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Quickclaim Deed
7—IT 71 Book 1278, Page 526. one hundred nine and 4o/100ths feet (109.)�0+); Southerly.by land now or formerly.of Leslie E. Armfleld, et ux, and the Town of Yarmouth, as shown on said }Tin, a distance of nlnety- eiSht and 68/100ths feet (98.661); and Westerly by land now or formerly of. Fr+incis L. Rispan, tt ux, and P. Ilya+n, et ux, a4 )hovm on said D19n, 11 distance of ninety-nine and 10/100ths feet (99.10t; Containing* 10,790 snuare feet more or less. Said prr-miscjs begin}, T,ot 6, as sho.vn on a •11Nn of land entitled if Ian of Land in �iass Piver, Yarmouth, Glass. for Philip Athanzs of al, Scale I" 0 40t, Octobcr 11, lySl, C}i:�se, ii©lay tti Slser�tscr, �snrinears Surveyors, Dennis Port, b°fiss.", whi-ch Plan is duly 1'llod .in 3:ii ns1: xu1+; ReLjstry of lleeds In flan Hook 103, Page 43• There is also conveyed with the above described i;ratUses a rig;hC of way over all roads and ways siiown on the said plan of land. Said premises are conveyed subjoct to the restrictions contained in a deed from Be;rch Pine Realty Corporation to ue, dated ;iovemuer 23, e 1963, and recorded �iith 13arnstaole R-istry of jeeds. Por title, see deed from Beach Pine Realty Corporation to us dated November 23, 1963, recorded with }3arnst.eble Re,'lstry of i)ceds. u; e.::�:. �:�.,..% t� OF Cr C'� i�Ar•i.AJ. 1' �J.l .1 Y knhxw 7MX IOLLawclti'Nzwe, X�td�l�e�c���p��,1itK�E# � �� XKd;%6tQ�Ele+C�tie.;lYese�iE+L 0 iili2ttens.....aur........ hands and seals this................t.anth.................(� ..day of....Oc?.t.aWu.'.......t>k