HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 10/14/06 0 ( y TOWN OF YARMOUTH •` ATT- n SF ' =: `---,�,� 'a; BUILDING DEPARTMENT 4±LI` 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 261 - SEV Z J LOT INQUIRY FORM (used for zoning purposes only) nn , Assessors' Map No. 2 Z. Lot No. Z9 S Street Address ZD /Lit/*(Ntr /3j � J oL Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type(if applicable) I 10 Total Land Area(sq. ft.) 6x c Frontage l-'is Name of Current Owner 6i nia+o Scuy51C • Address ZZO FL/$46 l'�w.,RID , Telephone No.9 7 E-E -/I etst t3entao�,M A c l"1 et Inquirer's Name(if different from owner) ST a)&13 CbCY1C. Telephone No. OZ-27(4 -1(GC Inquirer's Mailing Address el:3 31Za..0 57 I CV ) MA-spc , A4A- c Z()r Building Intent NCB) HCX35E. Adjoining Lot Numbers Z.9* f Z G (Z23 •E1i ik.) , ;` A3 2 'l ..2, 3) 4,A By signing this application I assert my derstand• g that the r 0ose of tills inquiry is to determine whither de aforementioned lot(s)qualifies for protection afford ertain her tof -undoloped land and that to the best of my knowledge this lot(s)has never previously been built upon. o Signature of Applicant Date of Inquiry ` I ZS`o DECISION(for office use only) /0 0g )0 Does not conform to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6,Defmitive Plan Exemption and/or theable zoning bylaw, per the information provided on this date. Reason: pd.„i1/4-c...< .2,4;)--7 4.-A.,( ,--‘44---C „,---,-"-,-,A,...e.....{/e9ry.- 5,_,- -47-,P40-e2ts Conforms to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6,and/or Section 104.3.4,Para. of the zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. Comments: Protected pursuant to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must be present. A determination of adequate access shall be made by the Planning Board pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 41 prior to the issuance of a building permit. (if applicable.) Shall satisfy Title V requirements. (See Health Dept.) Shall satisfy Conservation regulations, if applicable. Shall satisfy the 0 • gs Highway Regional Historic District Commission(if applicable) Investigator's Signature , e i� � Date /� ,6 l��/// Rev. 8/02 ACCT# 022 .7_83 MAP 018 LOT T208 Ma LOC 0001 MA ACHUSETTS AVE _ Plan 7e • DOC. CERT. PROBATE 5.497 C 6 C Joh J ra-(9&._-v2r1 9‘.5" - /6 9 3L.21 L9 OU151 ORAlltV8A) ffi9Li ,6-1-41S" 1 6 -JO -06 b73b I,,2J1 10 -30.-CV 1,1113 12.tt -60 17100 A5 ,r Fr r 6:_° to- -0 6t,v-y61( Tl& 17100 " 2- wr5-4•71C41 l0 -It- 0 ACCT# 022. 284 MAP 018 LOT T210 AA LOC 00017 MASSACHUSETTS AVE Plan 7‘ DOC. CERT. PROBATE NefiWyJ. ,?•4/pied9 elax l A .44 . Crr- f,FAY 7 • I f•C _ Jot -c,t/ reoZ 6.1O (41„,ev -0e:4/2,0- /2/7/Ficj L6kkg,c, PH, _ - g04 rod_o Lor o) S 7 la II , g.(6hcrild, e--. 61-1% A5f-i,to 011 000) 1 17 116 gevall L M _ . ACCT# 022. MAP 018 LOT 1209 h LOC 00020 E AVE 7 Plan 7 ' • GE DOC. CERT. PROBATE Jo4i /-://. 67 07 / / A tpui,6e :17 6/91019 Vil Ai IT Rid SI :3;1 ti 00) 6 -JD-4/2' . -FE,Ply(1 ) Lti 1--R, 171 00 qS" AFFt-datruindiftlittUfi-ti to too 107 22.2533 • 4.- 1000)2_ LoG- 22.2A1S 1.0 -4-Ott I __ _ N ACCT# 022. 293 MAP 018 LOT T215 LOC 00010 MAINE AVE Plan y : ......-4 OWNER 1 vBOOK PAGE DOC. CE T. PROBATE DATE --f--1-- . e4f..444 i -le: .\it, _9 27.,' --:P,'.;1 r Iit..(2-72--n-e- -/- . 7.-re, 3 r 7 / 7/ /1/4/ ---,,- , , J/- /-7, , __If f) ,/,. ..e7./ „....e-,.,-- „,/, .? // ,S„5 ,/.4.--/ -e, ...y.,.. / . 4.,.,,,t- c131c5. .,7,36 Yv 1---n-I , Afifi(lli nett, Ni7e -1-- ,e)u-HPL-1 i-i‘ TIC Cc- ei(e, (101P- 1;143C kob6( i.5 . 6P) H&iJcr-tx 473 i 347 („b1i, 000) 8T-A-bi .. . ,Toiv.)s-6- 1 , 1,103.3 cAlb L7q.,_000 6fl-lbr7,-(s. Pt, \i'Pra )— ' 141,0 Hi- i 4S 014 0 000 _ ACCT* 0294. 1 AP 018 LOT 1211 Map LOC 0001 MAIN AVE Plan 7 _E. DOC. CERT. PROBATE ___... 5- 1,2/ P/e r" 7e-i e, e74L,,A, 1333 7f Wall AU P. 66461 ii,g0,6 /29 67000 I/P/9V 8144.qiNg ti , WW1 ffiki ii3:41 ,L1.. LS.cils,o , ) , 3olig 1 ACCT# 022. 296 MAP 018 LOT T205 N LOC 00444 SUMMER ST vir Plan 7 6 E DOC. CERT. PROBATE pi4V , .e A7 77-4A, ‘V- 5-0251 H-Ilvc , cLI -f- , v._ -2_ 0 r 1. ' : I /M0001 FS/ 17 = IIIIIIM