HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 12/20/04 r ,sof' R`.Az� k'+4.47( ~ f " �` 1�9 TOWN OF YAR. MOUTH` 3$3 rMA7T, n .tx� DEC132004 „: ' ' BUILDING DEPARTMENT Eu- 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 261 LOT INQUIRY FORM (used for zoning purposes only) Assessors' Map No. 011 -Lot No. 1-PtO Street Address I '7 `SASS. AUv Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type(if applicable) Total Land Area(sq.ft.) , )1 Frontage 3-0 C4Lre a L Y L_ . Name of Current Owner Z,a R , T0. • Address/...5-MA-S5 Ale Telephone No. SP$- 77 -2 577 Inquirer's Name(if different from owner) Telephone No. Inquirer's Mailing Address Po . 8 r'Y. 3 a 6 t1 EST ro r`yp O Lb 73 Building Intent Adjoining Lot Numbers / '/ V )Y!r A ?2, ' a 3,;9 S 4-`Q4/.)-q. By signing this application I assert my understanding that the purpose of this inquiry is to determine whether the aforeimentioned lot(s)qualifies for protection afforded certain heretofore-undeveloped land and that to the best of my knowledge this lot(s)has never previously been buil�t °n Signature of Applicant -'1 ) i; L Date of Inquiry DECISION (for office use only) /!gyp//ce i g /a 04 Does not conform to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A, Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. Reason /,zr, /c -4.-( L--r--./�� � `� -> '' 'c .-z..-, > tX < 1.. ice r� e;C�c-Lr-e ,-zs't �''�� / (F.�— Conforms to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A,Section 6,and/or Section 104.3.4,Para. of the zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. Comments: Protected pursuant to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A, Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must be present. A determination of adequate access shall be made by the Planning Board pursuant to M.G.L.Chapter 41 prior to the issuance of a building permit.(if applicable.) Shall satisfy Title V requirements.(See Health Dept.) Shall satisfy Conservation regulations,if applicable. Shall satisfy the Old Kings Highway Regional Historic District Commission(if applicable) Investigator's Signature ` 4 % Date o�,. Rev. 8/02 , .............., b st 0 - 1 > P�� � a a�k , uy^deIs °)'ywo •7 b, as Ir` ✓ tA ,:1 5 s fil F A L „ S ' t second • } Payment Notice Fscl Year 200P,� kE lkT{B Commonwealth of AICSS[C�LSB lI% n lA " A{ ., �alsI4 ggtSSed Owner kk P('IN" , GH Town of,Yatmouthr*'0'06VAit;t#r BIRD BEVERLY L TR 022.2 Office of Collector,'"of 7�a�es � "` -�: • 84 � DISTRICT RESIDENTIAL OPEN SPACE COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL TOTAL V+LV TIuv, RRAT ESTATE TAX DUE BY DUE BY 11.08 11.08 11.08 11.08 30,000 342.36 Nov.01,2002 MAY 01,2003 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION REAL ESTATE VALUES RE COMM. DESCRIPTION 1st PAYMENT 2nd-PAYMENT S. DESC. CLASS VALUATION EXEMPTION • ACCT. 022.284 LAND 1 30,000 0 Class Code 132 TAX 166.20 166.20 ACRE 0.11 TOTALUTAAXABLE LAND BANK 9.96 0.00 O Map 018 PAYMENTS -176.16 0.00 Lot T210 30,000 Book 12546 TOTAL Page 027 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ASSESSMENTS TOTAL DUE 0.00 166.20 Deed Date 09/17/1999 AMOUNT NOW DUE 166.20 TOTAL TAX AND ASSESSMENTS 342.36 PROPERTY LOCATION 17 MASSACHUSETTS A Based on assessments as of January 1,2002 your Real Estate Tax for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002 and ending June 30, 2003 on the parcel of real estate is described above. ;003 BEACH&DISPOSAL AREA STICKERS.SAVE TIME-ORDER BY MAIL Stickers are available by mail or at the Town Hall.For your convenience,stickers may also be purchased SEVEN DAYS A WEEK at the Chamber of Commerce, 424 Route 28,West Yarmouth,MA.02673. 508-778-1008. To obtain a sticker(either by mail or in person)you MUST HAVE: 1) Check made out to-TOWN OF YARMOUTH(you may combine Beach&Disposal fee in one check) 2) Stamped,self-addressed envelope(if not enclosed-your stickers will not be mailed back to you) 3) Send a copy of your CAR REGISTRATION-or-YARMOUTH CAR EXCISE TAX BILL.