HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 12/27/99 i6 V. )_ y tea .:f`, BUILDING TOWN OF YARMOUTH ELECTRICAL _ _ GAS 0u '' `r � i1'4 I146 ROUTE 2S SOLTH NARI1OUTH MASSA(:HUSETTS0266-1-1-151 " MATTACMEESE/'� I'LL\IBIN(. "! ���ybll0,bli '�' - Telephone (508) :198-2231. Ext. 261 — Fax (508) 398-23(55 -Tiii, BUILDING DEPARTMENT IIJ) 1 g I.S 0 ICJ BUILDABLE LOT INQUIRY FORM •SFP301999 Di iDO By ,P.: ::>- Lot No. itit Assessors' Map No. cN. Street p IAA 1 Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type (if applicable) /' - 2 v - 044 • Total Land Area(sq. ft) d a, 3 LI LI Frontage raw„tell oo)/ Lid 165' Name of Current Owner YCr n,c ,,,_ oi Address rIoUS4cn Tx ii&i Telephone No. Inquire's Name (if different from owner) I I io:111 k't,(1 ty Telephone No 50$-7(40-I I q 6 4.2„.„ Inquire's Mailing Address 1E a x I Q F Q c>t.n4 t ry i 1 I e NI 4 OR to 3 a Ivlt4G1 t309 .. Building Intent Adjoining Lot Numbers (U j c G, as � Signature of Applicant Y Date of Inquiry /b 9/q°I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Does not conform with M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, single lot exemption, or Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw, as per information provided. Reason Co m nforms with M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6 ingle lot exemption, and/or applicable zoning bylaw, as per information provided. ✓ `,-,� /oy 3 Protected pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must-be present. Determination of access shall be determined by the Planning Board (if applicable). Must satisfy Title V requirements. ✓ Must satisfy Conservation regulations, if applicable. •rupgstigator's Signature `` Date /) 7 �f ACCT# 099. 100 MAP 077 LOT E21 Ma,r Sf LOC 00049,H TINGTON AVE / 9 4-v Plan 7 715 DOC. CERT. PROBATE Oe9LPA/ ��. fogsy7ff c T Ux /35'Z /° _ ko uivS c1 CLI FFo1)) /56 _ rnb61rD. B tho 6rux _ 4/31/c 70 _ c2)00Q)- /2- 7-S ((_Q1�E �� uPrM , f ti/.3 1b.3 9 ,octo) gmwm16- FeW5 du5ue5 Si ww c 3019 (K000) Two ACCT# 098. 22 MAP 077 LOT F114 i LOC 00086 NIGJINGALE DR Plan /674 GE DOC. CERT. PROBATE ✓0h)7 ff. /1/oIrAr er lX /ZS' i //So/ r riza../7';,-, c. kvils.on aT _ /2"9 2 y2-0 X., .0. ,T L1 n ��, / �.A - h -?/ cj ACCT# 098. 101 MAP 087 LOT N15 f9 LOC 01037 HMINGTON AVE 7 / 6 - Plan 12 ' AGE DOC. CERT. PROBATE C/jeO/r/S ,..r4/C. 1 /' Y6 rfdpz axis ,- c,frea.(e c Tub j /5-3Z 2Z7 %Z .stir 4. U io/-/ a2_ ' �,r/_�� z 9 1�� P wa....--- 2 ja ld _ is - -�� �- S..4.0 _,1E. 'b. JA 1.;6 i Vbt K - 1 - ELFri-p5 tluQPill iit LLA106 M U 1Z Pfl Er Pit -rt5 i (Vic' 3 L115-‘000) i -a-R$ / . L Czyl, J. •