HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 6/21/00 ' BUILDING TOWN O F YARMOUTH R M O U T H ELECTRICAL . �-,: /' \°. GAS 1 1 1146ROUTE28 SOUTH V RMOUTH MASSACHL'SETTS0266-1-4451 MA• T - - - PLL'�IBI\'(. „,.��o,' Telephone (508) 398-2231. Ext. 261 — Fax (508) 398-?365 SIGNS • BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDABLE LOT INQUIRY FORM / / Lot No. / 00 Assessors' Map No. Street k)') 14I G-tv w c Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type (if applicable) • Total Land Area (sq. ft) /Z (LE Frontage Name of Current Owner Address f3 C o n,.,n. t Telephone No. Inquire's Name (if different from owner) Ef►N l Telephone No :-cam � ,„3 ;3 Inquire's Mailing Address EGE ► S 1+ �1,;} rr ,. r t;\ Building Intent Sr t_. >> t-b‘,JCAdjoiningLot Numbers 10 ( 22. 1 �, I�� ro-J ,4Jc Signature of Applicant 1•,,� Date of Inquiry Z/ 2 0/ 0 c � PP q rY SQ.,I�)OcSt A C:,.a-vA. "i '1" 14-(zrA tS 2LiSc= EC.Z- r T S Li —IOC O - - ic:' - 434-is 6J --*12E tc' tzEr.)T 2 F - L'<+v7ScAPE/tS 1 Fp.2 y pW S1-..> 11-16-� • Pr- I rl; (N 6- 13vs,NESS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Does not conform with M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, single lot exemption, or Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw, as per information provided. Reason V Conforms with M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, single lot exemption, and/or applicable zoning bylaw, as per information provided. Vfrrx„..,.. /0 0' 3 f` Protected pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must-be present. Determination of access shall be determined by the Planning Board (if applicable). 4,/ - /1-4 -1 .2 6 •'-)— Must satisfy Title V requirements. ' Must satisfy Conservation regulations, if applicable. rialiqstiaator's Signature - d Date - /— (",.) ACCT# 0 . 100 AP 077 LOT E21 Mar'4 LOC 000 U I NGTON AVE 4�} ""4"- Plan 7 7q5. DOC. CERT. PROBATE /e 9GPr/ i. fogs y T// T vX /3 5'7.- /o 5C k U U/1/s C L l FFo RJ J -1-/V c.. / o /co RLb rT P. 819-0 p 6 TUX 3 70 ‘6-4,000) /,?- 7-Si/ r i th 42 l b.3 ,vim) b A(towAiw6- Feu L6 : ( c4 302 9 (9,6 cix) mv' Cori lr1 -1-17 • fir fir IE ` a___. • 5, • J l PCL �1 ACRES ' v0 # PLAN NO. U 76 ,pe ion: ftuiJr/,)bro/J /! VD S �, SELLING OWNER TITLE REF. DATE PRICE ACCOUNT NO. y� Book/Doc Page/Cert � (✓t'h F . Of. � r .34L 24271 F D 0 o 00064- WFFoLd 6. /103 150 .t2ig;'7 ,)33yi ftb&nr D. P F9 bi2 Erox 4.311.6- . 70 4 7/0 £2iVo(" wr6) 60266 G. oProiJ ErBt ci Q3 43 b/i9/66 5,ao0 gnawrob-Fal g sd, zC. llasa 3a q .05/g7 aoo Tux) 1,407-3 CT# O'8. 22 MA? 077 LOT F114 , /8C 000 N I G. ' NGALE DR " ' - `� Plan la-P,4 GE DOC. CERT. PROBATE 1✓0`i h ff. 7/7,0vrics' e r' Gi r /Z ��f //a/ Wziti - . El a-Ta _/ -9 z y..2-10 t ,..1‘71,x,,, ,7-;:i)_.../-7,1 .-? .h' z ' .z A-,2,._ /// -,_,I.A .-gt/ ACCT# 8. 101 M P 087 LOT N15 " LOC 0 03 HUN GTON AVE / 6 s Plan f' 2‘ AGE DOC. CERT. PROBATE Gi/ a/r/S �i(/C /446 r g0ws ,T. eMeaso e raK /3-3Z. 2Z7 74 �ti� ,t, 40 , „7a,e}-2/.,4,,7_0(,,,,,.5_1,2_ //h PZ L/ s/� g�9„ iL,u,Q_s-- 7i lie /a -7-8� � r - r}zrn tD.j. o S �?. /h. ,it. Fluso t i11541 .LS3 CLbF '�,EN) NvRohA 1 - R% E(,6p HU.Ph1 '/a. 4t LA i 06 N UR Pff' e-r pr(, iliA ! ( Vic- (10ieoo, i-a-%