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Letter 7/27/05 Ancient Way
r 'of,Y, TOWN OF YARNIOUTH �� 4 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o �,; e ON f ,' —y' #146 Route 28,South Yarmouth, MA 02664 ti(` ,\\ TPC„��,y 508-398-2231 ext. 261 Fax 508-398-0836 4. %'--,___Z--. July 27, 2005 ( Mr. Phillip L. Kelley 206 Hope Road Tinton Falls, NJ 07724 Re: Parcel 4 Assessors' Map 134 Dear Mr. Kelley: I apologize for the delay in respondi$g to your letter of May 2, 2005. i Please be advised that before rendering the Ma ch 3, 2005 decision I consulted with Town Surveyor Robert Garcia of the Town 's Engine;ring Department with respect to the status of the way. He advised me that the Ancient Way" d-picted on the January 10, 1963 Hockanom Hill Subdivision Plan was found to he Town owne, land and not a way or road in August of.1987. Accordingly, my determination the lot in quest on lacked the necessary frontage pursuant to the provisions of zoning bylaw Section 500—Deft 'tions, "Lot Frontage" was predicated solely on this information. Finally, you may want to speak with Mr. Garcia directly so he can provide you with the pertinent detail, directly. Ve2truly, 6 James D. Brandolini, C.B.O. Building Commissioner cc: Robert Garcia, Town Surveyor 4 , tam_ &X' j;(2,e} , 1 ' Y TOWN OF YARMOUTH „o�' ., 40 BUILDING DEPARTMENT _ �. -y' 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 rsztn;,1„«, 508-398-2231 ext.261 Fax 508-398-0836 r - July 27, 2005 Mr. Phillip L. Kelley 3/,_ 5-2-'2 206 Hope Road Tinton Falls, NJ 07724 Re: Parcel 4 Assessors' Map 134 Dear Mr. Kelley: I apologize for the delay in responding to your letter of May 2, 2005. Please be advised that before rendering the March 3, 2005 decision I consulted with Town Surveyor Robert Garcia of the Town's Engineering Department with respect to the status of the way. He advised me that the "Ancie nt`y" depicted on the January 10, 1963 Hockanom Hill Subdivision Plan was found to be Town owned land and not a way or road in August of 1987. 1 determination lotin question k thenecessaryfrontage pursuant th e y, my dete mmat o the quest o lacked o age pu sua t to t e provisions of zoning bylaw Section 500—Definitions, "Lot Frontage" was predicated solely on this information. Finally, you may want to speak with Mr. Garcia directly so he can provide you with the pertinent detail, directly. Very truly, Jalgb. Brandolini, C.B.O. Building Commissioner cc: Robert Garcia, Town Surveyor FORM A APPLICATION FOR ENDORSEMENT OF PLAN BELIEVED NOT TO REQUIRE APPROVAL File one completed form with the Planning Board and one copy with the Town Clerk. Y.4/2_iv/o , MA IBC Z 19%s_ for submission at Planning Beard meeting be c s 1� To the Planning Board: The undersigned, believing that the accompanying plan of his property in the Town of Yarmouth does not constitute a sub- division within the meaning of the Subdivision Control Law, here- with submits said plan for a determination and endorsement that Planning Board approval under, the Subdivision Control Law is not required. 