HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOA 14 Hollister Way 09.17.1993A 310 CMR 10.99
Form 2
Wl of Massachusetts
DEP Hite No
(To bu prowdod by DL-P)
Determination of Applicability
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, G.L. c. 131, §40
and the Town of Yarmouth Wetland Bylaw
From Town of Yarmouth Conservotton Commission Issuing Authority
To William H. Eldridge, Sr. John & Susan Packard
(Name of person making request) (Name of property owner)
Address 7 Circuit Rd.. West Yarmouth, Address .1 4 Hal 1 ; liter, Smith YArmn,lth, MA _
MA 02673
This determination is issued and delivered as follows:
by hand delivery to person making reat,est on (date)
!� by certified mail, return receipt requested on September 17, 1993 (date)
Pursuant to the authority of G.L. c. 131, §40. the Town of Yarmouth Conservation Commission
has considered your request for a Determination of Applicability and its su=orting documentation, and has
made the following determination (check whichever is applicable):
Location: Street Address 14 Hollister Way, South Yarmouth, MA 02671
Lot Number:
1. r The area described below, which induces all/part of the area described in your request; is an
Area Subject to Protection Under the Act. Therefore, any removing, filling, dredging or
altering of that area requires the filing of a Notice of Intent.
2. = Tne vrork cescribed be!cw, which induces ali,IparT of the work descnbed in your request, is within
an Area Sutiect to Protect:cn Under the Act and will remove, fill, dredge cr alter that area. There-
fore, said work recuires the filing of a Notice of Intent.
Effective 11110,129
. 2.1
*3. ❑
The work described below, which includes all/part of the work described in your request, is within
the Buffer Zone as defined in the regulations, and will alter an Area Subject to Protection Under
the Act. Therefore, said work requires the filing of a Notice of Intent.
. This Determination is negative:
1. ❑ The area described in your request is not an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act.
2. ❑ The work described in your request is within an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act, but will
not remove, fill, dredge, or alter that area. Therefore, said work does not require the filing of a
Notice of Intent.
3. The work described in your request is within the Buffer Zone, as defined in the regulations, but will
not alter an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act. Therefore, said work does not require the
filing of a Notice of Intent.
4. ❑ The area described in your request is Subject to Protection Under the Act, but since the work
described therein meets the requirements for the following exempticn,as specified in the Act and
the regulations, no Notice of Intent is required:
Issued by TOWN OF YAFMOUTH - Conservation Commission
This Determinaticn must tie signed by a majorify of the Conservation Commission.
On this ay of ,d .s n- r L _ _____ .19 . betcre me
perscnally aopearEd_ `in, ,�„�,%�Af� , to me known to be the
perscn descr:bed ;n, and whc executed, the fereycing instrurnent, and ackncwtedged that he: she executed
the Szme as his rer free act and deed.
Nc6ry Public My commiss;cn expires
This Determination noes not rei,eve the a"hCant from comnlymg w:tn aft other aoo1ica5te feaeral. state or local statutes. orgrnances,
bylaws or regulations. This DetermmaltOn snail be va4d for three years form the Cate of issuance
Tne B Olr;an:, the owner. any person ay; raved by this Determtnalron. any owner of land a; urtirg the lane upon which the orgacsed w'J k
is to t>a none. Or anyten resioen's of Ina city ortown in which such tans is IOCaiec, are hereby nc:rtre0 of tneir r,crt to request the DeGartmant
of Envrronmenlal Protection to issue a Superseding Determination Of VrovrOtng the request is m20e Gy Cerl:frec mau or hand
delivery to the Depelmen,. w :n the a; p:C7:tate filing fee and Fee Transmtral Form as provioec in 310 CMR t�.D3�7f wimin ten says from
I" oats of asuancv of trns N,.e^nmatron. A =py of tits request shalt at the same time be sent oy cer;111e0 Mari Or nano oa,svery to Ina
conservation Commrss+o, and the e; ahcan:.