HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 8/6/04TOWN OF YAR.M OUT BUILDt G DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, Mouth Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. LOT INQUI ORM (used for zoning purposes only) Assessors' Map No. L_ ` Lot No. a5- _ Street Address e C t Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type (if applicable) 0,-- Total Land Area (sq. ft.) -1 6oMS i'-JE-0 ' c�6- Z LMLn;a , /) Name of Current Owner ? Address Telephone No. ? Inquirer's Name (if different from owner) -J O H j L,q MA z-y,4 Telephone No. Inquirer's Mailing Address 5(c, S a 07-H90 26 060 ! J* 0 /0 ln�.q,Nf TD u ^J7 tit sTAaO Jr TW IC H A'u F 81= ",T i 111 Ag Building Intent ? Adjoining Lot Numbers �� -rJ-1 �e7,a4 eS 4 P-C Z5 .7��/,.�SS; ,AGO By signing this application I assert my understanding that the purpose of this inquiry is to a ine w eiher the a forementioned,� j lot(s) qualifies for protection afforded certain heretofore -undeveloped land and that to the best of my knowledge this lot(s) has never previously been built upon./� Signature of Applicant; M41L Date of Inquiry S t5wQ T1F,(`TSTQN tfr.,r 4> friee use on!y) 9 Does not conform to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw, as per the information provided on this date. Reason Conforms to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6 and/or Section 104.3.4, Para. S— of the zoning bylaw, as per the information provided on this date. Comments: Protected pursuant to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must be present. A determination of adequate access shall be made by the PIanning Board pursuai-it to M.G.L. Chapter 41 prior t. the issuance of a building permit. (if applicable.) Shall satisfy Title V requirements. (See Health Dept.) Shall satisfy Conservation regulations, if applicable. Shall satisfy the:Kings Highway Regional Historic District Commission (if applicable) Investigator's Signature Date i-- 6 - �� . �,� �„� c',Ft�/.�.✓�-�� �t� oy-� cry .�� c% Rev. 8/02 ACCT# 5.253 MAP LOC0003 AFT 021 LOT X5 .f Plan SAGE DOC. CERT. PROBATE LZs emu. o T-ct x z-3 1 ACCT# - 254 MAP 021 LOT X36 P 5: LOC 00tS4 GROVE RD Plan /.! 7 PAGE ax DOC. CERT. PROBATE /o It ca, ACCT# 25.255 021 LOT X37 LOC 00 88 P GROVE RD Plan 1.57 4 PAGE DOC. CERT. PROBATE r .. 4b lit t N iJ ACCT# 025.256 MAP 021 LOT X38 LOC 00194 PINE GROVE RD Plan i j Plan PAGE DOC. CERT.' .. ''PRUBATE i - l , X✓ r !' (y Q Q 71 o .� .. .. 1 LOT A CC 25 . 2b1 021 X46 rI" C L ;�K 0RC°Y° D ME .'... AQC. _ ''' h, .C: 0/ e e ':� ': 6 Eel L.20AC n ,7 n I (278' 2 71 si ALDERLN IC �CCIN31 _...___ fl_ d11 ) ^ 187 1 [" 0.22AC IC II I -'T- rT . t '2 gZF34 n2 �� Y �j < -1�- 1 12LIAB 121112� 'AC I O (2�rIFp-1 >Eli �143; i (2tE01 J_ I 206 .10 AC We 1. 1FF4) _ .22AC - ryj 121E211 (21J681; �y 2� .40 AC I --� - d I1isEl01 hL 0.22 AC \ AO Aq / t20 I �'I -D ( 21 AC (11� U �� l� 1Y3) 10) �'. 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Ifill 132 \ t 1NO �1 �' D �" 8 I 127V261 ! 48 AC 37 AC 74 7LiA3��I ( j \\ G--' a17f30 1 (0, � I a.200 AC m VA MV281 ¢L1113 I I a .62AC'� A.275 �j ---� V351 t1�C pE + 7) x ( XiB) I AC 730 `1 Q � ; I 022'Alc ���IIIId�rc ' c A 26 (21V24 (j / {Z1Jp1� S7nAq 1 I A7 J �/ 12,V381 L1IIAC'�l{�!?