HomeMy WebLinkAboutMESA Review submittal_68 Horse Pond Rd W Yarm_Gardini_vMME10.20.24Marsh Matters Environmental P.O. Box 554 Forestdale, MA 02644 978.434.1228 Mike.Ball@MarshMattersEnvironmental.com ______________________________________________________________________________________ MME www.marshmattersenv.com Subject Site: 68 Horse Pond Road, W. Yarmouth October 20, 2024 NHESP Regulatory Review MassWildlife Field Headquarters 1 Rabbit Hill Road Westborough, MA 1581 RE: MESA Regulatory Review Request 68 Horse Pond Road, West Yarmouth, Massachusetts Assessor’s Reference / Parcel ID: 55-37 NHESP Tracking No. 23-41730 Dear Regulatory Review Staff, On behalf of the applicant, Michele Gardini, of 296 Newton Street LLC (property owner of record), Marsh Matters Environmental (MME) submits the enclosed MESA Regulatory Review request form with the required supporting documentation. MME understands that in August of 2022 an abutter to the subject property observed land management activities (i.e., raking of sand, removal of herbaceous vegetation) in the jurisdictional buffer zone to Inland Bank (310 CMR 10.54) and/or Bordering Vegetated Wetland (310 CMR 10.55) occurring in a beach area at the shoreline of Horse Pond in West Yarmouth (Figure 1). MME has reviewed the Yarmouth Conservation Division-issued Violation Notice dated October 18, 2022, and the Enforcement Order (EO) issued on November 8, 2022 (Attachment 7), to the property owner and has reviewed photographs of the pondshore conditions following the activity (see Photo 6). It appears the beach raking occurred between a boat storage area and the pond’s water edge during a period of low water. The Gardinis own the 0.53-acre, pondshore-bordering property and the single-family home at 68 Horse Pond Road (the Site) and maintain a small beach and a non-motorized boat storage area at the landward limit of the pondshore beach (see Figure 3). The entire pondshore of Horse Pond and portions of abutting upland areas are mapped within a NHESP-designated Priority of Habitat (PH 270)(see Figure 4 in Attachment 1). MME assumes that this Priority Habitat designation is due to the presence of one or more state-listed rare plant species associated with the Coastal Plain Pondshore ecological habitat type and possibly the presence of one or more species of freshwater mussel. MME has observed conditions along the pondshore at the Site on five occasions between March 9, 2023, and July 24, 2024, including three in-growing season visits following the date of the reported activity. Photo documentation of MME’s observations is enclosed (Attachment 3). In the absence of a land surveyor-prepared site plan illustrating existing site conditions, MME prepared a sketch of conditions based upon field measurements collected on February 27, 2024 (Attachment 2). MME notes the growth and regrowth of characteristic pondshore plant species along the length of the beach (Photos 1, 3, 5, and 7). MME understands that the activity may have included altering the topography of the pond shoreline profile to some degree by raking of beach sand, but MME did not observe evidence of this. MME notes that the Gardinis store all or most of their non-motorized watercraft off the beach surface by using wooden boat racks. A review of aerial photographs provided by Google Marsh Matter Environmental MESA Review Request (Gardini) 10.20.2024 MME www.marshmattersenv.com Mike.Ball@MarshMattersEnvironmental.com Earth indicates that there has been a beach area maintained at the Site with boat storage since at least 2001. The Gardinis purchased the property in 2022 according to town records (Attachment 6). The Gardinis are not currently proposing any activity in their existing pondshore beach area at this time. It would be useful for NHESP to provide comment/description or a list of pondshore beach maintenance activities that are acceptable and comply with the MESA regulations and/or policies