QC Sample: L2445754-01 Client ID: MS Sample General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 QC Batch ID: WG1958976-4 QC Sample: L2445754-01 Client ID: MS Sample General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 QC Batch ID: WG1958976-6 QC Sample: L2445671-01 Client ID: MS Sample General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 QC Batch ID: WG1959123-4 QC Sample: L2445763-02 Client ID: MS Sample General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 02 QC Batch ID: WG1960681-4 QC Sample: L2445677-01 Client ID: MS Sample General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 QC Batch ID: WG1960806-4 QC Sample: L2446216-03 Client ID: MS Sample 4 4 4 100 39.2 8 MS Added Matrix Spike Analysis Batch Quality Control Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.S.WW.700 L2445761 08/20/24 Qual Qual Qual Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 9 of 17 Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen, Nitrate BOD, 5 day Solids, Total Solids, Total Suspended Solids, Total Suspended Oil & Grease, Hem-Grav Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl 1.1 15 0.68 ND 500 240 44 ND 0.401 1.0 15 0.43 ND 450 240 54 ND 0.798 mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 10 0 46 NC 11 0 20 NC 66 20 6 6 35 16 32 32 18 24 Units RPDParameterNative Sample Duplicate Sample RPD Limits General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 QC Batch ID: WG1958974-3 QC Sample: L2445754-01 Client ID: DUP Sample General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 QC Batch ID: WG1958976-3 QC Sample: L2445754-01 Client ID: DUP Sample General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 QC Batch ID: WG1958976-5 QC Sample: L2445671-01 Client ID: DUP Sample General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 QC Batch ID: WG1959123-3 QC Sample: L2445763-02 Client ID: DUP Sample General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01 QC Batch ID: WG1959979-3 QC Sample: L2445761-01 Client ID: INFLUENT General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 QC Batch ID: WG1960040-3 QC Sample: L2445635-02 Client ID: DUP Sample General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 QC Batch ID: WG1960040-4 QC Sample: L2445761-01 Client ID: INFLUENT General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 02 QC Batch ID: WG1960681-3 QC Sample: L2445677-01 Client ID: DUP Sample General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 QC Batch ID: WG1960806-3 QC Sample: L2446216-03 Client ID: DUP Sample THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.S.WW.700 Project Name: Project Number: L2445761Lab Number: Report Date: Lab Duplicate Analysis Batch Quality Control 08/20/24 Qual Q Q Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 10 of 17 *Values in parentheses indicate holding time in days L2445761-01A L2445761-01B L2445761-01C L2445761-02A L2445761-02B L2445761-02C L2445761-02D L2445761-02E Plastic 250ml H2SO4 preserved Plastic 950ml unpreserved Plastic 950ml unpreserved Plastic 250ml H2SO4 preserved Plastic 950ml unpreserved Plastic 950ml unpreserved Amber 1000ml HCl preserved Amber 1000ml HCl preserved A A A A A A A A <2 6 6 <2 6 6 NA NA 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent A B Absent Absent Cooler Custody Seal Cooler Information THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.S.WW.700 TKN-4500(28) TSC-2540(7),NO2-353(2),BOD-5210(2),NO3- 353(2) TSS-2540(7) TKN-4500(28) NO2-353(2),NO3-353(2),BOD-5210(2) TSS-2540(7) OG-1664(28) OG-1664(28) Project Name: Project Number: L2445761Lab Number: Report Date: Sample Receipt and Container Information Container ID Container Type Cooler Temp deg C Pres Seal Container Information Analysis(*) 08/20/24 Were project specific reporting limits specified?YES <2 6 6 <2 6 6 Frozen Date/Time Final pH Initial pH Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 11 of 17 Report Format:Data Usability Report GLOSSARY Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: L2445761THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.S.WW.700 08/20/24 Acronyms DL EDL EMPC EPA LCS LCSD LFB LOD LOQ MDL MS MSD NA NC NDPA/DPA NI NP NR RL RPD SRM STLP TEF TEQ TIC Detection Limit: This value represents the level to which target analyte concentrations are reported as estimated values, when those target analyte concentrations are quantified below the limit of quantitation (LOQ). The DL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. (DoD report formats only.) Estimated Detection Limit: This value represents the level to which target analyte concentrations are reported as estimated values, when those target analyte concentrations are quantified below the reporting limit (RL). The EDL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. The use of EDLs is specific to the analysis of PAHs using Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME). Estimated Maximum Possible Concentration: The concentration that results from the signal present at the retention time of an analyte when the ions meet all of the identification criteria except the ion abundance ratio criteria. An EMPC is a worst-case estimate of the concentration. Environmental Protection Agency. Laboratory Control Sample: A sample matrix, free from the analytes of interest, spiked with verified known amounts of analytes or a material containing known and verified amounts of analytes. Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate: Refer to LCS. Laboratory Fortified Blank: A sample matrix, free from the analytes of interest, spiked with verified known amounts of analytes or a material containing known and verified amounts of analytes. Limit of Detection: This value represents the level to which a target analyte can reliably be detected for a specific analyte in a specific matrix by a specific method. The LOD includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. (DoD report formats only.) Limit of Quantitation: The value at which an instrument can accurately measure an analyte at a specific concentration. The LOQ includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. (DoD report formats only.) Limit of Quantitation: The value at which an instrument can accurately measure an analyte at a specific concentration. The LOQ includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. (DoD report formats only.) Method Detection Limit: This value represents the level to which target analyte concentrations are reported as estimated values, when those target analyte concentrations are quantified below the reporting limit (RL). The MDL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. Matrix Spike Sample: A sample prepared by adding a known mass of target analyte to a specified amount of matrix sample for which an independent estimate of target analyte concentration is available. For Method 332.0, the spike recovery is calculated using the native concentration, including estimated values. Matrix Spike Sample Duplicate: Refer to MS. Not Applicable. Not Calculated: Term is utilized when one or more of the results utilized in the calculation are non-detect at the parameter's reporting unit. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine. Not Ignitable. Non-Plastic: Term is utilized for the analysis of Atterberg Limits in soil. No Results: Term is utilized when 'No Target Compounds Requested' is reported for the analysis of Volatile or Semivolatile Organic TIC only requests. Reporting Limit: The value at which an instrument can accurately measure an analyte at a specific concentration. The RL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. Relative Percent Difference: The results from matrix and/or matrix spike duplicates are primarily designed to assess the precision of analytical results in a given matrix and are expressed as relative percent difference (RPD). Values which are less than five times the reporting limit for any individual parameter are evaluated by utilizing the absolute difference between the values; although the RPD value will be provided in the report. Standard Reference Material: A reference sample of a known or certified value that is of the same or similar matrix as the associated field samples. Semi-dynamic Tank Leaching Procedure per EPA Method 1315. Toxic Equivalency Factors: The values assigned to each dioxin and furan to evaluate their toxicity relative to 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Toxic Equivalent: The measure of a sample's toxicity derived by multiplying each dioxin and furan by its corresponding TEF and then summing the resulting values. Tentatively Identified Compound: A compound that has been identified to be present and is not part of the target compound list (TCL) for the method and/or program. All TICs are qualitatively identified and reported as estimated concentrations. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 12 of 17 Report Format:Data Usability Report Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: L2445761THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.S.WW.700 08/20/24 Terms Analytical Method: Both the document from which the method originates and the analytical reference method. (Example: EPA 8260B is shown as 1,8260B.) The codes for the reference method documents are provided in the References section of the Addendum. Chlordane: The target compound Chlordane (CAS No. 57-74-9) is reported for GC ECD analyses. Per EPA,this compound "refers to a mixture of chlordane isomers, other chlorinated hydrocarbons and numerous other components." (Reference: USEPA Toxicological Review of Chlordane, In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), December 1997.) Difference: With respect to Total Oxidizable Precursor (TOP) Assay analysis, the difference is defined as the Post-Treatment value minus the Pre-Treatment value. Final pH: As it pertains to Sample Receipt & Container Information section of the report, Final pH reflects pH of container determined after adjustment at the laboratory, if applicable. If no adjustment required, value reflects Initial pH. Frozen Date/Time: With respect to Volatile Organics in soil, Frozen Date/Time reflects the date/time at which associated Reagent Water- preserved vials were initially frozen. Note: If frozen date/time is beyond 48 hours from sample collection, value will be reflected in 'bold'. Gasoline Range Organics (GRO): Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) results include all chromatographic peaks eluting from Methyl tert butyl ether through Naphthalene, with the exception of GRO analysis in support of State of Ohio programs, which includes all chromatographic peaks eluting from Hexane through Dodecane. Initial pH: As it pertains to Sample Receipt & Container Information section of the report, Initial pH reflects pH of container determined upon receipt, if applicable. PAH Total: With respect to Alkylated PAH analyses, the 'PAHs, Total' result is defined as the summation of results for all or a subset of the following compounds: Naphthalene, C1-C4 Naphthalenes, 2-Methylnaphthalene, 1-Methylnaphthalene, Biphenyl, Acenaphthylene, Acenaphthene, Fluorene, C1-C3 Fluorenes, Phenanthrene, C1-C4 Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes, Anthracene, Fluoranthene, Pyrene, C1-C4 Fluoranthenes/Pyrenes, Benz(a)anthracene, Chrysene, C1-C4 Chrysenes, Benzo(b)fluoranthene, Benzo(j)+(k)fluoranthene, Benzo(e)pyrene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Perylene, Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, Dibenz(ah)+(ac)anthracene, Benzo(g,h,i)perylene. If