1 . Name of Applicant -St-' .1,L;*Je- ZCit &y Address j 2. Name of Surveyor bc✓q-r,�6 ( c-C9/ Address C(.1/ ///4i4' /7 .C. 3. Deed of Property recorded in Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, Book , 0 TS- Page 4. Location and Description of Property 4.:A,' e-c>bi� c. c,A,'SFiz4,r, -j�i uti.' L-c` qic e„4„, 5. Proposed use of land if other than single-family residential 6 . Number of lots shown on plan 44 If the reason why the submitted plan is not a subdivision isn't obvious, complete or have your surveyor or lawyer complete the following : If all lots meet one or the other of the following criteria, the plan is not a subdivision and approval under the subdivision control law is not required, but only a simple endorsement that it is not a subdivision. Please indicate the grounds on which you believe your plan not to be a subdivision (either A, B, or C) . Lot numbers A. Each lot on the plan or altered by it meets one of these criteria : 1 . Has all the frontage required under zoning on (a) a public way , or (b) a way shown on a plan approved • earlier by the Planning Board under this law, or -� 44 (c) a way preexisting the effective date of subdivision regulations, and which the Board finds adequate for its planned use . 2. Has been clearly marked on the plan to be either (a) joined to and made a part of an adjacent lot , or (b) not a building lot -/ B. Each lot on the plan contains a building which preexisted the effective date of subdivision regulations . C . The drawing creates no new divisions between ownerships, but rather simply describes the perimeter of existing lots. vl Signature of Owner of Record , ?' � ram, _-- 43 \.47 \ 842E13-8 ^ \ \ .00 V 7 \ '' B16 TON: MATTHEW'S \\ a 44 O \ POND \ • \\ 818 \<>19 \\ 253 2.6 \ •• � 21 8.1424 �, • 1 � 4C/22\ 1BA\ AA\ ®I \ O`_ \ \ Bµ \ \ (2. B 11 '� I \A .44 812 1 !1 . ! / 41 C 1 `19 �/\ ! O 2 1\\\ 46$!p SO' ANNE 0JO R\� Ba • \ Z 7 • \ e w • M BaB0 1 9B 0 t / Al 11 a, n Q v 175.8 I 86 1 J�/j 44 11 c^/' Bt �/�•� h v .46 • 1 8 9A / 1 1\ .58 84 • ;: . \ DE ) • - \\\ 8 2A 3A`� a O • ,,,,\ \ \\\ 88 f� Q../ S \ Cl • \ 6 . :(�R`f A R� ) Ate , V -` .I1_ .��®� \ _ PI . .oulN . :l..A'' �, .37 1 1 a ' • ;D�- � 676 L P .35 ••• --- (Cs I'''''. .,-\ •I3 'S , 4, 2,87 i \ 615 a / : - '15 <2 II 0 \ • .43 37 92. , \\ N13 'Ct. 1 �,'4 C BOG \\ .. .25 52 #,, 34 5 j 2 ./\ Y 1 •17 . . . 601 NW � I� PE4 .{2 28 60 N9 • 36/ ,39/ NB .BB O P18 N 3 • .57 _ .83 N12 / m NIS pIN WE ' Y. _ II .2 b� .20 Ea5£MEN1� O P9 [i �l t s \ 29 .40 9 II 2 20 65\\ 41 NS N7 26 Q�\J Pt�37 N� ��// �,��\\17 4o 36 P ,, 3 LLL "' > `\' F' 1 P 8 ` ;' NI 9 N.24 ( c . ROAD /29 //222 R NIB V /�. '.13 �V/ \qQ� 6 /2 ,°J' N N26 �.7n W / °2- / .. / /'�' 6N V M�R�QRET .33 .29 M1 k, 'Y�„ N 218 2 'c7-0 N / / N 3 40 riJ' N 2 O 33 ,,. N7 . 5 4L o 2 �4, O I11 N I ,p ,©Oi �j_ , 4 �O 29 O N �/y 24 O; a 'qQ N r di,� 0O ID N28 -O .23 W4 819 N 103M34 �' '96 < 2 �, 103M9 _ ,� 103M31 103M86 . �f "' 103M38 f<> 103M30 iyt" 949,000 950,000 DATE REVISED JULY I, 1987 103 22 8 DATE MAP MADE 5/27/76 , A la 0 310• 1111 A,.. ,,,_,:. Ilia ...., J*- 0� lir 1e , ` ' . AA 13+ 4 Oitv I 1- ,4 # 1 i CNI:6, a 2 � C 110 , . Map Sheet /' , .1 / ,` ACCT# 134. 3 MAP 112 LOT tB le -- . , Addr.'s'rs'if ) LOC 0001VORN HILL DR Plan I 6 C ��/JeL a .63 O CERT. PROBATE DATE ''C' -/L` %-. ,i 1 ii L5rE' LJt /1//1r 1 7 -�y'- z 07 1 e _ / / 770 //L _ • i Lo; / 'a -7.,> Mill1111111.111111111111111111 lirginna NIFIGHEIBEll ::- - -:," LI 1111111110'211.111111 IPJIIIIIIIIIMIIII MAP 'id, sACCT# 134. 4 MAP 112 LOT B41 PLAN NO. el'e LOC ACORN HILL DR C� /f Property Lou� , 85 2414 �".f f (6De SELLING 6 / -. .