specific to rare plant species protection. MME notes that there are a number of locations along the Horse Pond shoreline where beach areas are, or appear to be, maintained (see Figure 2 and Photo 8), and gaining an understanding of how authorized management at those beach areas are conditioned would be very useful, should NHESP or the Yarmouth Conservation Commission require the development of a written beach management plan from the Gardinis. Given the significant growth/regrowth of herbaceous vegetation along the pondshore on the Gardini’s property over the last two growing seasons (see Photos 1, 3, and 5), MME believes that requiring installation of supplemental pondshore vegetation is unnecessary at this time. MME believes that a continued period of “no further activity in vegetated areas” is warranted given the existing conditions and given that the property owner has a better understanding of both Conservation Commission jurisdiction on their property and the ecological value and in-place protections of coastal pondshore plant communities. MME has enclosed a $300 check provided by the applicant to cover the MESA Review request fee. MME may be reached by phone at 978.434.1228, or by email at Mike.Ball@MarshMattersEnvironmental.com, should you require any additional information, or should you request an on-site meeting. Sincerely, D. Michael Ball, Sr. Wetland Scientist / Botanist / Regulatory Compliance Consultant Marsh Matters Environmental CC: Michele Gardini (296 Newton Street LLC) Brittany DiRienzo, Administrator - Yarmouth Conservation Division Office Edwin Hoopes, Chairman - Yarmouth Conservation Commission v.5/2022 Massachusetts Endangered Species Act M.G.L. c.131A and Regulations (321 CMR 10.00) Project Details *Project or Site Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ *Street Address/Location: ______________________________________________________________________________________ *Town(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Total Site Acreage: _________________________ *Acreage of Disturbance1: ____________________________ Parcel/lot number: __________________________ Assessors map/plat number: __________________________ Project Description (If necessary, a project/site description can also be provided as an attachment): __________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Registry of deeds information2 Registry: BARNSTABLE COUNTY Certificate # (if registered land): _______________________________ Book: _____________________________________ Page Number: _____________________________________________ Do you have a previous NHESP Tracking number? (Yes / No) If yes, please provide: _______________________________________ Will this project require a filing with the Conservation Commission and/or DEP pursuant to the Wetlands Protection Act (WPA)? (Yes / No) Map *Required: Enclose a map with the site location clearly marked and centered on the page. Landowner Info *Are you the Record Owner3 of the property? (Yes / No) *If No, are you a representative of the Record Owner or do you have permission from the Record Owner to submit this request or filing?4 (Yes / No) *Landowner Name Organization (if applicable) *Street Address/Location *City/Town *State *Zip Code Email Telephone Comments/Purpose of request5: TO SEEK A DETERMINATION AS TO DEGREE OF ANY IMPACT TO RARE PLANT SPECIES HABITAT AND ATTAIN GUIDANCE AS TO THE TYPE AND FREQUENCY OF SEASONAL BEACH MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY ALLOWABLE UNDER MESA AND ITS IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Please disclose the full acreage of disturbance associated with the project, including areas outside of Priority Habitat. 2 If your project contains more than one registered property, please attach a document listing the Registry information for each. 3 Record Owner means any person or entity holding a legal or equitable interest, right or title to real property, as reflected in a written instrument or recorded deed, or any person authorized in writing by such person. 