HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction PPP revisedCONSTRUCTION PERIOD
228 Route 28, Yarmouth MA
Proposed A Plus Market
Revised 10/22/2024
As required by Standards 4 and 9 of the Stormwater Management Handbook and Section 2.06
of the Town of Yarmouth Stormwater Management Regulations, this Construction Period
Pollution Prevention Plan has been developed for source control and pollution prevention at
the site during construction.
This project does not appear to require coverage under the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) Construction General Permit (CGP). No stormwater discharges
from construction activity are planned to enter into the Waters of the United States. An area
that will remain undisturbed is tributary to a wetland located offsite to the north.
An NPDES Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan will be substituted for this Plan after review
and permitting, if CGP coverage is required and the final project area still exceeds 1 acre.
Storm events during construction represent the largest threat to pollution of natural areas.
It is the contractor's responsibility to monitor local weather reports during construction and
prior to scheduling earthmoving or other construction activities which will leave large disturbed
areas un-stabilized.
The following general controls will be implemented during construction. These controls are
shown on the Erosion Control Plans.
Perimeter Controls
Silt fence or compost filter tubes will be used to prevent the migration of soil and silt from the
work site. The erosion controls will define the limit of work in areas where they are installed
and no construction activities will occur downgradient of the installed perimeter erosion
controls. The locations of the perimeter erosion controls shall be verified by the engineer
and/or local Town agent, if necessary. In no case is the limit of work to extend beyond the
sedimentation barriers/ limit of disturbance as shown on the project plans.
The contactor, or other designated employee, shall be responsible for the daily inspection and
maintenance of all the perimeter controls and shall implement all necessary measures to repair
228 Route 28, Yarmouth MA
Proposed A Plus Market
and maintain this line. Erosion and sedimentation controls shall be visually inspected after
every storm event. Close inspection will be made for undercutting beneath the controls.
Sediment shall be collected and disposed of in a pre-approved location by the contractor as
directed by the engineer. Perimeter controls shall be replaced as necessary.
Vegetated buffer strips will be maintained beyond the limits of the project area to act as living
sediment filters that intercept and detain stormwater runoff. Vegetation will be left wherever
practicable during construction. If conditions or time of year do not allow final revegetation,
wood chips or mulch shall be used to stabilize disturbed slopes. Any temporary placed mulch or
wood chips will be removed and the ground surface re-seeded at the beginning of the following
growing season.
Soil stabilization measures including seeding will be initiated as soon as practicable on portions
of the site where construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased, but in no case
more than 30 days after the construction activity has ceased. These measures may include
mulching, hydroseeding, erosion control blankets, and soil roughening. Existing or proposed
slopes exceeding 2H:1V shall have erosion control matting installed to stabilize the disturbed
slopes during construction.
In certain circumstances additional or enhanced perimeter erosion controls may be required to
adequately protect the environment. This may involve installation of additional silt fence, straw
bales, and/or temporary berms with stilling ponds.
Soil erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be inspected either on weekly basis or
every 14 days and after each rainfall event of 0.25 inches or greater during construction.
Weekly inspections are recommended.
Stockpiled Sediment or Soil and Staging Areas
Soil may need to be stockpiled temporarily during construction. Stockpile areas will not
interfere with construction equipment and will be located away from any areas of concentrated
flow or pavement. The slopes of the stockpiles shall be roughened by equipment tracking and
shall not exceed 2H:1V to prevent erosion.
The stockpile area shall be encircled with perimeter erosion controls (compost filter tubes or
straw bales, or a combination thereof). A minimum surplus of 25-feet of erosion control barrier
shall be stored on site at all times.
Construction Vehicle Traffic
228 Route 28, Yarmouth MA
Proposed A Plus Market
The construction site will be accessed from Woburn Street, and the existing entrances will be
maintained during construction until the new driveways are established. A stabilized pad of
stone will be installed at each entrance used for access to remove debris from tires as vehicles
leave the work area.
