HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 11/21/00 BUILDING 1!.0`'.,, TOWN OF YARMOUTH ELECTRICAL ;,� . i y. GAS H 1 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS0266-151 \k MATTACME ES��% -14 PLL\IBING '', .10" a+.,�.rio,�'� ',; Telephone (508) 398-2231. Ext. 261 — Fax (508) 398-2365 SIGNS BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDABLE LOT INQUIRY FORM G w 5) .c Co 1 3 3 S Li.) Lot No. Z /3 Assessors' Map No. o S 3 Street 3 3 ' Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type(if applicable) if 730 ' • Total Land Area (sq. ft) • -Y3 f2a re,s Frontage ^Sebe pin...t`e.mta:.t‘. 2owe.. 6,,'g/) G�/'8 Name of Current Ownere,�o�„�4. e=.e.ec-ee.Address 81 wa-c�l..�.ae:tt 1�\eT'elephone No. a 73 3 p&P5bez /9-r1;.itvv , MA e9.0124. Inquire's Name (if different from owner) e.,b„,,v�, 't7,,,, .y\Telephone NoLv I) 4.9(6-9 ZO9 Inquire's Mailing Address 3. 3 ( re.... b e,,c- e.,�. , RP ;i ±C/ ) /'r))9 /Done• A i-kG .5'2 33 . 10 - Building Intent forse&ole, Adjoining Lot Numbers Z / .. ) 1 )1,--Es-1 -9-uu}wS'e. Signature of Applicant 0-- �. 911. Pn...c t,o Date of Inquiry ///i 3/°C w_ _ NOV ?0001 J FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Does not conform with M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, single lot exemption, or Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw, as per information provided. Reason V Conforms with M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, single lot exemption, and/or applicable zoning bylaw, as per information provided. 7 A;9 Y I.- ' ' „- f 5- Protected pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption. • Application is incomplete. Comments: ,. ��determined �t( VE iszid crniined equate road access must be present. Determination of access s e by t, Planning Board(if applicable). 4 �� 6a t. ,i 1/ yt .,,,r iJ U V 1 3 L000 Must satisfy Title V requirements. By • Must satisfy Conservation regulations, if applicable. r$ilstigator's Signatureiits-f-1,- .0 G� + Date /1- 1 i - el - ^tea c^a.,-:-!ed Paper ACCT# Q61. 54 MAP 053 LOT Zia LOC 0 63J.IGHLAND AVE ' M, Plan // — 6 &GE DOC. CERT. PROBATE 172A/P 'i E T s. 4 U�L.9-in 9 77 /33 . ' . a 6 ' � 7 i _ W7-_, al-1- --gt,,.; ) 77 ii,3 3 ,QL /9 --, ,o /7.3 (ft! 9 t ytu C , KLL,eA IV tut 0 33 DD. TWO 1.d�5 7—JO- 1_ 1tft22;Er . . AuCLm 2.. tr fit b''i.LE 1c34 j00• te75 7-,2:3- '? _ AliILi ET' 4 . 11-u Clti R. Fr A-Li ' .QD (ItgA (JoD. liwimiiiw o it t of ii- 5- ?0. ___To. ph T. 7xt•IA FT cX eg LE0 j .77 000 . - i!- 9.3 GEoil6e 14, Pf(2,41.)tL ST• rru�C 4k __ ACCT# 061. 3 IMAP 053 LOT K5-1 LOC 00039 SET i LANE Plan //er 4. d 15-A PAGE DOC. CERT. PROBATE a Lj A/ e/p/✓nc/e el , Ci3 3o2 , �: g / 7 p 4Ef/7 D A . illy M ' e tt.t X q y / 7(., nTAony _), �ip%a�G��r / o e r _ ,3 _2-Z --/y)a /g. �lait j' eT1,c)C i 65/_‘ /2.3 -NO f. II i 1 . TICS t mil fl 76 (too) ot COTS 10 -AA- tis _... . I ACCT# 61 . 50 MAP 053 LOT K2 LOC 00040 KELLEY RD r ?7/4 Plan id---E Y- E1 i GE DOC. CERT. PROBATE // JC7dJ4ix 441 17// — /LXAN'b ,R C , Tod 6t3L1 i.V.7/ 2-09 379 .245 _ / - � -sP/ 12-dd-) <e• 7;-ri-e--1 --e-2Zg_} -7Q-3i . T ./� -9K.1 �/ s.P, aoJ000 (aq ga) -/3 -: a6r�h r zi1� L 6 a 6T # 7g3 s q om do 4 :� -.23 -6 (.°/ / / I dr\ I I