a 'Total' result is requested, the results of its individual components will also be reported. PFAS Total: With respect to PFAS analyses, the 'PFAS, Total (5)' result is defined as the summation of results for: PFHpA, PFHxS, PFOA, PFNA and PFOS. In addition, the 'PFAS, Total (6)' result is defined as the summation of results for: PFHpA, PFHxS, PFOA, PFNA, PFDA and PFOS. For MassDEP DW compliance analysis only, the 'PFAS, Total (6)' result is defined as the summation of results at or above the RL. Note: If a 'Total' result is requested, the results of its individual components will also be reported. Total: With respect to Organic analyses, a 'Total' result is defined as the summation of results for individual isomers or Aroclors. If a 'Total' result is requested, the results of its individual components will also be reported. This is applicable to 'Total' results for methods 8260, 8081 and 8082. Data Qualifiers A B C D E F G H I J M - - - - - - - - - - - Spectra identified as "Aldol Condensates" are byproducts of the extraction/concentration procedures when acetone is introduced in the process. The analyte was detected above the reporting limit in the associated method blank. Flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte at less than ten times (10x) the concentration found in the blank. For MCP-related projects, flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte at less than ten times (10x) the concentration found in the blank. For DOD-related projects, flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte at less than ten times (10x) the concentration found in the blank AND the analyte was detected above one-half the reporting limit (or above the reporting limit for common lab contaminants) in the associated method blank. For NJ- Air-related projects, flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte above the reporting limit. For NJ-related projects (excluding Air), flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte, which was detected above the reporting limit in the associated method blank or above five times the reporting limit for common lab contaminants (Phthalates, Acetone, Methylene Chloride, 2-Butanone). Co-elution: The target analyte co-elutes with a known lab standard (i.e. surrogate, internal standards, etc.) for co-extracted analyses. Concentration of analyte was quantified from diluted analysis. Flag only applies to field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte. Concentration of analyte exceeds the range of the calibration curve and/or linear range of the instrument. The ratio of quantifier ion response to qualifier ion response falls outside of the laboratory criteria. Results are considered to be an estimated maximum concentration. The concentration may be biased high due to matrix interferences (i.e, co-elution) with non-target compound(s). The result should be considered estimated. The analysis of pH was performed beyond the regulatory-required holding time of 15 minutes from the time of sample collection. The lower value for the two columns has been reported due to obvious interference. Estimated value. This represents an estimated concentration for Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs). Reporting Limit (RL) exceeds the MCP CAM Reporting Limit for this analyte. 1 The reference for this analyte should be considered modified since this analyte is absent from the target analyte list of the original method. - Footnotes Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 13 of 17 Report Format:Data Usability Report Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: L2445761THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.S.WW.700 08/20/24 Data Qualifiers ND NJ P Q R RE S V Z - - - - - - - - - Not detected at the reporting limit (RL) for the sample. Presumptive evidence of compound. This represents an estimated concentration for Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs), where the identification is based on a mass spectral library search. The RPD between the results for the two columns exceeds the method-specified criteria. The quality control sample exceeds the associated acceptance criteria. For DOD-related projects, LCS and/or Continuing Calibration Standard exceedences are also qualified on all associated sample results. Note: This flag is not applicable for matrix spike recoveries when the sample concentration is greater than 4x the spike added or for batch duplicate RPD when the sample concentrations are less than 5x the RL. (Metals only.) Analytical results are from sample re-analysis. Analytical results are from sample re-extraction. Analytical results are from modified screening analysis. The surrogate associated with this target analyte has a recovery outside the QC acceptance limits. (Applicable to MassDEP DW Compliance samples only.) The batch matrix spike and/or duplicate associated with this target analyte has a recovery/RPD outside the QC acceptance limits. (Applicable to MassDEP DW Compliance samples only.) Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 14 of 17 Alpha Analytical performs services with reasonable care and diligence normal to the analytical testing laboratory industry. In the event of an error, the sole and exclusive responsibility of Alpha Analytical shall be to re-perform the work at it's own expense. In no event shall Alpha Analytical be held liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages, including but not limited to, damages in any way connected with the use of, interpretation of, information or analysis provided by Alpha Analytical. We strongly urge our clients to comply with EPA protocol regarding sample volume, preservation, cooling, containers, sampling procedures, holding time and splitting of samples in the field. LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES 44 121 140 Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in Environmental Samples, EPA/600/R-93/100, August 1993. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. APHA-AWWA-WEF. Standard Methods Online. Method 1664,Revision B: N-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM; Oil & Grease) and Silica Gel Treated N-Hexane Extractable Material (SGT-HEM; Non-polar Material) by Extraction and Gravimetry, EPA-821-R-10-001, February 2010. Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: L2445761THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.S.WW.700 REFERENCES 08/20/24 Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 15 of 17 Alpha Analytical, Inc.ID No.:17873 Facility: Company-wide Revision 21 Department: Quality Assurance Published Date: 04/17/2024 Title: Certificate/Approval Program Summary Page 1 of 1 Document Type: Form Pre-Qualtrax Document ID: 08-113 Certification Information The following analytes are not included in our Primary NELAP Scope of Accreditation: Westborough Facility EPA 624.1: m/p-xylene, o-xylene, Naphthalene EPA 625.1: alpha-Terpineol EPA 8260D: NPW: 1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene; 4-Ethyltoluene;SCM:Iodomethane (methyl iodide), 1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene; 4-Ethyltoluene. EPA 8270E: NPW: Dimethylnaphthalene,1,4-Diphenylhydrazine, alpha-Terpineol, Azobenzene; SCM: Dimethylnaphthalene,1,4-Diphenylhydrazine. SM4500: NPW: Amenable Cyanide; SCM: Total Phosphorus, TKN, NO2, NO3. Mansfield Facility SM 2540D: TSS. EPA TO-15: Halothane, 2,4,4-Trimethyl-2-pentene, 2,4,4-Trimethyl-1-pentene, Thiophene, 2-Methylthiophene, 3-Methylthiophene, 2-Ethylthiophene, 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene, Indan, Indene, 1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene, Benzothiophene, 1-Methylnaphthalene. Nonpotable Water: EPA RSK-175 Dissolved Gases Biological Tissue Matrix:EPA 3050B The following analytes are included in our Massachusetts DEP Scope of Accreditation Westborough Facility: Drinking Water EPA 300.0: Chloride, Nitrate-N, Fluoride, Sulfate; EPA 353.2: Nitrate-N, Nitrite-N; SM4500NO3-F: Nitrate-N, Nitrite-N; SM4500F-C, SM4500CN-CE, EPA 180.1, SM2130B, SM4500Cl-D, SM2320B, SM2540C, SM4500H-B, SM4500NO2-B EPA 524.2: THMs and VOCs; EPA 504.1: EDB, DBCP. Microbiology: SM9215B; SM9223-P/A, SM9223B-Colilert-QT,SM9222D. Non-Potable Water SM4500H,B, EPA 120.1, SM2510B, SM2540C, SM2320B, SM4500CL-E, SM4500F-BC, SM4500NH3-BH: Ammonia-N and Kjeldahl-N, EPA 350.1: Ammonia-N, LACHAT 10-107-06-1-B: Ammonia-N, EPA 351.1,SM4500NO3-F, EPA 353.2: Nitrate-N, SM4500P-E, SM4500P-B, E, SM4500SO4-E, SM5220D, EPA 410.4, SM5210B, SM5310C, SM4500CL-D, EPA 1664, EPA 420.1, SM4500-CN-CE, SM2540D, EPA 300: Chloride, Sulfate, Nitrate. EPA 624.1: Volatile Halocarbons & Aromatics, EPA 608.3: Chlordane, Toxaphene, Aldrin, alpha-BHC, beta-BHC, gamma-BHC, delta-BHC, Dieldrin, DDD, DDE, DDT, Endosulfan I, Endosulfan II, Endosulfan sulfate, Endrin, Endrin Aldehyde, Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, PCBs EPA 625.1: SVOC (Acid/Base/Neutral Extractables). Microbiology: SM9223B-Colilert-QT; Enterolert-QT, EPA 1600, EPA 1603, SM9222D. Mansfield Facility: Drinking Water EPA 200.7: Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Na, Ag, Ca, Zn. EPA 200.8: Al,Sb, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni, Se, Ag, TL, Zn. EPA 245.1 Hg. EPA 522, EPA 537.1. Non-Potable Water EPA 200.7: Al, Sb, As, Be, Cd, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, K, Se, Ag, Na, Sr, TL, Ti, V, Zn. EPA 200.8: Al,Sb, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni, K, Se, Ag, Na, TL, Zn. EPA 245.1 Hg. SM2340B For a complete listing of analytes and methods, please contact your Alpha Project Manager. Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 16 of 17 Serial_No:08202411:47 Page 17 of 17 L2450724 Bennett Environmental Associates K11494DA.X.WW.700 THE COVE @ YARMOUTH Client: Project Name: Project Number: 09/11/24 Eight Walkup Drive, Westborough, MA 01581-1019 Lab Number: Report Date: 508-898-9220 (Fax) 508-898-9193 800-624-9220 - www.alphalab.com 1573 Main Street Brewster, MA 02631 Samantha FarrenkopfATTN: ANALYTICAL REPORT (508) 896-1706Phone: The original project report/data package is held by Alpha Analytical. This report/data package is paginated and should be reproduced only in its entirety. Alpha Analytical holds no responsibility for results and/or data that are not consistent with the original. Certifications & Approvals: MA (M-MA086), NH NELAP (2064), CT (PH-0826), IL (200077), IN (C-MA-03), KY (KY98045), ME (MA00086), MD (348), NJ (MA935), NY (11148), NC (25700/666), OR (MA-1316), PA (68-03671), RI (LAO00065), TX (T104704476), VT (VT-0935), VA (460195), USDA (Permit #525-23-122-91930A1). Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 1 of 15 L2450724-01 Alpha Sample ID EFFLUENT RESAMPLE Client ID YARMOUTH, MA Sample Location THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.X.WW.700 Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: L2450724 09/11/24 09/05/24 08:20 Collection Date/TimeMatrix Receive Date WATER 09/05/24 Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 2 of 15 THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.X.WW.700 Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: L2450724 09/11/24 Case Narrative I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief and based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for providing the information contained in this analytical report, such information is accurate and complete. This certificate of analysis is not complete unless this page accompanies any and all pages of this report. Authorized Signature: Title: Technical Director/Representative Date: 09/11/24 The samples were received in accordance with the Chain of Custody and no significant deviations were encountered during the preparation or analysis unless otherwise noted. Sample Receipt, Container Information, and the Chain of Custody are located at the back of the report. Results contained within this report relate only to the samples submitted under this Alpha Lab Number and meet NELAP requirements for all NELAP accredited parameters unless otherwise noted in the following narrative. The data presented in this report is organized by parameter (i.e. VOC, SVOC, etc.). Sample specific Quality Control data (i.e. Surrogate Spike Recovery) is reported at the end of the target analyte list for each individual sample, followed by the Laboratory Batch Quality Control at the end of each parameter. Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs), if requested, are reported for compounds identified to be present and are not part of the method/program Target Compound List, even if only a subset of the TCL are being reported. If a sample was re-analyzed or re-extracted due to a required quality control corrective action and if both sets of data are reported, the Laboratory ID of the re-analysis or re-extraction is designated with an "R" or "RE", respectively. When multiple Batch Quality Control elements are reported (e.g. more than one LCS), the associated samples for each element are noted in the grey shaded header line of each data table. Any Laboratory Batch, Sample Specific % recovery or RPD value that is outside the listed Acceptance Criteria is bolded in the report. In reference to questions H (CAM) or 4 (RCP) when "NO" is checked, the performance criteria for CAM and RCP methods allow for some quality control failures to occur and still be within method compliance. In these instances, the specific failure is not narrated but noted in the associated QC Outlier Summary Report, located directly after the Case Narrative. QC information is also incorporated in the Data Usability Assessment table (Format 11) of our Data Merger tool, where it can be reviewed in conjunction with the sample result, associated regulatory criteria and any associated data usability implications. Soil/sediments and solids are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted. Tissues are reported "as received" or on a wet weight basis, unless otherwise noted. Definitions of all data qualifiers and acronyms used in this report are provided in the Glossary located at the back of the report. HOLD POLICY - For samples submitted on hold, Alpha's policy is to hold samples (with the exception of Air canisters) free of charge for 21 calendar days from the date the project is completed. After 21 calendar days, we will dispose of all samples submitted including those put on hold unless you have contacted your Alpha Project Manager and made arrangements for Alpha to continue to hold the samples. Air canisters will be disposed after 3 business days from the date the project is completed. Please contact Project Management at 800-624-9220 with any questions. Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 3 of 15 INORGANICS & MISCELLANEOUS Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 4 of 15 FF EFFLUENT RESAMPLEClient ID: 09/05/24 08:20Date Collected: 09/05/24Date Received: Parameter Result Dilution Factor Matrix:Water YARMOUTH, MASample Location: L2450724-01Lab ID: Qualifier Units RL SAMPLE RESULTS Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.X.WW.700 L2450724 Field Prep: Date Analyzed Analytical Method Analyst Not Specified General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Solids, Total Suspended 24.mg/l 210 09/09/24 07:04 121,2540D BAY Date Prepared - 09/11/24 MDL NA Sample Depth: Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 5 of 15 FF Parameter Result Dilution FactorQualifierUnitsRL Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.X.WW.700 L2450724 Date Analyzed Analytical Method Analyst Date Prepared 09/11/24 Solids, Total Suspended ND mg/l 15.0 09/09/24 07:04 121,2540D BAY- General Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01 Batch: WG1969034-1 MDL NA Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 6 of 15 Solids, Total Suspended 87 -80-120 - Parameter LCS %Recovery LCSD %Recovery %Recovery Limits RPD RPD Limits General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01 Batch: WG1969034-2 Lab Control Sample Analysis Batch Quality ControlProject Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.X.WW.700 L2450724 09/11/24 Qual Qual Qual Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 7 of 15 Solids, Total Suspended Solids, Total Suspended 77 420 69 360 mg/l mg/l 11 15 32 32 Units RPDParameterNative Sample Duplicate Sample RPD Limits General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01 QC Batch ID: WG1969034-3 QC Sample: L2450617-01 Client ID: DUP Sample General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01 QC Batch ID: WG1969034-4 QC Sample: L2450879-02 Client ID: DUP Sample THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.X.WW.700 Project Name: Project Number: L2450724Lab Number: Report Date: Lab Duplicate Analysis Batch Quality Control 09/11/24 Qual Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 8 of 15 *Values in parentheses indicate holding time in days L2450724-01A Plastic 950ml unpreserved A 6 3.6 Y Absent A B Absent Absent Cooler Custody Seal Cooler Information THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.X.WW.700 TSS-2540(7) Project Name: Project Number: L2450724Lab Number: Report Date: Sample Receipt and Container