(you must have one or the other of these items) 4) If your car is a LEASED VEHICLE,you need to send a copy of your Lease Agreement. 5) You also need a copy of your TAX BILL-or WATER BILL(VERY IMPORTANT-this shows your YARMOUTH ADDRESS) 6) If you purchased stickers last year and the vehicle registration number is the same:you do not need to send a copy of your vehicle registration(s). 7) Please note on your request,your Yarmouth Address.(All stickers are in the computer by address) Mail to:License/Stickers Office,Town of Yarmouth,1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Rates:Beach Sticker:1"vehicle-$15.00,2"d vehicle-$15.00,each consecutive sticker is$15.00 each.Disposal Sticker:I'm vehicle-$80.00,2"d vehicle-$40.00, each consecutive vehicle is$80.00 each. Year 2002 Disposal Stickers expire May 1",Beach Stickers have already expired. The Beach&Disposal stickers will be available starting January 1,2003. Yarmouth Town Hall is open Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Any questions regarding stickers please call 508-398-2231 ext.268. BEACH STICKER MIS-USE RULES&REGULATIONS The misuse of a resident beach sticker shall consists of the following: a)The resident sticker registration number not matching the registration number of the vehicle that it s attached to.B)Sticker not PERMANENTLY affixed to the front bumper on driver's side of the vehicle.c)Sticker being altered,defaced,copied or made unreadable.d)Sticker being used to gain entry to the beach by persons other than whom the sticker was issued.e)The giving of a resident sticker to another for unauthorized use. Misuse of a beach sticker shall result in loss of the sticker and/or a fine. Fine imposed under provision of Chapter 40,Section 21-D. Replacement of a misused sticker will be permitted upon payment of 3x the full sticker price.($45.00). A sticker for the followine year will not be issued until the fine or misuse has been void., PAYMENTS RECEIVED AFTER 03/06/2003 OFFICE HOURS: ARE NOT REFLECTED ON THIS BILL. MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 AM - 4 :30 PM COLLECTOR'S OFFICE: 508-398-2231 EXT.233 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE: 508-398-2231 EXT.222 VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT yarmouth.ma.us SHIRLEY A. SPRAGUE, TOWN COLLECTOR Interest at the rate of 14%per annum will accrue on overdue payments from the bill assue.date until the payment is made. �- • 1 ACC Ti* 022. 284 MAP 018 LOT T210 M LOC 00017 MASSAC HUSETTS AVE Plan '7‘ , [---', 1 . DOC. CERT. PROBATE Heoly ,J • -kziprep eriz I x Z4.5- igs- 44,14e74-A j)- CA rr -el- 0 /74_ c'2 82•A-e,47-1 g.,• rz7.4._„4. ._ 7 , tee-..-y.V ,-9.7 .6R. 6hA-g4c, F. Ciftfr- -a_ Er. i /(ct2i / ( _ toi ) /2/rn i-6iy IL 51-1to ozi i °6) ? ti iRhpa 6 6Ra TL 1 : ( 4: ' °°° 1 il r1 6V6 A L . 6d -nz t F '1 i Acc-N 022. 283 MAP 018 LOT T208 Ma LOC 00019 MASSACHUSETTS AVE --,, Plan 7‘ ,, ; 2,9 pL ,„. (,),,,,--ei, DOC. CERT. PROB ,Eilnice C rieari9 ',. ..s...d7 ry John J . ea(9e&vayl ••-/e,,- qg 1- /C*9 - i , 3 400156 17 6.6iJgat) Ergii Sr4.1 ,g6 ii it DO) 6 -010-66 ) i I 3k ,I.61 40?mei Winof Lis0•1) 1—13-00 ' . ACCT# 022. 285 MAP 018 LOT T215-2 Mal LOC 00015 MASSACHUSETTS AVE Plan 7i DOC. CERT. PROBATE 197 ) .Qry / 0 s.:16, 341 5 -a21 6 ,219 tria oF 'CO 724- ,A,,, /dmi/zyu I rieus 6/0 OtE 4614a re& 7k:5 h127 aci-45,74,-,1 leilargt, eaa') of 74116, p/I111;79, .kteJhARCy MAR. enL1 I54146 (100) F1A LOS c1- 1-1-77 R,0)1)11-tz,ct, 6-s eift-Rfe GS-ovo061 " " ct - ri -q? Le) vizii‘i F . RtiZ4 1-12. ACCT# 022. 294 MAP 018 LOT 1211 Map LOC 00014 MAINE AVE Plan 7‘ DOC CERT. PROBATE 5 " ,er 7ge_ eTz-Vx 3 33 '7 f 1.1 66"41,1 4306 1,39 Ifc')000) 111,2,N tiabi61FI [1,3,14 313ot% . . ACCT# 022. 295 MAP 018 LOT T209 LOC 00020 MAINE AVE 7 _ Plan 7.‘ GE DOC. CERT. PROBATE jo 4 72 z. 0.4/.5 c ,v4 YA-t..t.e_ld-g-,) • etA,Le2 3 4;,12_1( 3/ /a-3 -fa. tDU13irJL19fiuI9Vf,J In961 S/ 6 6 -M-0 b h /01 000) 10 •