HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 11/12/15 (g,( �ar'CQ )c TO WN OF YARIVIOUTH '�`�"'4,? BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 LOT INQUIRY FORM (used for zoning purposes only) $. Assessors' Map No. 7 q Lot No. Z Street Address L1 55 H I9I►I$ C!amilt'L/ {it.c1 Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type (if applicable) Total Land Area(sq. ft.) y2, 153 S.1. (4.9 7 fC) Frontage '1 15 t Name of Current Owner k.e. boil f Of fialltivev Address 'f5D ft i gk l o.rt d IEYC. Telephone No.5 03-la15-l 3 l I faun gi vtr,0 0 2?2a Inquirer's Name(if different from owner) C at;DE O1 -C&X,SRPc Telephone No. 508-825-4111 508-sot -O701 Inquirer's Mailing Address P. O. tOX `I S 1 'MUviton, MP 021g C) Building Intent -Ft)1U FLE Adjoining Lot Numbers (p4.35)-7,4, I (Sott{(t) - 74,3,"1,-1.L (nor}}) By signing this application I assert my understanding that the purpose of this inquiry is to determine whether the aforementioned lot(s)qualifies for protection afforded certain heretofore-undeveloped land and that to the best of my knowledge this lot(s)has never previously been built upon. Signature of Applicant ua{d t ,A;L'u'( Date of Inquiry (1//2/2 t/s DECISION (for office use only) Does not conform to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A, Section 6, Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw, as per the information provided on this date. Reason: _Conforms to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A,Section 6,and/or Section 104.3.4. Para. of the zoning bylaw. as per the information provided on this date. Comments: Protected pursuant to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A. Section 6. Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must be present. A determination of adequate access shall be made by the Planning Board pursuant to M.G.L.Chapter 41 prior to the issuance of a building permit. (if applicable.) Shall satisfy Title V requirements. (See Health Dept.) Shall satisfy Conservation regulations, if applicable. Shall satisfy the Old Kings Highway Regional Historic District Commission(if applicable) Investigator's Signature Date Rev. 8/02 _____, 74.8 . 1 I \ '" 86.10.1 OIS 1111 74.37 \ 74.7 alli ‘ V74.6II. - 74.75 74.76 74.72 74.74 1 74.' 74.67 74.70 74.69 k .e 74.4 74.3 n 74.68 0 1, f 74.2 74.1 p 74.5 64.35 64.34 64.33 64.36 64.32 64.31 '',ti 64.30 `', 64.23 64.24 '\ 64.27 64.22 4.64.2\728_____)\ I 64.25 ��.64.21 Property Map " 1 inch = 403 feet W -)p!'_E s Data and scale shown on this map are provided for planning and informational purposes only. YARMOUTH (MA) and Vision Government Solutions are not responsible for any use for other purposes or misuse or misrepresentation of this information. 11/12/2015 Brandolini, Jim From: cagapprls@aol.com Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 2:24 PM To: Brandolini, Jim Subject: Yarmouth Properties - Higgins Cromwell Road Attachments: Yarmouth Properties Building Dept. Doc..pdf Dear Mr. Brandolini, Please find enclosed our page by page inquiry for the Roman Catholic Bishop of Fall River regarding 10 lots on the west side of Higgins Cromwell Road. The Church would like the towns opinion as to the legal status of the lots. The question is are they legal "as is" or will they need to be "merged". A quick summary for your reference is as follows: # Map Lot Area Frontage Comment 1.07 Ac. 152.75' 1. 64 30 46,609 +/- Front Lot s.f. .92 Ac. 116.92' 2. 64 31 40,075 +/- Front Lot s.f. .99 Ac. 3. 64 32 43,124 47.97' +/- Pork Chop Lot s.f. .92 Ac. 128.81' 4. 64 33 40,075 +/- Front Lot s.f. .94 Ac. 5. 64 34 40,946 52.06' +/- Pork Chop Lot s.f. .92 Ac. 6. 64 35 40,075 50.04' +/- Pork Chop Lot s.f. .92 Ac. 145.91' 7. 74 1 40,075 +/- Front Lot s.f. .97 Ac. 8. 74 2 42,253 49.5' +/- Pork Chop Lot s.f. .95 Ac. 121.94' 9. 74 3 41,382 +/- Front Lot s.f. 1.08 Ac. 10. 74 4 47,045 53.14+/- Pork Chop Lot s.f. Thank you, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, 1 Claude A. Giroux, SRA Commercial-Industrial-Residential Appraiser& Consultants MA Cert. Gen. R.E. Appr. #430 RI Cert. Gen. R.E. Appr. #A00654G Ph: 508-823-4171 Cell: 508-802-0707 Fax: 508-823-1706 E-mail: cagapprls©aol.com 2