4 If you are not the record owner, a statement or proof that you are authorized by the record owner must be attached. 5 Provide the authorization you have to submit this request if you are not the record owner and not a representative of the record owner. GARDINI 0.53 <600 sf 37 55 D1461615 NO NOT YET DETERMINED YES 296 NEWTON ST LLC 214-228-1026MICHELE@GARDINILAW.COM MMEnvironmental MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL Attachment 1 Site Locus Figures: USGS Topographical Quad Google Earth MassMapper Yarmouth Assessors FIGURE 1 – USGS TOPOGRAPHIC QUAD SITE LOCUS MAP 68 HORSE POND ROAD, WEST YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL SITE LOCATION FIGURE 2 – AERIAL PHOTO 68 HORSE POND ROAD, WEST YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL Subject Site Location Halcyon Condominiums managed beach (300 Buck Island Rd) J. Avitabile property (234 Buck Island Rd) J. Taylor property (252 Buck Island Rd) FIGURE 3 – AERIAL PHOTO 68 HORSE POND ROAD, WEST YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL Subject Site Location FIGURE 4 – MassGIS Parcel Mapping 68 HORSE POND ROAD, WEST YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL Site Location HORSE POND FIGURE 5 – Yarmouth Assessors Map 68 HORSE POND ROAD, WEST YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL MMEnvironmental MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL Attachment 2 Site Plan (A MME-prepared sketch plan based upon a partially completed site survey plan by Meyer & Sons, Inc.) MMEnvironmental MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL Attachment 3 Photo Documentation MMEnvironmental PHOTOGRAPH LOG Project / Client: GARDINI Location: 68 HORSE POND ROAD, YARMOUTH Project No. Photo No. 1 Date: 7.24.2024 Photo Aspect: SOUTH Description: CONDITIONS MME OBSERVED ON PONDSHORE BEACH DURING SECOND GROWING SEASON FOLLOWING BEACH RAKING ACTIVITIES THAT OCCURRED IN SUMMER OF 2022. Photo No. 2 Date: 3.9.2023 Photo Aspect: SOUTH Description: CONDITIONS OF PONDSHORE BEACH AREA MME OBSERVED DURING INITIAL SITE VISIT IN MARCH 2023 FOLLOWING PONDSHORE BEACH RAKING ACTIVITIES THAT OCCURRED IN SUMMER OF 2022. MMEnvironmental Photo No. 4 Date: 3.9.2023 Photo Aspect: NORTH Description: CONDITIONS AT NORTHERN END OF PONDSHORE BEACH AREA THAT MME OBSERVED DURING INITIAL SITE VISIT IN MARCH 2023 FOLLOWING BEACH RAKING ACTIVITIES THAT OCCURRED IN SUMMER OF 2022. PHOTOGRAPH LOG Project / Client: GARDINI Location: 68 HORSE POND ROAD, YARMOUTH Project No. Photo No. 3 Date: 7.24.2024 Photo Aspect: NORTH Description: CONDITIONS MME OBSERVED ON PONDSHORE BEACH DURING SECOND GROWING SEASON AT NORTHERN END OF PONDSHORE BEACH AREA FOLLOWING BEACH RAKING ACTIVITIES THAT OCCURRED IN SUMMER OF 2022. MMEnvironmental PHOTOGRAPH LOG Project / Client: GARDINI Location: 68 HORSE POND ROAD, YARMOUTH Project No. Photo No. 5 Date: 7.24.2024 Photo Aspect: EAST Description: CONDITIONS MME OBSERVED DURING SECOND GROWING SEASON FOLLOWING BEACH RAKING ACTIVITIES THAT OCCURRED IN SUMMER OF 2022. Photo No. 6 Date: 8.17.2022 Photo Aspect: NORTH Description: PHOTOGRAPH FROM YARMOUTH CONSERVATION OFFICE FILE OF CONDITIONS IN BEACH AREA FOLLOWING RAKING OF BEACH IN SUMMER OF 2022. MMEnvironmental Photo No. 8 Date: 4.3.2024 Photo Aspect: WEST Description: EARLY-SPRING SEASON CONDITIONS OF THE MANAGED PONDSHORE BEACH AT THE HALCYON RESIDENTIAL / CONDO DEVELOPMENT LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 1000 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST. THE PROPERTY OWNER OF 68 HORSE POND ROAD IS NOT SEEKING AUTHORIZATION TO ATTAIN A LEVEL OF BEACH MANAGEMENT SIMILAR TO THESE CONDITIONS, BUT THIS SHORELINE IS WITHIN THE SAME MAPPED RARE PLANT SPECIES HABITAT AND IT’S MANAGED CONDITION IS RELEVANT TO THE GARDINI’S INTEREST IN ATTAINING AUTHORIZATION FOR