HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOC requestgYA DvwN ca�� Et�rllni�Evrntc�, Irte.
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All filings must be made on Town of Yarmouth forms.
All applications must be submitted two weeKs prior to the next scheduled Conservation
Commission meeting. Rafar to Meeting Schedule.
Failure to follow the Administrative Checklist shall result in an Atlministrativa /ncomp/eta
App/ication and will not be scheduled fora Public Hearing.
Contact the Conservation Office if you need assistance.
SuGmrftltxg ms [ZppPicvtiose:
1 complete hardcopy of the COC application, plan/sketch, and other supporting
information to the Conservation Office -mailed to or dropped off at Town Hall.
fie/ 1 complete pdf of the COC application, plan/sketch, and other supporting
information emailed to bdirienzold)varmouth.ma.us antl jierolimoCo�varmouth.ma.us
Signed statement from an Engineer or similar professional to who prepared the
approved plan. —Include in hardcopy and digital submission.
As -Built plan —Include in hardcopy and digital submission. Refer to 31 O CMR
1 O.OS(9)(d). 'Refer to issued Order of Conditions: Special Conditions to determine if
Local filing fee. Refer to Fee Schedule. Make check payable to "Town of
Yarmouth" and include property address in memo.
All forms, Fee Schedule and Meeting schedule can be found at
httos://www.varmouth.ma_u s/696/Fi li na-Forms.
'CIicK Yarmouth Street Index for parcel -related Conservation documents.
Yarsvouth Conservation Commission 1146 Route 28 •South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492
Tel. (508)-398-2231 Ext 1288 •Fax (508]-398-0836 TTD# (508) 398-2231 - bdirieznoltivannouth ma us
Rev 12/2029
939 main street rt 6a
yarmouth port
mass 02675
land court
structural design
site planning
sewage system
down cape engineering, inc
civil engineers & land surveyors
November 26, 2024
Yarmouth Conservation Commission
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
Ref: 64 White Cedar Road, West Yarmouth
Dear Commission Members:
tel. (508) 362-4541
fax (508) 362-9880
Daniel A. Ojala, P.E., P.L.S.
Arne H. Ojala P.E., P.L.S.
Daniel E. Gonsalves, P.E., S.E.
Craig J. Ferrari, E.I.T., S.E.
On March 7, 2011, the Commission issued an Order of Conditions
for the above -referenced site, for various construction and
landscaping projects.
A site visit was made to perform an as -built of the site
conditions in October/November of this year. The following
deviations from the plan of record were noted:
• There was an A/C, generator & 41x 41grill slab installed
• Decking replaced the bluestone patio
• Gravel driveway slightly different shape
• There is a daylighted drain line for some of the roof run-
off, discharging into the non -maintained grassy area (no
erosion noted). Most of the roof run-off is handled by
gutters combined with stone trenches at drip lines
• Only a small portion of the wall slated for removal
• Guest house was not constructed, no septic tank installed
• Based on the fact that the Landscape Architect plan
indicates "steps" on their 2011 plan in the area where
wetland flag #21 is, as well as conversations with the
builder and owner who stated that they have been there
for quite some time (at least since 2008 where they are
shown on an aerial), it appears that DCE missed locating
the lower rock steps during one of the early surveys.
They are now shown on the enclosed existing conditions
plan. Based on current observations, their presence does
not appear to compromise the function of the bank; no
erosion was noted.
The landscaping has changed over the years, with the result that
there are many natural and mature plantings which have blended
in with the existing lacdacapa. Most o£ the its vegetated
with urunown and untreated lawn area within a aas o£ mature
trees. Thera is only a small amount o£ maintained lawn is the
vicinity o£ the buildings.
To the bast o£ my knowledge and belie£, with the exception oP
the m r deviations listed above, the site complies
avbatantially with the Order o£ Condi tioca and approved plan.
Wa hereby request the issuance o£ a Carti£icata o£ Compliance.
Thank you £or your consideration.
Vary trviy yours,
D� � �E, PLS
Down Capa Engineering, xnc.
co: M. Nolan
Massachusetts Department of Envlronmantal Protection DEP Flla Nambar:
Bureau of Resource Protection -Wetlands
WPA Form 8A —Request for Certificate of Compliance sea3--lase
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. '13'I, §40 Prwltlatl by DEP
A. Project Information
Important: 7 This request is being made by:
WM1en tilling out
forms an the Malcolm Nolen
compu[aq Osa Names
only the tab 43 Willow St
key to move Malling ACtlresa
tlo not use tna Brooklyn NY 77207
r��/t�u�Lr,'n—k—eyn�. Citylrown slate zip Cptla
1�1 Phones Number
2. This request is in reference to work regulated by a final Order of Condlilons issued to:
Malcolm Nolen
March 7, 20'1 t SE83-7894
Da1atl DEP Files Number
oUpon completion 3. The project site is located at:
f Me woM
euthorizetl in g4 White Cedar Road, Wast Yarmouth Yarmouth
an ortlar of so-aa<Aaaresa cltyirown
Conditions, the g g
pfOperly OWrtar gaaessora Map/Plat Number Parcel/Lo[ Number
must request a
Cartircate of 4 The final Order of Conditions was recorded at the Registry of Deeds for:
from the issuing
authority stating property Owner (If tllflarant)
met the work or garnstabla County
portion of the Counly Book Pages
work has been
satisfactorily Doc 7,762,485 on CTF 7g8287
completetl. Cartlflcata (M regfa[aretl lentl)
8. This request is for certification that (check one):
j$ the work regulated by the above -referenced Order of Conditions has been satisfactorily completed.
0 the following portions of the work regulated by the above -referenced Order of Conditions have
been satisfactorily completed (use additional paper if necessary).
0 the above-raferancetl Order of Conditions has lapsed and is therefore no longer valid, antl the
work regulated by it was never started.
..w.e..,,aa_eve....,.. snares r•.ea+ ws
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection OEP Flla Number:
Bureau of Resource Protection -Wetlands
WPA Form 8A —Request for Certificate of Compliance seea-rasa
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L_ c. 131, §40 Provaaa by oEP
A. Project Information (cont.)
6. Did the Order of Conditions for this project, or the portion of the project subject to this request, contain
an approval of any plans stamped by a registered professional engineer, architect, landscape
architect, or land surveyor?
Ves If yes, attach a written statement by such a professional certifying substantial
compliance with the plans and describing what deviation, if any, exists from the plans
approved fn the Order.
B. Submittal Requirements
Requests for Certificates of Compliance should ba directed to the issuing authority that issued the £nal
Order of Conditions (OOC). If the project received an OOC from the Conservation Commission, submit
this request to that Commission. If the project was issued a Superseding Order of Conditions or was the
subject of an Adjudica[ory Hearing Final Decision, submit this request to the appropriate DEP Regional
Office (sea h '/ ss. v/¢¢a/a ¢nci¢s/massda /about/ £n h massda re final offlce-
wpe/o,mea aac -,ay. 6139/19 Page 2 0l3
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