HomeMy WebLinkAboutViolation Notice 1.2.2025 f E4 O'' TOWN OF YARMOUTH Conservation O= • -�y 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, Commission MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 MATTACHEESE Telephone(508) 398-2231,Ext. 1288,Fax(508)398-2365 O•PORATe-�b VIOLATION NOTICE January 2, 2025 To: Michael and Victoria Krichevsky 18 Jackson Terr. Newton, MA 02458 From: Yarmouth Conservation Commission Site Location: 25 Broadcast Ln. West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Certified Mail No. (00Z/ d (5-0 0003 ZO Dear Homeowner, The Conservation Commission of Yarmouth has information that you or your agents may have violated the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, G.L. c.131 §40 and its regulations at 310 CMR 10.00 and/or the Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-law, Chapter 143 and its regulations. The following activities may have impacted wetland resource areas and/or associated buffer zones: • Unpermitted removal of vegetation (5 trees) and regrading within the 100' buffer zone of a vegetated wetland and the flood zone. Please comply with the following: 1. Cease and desist from further vegetation removal or any other unpermitted activity in the wetland or buffer zones. 2. Replant five 1.5" caliper trees from the approved plant list (attached) by 5/31/2025 3. Contact the Conservation Commission to confirm receipt and understanding of requirements, and contact once complete: Joe Jerolimo, Conservation Agent 508-398-2231 ext. 7007 JJerolimo@yarmouth.ma.us If you do not understand the requirements of the Wetlands Protection Act, the Conservation Commission will provide information to assist you in complying with the law. The Wetlands Protection Act provides that: "No person shall remove, fill, dredge or alter any area subject to protection under this section without the required authorization, or cause, suffer or allow such activity, or leave in place unauthorized fill, or otherwise fail to restore illegally altered land to its original condition, or fail to comply with an enforcement order issued pursuant to this section. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense except that any person who fails to remove unauthorized fill or otherwise fails to restore illegally altered land to its original condition after giving written notification of said violation to the conservation commission and the department shall not be subject to additional penalties unless said person thereafter fails to comply with an enforcement order or order of conditions. Whoever violates any provision of this section, (a) shall be punished by a fine of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than two years, or both such fine and imprisonment; or(b), shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars for each violation." The Yarmouth Wetland By-law Ch143 provides that: No person shall remove, fill, dredge or alter any bank, freshwater wetland, beach, dune, flat, marsh, bog or swamp or estuary, creek, river, stream, pond, lake or the ocean, or land under or bordering on said waters or wetlands, or any land subject to tidal