SOME SEASONAL BEACH MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY. PHOTOGRAPH LOG Project / Client: GARDINI Location: 68 HORSE POND ROAD, YARMOUTH Project No. Photo No. 7 Date: 7.24.2024 Photo Aspect: Description: CONDITIONS MME OBSERVED DURING SECOND GROWING SEASON FOLLOWING BEACH RAKING ACTIVITIES OCCURRING IN SUMMER OF 2022. MME DID NOT COMPLETE A BOTANICAL SURVEY OF THE PONDSHORE, BUT NATIVE GRAMINOIDS AND FORBS WERE OBSERVED IN ABUNDANCE ON THE PONDSHORE ALONG THE ENTIRE BEACH LENGTH INCLUDING SLENDER-LEAVED FLAT-TOPPED GOLDENROD (Euthamia caroliniana), PONDSHORE RUSH (Juncus pelocarpus), ROSE COREOPSIS (Coreopsis rosea), and GOLDEN HEDGE-HYSSOP (Gratiola aurea), AND LITTLE BLUESTEM GRASS (Schizachyrium scoparium). MMEnvironmental MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL Attachment 4 Coastal Plain Pondshore habitat information Classification of the Natural Communities of Massachusetts Palustrine Communities Descriptions Coastal Plain Pondshore Community Community Code: CP2A0B1200 State Rank: S3 Concept: Herbaceous communities of exposed pondshores in southeastern Massachusetts that are characterized by a distinct coastal plain flora. Environmental Setting: Coastal Plain Pondshore Communities are herbaceous communities characterized by a distinct coastal plain flora on exposed pondshores in southeastern Massachusetts. Coastal plain ponds are shallow, highly acidic, low-nutrient, groundwater ponds in sandy glacial outwash, with no inlet or outlet. Water rises and falls with changes in the water table, typically leaving an exposed shoreline in late summer. Annual and inter-annual fluctuations in water levels are key to maintaining the community: low-water years eliminate obligate aquatic plants and allow adapted plants to grow, and high-water years limit invasion by woody species. The community develops best in small ponds or bays of larger ponds with little space for wind sweep that causes wave and ice damage along shorelines on large ponds. The substrates are usually sand, sometimes with cobbles; a surface layer of organic muck occurs on some ponds and pondshores. Many of the plant species of the community are able to start growth from seed, perennial basal leaves, or roots while under water in the spring and grow in the increasingly dry soils as the season progresses; others may germinate only when exposed to air. In wet years, the water level does not recede as far as in dry years, and the constituent species may grow vegetatively while submerged, with little flowering, or may not grow or germinate at all. Vegetation Description: Coastal Plain Pondshore Communities are composed of a mixture of herbaceous and graminoid plants that include state-rare species that can be locally abundant, growing mixed with more common plants typical of dry grasslands (such as little Classification of the Natural Communities of Massachusetts Palustrine Communities Descriptions bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)) or marshes (including rushes (Juncus spp.), sedges (Cyperaceae species), bonesets (Eupatorium perfoliatum), and purple gerardia (Agalinis purpurea)). Vegetation zonation is correlated with flooding regime. A characteristic zonation pattern from dry to waterline is as follows: 1. upland oak/pine forest; 2. shrub border dominated by highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) associated with sweet pepper-bush (Clethra alnifolia) and green briar (Smilax rotundifolia); 3. an intermediate area of beach providing habitat for most of the species of the Coastal Plain Pondshore Community: an emergent exposed pondshore dominated by slender-leaved flat-topped goldenrod (Euthamia caroliniana), pondshore rush (Juncus pelocarpus), rose coreopsis (Coreopsis rosea), golden pert (Gratiola aurea), beaksedges (Rhynchospora spp.), lance-leaf violet (Viola lanceolata), and dwarf St. John's-wort (Hypericum mutilum); 4. semi- permanently flooded