HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDE-24-2902123/24 6:31 AM about:blank Commonwealth of Massachusetts Town of Yarmouth ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 0 SOUTH SHORE DR Unit: Owner Name: TOWN OF YARMOUTH Owner's Address: 1146 ROUTE 28 Phone: Purpose of Building Commercial Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? No Existing Service Amps / Volts Overhead ❑ Underground ❑ New Service Amps / Volts Overhead ❑ Underground ❑ Description of Proposed Electrical Installation: Temp Service (135 South Shore Drive) Email: Utility Authorization No.: 16363357 Permit Number: BLDE-24-290 No. of Meters: No. of Meters: No. of Receptacle Outlets: No. of Switches: Generator KW Rating: Type: No. Luminaires: No. of Recessed Luminaires: No. Wind Generators: Wind KW Rating: No. Appliances: KW: No. Water Heaters: KW: No. Transformers: Total KVA: Space Heating KW: Heating Equipment KW: No. Motors: Total HP: Total KW: No. Heat Pumps: Total KW: Total Tons: Fire Alarm System ❑ No. of Devices: Swimming Pool: In-Grnd. ❑ Above-Grnd. ❑ Hot Tub ❑ No. of Self -Contained Detection/Alerting Devices: No. Oil Burners: No. Gas Burners: Video System ❑ No. of Devices: No. Air Conditioners: Total Tons: Telecom System ❑ No. of Outlets: No. Energy Storage Systems: KWH Storage Rating: Security System ❑ No. of Devices: Solar PV KW DC Rating: Solar PV KW AC Rating: No. of Modules: Roof -Mount ❑ Ground -Mount ❑ No. of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment: Level 1 ❑ Level 2 ❑ Level 3 ❑ Rating: Estimated Value of Electrical Work: $ 0 Work to Start: February 23, 2024 FIRM NAME: License Number: Master/System and/or Journeyman Licensee: PATRICK . LEWIS License Number: 56834 Security System Business requires a Division of Occupational Licensure "S" LIC. License Number: Address: WEST ROXBURY, MA, 02132 WEST ROXBURY MA 02132 Fee Paid: $0.00 Email: PauIb@revoliconst.com Business Telephone: 508-520-2350 INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner, no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including "completed operation" coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force, and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. INSURANCE: about:blank 1/1 �irwlnmn 4A o/4104a4/IaoId�llf/fcJrn!t (7a Only ._..�._ .. , m....,.�a) Permit No 47h4rarlardnl tr )lre ..xtRrvlc#4 «. f)cculiaitt y and ire f hcckrd [BOARD OF FIRE i'F EVr1 NTION REGULATIONS Itro I/071 (Ir.�re hiron� APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All %volk to be pctfonucd in acconintice with the hirixsxchtueth Gleciricnl Cone, If EC), 527 0,41( j 20) (t'Li ,t' P,fiLV7'I,V drVR f)R 7'1'i'Ci l.l: lrirFUlthlA7% )N ►)st1C; %,, f' "w..� a "' " Cih' or Taivtt of; r� L _ 7tx the /injuclor. .JWires: By this applivation (tic undcrtigned giv 9 nolicc of 1t13 R�-it IntentlE)[i tf] I1CtIptin the, electrical work described bCiow� Location (Street S Nnn►Gcr) ' £ } ,lt Owner or Tenant Telephone No. Owner's Address Is this perml( In conjunction with a building permit? Yes ❑ No ❑ (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building Utility Authorlration No. Existing Sen•tce _ Amps / Volts Nettlemice 7� ) Amps I Volts Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: Overhead ❑ Undgrd ❑ No. of Meters Overhead ❑ Undgrti No. of Meters J_ Comnletiort of the following fable may be waived by the Inspector of Wires. No. of Recessed Luminaires No. of Cell.-Susp. (Paddle) Fans o• o Total Transformers KVA No. of Luminalre Outlets No. of Hot Tubs Generators KVA No. of Luminaires Swimming Pool Above [In- ❑ rnd, zrnd. o. o mergency Lighting BatteEx Units No. of Receptacle Outlets No. of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No, of Zones No. of Switches No. of Gas Burners nd o. o eiec on Initiating Devices No. of Ranges Tl No. of Air Cond. Tans No. of Alerting Devices No. of Waste Disposers HeatPump Totals: urn_r_ ons _ _ ,_•,Detection/Alertin No. of Devices No. of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW Local ❑ Municipalt❑ Ober, Connection No. of Dryers Heating Appliances K ccunty ystems:KW No. of Devices or Equivalent Na.