action, coastal storm flowage or flooding, or construct any causeway, bridge, marina, wharf, dock or other similar structure in, on, over or within 100 feet of any of the aforesaid, other than in the course of maintaining, repairing or replacing, but not substantially changing or enlarging, an existing and lawfully, meaning fulfilling the requirements of all applicable permits, including Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 91 and Corps of Engineers 403 and 404, located structure or facility used in the service of the public and used to provide electric, gas, water, telephone or telecommunication services, without first filing written notices of his intention to remove, fill, dredge, alter or construct by sending a separate letter, by certified mail, to the Yarmouth Conservation Commission and without receiving and complying with an order of conditions and provided that all appeal periods have lapsed. Any person, ... who violates or causes to be violated§ 143-2A of this chapter shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100 or more than $300 for each violation and, in addition, not less than $300 for each subsequent violation. This section shall be enforced by any officer having police powers in the Town of Yarmouth. l/7 Issued by: - " Joe Jerolimo Conservation Agent Town of Yarmouth ,� "` 41.`?\. . CAPE COD COOPERATIVE EXTENSION K -�-- = PO Box 367 y Barnstable, MA 02630 �r','"0.-4% 508 375-6690 (www.capecodextension.org) Trees & Shrubs for Coastal Environments: Plants for this section were selected based on their ability to successfully grow in coarse soils and windy environments, and for salt spray tolerance. Plants marked with * will tolerate direct coastal exposure. Soil Moisture Sun IND = Indicator status Symbols W =wet SU = sun OBL = Obligate ! = Possible pests M =moist PS = part shade FACW = Facultative wetlands #= stoloniferous D = dry SH= shade FAC = Facultative OC = On Center FACU = Facultative uplands c = caliper Shrubs, low Scientific Name Common Name IND W M D SU PS SH H x W Salt Opt. Spacing Tol. size *Arctostaphylos uva- bearberry X X 12" x 4' Yes 4" pot 12" OC ursi * #Comptonia sweet fern FACU X X X X 2' x 3' Yes 1-2 G 30"-36"0C peregrina Gaylussacia spp. huckleberry X X X X 1.5' x 3' sod 3' OC Hypericum densiflorum dense St. John's wort FAC X X X X 4' x 4' Yes 1 G 3' OC Kalmia angustifolia sheep laurel X X X X 2' x 2' 2 G 3' OC ! *Juniperus creeping juniper X X X 12" x 4' Yes 1-3 G 3'-5' OC horizontalis *Prunus maritima beach plum X X X X 1-8' x 5' Yes 5 G. 5' OC Rosa carolina 1 pasture rose X X X X 3' x 3' 1 G 4' OC Viburnum acerifolium 1 maple-leaved X X X X 6' x 4' 2'-3' 5'-6' OC arrowwood Shrubs, medium Scientific Name Common Name IND W M D SU PS SH H x W Salt Opt. Spacing Tol. size Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry FACW X X X X 6' x 5' 1'-2' 4 -6' OC *Baccharis halimifolia groundsel tree _ FACW X X X 6' x 6' Yes 1 G 4' OC Cephalanthus buttonbush OBL X X X 6' x 6' 2'-4' 5'-8' OC occidentalis Clethra alnifolia sweet pepperbush, FAC+ XXX X X 6' x 6' 1 G 4' OC Corpus amomum silky dogwood FACW X X X 6' x 6' 2'-3' 4'-6' OC Hamamelis virginiana witch