Information Container ID Container Type Cooler Temp deg C Pres Seal Container Information Analysis(*) 09/11/24 Were project specific reporting limits specified?YES 6 Frozen Date/Time Final pH Initial pH Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 9 of 15 Report Format:Data Usability Report GLOSSARY Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: L2450724THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.X.WW.700 09/11/24 Acronyms DL EDL EMPC EPA LCS LCSD LFB LOD LOQ MDL MS MSD NA NC NDPA/DPA NI NP NR RL RPD SRM STLP TEF TEQ TIC Detection Limit: This value represents the level to which target analyte concentrations are reported as estimated values, when those target analyte concentrations are quantified below the limit of quantitation (LOQ). The DL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. (DoD report formats only.) Estimated Detection Limit: This value represents the level to which target analyte concentrations are reported as estimated values, when those target analyte concentrations are quantified below the reporting limit (RL). The EDL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. The use of EDLs is specific to the analysis of PAHs using Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME). Estimated Maximum Possible Concentration: The concentration that results from the signal present at the retention time of an analyte when the ions meet all of the identification criteria except the ion abundance ratio criteria. An EMPC is a worst-case estimate of the concentration. Environmental Protection Agency. Laboratory Control Sample: A sample matrix, free from the analytes of interest, spiked with verified known amounts of analytes or a material containing known and verified amounts of analytes. Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate: Refer to LCS. Laboratory Fortified Blank: A sample matrix, free from the analytes of interest, spiked with verified known amounts of analytes or a material containing known and verified amounts of analytes. Limit of Detection: This value represents the level to which a target analyte can reliably be detected for a specific analyte in a specific matrix by a specific method. The LOD includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. (DoD report formats only.) Limit of Quantitation: The value at which an instrument can accurately measure an analyte at a specific concentration. The LOQ includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. (DoD report formats only.) Limit of Quantitation: The value at which an instrument can accurately measure an analyte at a specific concentration. The LOQ includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. (DoD report formats only.) Method Detection Limit: This value represents the level to which target analyte concentrations are reported as estimated values, when those target analyte concentrations are quantified below the reporting limit (RL). The MDL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. Matrix Spike Sample: A sample prepared by adding a known mass of target analyte to a specified amount of matrix sample for which an independent estimate of target analyte concentration is available. For Method 332.0, the spike recovery is calculated using the native concentration, including estimated values. Matrix Spike Sample Duplicate: Refer to MS. Not Applicable. Not Calculated: Term is utilized when one or more of the results utilized in the calculation are non-detect at the parameter's reporting unit. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine/Diphenylamine. Not Ignitable. Non-Plastic: Term is utilized for the analysis of Atterberg Limits in soil. No Results: Term is utilized when 'No Target Compounds Requested' is reported for the analysis of Volatile or Semivolatile Organic TIC only requests. Reporting Limit: The value at which an instrument can accurately measure an analyte at a specific concentration. The RL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. Relative Percent Difference: The results from matrix and/or matrix spike duplicates are primarily designed to assess the precision of analytical results in a given matrix and are expressed as relative percent difference (RPD). Values which are less than five times the reporting limit for any individual parameter are evaluated by utilizing the absolute difference between the values; although the RPD value will be provided in the report. Standard Reference Material: A reference sample of a known or certified value that is of the same or similar matrix as the associated field samples. Semi-dynamic Tank Leaching Procedure per EPA Method 1315. Toxic Equivalency Factors: The values assigned to each dioxin and furan to evaluate their toxicity relative to 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Toxic Equivalent: The measure of a sample's toxicity derived by multiplying each dioxin and furan by its corresponding TEF and then summing the resulting values. Tentatively Identified Compound: A compound that has been identified to be present and is not part of the target compound list (TCL) for the method and/or program. All TICs are qualitatively identified and reported as estimated concentrations. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 10 of 15 Report Format:Data Usability Report Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: L2450724THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.X.WW.700 09/11/24 Terms Analytical Method: Both the document from which the method originates and the analytical reference method. (Example: EPA 8260B is shown as 1,8260B.) The codes for the reference method documents are provided in the References section of the Addendum. Chlordane: The target compound Chlordane (CAS No. 57-74-9) is reported for GC ECD analyses. Per EPA,this compound "refers to a mixture of chlordane isomers, other chlorinated hydrocarbons and numerous other components." (Reference: USEPA Toxicological Review of Chlordane, In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), December 1997.) Difference: With respect to Total Oxidizable Precursor (TOP) Assay analysis, the difference is defined as the Post-Treatment value minus the Pre-Treatment value. Final pH: As it pertains to Sample Receipt & Container Information section of the report, Final pH reflects pH of container determined after adjustment at the laboratory, if applicable. If no adjustment required, value reflects Initial pH. Frozen Date/Time: With respect to Volatile Organics in soil, Frozen Date/Time reflects the date/time at which associated Reagent Water- preserved vials were initially frozen. Note: If frozen date/time is beyond 48 hours from sample collection, value will be reflected in 'bold'. Gasoline Range Organics (GRO): Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) results include all chromatographic peaks eluting from Methyl tert butyl ether through Naphthalene, with the exception of GRO analysis in support of State of Ohio programs, which includes all chromatographic peaks eluting from Hexane through Dodecane. Initial pH: As it pertains to Sample Receipt & Container Information section of the report, Initial pH reflects pH of container determined upon receipt, if applicable. PAH Total: With respect to Alkylated PAH analyses, the 'PAHs, Total' result is defined as the summation of results for all or a subset of the following compounds: Naphthalene, C1-C4 Naphthalenes, 2-Methylnaphthalene, 1-Methylnaphthalene, Biphenyl, Acenaphthylene, Acenaphthene, Fluorene, C1-C3 Fluorenes, Phenanthrene, C1-C4 Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes, Anthracene, Fluoranthene, Pyrene, C1-C4 Fluoranthenes/Pyrenes, Benz(a)anthracene, Chrysene, C1-C4 Chrysenes, Benzo(b)fluoranthene, Benzo(j)+(k)fluoranthene, Benzo(e)pyrene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Perylene, Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, Dibenz(ah)+(ac)anthracene, Benzo(g,h,i)perylene. If a 'Total' result is requested, the results of its individual components will also be reported. PFAS Total: With respect to PFAS analyses, the 'PFAS, Total (5)' result is defined as the summation of results for: PFHpA, PFHxS, PFOA, PFNA and PFOS. In addition, the 'PFAS, Total (6)' result is defined as the summation of results for: PFHpA, PFHxS, PFOA, PFNA, PFDA and PFOS. For MassDEP DW compliance analysis only, the 'PFAS, Total (6)' result is defined as the summation of results at or above the RL. Note: If a 'Total' result is requested, the results of its individual components will also be reported. Total: With respect to Organic analyses, a 'Total' result is defined as the summation of results for individual isomers or Aroclors. If a 'Total' result is requested, the results of its individual components will also be reported. This is applicable to 'Total' results for methods 8260, 8081 and 8082. Data Qualifiers A B C D E F G H I J M - - - - - - - - - - - Spectra identified as "Aldol Condensates" are byproducts of the extraction/concentration procedures when acetone is introduced in the process. The analyte was detected above the reporting limit in the associated method blank. Flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte at less than ten times (10x) the concentration found in the blank. For MCP-related projects, flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte at less than ten times (10x) the concentration found in the blank. For DOD-related projects, flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte at less than ten times (10x) the concentration found in the blank AND the analyte was detected above one-half the reporting limit (or above the reporting limit for common lab contaminants) in the associated method blank. For NJ- Air-related projects, flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte above the reporting limit. For NJ-related projects (excluding Air), flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte, which was detected above the reporting limit in the associated method blank or above five times the reporting limit for common lab contaminants (Phthalates, Acetone, Methylene Chloride, 2-Butanone). Co-elution: The target analyte co-elutes with a known lab standard (i.e. surrogate, internal standards, etc.) for co-extracted analyses. Concentration of analyte was quantified from diluted analysis. Flag only applies to field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte. Concentration of analyte exceeds the range of the calibration curve and/or linear range of the instrument. The ratio of quantifier ion response to qualifier ion response falls outside of the laboratory criteria. Results are considered to be an estimated maximum concentration. The concentration may be biased high due to matrix interferences (i.e, co-elution) with non-target compound(s). The result should be considered estimated. The analysis of pH was performed beyond the regulatory-required holding time of 15 minutes from the time of sample collection. The lower value for the two columns has been reported due to obvious interference. Estimated value. This represents an estimated concentration for Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs). Reporting Limit (RL) exceeds the MCP CAM Reporting Limit for this analyte. 