zone characterized by one or more of the following: bayonet rush (Juncus militaris), spike-rushes (Eleocharis spp.), or pipewort (Eriocaulon aquaticum); and 5. hydromorphic rooted vegetation in deeper water including yellow water-lily (Nuphar variegata), white water-lily (Nymphaea odorata), and Robbins' spike-rush (Eleocharis robbinsii). Not every pond has every zone, shores within ponds vary, and zones change width and species composition from year to year. Differentiating Occurrences: Coastal Plain Pondshore Communities are in the coastal plain, generally on sand around ponds in closed basins that intersect groundwater affecting pond levels. The seasonally and annually fluctuating water table typically leaves an exposed shoreline by late summer that supports common and rare, often coastal or southern, herbaceous species. Coastal Plain Pondshore Communities - Inland Variant also occur in closed basins in sandy outwash, but are in the Connecticut River Valley. Some, but fewer, coastal plain species grow in them. Acidic Pondshore/Lakeshore Community is broadly defined, variable, and includes shorelines not explicitly included in coastal plain pondshores, the inland variant, or calcareous ponds. The shoreline is often not distinct, merging into marsh or other wetlands. Many ponds have inflow or outflows. Calcareous Pondshores /Lakeshores occur in the Marble Valleys of Berkshire County, around ponds that have calcium in the water. Freshwater Mud Flat Communities are within ponds rather than along shores. Mud flats in Coastal Plain Ponds are treated as part of the pondshore community. Associated Fauna: Coastal plain pondshores and ponds provide habitat for a number of state-rare animal and plant species, many of which occur only on coastal plain ponds. Coastal plain pondshores are important habitat for dragonflies and damselflies (over 45 species are known to occur on coastal plain ponds and several of those species are rare). They are also important turtle habitat, for painted, musk, spotted, and snapping turtles, and the federally endangered Northern red-bellied cooters. Larger ponds and pondshores are used by migrating and wintering waterfowl, including common and hooded mergansers, goldeneye, and bufflehead. Coastal plain ponds support warm-water fish and freshwater mussels. They can function as vernal pool habitat when fish populations are absent. Classification of the Natural Communities of Massachusetts Palustrine Communities Descriptions Public Access: Myles Standish State Forest, Carver; Hyannis Ponds WMA, Barnstable; Nickerson State Park, Brewster. Threats: Multiple threats affect coastal plain pondshore communities. The greatest threat is from overdevelopment of coastal Massachusetts which impacts pondshores directly through housing and recreation and indirectly through water withdrawal. Shrub and tree encroachment threaten pondshore vegetation in areas with heavy water withdrawal and lessened inundation of the upper shore. Management Needs: Natural hydrology needs to be maintained. Periodic high water prevents tree and shrub encroachment, and seasonal low water is necessary to expose the pondshore. Vehicle use should be prohibited along pondshores. USNVC/NatureServe: The following USNVC/NatureServe associations are known to occur in Massachusetts, and are included within the broad category of coastal plain pondshore community. They are listed according to the zones in which they occur (as described above). Shrub border (zone 2) includes Vaccinium corymbosum/Sphagnum spp. shrubland [CEGL006190] and a typically narrow band of Calamagrostis canadensis-Dichanthelium meridionale herbaceous vegetation [CEGL006243]. The emergent exposed pondshore (zone 3) is characterized by one or more of the following: Rhexia virginica-Panicum verrucosum herbaceous vegetation [CEGL006264]; Rhexia virginica-Crotalaria sagittalis herbaceous vegetation [CEGL006300]; and Rhynchospora