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Request for Zoning Enforcement
TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 01664 ,50�- i98-2231 ext. 1261. Fay, 508-398-08 -36 Office of the BuilIding Commissioner 1� / �45 FOIVI L QUEST FO)�R ZONING ENFO NT DATE: RECEIVED1 AUG 29 p PARTML_N"1 Ig01LDING _ter THIS IS A FORMAL REQUEST FOR ENFORCEMENT OF AN ALLEGED VIOLATION OF YARMOUTH ZONING BY-LAW. THE FOLLOWING ARE FACTS IN THE CASE: PROPERTY ADDRESS OF ALLEGED VIOLATION:_______ _ __________ ____________ _ -- PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME(S):--------------------- ---_______-___ 'idle PROPERTY OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS:_____________________________________________ / GENERAL COMPLAINT:----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------�- -------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ ALLEGED VIOLATION OF ZONING BY-LAW SECTION NUMBER:_________________________________________________________ DATE (S) OF ALLEGED VIOLATION (S) :--------------------------- - -- ----------------------------------------------- NAME (S) OF PERSON (S) : MAILING ADDRESS OF COMPLAINANT: EMAIL ADDRESS OF COMPLAINANT: COMPLAINANT'S YARMOUTH ADDRESS (if different):_______________________________________________________________ PHONE:----0�---j�j ����1 WORK OR CELL PHONE:--� 0_�-3�V__ — I qualify as an "aggrieved party' and do believe that the above facts are true. I understand that if it is necessary for the Town of Yarmouth to institute any legal action in the courts I hereby agree to testify as a witness on behalf of the Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts. I also understand this becomes public record and is available for review/ , ny individual requesting thisAformation. PLEASE NOTIFY ME OF ANY ACTION T SIGNATURE OF COMPLAINANT: I PREFER TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS BY YOj4R OFFICE. (check box) 0 �o R TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT sr� c Y ..ATT `i IF. 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 261 Fax 508-398-0836 coMPLAIrrr BILE C 0 P 11 &1 On September 3, 2002, I received a complaint concerning the property located at 61 Homestead Lane, Yarmouthport, owned by Mr. & Mrs. M. Grenier. I received the complaint from Hope Ratner, one of the owners of 44 Wild Hunter Rd.Yarmouthport. This property rear line abuts the rear line of 61 Homestead Lane,Yarmouthport. The complaints being that the owner of 61 Homestead Lane had laid pipes in the rear yard and water was coming onto their property. Also, they were doing all kinds of work in their house and they had added a bedroom to their house. I did go to 61 Homestead Ln_ and did meet Susan Grenier and told her of the complaints concerning the rear yard and she asked me to look at this area. I was quite surprised to see the rear yard and how it had been landscaped. Mr. Grenier had installed a drywell in the middle of this lawn for water from his roof gutters to disperse into as he was required to do. He then landscaped his yard making sure water could not enter onto any of his neighbor's property. I must say he did an excellent job. There is no way water could run onto anyone's property. All work being done on his home has proper permits. He is residing his home and is also converting his garage to a family room. All inspections are being called in as required. I did call Hope Ratner on what I had observed. I did state to her that there was no way water could run onto her property from 61 Homestead Lane. I also told her there were no additional bedrooms in the house at 61 Homestead and they had legal permits for what they were doing and as of this date they were not completed. Hope Ratner's answer to me was, I just wanted to be sure. I told her she called in a complaint and none of it was true. I feel this will be the end of complaint. Wm. Stone /Building InVector cc: 6 ome� Ln. Property File 44 Wild Hunter Rd. Property File Susan Grenier � �s: } x r '�%'A III��ti)` �wt. Yh�" j # ►yA ��' i `� J^' "�' � s � � � .; �.�, `�:aK:^,';� � {i tr� � J � %. , �a�6�►�„ as �� 't � • •. s t� y 7 II �' ti {. px 1'F1 B 4 :Lna=?•'..�\..:;5 7%71M-.. 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BK, 216, PG. 155 DATE 4/6/12 _^ SCALE 1" = 30' JOB 5704-00 CLIENT M. GRENIER SWEETSER ENGINEERING 203 nTUCKET ROAD PO BOX 713 SOUTH DENNIS, MA 02660 F. 508-385-6900 FAX 508-385-6991 7J15704-001 dwo 15704—PPP.DWG © 2012 SWEETSER ENGINEERING