The construction entrance shall be inspected weekly and within 24-hours of a storm event that
produces 0.25 inches of rain or more during a 24-hour period. A minimum 6-inch thick pad shall
be maintained and top-dressed with washed trap rock as needed to prevent tracking or flow of
sediments onto public roads.
Any sediment tracked out from the work area shall be removed by sweeping, shoveling,
vacuuming, or other effective methods at the end of each working day. Tracked out sediments
will not be hosed into any stormwater conveyances, storm drain inlets, or waterbody/ resource
areas, as it is prohibited.
Trucks delivering or removing soils, materials, and/or equipment to and from the site must be
cleaned of any excess soil prior to leaving the site to ensure that no significant amount of
sediment is carried off-site. Debris, excess soil, and sediment shall be removed from sideboards
and wheel flaps of all vehicles leaving the project site in a designated location. Every effort shall
be made to adequately remove sediment and debris without the use of water. Debris and
sediment dry-removed from vehicles and equipment should be cleaned and disposed of
immediately to prevent further tracking. Trucks must close and lock dump body gate prior to
leaving the site. Should significant amounts of sediment accumulate on surrounding roadways,
it shall be removed promptly.
General Housekeeping
Catch basins near the construction entrance and downslope from the proposed activity, if any,
shall be fitted with inlet protection consisting of fabric silt bags to trap any sediment generated
from construction activities. These devices/ inserts shall be inspected regularly and cleaned or
replaced when necessary. Accumulated sediment shall be collected and disposed of in a pre-
approved location by the contractor as directed by the engineer.
Construction dust shall be minimized by stabilized disturbed areas as quickly as possible. Dust
control will be implemented as needed during demolition of existing structures, after ground
disturbance has begun, and during windy conditions while ground disturbance is occurring. The
contractor shall have on site or immediate access to a water truck for the duration of the
project to control dust. Paved areas will be sprayed to minimize dust as needed.
During construction, the site shall have a covered dumpster for the disposal of packaging and
general construction debris. The site shall also have portable sanitary facilities in an amount
228 Route 28, Yarmouth MA
Proposed A Plus Market
adequate to serve the number of workers. These facilities shall be cleaned regularly, and not
placed within buffer zone to a resource area.
All demolition debris or impacted soils shall be promptly removed from the site and properly
disposed of in accordance with all applicable laws. All trucks and containers leaving the site
shall be covered.
Burial of any stumps, solid debris, and/or stones or boulders on-site is prohibited unless
otherwise indicated by the engineer.
Any building products, paints, or fuels will be stored in appropriate containers and secured to
prevent the potential for spills. These materials will be stored and handled in accordance with
the requirements set forth in the site specific SWPPP.
The Contractor will use the utmost care in minimizing the risk of spills at the construction site.
The potential risk for spills will be minimized by storing chemicals and petroleum products in
locked, labeled, and properly ventilated storage containers. In the unlikely event of a spill, the
Contractor will immediately clean up any and all spills of fuel, oil, or other potentially hazardous
materials. Any and all reportable spills will be reported to the proper authorities within the
required timeframe(s). The appropriate materials to respond and cleanup a spill will be
maintained on-site at all times by the Contractor. Appropriate equipment for a spill kit may
include oil booms, gloves, goggles, speedy dry or equivalent, sand, sawdust, plastic and metal
containers, rags and mops. Any materials used in spill cleanup will be stored in appropriate
containers after use, removed from the site, and disposed of at an appropriately-licensed
Stationary petroleum-fueled equipment such as generators and pumps shall be kept within a
designated containment area equipped with appropriate measures, such as containment pads,
barriers, and spill kits, to prevent leaked or spilled fuel or lubricants from reaching waters or
stormwater systems. Place as far from stormwater inlets or waters as possible.
Fueling of vehicles will generally occur off-site at a facility regulated for that purpose.
