HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 Paper ApplicationIL b_**INSPECTION OFALL UNITS ARE REOUIRED!** Please call to schedule 508-398-2231 , ext. 1240 MON-FRl, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM Annual Registration is an Owner Responsibility 2023 RENTAL/LEASE REGISTRATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH _ BOARD OF HEALTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH MA b2664 .1rffir AL R 5,t:@rllM\- rdf--Y I rrsrf ATTENTION LANDLORDS of Houses, Apartrnents, Duplexes, Condominiums, Room Rentals. (in owner occupied dwellings) and Short Term Rentals. Excluding Hotel./Motel, Inn, Lodging House or Bed and Breakfast opemtions. (CHAPTER 108 -OCCUPANCYOF BLILDINGS BYLAW). Note: Compliance with Zoning regulations is not inferred, nor intended. RENTAL/LEASE Registrations EXPIRE on DECEMBER 3l of each year, FEE IS $80 PER RENTAL/ LEASE UMT. Complete this form and return to the Hedlth Oflice. Checks payable to: 'TOWI\ OF YARMOUTH'. For additional FORMS AI{D/OR QTIESTIONS, contrct the HEALTH OFFICE AT 50E-398-2231, x1240 Rental Prooertv AddressFl" y Gros4 J Lo"t e Yc-rtrtetvl l?-ru,fylc a 7 4 t' Owner Name (Required Ed,." q fa. Emai and #o/J <M StaM4ilipg Address, City/Town/ / 1 l/e;fi 0.r,)R * V q..)1rh oL7il n/ry "'. L€? 5-<< Rental Agent (if any) , / Rental Period: Annual "/ Seasonal Short Term Rental of: House ;,/ puplex_Condo_Apartment Room_ Email and Phone # s than 3l days) --Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors Required- Owners: I have ensured the batteries are changed, and have tested ALL Smoke Detectors/Carbon Monoxide Detectors? Smoke/ CO detectors older than l0 years must be replaced. Call fire department regarding questions on new type and location prior to purchasin g. 508-398-2212 PENALTIES - Late registration of more than 30 DAYS after receipt or violations of any part of Chapter 108, rzay be subject to non-criminal citations issued as follows. Each day's violation deemed a separate offense. lst Offense $100.00 / 2,d Offense $100.00 (and each additional) $200.00. This applies to any OWNER or Representative. Trash Removal by: Owner _ (Once a week minimum) Paid Pickup_ Name of Company Tenant Disposal w/Sticker at Landfill _ Note: Please remove trash & recycle bins from road after pick up day. $80.00 Annual fee: Owner may also register online: https://yarmouth.ma.us (follow online services icon, then Permits & Licenses). Signature (Require) Rev lO/\1D2