1 The reference for this analyte should be considered modified since this analyte is absent from the target analyte list of the original method. - Footnotes Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 11 of 15 Report Format:Data Usability Report Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: L2450724THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.X.WW.700 09/11/24 Data Qualifiers ND NJ P Q R RE S V Z - - - - - - - - - Not detected at the reporting limit (RL) for the sample. Presumptive evidence of compound. This represents an estimated concentration for Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs), where the identification is based on a mass spectral library search. The RPD between the results for the two columns exceeds the method-specified criteria. The quality control sample exceeds the associated acceptance criteria. For DOD-related projects, LCS and/or Continuing Calibration Standard exceedences are also qualified on all associated sample results. Note: This flag is not applicable for matrix spike recoveries when the sample concentration is greater than 4x the spike added or for batch duplicate RPD when the sample concentrations are less than 5x the RL. (Metals only.) Analytical results are from sample re-analysis. Analytical results are from sample re-extraction. Analytical results are from modified screening analysis. The surrogate associated with this target analyte has a recovery outside the QC acceptance limits. (Applicable to MassDEP DW Compliance samples only.) The batch matrix spike and/or duplicate associated with this target analyte has a recovery/RPD outside the QC acceptance limits. (Applicable to MassDEP DW Compliance samples only.) Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 12 of 15 Alpha Analytical performs services with reasonable care and diligence normal to the analytical testing laboratory industry. In the event of an error, the sole and exclusive responsibility of Alpha Analytical shall be to re-perform the work at it's own expense. In no event shall Alpha Analytical be held liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages, including but not limited to, damages in any way connected with the use of, interpretation of, information or analysis provided by Alpha Analytical. We strongly urge our clients to comply with EPA protocol regarding sample volume, preservation, cooling, containers, sampling procedures, holding time and splitting of samples in the field. LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES 121 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. APHA-AWWA-WEF. Standard Methods Online. Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: L2450724THE COVE @ YARMOUTH K11494DA.X.WW.700 REFERENCES 09/11/24 Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 13 of 15 Alpha Analytical, Inc.ID No.:17873 Facility: Company-wide Revision 21 Department: Quality Assurance Published Date: 04/17/2024 Title: Certificate/Approval Program Summary Page 1 of 1 Document Type: Form Pre-Qualtrax Document ID: 08-113 Certification Information The following analytes are not included in our Primary NELAP Scope of Accreditation: Westborough Facility EPA 624.1: m/p-xylene, o-xylene, Naphthalene EPA 625.1: alpha-Terpineol EPA 8260D: NPW: 1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene; 4-Ethyltoluene;SCM:Iodomethane (methyl iodide), 1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene; 4-Ethyltoluene. EPA 8270E: NPW: Dimethylnaphthalene,1,4-Diphenylhydrazine, alpha-Terpineol, Azobenzene; SCM: Dimethylnaphthalene,1,4-Diphenylhydrazine. SM4500: NPW: Amenable Cyanide; SCM: Total Phosphorus, TKN, NO2, NO3. Mansfield Facility SM 2540D: TSS. EPA TO-15: Halothane, 2,4,4-Trimethyl-2-pentene, 2,4,4-Trimethyl-1-pentene, Thiophene, 2-Methylthiophene, 3-Methylthiophene, 2-Ethylthiophene, 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene, Indan, Indene, 1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene, Benzothiophene, 1-Methylnaphthalene. Nonpotable Water: EPA RSK-175 Dissolved Gases Biological Tissue Matrix:EPA 3050B The following analytes are included in our Massachusetts DEP Scope of Accreditation Westborough Facility: Drinking Water EPA 300.0: Chloride, Nitrate-N, Fluoride, Sulfate; EPA 353.2: Nitrate-N, Nitrite-N; SM4500NO3-F: Nitrate-N, Nitrite-N; SM4500F-C, SM4500CN-CE, EPA 180.1, SM2130B, SM4500Cl-D, SM2320B, SM2540C, SM4500H-B, SM4500NO2-B EPA 524.2: THMs and VOCs; EPA 504.1: EDB, DBCP. Microbiology: SM9215B; SM9223-P/A, SM9223B-Colilert-QT,SM9222D. Non-Potable Water SM4500H,B, EPA 120.1, SM2510B, SM2540C, SM2320B, SM4500CL-E, SM4500F-BC, SM4500NH3-BH: Ammonia-N and Kjeldahl-N, EPA 350.1: Ammonia-N, LACHAT 10-107-06-1-B: Ammonia-N, EPA 351.1,SM4500NO3-F, EPA 353.2: Nitrate-N, SM4500P-E, SM4500P-B, E, SM4500SO4-E, SM5220D, EPA 410.4, SM5210B, SM5310C, SM4500CL-D, EPA 1664, EPA 420.1, SM4500-CN-CE, SM2540D, EPA 300: Chloride, Sulfate, Nitrate. EPA 624.1: Volatile Halocarbons & Aromatics, EPA 608.3: Chlordane, Toxaphene, Aldrin, alpha-BHC, beta-BHC, gamma-BHC, delta-BHC, Dieldrin, DDD, DDE, DDT, Endosulfan I, Endosulfan II, Endosulfan sulfate, Endrin, Endrin Aldehyde, Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, PCBs EPA 625.1: SVOC (Acid/Base/Neutral Extractables). Microbiology: SM9223B-Colilert-QT; Enterolert-QT, EPA 1600, EPA 1603, SM9222D. Mansfield Facility: Drinking Water EPA 200.7: Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Na, Ag, Ca, Zn. EPA 200.8: Al,Sb, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni, Se, Ag, TL, Zn. EPA 245.1 Hg. EPA 522, EPA 537.1. Non-Potable Water EPA 200.7: Al, Sb, As, Be, Cd, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, K, Se, Ag, Na, Sr, TL, Ti, V, Zn. EPA 200.8: Al,Sb, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni, K, Se, Ag, Na, TL, Zn. EPA 245.1 Hg. SM2340B For a complete listing of analytes and methods, please contact your Alpha Project Manager. Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 14 of 15 Serial_No:09112413:29 Page 15 of 15