capitellata-Sabatia kennedyana herbaceous vegetation [CEGL006210]. The semipermanently flooded zone (zone 4) has Lysimachia terrestris-Dulichium arundinaceum herbaceous vegetation [CEGL006035]; Juncus militaris herbaceous vegetation [CEGL006345]; Eleocharis (obtusa, flavescens)-Eriocaulon aquaticum herbaceous vegetation [CEGL006261]; and Eleocharis flavescens-Xyris difformis herbaceous vegetation [CEGL006400]. Open water (zone 5) is common to other ponds in MA and includes Nuphar lutea ssp. advena herbaceous vegetation [CEGL004324] and Nymphaea odorata-Eleocharis robbinsii herbaceous vegetation [CEGL006086]. MMEnvironmental MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL Attachment 5 Copy of Filing Fee Check MMEnvironmental MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL Attachment 6 Property Record Card Providing Ownership Information 20 0 MI S C SE W E R P 66 2 8 10 1 3 Ac c o u n t # 66 2 8 Bl d g # 1 Se c # 1 o f Ca r d # o f UT I L I T I E S TO P O LO C A T I O N 81 5 CU R R E N T A S S E S S M EN T To t a l 10 1 3 10 1 3 1, 2 8 6 , 4 0 0 31 9 , 0 0 0 1 2 6 Se p t i c 1 Pa v e d 2 Su b u r b a n SU P P L E M E N T A L D A TA SA L E D A T E PR E V I O U S A S S E S S M EN T S ( H I S T O R Y ) Th i s s i g n a t u r e a c k n o w l ed g e s a v i s i t b y a D a t a C o l l e c t o r o r A s s e s s o r OT H E R A S S E S S M E N TS AP P R A I S E D V A L U E S UM M A R Y EX E M P T I O N S 1, 2 6 7 , 1 0 0 11 , 9 0 0 7, 4 0 0 31 9 , 0 0 0 NO T E S 20 - 0 0 1 6 9 5 20 - 0 0 1 5 4 4 18 - 0 0 4 1 6 9 15 - 0 0 5 9 9 8 12 - 1 6 7 9 10 - 1 4 9 1 08 - 0 0 4 09 - 2 7 - 2 0 1 9 09 - 1 8 - 2 0 1 9 01 - 2 5 - 2 0 1 8 06 - 0 3 - 2 0 1 5 06 - 2 6 - 2 0 1 2 06 - 2 2 - 2 0 1 0 07 - 0 2 - 2 0 0 7 BU I L D I N G P E R M I T R EC O R D LA N D L I N E V A L U A T I ON S E C T I O N Le v e l CU R R E N T O W N E R V/ I Q/ U 68 H O R S E P O N D R D Pr o p e r t y L o c a t i o n Ma p I D Vis i o n I D Bl d g N a m e St a t e U s e ST R T / R O A D To t a l VI S I T / C H A N G E H I S T OR Y 1, 6 0 5 , 4 0 0 1, 6 0 5 , 4 0 0 PO N D F R O N T EX T R A K I T C H E N I N S FB , I N L A W S E T U P SO L A R 1 1 1 De s c r i p t i o n Co d e As s e s s e d 1, 2 8 6 , 4 0 0 31 9 , 0 0 0 As s e s s e d Co d e Ye a r As s e s s e d Co d e Ye a r To t a l As s e s s e d V Ye a r Co d e As s e s s e d To t a l To t a l 20 2 3 20 2 2 10 1 3 10 1 3 10 1 3 10 1 3 10 1 3 10 1 3 57 3 , 9 0 0 27 6 , 1 0 0 43 6 , 9 0 0 25 0 , 7 0 0 1, 6 0 5 , 4 0 0 85 0 , 0 0 0 68 7 , 6 0 0 0 Pe r m i t I d Is s u e D a t e Ye a r Co d e De s c r i p t i o n Am o u n t 0. 0 0 Co d e De s c r i p t i o n Nu m b e r Am o u n t Co m m I n t Ap p r a i s e d B l d g . V a l u e ( Ca r d ) Ap p r a i s e d X f ( B ) V a l u e (B l d g ) Ap p r a i s e d O b ( B ) V a l u e ( B l d g ) Ap p r a i s e d L a n d V a l u e ( Bl d g ) 1, 6 0 5 , 4 0 0 To t a l A p p r a i s e d P a r c e l Va l u e 31 9 , 0 0 0 La n d V a l u e 13 . 8 2 Ad j U n i t P Sp e c i a l L a n d V a l u e Q Q Q 31 9 , 0 0 0 VI S I O N 1 Us e C o d e Ty p e RF AL IN S L AL IN S L AL AL Re - R o o f Alt e r a t i o n s In s t a l l I n s u l a Alt e r a t i o n s In s t a l l I n s u l a Alt e r a t i o n s Alt e r a t i o n s De s c r i p t i o n 3, 6 0 0 23 , 5 0 0 1, 5 0 0 2, 0 0 0 2, 2 0 0 5, 5 0 0 80 , 0 0 0 Am o u n t In s p D a t e 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 % C o m p Da t e C o m p Co m m e n t s Re p a i r s - s t r i p a n d r e r o o f, 8 s q Alt e r a t i o n - i n s t a l l r o o f m ou n t e Re p a i r s : I n s t a l l I n s u l a t i o n ( 5 0 8 si d i n g 1 0 s q u a r e s , t w o r ep l a c e IN S T A L L I N S U L . 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A d j 1. 0 5 0 WF 2 Lo c a t i o n A d j u s t m e n t No t e s To t a l C a r d L a n d U n i t s 0. 5 3 To t a l L a n d V a l u e PO N D F R N T B 10 1 3 4 1. 0 0 0 0 0 SF 23 , 0 8 7 Si t e I n d e x Siz e A d j Un i t P r i c e La n d U n i t s Pa r c e l T o t a l L a n d A r e a SF 23 , 0 8 7 6. 