hazel FAC- X X X X 15' x 5' 2'-4' 5' OC Ilex glabra inkberry FACW+ X X X 6' x 6' Yes 5 G 4'-5' OC Ilex verticillata winterberry FACW+ X X X X X 10' x10' Yes 2'-4' 4'-6' OC ! Juniperus communis pasture juniper X X 5' x 8' Yes 1 G 4'-5' OC Lindera benzoin spicebush FACW- X X 6' x 6' 2 G 4'-5' OC Myrica gale sweet gale OBL X X X 4' x 4' 2 G 4'-5' OC *Myrica pensylvanica northern bayberry FAC X X X X 9' x 9' Yes 3 G 4' OC Rhododendron swamp azalea OBL X X X 5' x 5' 3'-4' 4'-5' OC viscosum # Rhus aromatica fragrant sumac X X X X 6' x 10' 2 G 4' OC # Rhus glabra smooth sumac X X X 10' x 0' Yes 2'-4' 4' OC Rosa palustris swamp rose OBL X X X X 7' x ? 1 G 4' OC Sambucus canadensis common elderberry FACW- X X X X X 6' x 6' 2 G 4' OC Vaccinium highbush blueberry FACW- X X X X 6' x 6' 2 G 6' — 8'0C corymbosum Viburnum cassinoides Witherod viburnum X X X X 6' x 6' 2 G 6' OC Viburnum dentatum arrowwood FACW- X X X X 8' x 8' Yes 2 G 6' OC Viburnum nudum Smooth X X X 6' x 6' 2 G 6' OC witherod Viburnum trilobum Am. Cranberry FACW X X X X 6' x 6' 2 G 6' OC viburnum Shrubs, tall Scientific Name Common Name IND W M D SU PS SH H x W Salt Opt. Spacing Tol. size Alnus serrulata smooth alder OBL X X X 15' x15' 2'-3' 8' OC ! Kalmia latifolia mountain laurel FACU X X X X X 10' x10' 2 G 6' OC #Rhus copallina shining sumac X X X 20' x20' 2 G 5' OC * #Rhus typhina staghorn sumac X X 25' x25' Yes 2 G 6' OC Trees, small (understory) Scientific Name Common Name IND W M D Su PS Sh H x W Salt Opt. Spacing tol. size Amelanchier shadbush FAC X X X X 15' x 5' Yes 4'-6' 8'-12'OC canadensis ! Cornus florida flowering dogwood X X X X X 20' x20' 11/2"-2" 12'-15'0C c Crataegus crus-galli cockspur hawthorn X X X X 20' x 0' 11/2"-2" 12'-15'OC c ! Ilex opaca American holly X X X 30' x 5' 4'-5' 12'-15'OC ! *Juniperus eastern red cedar FACU X X X 35' x 5' Yes 4'-6' 8'-10' OC virginiana Magnolia virginiana sweetbay magnolia FACW+ X X X X X 20' x20' 3'-4' 15'-20'OC Ostrya virginiana ironwood FACU- X X X X 25' x20' 11/2" - 20' OC 2" c Sassafras albidum sassafras FACU- X X X X 25'x25" 11/2"-2" 20' OC c Trees, tall (canopy) Scientific Name Common Name IND W M D Su PS Sh H x W Salt Opt. Spacing tol. size Acer rubrum red maple FAC X X X X X 40' x30' 2"-3" c 20' OC Betula nigra river birch FACW X X X X 40' x35' 2" c 20' OC Celtis occidentalis hackberry FACU X X X X 30' x35' Yes 2" c 20' OC Chamaecyparis Atlantic white cedar OBL X X X 50' x20' 5'-8' 20' OC thyoides Fagus grandifolia American beech FACU X X X 60' x60' 2"-3" c 30' OC Fraxinus americana white ash X X X 50' x40' 2"-3" c 25'-30'0C Fraxinus green ash FACW X X X 50' x30' 2"-3" c 25'-30'OC pennsylvanica Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar X X X 70' x50' 2"-3" c 35'-40'OC Nyssa sylvatica tupelo FACW- X X X X X 50' x30' 2"-3" c 15'-20'OC * ! Picea glauca white spruce X X X 40' x20' Yes 5'-6' 20'-25'OC Picea mariana black spruce FACW- X X X 40' x20' 5'-6' 20'-25'OC ! Pinus strobus white pine FACU X X X 80' x40' 4'-8' 20'-25'0C ! Quercus alba white oak X X 60' x40' 2'/2"- 20' OC 3"c ! Quercus bicolor swamp white oak FACW+ X X X X 60' x50' 21/2"-3" 25' OC c ! Quercus coccinea scarlet