—of ater�, Heaters o. o o. o Signs Ballasts Data Wiring: No. of Devices or Equivalent No. Hydromassage Bathtubs No. of Motors Total HP e ecommun ca ons ring. No, of Devices or Equivalent OTHER: Attach additional detail ifdesired or as required by Ilse Inspector of Wires, Estimated Value of Electrical Work: (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Start: Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10, and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner, no permit for the perfomtance of electrical work may issue uniess the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including "completed operation" coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force, and has exhibited proof of sortie to the pennit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE ❑ BOND ❑ OTHER ❑ (Specify:) I certdj},, under the pains andpenalties of perjaty, that the information on t is applicat�'pn 's true and complete. r") FIRM NAME: t r ovt t1 , �� �4 // LIC. NO.:. � &g7A' Licensee: ff t �t t t', li l Signature♦ J LIC. NO.: (if applicable, e1 er "exempt" in dre license n unber line) Bus. Tel. No. - Address: Alt. Tel. No.: •Per M.G.L. c. 147, s. 57-61, security work requires Depamient of Public Safety "S" License: Lic, No. OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee doav not )rave the liability insurance coverage normally required by law. By my signature below, I hereby waive this requirement. I am the (check one) M owner `o�w'ner's agent, Owner/Agent Signature ) Telephone No. PER1VlIT FEE: S � J EES =URGE ENERGY Work Order Application 29C) mot. tro3 633 s4 Customer Request In -Service Date: Eversource WO Received Date: Service Address: Street: 135 S. Shore Drive Town: Yarmouth Zip: 02664 Customer of Record: Customer Responsible for Payment of Monthly Electric Bills Name to appear on Monthly Bill: Revoli Construction Co. Inc, DBA — C/O Name: Billing Address: 90 Earls Way Franklin MA. 02038 Telephone: 508-520-2350 Tax ID Number: 04-2897790 Existing Account or Meter Number (if applicable): Property Owner Name (if different from above): Town of Yarmouth Owner Address: 74 Town Brook Rd. Yarmouth MA. 02664 Owner Phone Number: 508-398-2231 Party Responsible for Construction costs associated with work order (if different from above) Name: Revoli Construction Co. Inc. Address: 90 Earls Wa Franklin MA. 02038 Phone Number: __ 508-520-2350 Please Note that Articles of Incorporation are required for new commercial Eversource Customers Type of Service Requested: (Circle Appropriate) New Service Service Upgrade Service Relocation em' ovary Servic Pole Relocation Disconnect/Reconnect Service Removal e OH Service from Pole, Pofe#:UP P68 across from 135 S. Shore Dr. UG Service from; Riser -Pole #: Customer Loading Type of Load New Connected Load in KVA Sin le Phase Three Phase Lighting Electric heat Air Conditioning Refrigeration Cooking Electric Dryer Water Heater Computer Process Equip. Motors/Elevators <30 KvA Miscellaneous Totals = <30 KvA Number of Meters Required: Residential: Main Switch Voltage., 240 Service Voltage: 240 Facility Type (i.e.: school, hospital): Brief Description of Work Temporary service for dewaterinq purposes for Town of Yarmouth Sewer Project Commercial: 1 Public: Amperage: 200 Phase: Single Amperage: 200 Phase: Single Outdoor Temporary Service New Building Square Feet: If more than 1 meter is required, how will meters be labeled? (ie: Unit 1, 2, etc, Unit A, B, etc.) Elliott, Ken From: Patrick Lewis <hmslandscapeconstruction@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2024 8:02 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Permit cancellation Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Ken, Hope all is well, can we cancel all my permits for temp services? And office trailer? Revoli is a dangerous company and they're not listing to safty procedures, I can have someone walk by and get hurt. Also they keep using my license with out permission. Patrick Lewis 617-947-1526 https://www.hmsindustriesincma.com/ E1:r V E D ff # '522 BUILDING UEPARTIVIENT _By_ 0018589 Serial No. 0 M Elliott, Ken From: PATRICK LEWIS <+16179471526> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2024 8:21 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Voice Mail (53 seconds) Attachments: audio.mp3 ( Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links H unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the f sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Hey, Ken, how are you? It's Patrick, the electrician at South Shore. Dr. Sorry, I'm running behind. I had to. I had something get messed up at my shop. They were supposed to do a delivery of material for the panel, but supposedly the page, the delivery never came. So I was kind of stuck there waiting, trying to get an answer out of someone quite took off. But I'm coming by when I got that sheet of paper with a better explanation, I guess, of where all those services are located. I could just drop that off at his desk, I guess, if you're not there, but I mean that my GPS says I'll be there around 8:36, but I know you get going on the road at 9:00, so if you can give me a shout back, that'd be great. My number is 617 947-1526. Thank you. Bye. You received a voice mail from PATRICK LEWIS . Thank you for using Transcription! If you don't see a transcript above, it's because the audio quality was not clear enough to transcribe. Set Up Voice Mail Elliott, Ken From: Patrick Lewis<hmslandscapeconstruction@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 8:51 AM To: Elliott, Ken; paulb@revoliconst.com Subject: Locations ready 3 Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Callthe sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Ken, Pine grove 192 Lyndale 220 Mayo 250 These are the locations Thank you Patrick Lewis 617-947-1526 tt s://www.hmsindu ts�esincma mom/ Elliott, Ken From: PATRICK LEWIS <+16179471526> Sent: Friday, March 8, 2024 12:24 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Voice Mail (55 seconds) Attachments: audio.mp3 Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click finks unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the senderto verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Hey, Ken. How are you? It's Patrick Lewis, the electrician at South Shore Dr. I got the list situated, got all that better description of where the services are and everything. I'm actually calling just because I wanted to let you know if you got any time and you want to sneak on by. I have a service up on. I got it. Be my guest, Sir. Also like I said, I'll see you at your office bright and early Monday morning And thank you again, Ken. Have a great day. My number is 617947 1526. Thank you Sir. Bye. You received a voice mail from PATRICK LEWIS. Thank you for using Transcription! If you don't see a transcript above, it's because the audio quality was not clear enough to transcribe. Set Up Voice Mail Elliott, Ken From: Patrick Lewis <hmslandscapeconstruction@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2024 12:26 PM To: Elliott, Ken; paulb@revoliconst.com Subject: Evesource Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Cal( the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Ken, Hope all is well. Just checking to see when you're calling in ever source? Big project on pause until you say the word sir. thank you Patrick Lewis 617-947-1526 tt ://www.hmsindustriesincma mom/ Elliott, Ken From: Patrick Lewis <hmslandscapeconstruction@gmaii.com> Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2024 4:15 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Office trailer ii Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links 1 unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Hey Ken any chance you could call eversource on work order#16740251 it's the office trailer by lobster boat. Thanks Patrick Lewis 617-947-1526 httP—$-Wwww.hmsind-U-striesincma.QD On Mar 21, 2024, at 12:32 PM, Patrick Lewis <hmslandscapeconstruction@gmail.com> wrote: Ken, 3? i sent 6 that were ready? Pine grove 192 Lyndale 220 Mayo 250 Patrick Lewis 617-947-1526 https://www.hmsinc Justri�,un- nta _Corn/n On Mar 21, 2024, at 12:29 PM, Elliott, Ken <KElliott@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: The three temps that you requested were called into Eversource yesterday. Sent from my iPhone 1 Hope all is well. Just checking to see when you're calling in ever source? Big project on pause until you say the word sir. thankyou Patrick Lewis 617-947-1526 tt s;R/www h industriesincma.com/