5 8 LS BH LS JN JN BH JBId Da t e 02 - 1 1 - 2 0 2 0 09 - 1 3 - 2 0 1 7 07 - 1 3 - 2 0 1 5 02 - 1 2 - 2 0 1 4 02 - 1 2 - 2 0 1 4 01 - 0 1 - 2 0 1 4 10 - 0 4 - 2 0 0 4 55 / 3 7 / / / As s o c P i d # YA R M O U T H , M A Bu i l d i n g P e r m i t Cy c l i c a l Fie l d R e v i e w Me a s u r + 1 V i s i t Me a s u r + 2 V i s i t - I n f o C a rd l CY C L I C A L 2 0 1 4 Me a s u r + L i s t e d Pu r p o s t / R e s u l t BP CL 54 01 02 CY 00 1Is Cd Ty p e 02 02 01 AS S E S S I N G N E I G H B OR H O O D Nb h d 00 4 5 Nb h d N a m e B Tr a c i n g Ba t c h To t a l A p p r a i s e d P a r c e l Va l u e 1, 6 0 5 , 4 0 0 Va l u a t i o n M e t h o d C 1, 2 8 6 , 4 0 0 31 9 , 0 0 0 20 2 4 29 6 N E W T O N S T 29 6 N E W T O N S T R E E T L L C SK Y L I G H T NA T U R A L & W H I T E I / V G E / V G RE A R W O B 06 - 2 1 - 2 0 2 2 05 - 3 1 - 2 0 0 7 10 - 0 1 - 1 9 9 8 10 - 0 1 - 1 9 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 Pr i n t D a t e 9/ 1 5 / 2 0 2 3 ZI P C O D E 26 7 3 : I I I I I RE S I D N T L RE S L A N D VO T E Y PR I V A T E H O R S E P ON D R 73 2 A M_ 3 0 4 7 4 7 _ 8 2 4 6 5 5 GI S I D PL A N # Alt P r c l I D 40 / E 0 3 7 / / / WA L T H A M MA 0 2 4 5 3 01 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 2 VO T E D A T E BE T T E R M E N T S 00 UN 00VC 1, 6 3 0 , 0 0 0 53 0 , 0 0 0 0 31 0 , 0 0 0 0 SA L E P R I C E D1 4 6 1 6 1 5 D1 0 6 5 4 5 7 D7 4 1 4 0 8 C1 5 0 3 2 8 29 6 N E W T O N S T R E E T L L C KA N T R O W I T Z W I L L I A M A CA L L C H A R L E S G CA L L C H A R L E S G MI T C H E L L H E T E C BK - V O L / P A G E RE C O R D O F O W N E R SH I P 10 1 3 Ac c o u n t # 66 2 8 Bl d g # 1 Se c # 1 o f Ca r d # o f 68 H O R S E P O N D R D El e m e n t De p % O v r De p O v r C o m m e n t Mis c I m p O v r Mis c I m p O v r C o m m e n t Co s t t o C u r e O v r El e m e n t Un d e p r e c V a l u e CO S T / M A R K E T V A L UA T I O N 92 1, 2 6 7 , 1 0 0 Ad j u s t T y p e CO N D O D A T A Fa c t o r % 66 2 8 Pr o p e r t y L o c a t i o n Vis i o n I D Ma p I D Bl d g N a m e St a t e U s e Pr i n t D a t e 1 1 1 De s c r i p t i o n Co s t t o C u r e O v r C o m m en t De s c r i p t i o n Co d e OB - O U T B U I L D I N G & Y A R D I T E M S ( L ) / X F - B U I L D I N G E X T R A F EA T U R E S ( B ) BU I L D I N G S U B - A R E A S U M M A R Y S E C T I O N Un i t C o s t RC N L D Co n d i t i o n 10 Ex t . 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C d 92 92 90 70 92 92 92 % G d Gr a d e Gr a d e A d j . 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 1. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 De s c r i p t i o n FI R E P L A C E 1 EX T R A F P L O VI N Y L / P L A S T I SH E D F R A M E EX T R A K I T C H En c l O u t s S h w FI R E P L A C E B B L L B B BL/ B Un i t s 1 1 51 2 96 1 1 22 0 0 . 0 0 80 0 . 0 0 15 . 0 0 8. 0 0 10 0 0 0 . 0 0 0. 0 0 14 0 0 . 0 0 C 55 / 3 7 / / / Cd Ef f A r e a 1, 3 5 7 , 0 8 1 Cd St y l e : Mo d e l Gr a d e : St o r i e s : Oc c u p a n c y Ex t e r i o r W a l l 1 Ex t e r i o r W a l l 2 Ro o f S t r u c t u r e : Ro o f C o v e r In t e r i o r W a l l 1 In t e r i o r W a l l 2 In t e r i o r F l r 1 In t e r i o r F l r 2 He a t F u e l He a t T y p e : AC T y p e : To t a l B e d r o o m s To t a l B t h r m s : To t a l H a l f B a t h s To t a l X t r a F i x t r s To t a l R o o m s : Ba t h S t y l e : Ki t c h e n S t y l e : Ca p e C o d Re s i d e n t i a l Ex c e l l e n t Wo o d S h i n g l e Ga b l e / H i p As p h / F G l s / C m p Dr y w a l l / S h e e t Pin e / S o f t W o o d Ce r a m C l a y T i l Ga s Fo r c e d A i r - D u c Ce n t r a l 5 B e d r o o m s Mo d e r n Av e r a g e 04 01 06 1. 7 5 2 14 03 03 05 09 11 03 04 03 05 4 0 03 02 9/ 1 5 / 2 0 2 3 MMEnvironmental MARSH MATTERS ENVIRONMENTAL Attachment 7 Enforcement Order – issued 11.8.2022 Violation Letter – issued 10.18.2022