oak X X 50' x40' 21/2"-3" 20' OC c !Quercus prinus chestnut oak X X X 60' x60' 2'/2"-3" 25' OC c ! Quercus rubra northern red oak FACU- X X X X 60' x60' 21/2"-3" 25' OC c ! *Quercus velutina black oak X X X 60' x50' Yes 21/2"-3" 25' OC c Salix nigra black willow FACW+ X X X X 35' x20' 8'-10' 20' OC ! Tilia americana American basswood FACU X X 60' x40' 2"-3" c 20' OC Fresh Water Resource Buffer Zone Trees & Shrubs Lakes, Ponds, & BVW Soil Moisture Sun IND=Indicator status Symbols W=wet SU = sun OBL = Obligate ! =possible pests M = moist PS = part shade FACW= Facultative wetlands # stoloniferous D = dry SH= shade FAC = Facultative OC = On Center FACU = Facultative uplands c —caliper Shrubs, low Scientific Name Common Name IND W M D SU PS SH H x W Salt Opt. Spacing tol. size *Arctostaphylos uva- 4" pot 12" OC ursi ibearberry X X 12" x 4' Yes Aronia melanocarpa black chokeberry FAC X X X X P 6' x 6' Yes 1 -2 G 4'-6' OC *# Comptonia sweet fern X X X X 3' x 4' Yes 1 -2 G 30"-36" OC peregrina Gaylussacia spp. huckleberry FACU I X X X X 1.5' x 3' sod 3' OC Hypericum densiflorum dense St. John's wort I X X X ' 14' x 4' 1 G 3' OC ! *Juniperus horizontalis creeping juniper J X X X I 12" x 4' Yes 1 -3 G 3' -5' OC Rosa carolina pasture rose ] X X X X I 3' x 3' 1 G 4' OC #Rubus odoratus purple flowering X X X 5' x ?' 1 G 3' -4' OC raspberry Spiraea albs narrow-leaved FAC+ X X X 5' X 3' 1 G 2'-3' OC ----------- meadowsweet Spiraea latifolia X broad-leaved FAC+ (X X 5' X 3' 1 G 2' -3' OC meadowsweet ( 1 Vaccinium angustifolium late lowbush blueberry IX X X X 2-3' X 2' 1 G 3' OC Viburnum acerifolium 'la maple-leaved X X X X 6' X 4' 2'-3' 6' OC rrowwood , ; , i i Shrubs, medium Scientific Name Common Name IND W �M D SU PS SH H x W Salt Opt. Spacing tol. size Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry 'FACW X X X X 6' x 5' f1' -2' 1 ' -6' OC Cephalanthus buttonbush OBL X X X 6' x 6' 2' -4' 5' -8' OC occidentalis Corpus amomum silky dogwood FACW X X X 6' x 6' 2' -3' I4'-6' OC Hamamelis virginiana !witch hazel FAC- X X X X 15' x15' 2' -4' 5' OC 'Ilex verticillata winterberry holly FACW+ X X X X X 10' x10' Yes 2' -4' 4' -6' OC Juniperus communis pasture juniper X X 5' x 8' Yes I1 G 4' -5' OC Lindera benzoin spicebush FACW- 1 X X !X 6' x 6' 2 G 4' -5' OC Rhododendron rose bay rhododendron X X 15' x 15' 2' - 4' 10' OC maximum Rhododendron pink azalea, FAC X X I X 6' x 6' 1' -2' 6' OC periclymenoides pinxterbloom Rhododendron swamp azalea OBL X X ' X 6' x 6' 3' -4' 4' -5' OC viscosum _ #Rhus aromatics (fragrant sumac I X X X 6' x 6' 2 G 4' OC # Rhus glabra sweet or smooth sumac I 1 X X X 10' x10' Yes 2' -4' 4' OC Rosa palustris swamp rose OBL X X X X 7' x ? 