� --------r --- iC, I K p \ z7 AC:IV-tl ' = -j i LLLJJJ •�, (2N23 ^ 042 AC ►iii� >sa OAK c I s o a ai .SAG 3Ail 1 r 27AC AC I 1114 AC 1.98 AC 4'.' cl- - fowroF 6 p I .26 AC no ,J 116E211 10MNAPf1UlA1Df/D!f I \ 0.86 AC 282 I (76M \ \ pl3C .a* U � x n0.2�6AC 6o Z ERA 361 a 1�16E41362 IASAC - � EliA>�ORI nm11 I 171 IMWOF _-- IN utQ17 �o/►1w � Lt7 T 1) Fo(L Tt 12ALSDow M 1 /.. 1.. ,,. TAX MAP 32 33 34 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 24 ��," S ► 1 em .1@@Rr ' 5 3 IaMNSrAKX COUWY. MMSACHUSE rs Is 4 f 2 5 - 2 53 '7-momo *? ?�'vsr 1278 SZ(� 7 2 9 4 / 2-34-- "7N cder: _ - -- - 1 I � It � 1 1 t � t t £06" 9 069" 283L HJt!/ Ll'908 41.0t w 9810/ 69,00 00'90/ 00 98 00,98 8 p 0 0D c0 N 00 Cp °t N O N O N Opto to tp M M h ao opt p N t 16 66 M.0ti,Z5.6 i 00'99 0098 0098 G p 't YUGHE' 3„Ub,6f,G O N t O UVOY O to t O � t OO ZL 00'08 00 ,08 t -Ot �Mh O N M p ° ? C3 a "'av h N O u 16.66 M.Lb�t4.6N ^ Q +I O m y y m ° o Q Q 3 O N of � 0 � N Q1 N 0 N j N � p ION V O pmuNj � mO Y W MMa Z Z Z t m =N ~ R 90'08 i O °per M Z9.6N Ob, FI'09 FZ'99/ 90'08 M„O/,ZZ./N !6'66 z a30v3�� i.aN -A 00'OL/ a 09'09 Ob'60/ I� CL W 0 o iy W A t0 !O '` ►� =m O rj Z p 0 Nm w �� Z o Q L1 >� %o 01,66 O M Z. TO 6 00'00/ 01 661 M„0b 60 .9 N \ O $ q 7-1O � i N mIZ Qm �m Book 127b, Page 52b* QUITCLAIM DEED (INDIVIDUAL) Wa, Emanuel E. Eagle and Elizabeth A. E:a�le, husband ;.and wife, as tenants by the entirety, both of Harwich (west), Barn::table County, Massachusetts, being,mbmarried, for consideration paid, grant to Thomas P. Rust and ;3elen I-. Itust, husband and wife, as tenants by they entirety, both of t"ethersfield, Connect! iut with ntdtrlaiin rournautu the !and in Yarmouth Naas River), Barns table County, 1'ass,ttchusettr,, boundod and described as follows: [Description and encumbrances, if any] PARCEL 1 L o-- 5 Northerly by Aft Road, a private way, as shown on a plan here- inafter described, a distance of eirhty-five u111d 03/100t11s fe—t Northeasterly by said Aft I:oad, and a private way, ari ,hown on said plan, on an arc with a radius of thirty-tr.-o an'i 45/100ths feet (32.451 ), a distance of forty-eight and 42/100ths feet (1*8.)j21 ); Easterly by a private way, as shown on said plan, a distance of sixty and 60/100ths feet (60,601); Southerly by Lot 6, n t shown on said elan, nn.i nnrei.nt)fter des- cribed as Parcel 2, a distance of ono hundred aix xnd 39/100ths f-et (106.39'); Westerly by land now or formerly of Robert It. 1t:jnn, et • ux, an shown on said plan, a distance of one hundred feet (1001); Containing; 10,560 square feet more or less. Said premises being Lot 5 as shown on a plan of Innd entitled „Plan of Land in Bass River, Yarmouth, I?ass. for Philtre Athanas et al, Scale 1" a !}01, October 11, 1951, Chtase, Kelly cz Svioctet�r, isn;.;:nc:-,rs s: Surveyors, Dennis Port, Mass.", which Plan is duly filed In 3;Arnsuaole Registry of needs in Plan Book 103, Pa;;o 431 PARCIsL 2 LoT C Northerly by Lot 5, as shown on a plan hereinafter darnribod, which lot is hert;inhefore described as Parcel 1, w distance of one hundred six and 39/100ths feet (106.391); ♦,-- - - - -- I--- - ---J --.. .- ...-.. ---1-......- -- --4.1 .-.1..- .. AI - I -.--_ -41