� VOOk/Doc Page/Cert� ==- v J/fvtr.': s NO. OWNER TITLE REF. -r; vR 1 E PRICE ACCOUNT 5u Vt3Lvtj) geacy 176" c7 1/01 'i/A6l60 ! r , 0V' j j eV LOK- b . dow&5 f( , h 6 ti l 0125/ l at if ti ii yvalmJ6 K, at I cr-e-L P - O- f i Ph I'LLi P G. kaLe)' • h 7 3 45-1 ,s/3a/5_el , i DO . - r ACCT# 134. 16 MAP 112 LOT 842 A Lpc dOO5✓WHISTLER LANE Plan K6, . 1,09 DOC. CERT. PROBATE DATE 66L4O ic) aga .a auk_ Li/Ay 0.16-,), _ 0),6-00) 604 71'6Q . 114 �U� f h3�9f1_ li o m tar) _713 /'1C Map ghee ACCT# 12 HAP 112 LOT B 10 LOC 00003 ACORN HILL DR Plan 48 �`.drJr'�.�'� .N CERT. PROBATE DATE ' ' Al n Map She ACCT#125. 35 ,AP 112 LOT A10 Addr^ss .15 LOC ACORN HILL DR (OFF) Plan �6r©^6 8! _ CERT. PROBATE DATE f,(fa. 6 '.ram i/9 2/9 `Liz-61 7r c ��:t , . ac26 % -' /Jo o6U , /,-/34,2 • PHILLIP L KELLEY 206 HOPE RD TINTON FALLS,NJ 07724 May 2, 2005 Building Department Jim Brandolini, Building Commissioner 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, Mass 02664 Re: Assessors' Map No 134, Lot No. 4 Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your response to my"Lot Inquiry Form" concerning the possibility of obtaining a building permit on the lot(See attached). The denial was based upon your opinion that the lot does not have any frontage on a "way". However, the lot has approximately FIVE HUNDRED (500') FEET of frontage on an ancient and traveled way described in a deed recorded in the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 2131,Page 112 (See copy enclosed). The way was conveyed to "The Inhabitants of the Town of Yarmouth"which dedication makes it a public way. Also, an easement was reserved giving me the right to use the way for"all purposes for which ways are commonly used in the Town of Yarmouth". Therefore, please reconsider your denial based upon the fact that the lot does have more than sufficient frontage on a way. Sincerely, Phillip Kelley Enclosures ,z a Lac fj • "S=7---ot,eje-Ayea_3_7„:" By r . .; ;,;. .�, eoox 2131 r �112 i + .. 28235 I I, SUZANNE KELLEY, of Yarmouth, Barnstable County, d • . • . • Massachusetts, for no consideration paid, this grant being a gift for conservation purposes, release, grant and dedicate ! THE INHABITANTS OF THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH, a municipal corporati: located'.in the County of Barnstable and Commonwealth of Maesac;. y setts, with QUITCLAIM COVENANTS, the land in Yarmouth, Somata)). County, Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: ';- i T• NORTHERLY by land now or formerly of Elizabeth T. ' Acampora, as shown on hereinafter mentione• j plan, Fifteen and 00/100 (15.00) feet, mor-; 1 or less; WESTERLY by land now or formerly of Bass River Rod;- • & Gun Club, as shown on said plan, Eighteen l, Hundred Fifty-Four and 00/100 (1,854.00) ., feet, more or less; SOUTHERLY by Route 6A, as shown on said plan, One H dred Twenty and 00/100 (120.00) feet, more: or less; ' • . NORTHEASTERLY by a portion of Lot 1, as shown on said p1- , Eighty and 00/100 (80.00) feet, more or lea_; I. Ir. EASTERLY by portions of Lots 1, 8, and 9 and by a p. p cel designated on said plan as Remaining Arr., 23.7 Acres, Seventeen Hundred Forty-Six an•t 00/100 (1,746.00) feet, more or less. . .,' Being shown as traveled way, ancient way and a triang r • lar parcel of land the base of which is bounded