1 G 4' OC Sambucus canadensis common elderberry FACW- X X X X X 6' x 6' 12 G 4' OC Vaccinium corymbosum highbush blueberry FACW- j X X X X 6' x 6' 2 G 6' -8' OC Viburnum cassinoides witherod I rx X X 5' x 5' 2 G 6' OC Viburnum dentatum) arrowwood FAC X X X IX 8' x 8' Yes 2 G 6' OC Viburnum nudum smooth witherod X X X 6' X 6' 2 G 6' OC Viburnum trilobum Am. cranberrybush FACW X X X g, X g, 2 G 6' OC viburnum I i • Shrubs, tall Scientific Name Common Name IND IW 1M D ISU PS tSH H x W Salt Opt. Spacing j tol. size Alnus serrulata smooth alder OBL X X ( X ;15' x15' 2'-3' 8' OC merican hazelnut or X X �X 10' x 8' 3'-4' 8' OC Corylus americans Elbert T ! Kalmia latifolia mountain laurel FACU X X X ,X X 10' x 10' 2 G 6' OC # Rhus copallina shining or winged X X X 20' x 20' Yes 2 G 5' OC sumac # Rhus typhina staghorn sumac ' , X X _ 25' x 25' Yes 2 G 6' OC Salix discolor pussy willow FACW X X X IX i 15' x 15' '5'-6' 10' OC Trees, small (understory) Scientific Name Common Name IND W M ID ISU PS SH H x W Salt Opt. Spacing i tol. size ,4melanchier arborea downy serviceberry I I X X X I 20' x 15' 6' -8' 15' OC F4melanchier canadensis serviceberry, shadbush FAC X X X X 20' x 12' Yes 6' -8' 12' OC Amelanchier laevis smooth serviceberry i I X X X X 25' x 18' i 6' — 8' 15' OC iCarpinus caroliniana American hornbeam ' X i 1 X X 35 x 30' 3" c 15' OC ;Cornus alternifolia alternate-leaf dogwood I IX IX X X 15' x 20' 8' 15' OC ! Cornus florida flowering dogwood X X IX IX X 20' x 20' 1'/2" -2" 12' -15' OC i i c Crataegus crus-galli cockspur hawthorn IX IX ;X X 20' x 20' Ilex opaca America n holly I IX I _ 'X X ; 30' x 25' 4' -5' 12'-15' OC ! #Juniperus virginiana eastern red cedar FACU �_ X X X , 25' x 25' Yes 14' -6' 8'-10 OC Ostrya virginiana ironwood �FACU- X X X X 25' x 20' 11/2"—2" 20' OC c Sassafras albidum sassafras FACU- X X X 25' x 25' 1'/Z"— 2" 20' OC c Trees, tall (canopy) Scientific Name Common Name IND W M D Su PS Sh H x W Salt Opt. Spacing tol. size Acer rubrum red maple FAC X X X X 1 40' x 30' (2"-3" c 20' OC ----------- --- — ,Betula nigra river birch FACW X X X X I 40' x 35' 2" c 20' OC eltis occidentalis hackberry FACU r X X IX X 30' x 35' Yes 2" c 20' OC Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic white cedar OBL X X j ( X X 50' x 20' 15' -8' 20' OC Fagus grandifolia American beech ; X X X ; 60' x 60' 2"-3" c 30' OC Fraxinus americana white ash X X X _r 50' x 40' 2"-3" c 25'-30' OC Fraxinus pennsylvanica_,green ash FACW X X X X 50' x 30' i 2"-3" c 25'-30' OC Liriodendron tulipifera tulip tree X X X 1— 70' x 50' I 2"-3" c 35'-40' OC Nyssa sylvatica black gum, sourgum FACW- X X X X X 50' x 30' 2'-3' c 115'-20' OC #!Picea glauca white spruce ; X X XI 40' x 20' Yes 5'-6' 20'-25' OC j!Picea mariana black spruce FACW- X X X 40' x 20' 5'-6' 20'-25' OC I! Pinus strobus white pine i X X X r 80' x 40' 4'-8' 20-25' OC !Platanus occidentalis American sycamore X IX , X X 75' x 75' 13" c 25'-30' O C !Quercus alba white oak X i X 60' x 40' 12% — 20' )C i I I i 3" c _ !Quercus bicolor swamp white oak FACW+ X I X X 60' x 50' I3�/c �5' OC !Quercus coccinea scarlet oak X X 50' x 40' 2'/2 20' OC 3" c !Quercus rubra northern red oak FACU- X X X X 60' x 60' 2'/2"- 25' OC 3" c I 2'/2"- 25' OC !Quercus stellata post oak X X 60' x60' 3" c ! *Quercus velutina black oak I X X IX 160' x 60' Yes 2'/2"-3"c 25' OC Salix nigra black willow FACW+ X X IX ix r 35' x 20' 18'-10' 20' OC Tilia americana American basswood FACU . X I IX I 60' x 40' 2"-3" c 20' OC United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating. UMass Extension offers equal opportunity in programs and employment.