Employees will be trained on pollution prevention measures to prevent and contain spills and
leaks during on-site fueling activities, if any. Any on-site fueling will take place greater than 100
feet from a wetland or water body, and at least 25 feet from a stormwater inlet.
Construction vehicle washing shall be conducted offsite at facilities designed and regulated for
that activity. No construction vehicle washing shall be conducted on site.
Washing tools and containers used for paint or similar chemicals are to be washed into a leak-
proof container or leak-proof lined pit. All wash stations are to be located 100 feet from any
228 Route 28, Yarmouth MA
Proposed A Plus Market
resource area and as far from natural drainage features or storm inlets as feasible. Liquid waste
will not be disposed of in any way that would allow them to drain into a body of water, or on
the ground where infiltration may occur. If concrete is used, hardened concrete shall be broken
up and placed into the appropriate dumpster or trash receptacle. Concrete washout shall be
directed to a lined container as detailed on the project plans.
Should impacted soils be encountered, they shall be handled in accordance with applicable
regulations and as directed by a Massachusetts Licensed Site Professional (LSP).
Dewatering actives will be required during construction. Any dewatering will be conducted in
accordance with all applicable regulations and a dewatering plan prepared by the contractor
and as approved by the Engineer and LSP.
The contractor shall be responsible for promptly and properly managing all debris during the
demolition of the existing pavement on site. All materials from demolition shall be legally
disposed of in a manner that prevents materials from generating excessive dust and ensures
minimum interference with roads, sidewalks, and streets.
Site Stabilization
Disturbed areas will be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. Disturbed areas where
activities are complete or are temporarily inactive will be stabilized appropriately to minimize
soil erosion. Stabilization measures include but are not limited to, mulching, seeding, installing
erosion control matting, or tackifier. Erosion control matting shall be used on disturbed slopes
greater than 2H:1V to reduce the potential for erosion and downgradient erosion.
Construction Sequence
The construction sequence is not intended to prescribe definitive construction methods and
should not be interpreted as a construction specification document. However, the contractor
shall follow the following general principles during the construction phase:
• Protect and maintain existing vegetation wherever possible
• Minimize the area of disturbance
• To the extent possible, route unpolluted flows around disturbed areas
• Install mitigation devices as early as possible
• Minimize the time disturbed areas are left unstabilized
• Maintain siltation control devices in proper condition
228 Route 28, Yarmouth MA
Proposed A Plus Market
The contractor should use the suggested construction sequencing as a general guide and
modify the suggested methods and procedures as required to best suit seasonal, atmospheric,
and site-specific physical constraints for the purpose of minimizing the environmental impact of
Cutting and Clearing. Install temporary erosion control (TEC) devices as required to prevent
transport of sediment off-site during initial stages of construction.
Demolition to Limits of Construction Phase. Install TEC devices as required to prevent sediment
transport. Place perimeter erosion controls around stockpiles. Stabilize all exposed surfaces
that will not be under immediate construction. Store and/or dispose of all pavement as
indicated and in applicable local, State, and federal regulations. Protect existing stormwater
features (catchbasins, drain manholes, piping, etc.). Report to engineer when structures are
exposed for verification, and any new structures encountered. Complete initial site grading.
Utilities. Install sewer connection, water and fire protection services, underground electric and
telephone conduit, and natural gas service.
Stormwater. Install stormwater structures as shown on site plan. Provide temporary protection
against sediment entering the structures.
Parking Lot Paving. Fine grade gravel base and install processed gravel to the design grades.
Install curbing. Compact pavement base as work progresses. Install pavement binder course for
paved parking lot and driveway. Install final top course of pavement. Stripe parking spaces as
shown on approved plan.
Landscaping. Fine grade landscaped areas and place loam. Install plantings, mulch, and loam
and seed as applicable.
Final Clean-up. Complete final landscaping and site restoration. Clean inverts of pipes and catch
basins. Remove sediment and debris from rip-rap outlet areas.
Remove TEC devices only after permanent vegetation and erosion control has been fully