on the south b Route 6A on plan entitled "Hockanom tills Subdivision Plan of Land in Yarmouth, Mass. for Suzanne Kelley Scale 1" = 80' Dec-.:ber 1, 1962 Gerald A. Mercer & Co., Inc. Civil Engineers South' ; Yarmouth, Mass." recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 174, Page 81. -- Reserving to the grantor and to all those now or here-": after legally entitled thereto an easement of way for all purpos- for which ways are commonly used in the Town of Yarmouth. ' Subject to the terms of a final decree entered by Barn 1 stable Probate Court in Equity Case No. 295. For title, see deed to me from Irving C. Ellis and Lydia Ellis recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds -': in Book 1075, Page 242. t: I HAYES&CRENEY - ' ' - • • ' AR0111RTMT4AV....C. IL"A$UC"VQTT$ ;r. • • r - eoox2131 n 113' _ . t . ,. '. j BUT NEVERTHELESS IN TRUST, upon the following'terms and I. a • h= conditions: 14! j ' 1. Said Town shall be Trustee under this trust. i :;} to • , ', + •o 2. The Conservation Commission of the Town- f:Yarmouth ation {w �'/,5.1.- shall manage and control the property conveyed to this public 1 sachu- ' ,- charitable trust and shall constitute a Board of Visitors to en • - force and preserve this trust. As such it may take appropriate tstable legal action, as an alternate to the Attorney General as Petition- t_:': er. If it should cease to exist, such powers shall devolve upon the Board of Selectmen. :I» 3. The trust property shall be used for the purposes authorized by G. L. ch. 40. sec. 8-C as it may hereafter be ;_. amended and other Massachusetts statutes relating to conservation, toned including the protection and development of the natural resources more " of the Town of Yarmouth. 4. If the trust property or any interest or part thereo ,should be taken by eminent domain by any body, corporate or Rod • -politic, the net proceeds of the award after paying charges {•:• hh een l4 F- -related thereto shall be added to the conservation fund of the ; 0) & -4 Town. 1' 5. This trust shall become effective upon the accept- e Run '''anoe .Of'this deed by said Town signified by the approval of its d more Board of'.Selectmen hereto as authorized by G. L. ch. 40, sec. 8-C 4*M': ' ��` •,"6. The premises herein conveyed shall remain in their d plan, , natural-state and shall not be paved with asphalt or other matey .. it less ial. , a par,ng Area ^1 ' WITNESS my'hand and seal this /f' day ofiY��&rye-(/, Lx and 1974. ii riangu �� .�"'- zth by` rc , r� n of Suzan Kelley ; • Deceo- is t*P •'i. South 7 `i of ,?rs • ' !. , 1 i , here-7 'may* '- I COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS here N purP°. F ; •rnstable;'ss. ,.Gc4.*:/-e2.....- // , 1974 w 9 i ' Then personally appeared the above named SUZANNE KELLEY, �,� yR ,�,. , Barn t • d acknowledged the' foregoing instrument to be her free act and i " 1 4 t i ind 1 r '•, before me. f$,-% seeds _ � „f � �..�„ 0 4 4/y 44,/�/iJ�j��j� e.NSs 4,1p te 1n 0,-f r /U,..r_e �' per : ' 'e� RT '4',,�^ ry Publi •' 4 ``t. 1?Ile k: • e. • �-� z `' 0r _J � xpi`rea3 i e 1 :; / ,;M. 1, '1 1. ! }r - ' • • Y '� i 3L ' 4'7 ", Cs 1.k ' , A '(, � elt�, � �� 1tr, a r ,.)a 1 v A k0 ,1. 1 N � i AM is ,a `w L .. y ,.. 1 vt yi i r ;'���. :':. §�:t�Y3v�s�G�f�.. ��.'._�i.�!S�, 't`'L' c.S�'i y' !*9��c.`t.y�'. .�.� f'�: }.. e 'k�' N;,11