HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 8/11/03 `��. TOWN OFYARMOUTH A = v , �oo`� BUILDING DEPA RT:MENT 146 Route 28, South '1'artnuuth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 261 LOT INQUIRY FORM (used for zoning purposes only) o Assess. s' Map No. Lot No. leiStreet Address 1 i t...erCkO0(l"1"" flve , ycu)riou-1-h for 1 Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type(if applicable) I a � Total Land Area(sq. ft.) i y I ) Frontage 1 lid, 9 S Name of Current Owner Nor c�S�r(>N\ Address 1.3() (11 j2rck v i- PU e Telephone No. Inquirer's Name(if different from owner l.J hs 0 Y C'� �l�X�f�P Telephone No. J(.O D 'Q1 ab Inquirer's Mailing Address ���k 5 QjC G - n,S--a 1 11L iv Building Intent,/Z4440 Adjoining Lot Numbers 111 /36 — /GIB I/O P?", /11 /z7 - 3-Z By signing this application I assert my understanding that the purpose of this inquiry is to determine whether the aforementioned lot(s)qualifies for protection afforded certain heretofore-undeveloped land and that to the best of my knowledge this lots),b as never previous bee bMt upon. 3tk ` Signature of Applica �sue► ; -o orl J. / Date of Inquiry 9 -oR)'C3 Y DECISION (for office use only) Does not conform to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. - Reason Conforms to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6,and/or Section 104.3.4,Para. of the A zoning bylaw,as perthe information provided on this date. Comments: 6-1-3-7- --, ei,,-,7„..L..."-.-4.--7,..4.4. ..ey , ' e -, ..., ,--•,''' ,4 4_...„„,...(1/14e....?:- 7, _ „„,„,,, e 7_ - Proteced pursuant to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must be present. A determination of adequate access shall be made by the Planning Board pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 41 prior to the issuance of a building permit. (if applicable.) Shall satisfy Title V requirements. (See Health Dept.) `/ Shall satisfy Conservation regulations, if applicable. ,/ Shall satisfy the Kings Highway Regional Historic District Commission (if applicable) Investigator's Signature �-r ' -*• Date P - /i' 03 Rev. 8/02 U O o t mo •0 Z D '- .13 rn r 0O L (A) e. �I m ., o x • • tig a r:; 0 A. I" . , ,,,� au. s 3 ! ' IF >,, r t O C37` ~ (a �`ra, - � x 33 . Gl - " --I -Dv M -1::. fs)J sJ ' ; r { _ O —I ,5 c .-_i - R G.) 43 Nj ►, a Co a '`;, > -n n a l z c�' -' 24 a 9 - -'''' .. p CO lk; 't' t :. % i n m .aa 4: 4c .4 -I I -Tirt, 111111. - oC) 3 —I inv. 0 * 0 r , Fi Fa 0 Ea or S. '- - m Q' t V , MI1-4. xi ;1` N C) S c.�: tam z 2.n - -I ci „ 1. .-- cµ a - �, m � ---i r rj,; W �^ •^ o cam, --1 43 \\\ L)..) 7::, - - a n n ,r in ram: y 1. III 'IV Li f 1 _ I h - (*()(X( P/1 h 9 L bib x(149 W !�°P21 .Y ✓G,)/ }:2/,/ s; ii'HSI ';11 /HlOy2� 31H0 71VaO11d '1M30 'OOO a /4 Z.. °Pitt 3 V 1NVH083W OET00 001 h , a �� �, SEr 101 b'TT d"W zTT '9CT #100d .. at. ACCT# 127. 32 MAP 114 LOT J36 AVE g`� ` LOC 00080 MERCHANT Plan 7 1/ DOC. CERT. PROBATE DATE i? l k-5eR iz /)7, f A A/A Z y / /O l`�Iiic}/t"� tJCL-%C/ice /• /6=1 7199 46edP 9Y - 2-1/9-rota, 4,44c/ ddi Lit ti/ �� N► R d �'� �jiiC 01 Tp„S 141oi tc15 Bk 14702 Pa195 304536 01-15-2002 al 01 : 40p Please return to: Eckel &Morgan 201 Great Road Suite 303 Acton, MA 01720 QUITCLAIM DEED We, Bernard M. Gallagher and Jean M. Gallagher, husband and wife, of Barnstable County, u, Massachusetts for nominal consideration paid w° grant to Bernard M. Gallagher and Jean M. Gallagher, Trustees of the Merchant Avenue Realty , Trust,which trust has a mailing address of 80 Merchant Avenue, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 and 8 is recorded immediately prior hereto ro with quitclaim covenants ai • The land with the buildings thereon in Yarmouth, Barnstable County,Massachusetts, bounded . and described as follows: xEASTERLY by Merchant Avenue, a 40 foot way, as shown on a plan hereinafter mentioned, on two courses, a total of one hundred forty-eight and no/100 (148.00) feet; 0 co SOUTHERLY by lot 34, as shown on said plan, one hundred forty-five and 64/100 (145.64) feet; WESTERLY by a portion of Lot 33 and a portion of Lot 35, on three courses, a total of one hundred thirty-five and 70/100 (13 5.70) feet; and NORTHERLY by Lot 38, as shown on said plan, one hundred twenty-one and 86/100 (121.86)feet. Being shown as Lot 36 on a plan of land entitled"Subdivision Plan of Land in Yarmouth, Mass. for Merchant and Cassidy of Yarmouth,Inc. October 16, 1968, Scale 1"=60', S.R. Sweetser, Engineer, Dennis port, Mass." Duly recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 225, Page 103. There is granted as appurtenant to the above described preg>kes 3fwavvT t ie wa}s4 36 shown on said plan and the right to use the"Beach Area" next adjacent to of 41 as shown on said plan in common with others entitled thereto and on foot a right of way to the water. This appurtenant right shall not include the privilege of parking vehicles on said"Beach Area" or on the adjacent ways shown as Susan Road and Merchant avenue on said plan. Said`Beach Area" to be used during daylight hours only. For title, see deed of Edmund A. Bolton and Daniel C. Nyman, Trustee to James Tucker Gallagher dated December 29, 1980,recorded at Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 3216, Page 283, and Probate of James Tucker Gallagher,deceased November 15, 1994, Middlesex County Probate No. 94P6247AD. The consideration paid is less than one hundred dollars($100.00) Witness our hands and seals this '? day of December,2001. J Bernar M. allag / Jean M. Gallagher THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss December,��`,4001 Then personally appeared the above named Bernard M. Gallagher and Jean M. Gallagher and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their free act and deed, before me. otary Public My Commission Expires: v• .. ' , G.MITCHELLECy1. I�' !: c�8�. 4 EXPIRATION DATE:fOCii ' , 1. ..,, . A 1, ni iK QP `- BARNSTABIE REGISTRY OF DEEDS