HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 7/8/15 . '6, 0 °'""'' `��,\.M Qy� � °n� TOWN OF Y A R M0 J T I—I BUILDING DEPARTMENT JUN 2 32015 0 �1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 c 9 _ T_ LOT INQUIRY FORM (used for zoning purposes only) Assessors' Map No. \3(o Lot No. 1 (i 1 Street Address W 01 l`YLC tf laniT A km._-_-- -LiNtividtof eJr(y Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type (if applicable) Total Land Area(sq. ft.) , LA ACI Es Frontage /' -2- 1 )' :-Tibt-i Os04 -Aki Name of Current Owner C IAa l S1D I H-lt Address P1- ). COY CISU8 03 Telephone No. 34DY -Ss -7 S .-jt� NIBS I'4 Q2 p ill-3i3-01/ST— Inquirer's Name (if different from owner) 1 rJ C AY�'1 U Telephone No. Inquirer's Mailing Address a lc L -l( J t3DOQ 0A. 6,, S&iJDtAit e(1 A 4 f'd Z-S-3-7 ,'C Building Intent Si,6- 7vt it_.( f hilk djoining Lot Numbers /1u By signing this application I assert m understanding that the purpose of this inquiry is to determine whether the aforementioned lot(s)qualifies for protection afforded certain heretofore-undeveloped land and that to the best of my knowledge this lot(s) has never previously been built n.- Signature of Applicant (/__ ejekite/Mf'-- Date of Inquiry 62 23 {j DECISION (for office use only) Does not conform to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6. Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw, as per the information provided on this date. Reason: _Conforms to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6, r Sectio .04.3.4, Para. of the zoning bylaw, as per the information provided on this date. Comments: ..jr�`D�' e ,-7.7--e-974-0.44---0--1/es tr./ ye,-.4 "telt ffe.,2,-, -„--47e--7-4----te e2---"-e--, Protected pursuant to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6. Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: ___ Adequate road access must be present. A determination of adequate access shall be made by the ping Board pursuant to M.G.L.Chapter 41 prior to the issuance of a building permit. (if applicable.) vilan Shall satisfy Title V requirements. (See Health Dept.) /Shall satisfy Conservation regulations. if applicable. Shall satisfy the 01 z gs Highway Regional Historic District Commission (if applicable) Investigator's Signature b .._____..__Date_ 1 - /,S Rev. 8/02 I k'Mil ,.,„ , • • ,-, r- 3> v: 0 0 --- — C, 0 k 0 . C) is • k . 3 ',, '.'-, 0 0—' CO CJ Cr- .. - ---, __.— • r-, „ ‘,..y... a I- , m o. ...-.., . .. --1:.. A 21 3> 0. 111111114): > r= <: r= nl 4. , ,-..., r- , ,, o --1 111 , 0-. • '.-,\ I C.3 ..- ta r_ Ea 03 \ \ z. . - . . .......,,- ,..:- .,. . .... - ...i. .. ..... .x .._ 02 -4.'9''.:'••• ' .. , . ..,. . ''. ss%•,.., — Cc, ,`:.':'.1,--i > 1 -K2 ; • -..-4-..„2-1- .- \ 14 4.4.-. f' D(, !3 �� 71•-'-74 � � 71cNW9 T_OfP �cV 7.- _ (q0,1 �C� '12V7 at, - L Z`J/ /4 7(/ 31l/O 71VOOMd '1a37 'DOQ 41 4k: ,� ,, � =w HAV INVH32i3W eQ T 44 3Q7 • fI \; her 101 bT T ddW OTT '96T #IDDV rl. �!�t i:,Kt1. sS�;� :' ,w''�:�,-�,,�'3��''�nY}.,'"ysk zw.;�f+ , ti,: � � {J�: , il „. r ‘.1$ r -I a * t. o_ ` - , m �s- �'� i iC �R Zxi D . "ni --; -i U S --1 L cH W P - -• 4 `') ' ` d 0 C 0 r. F Y', �Ly`I i n Iw i ' � m pp l "1 ti. \\ 5 _,ma x 1 �) __3 r ° s aa;. 1 , 1 s Y. 1 a 0 c s 0 wcs.) , D µ 1— o c_ 1 cn 'f ` N I 1 W q ti n f4.,_..,..,,,.:7.::7 i';‘-‘,4..:: n. m E s2' i. -) •\ ram,' S :a>: I,-- e c I ' • ......___ l r a :;r_ ;'� o C) j - 0 * _ 0• 0 r+ TN . C 1 03 O V O i 3 (J r m N I.: k%..i.1 : M .yam . Z71 ' ' - ?.. : ? r i' <rn � r o \ ,IN. .44 , W %-D cr- dz 1 1Z k• o '0 . liNzCti� . W it N. b. ' A PI III .7..-►% j