HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Inquiry 2/9/04 ��. - y TOWN OF YARMOUTH C MATTA M sE;� ��°'•" `' BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 261 LOT INQUIRY FORM (used for zoning purposes only) Assessors' Map No. j'y`J Lot No. —T tf Street Address ,63 ih eu // C U U 0,iyi-e_ Endorsement Date of Subdivision Plan and Type(if applicable) Total Land Area(sq. ft.) �l 670 CJ Frontage ; Name of Current Owneidhl/&//1.SG/7 Address A/ 4 X, f `� Telephone No./ 7 g&&- 70V g Inquirer's Name(if different from owner)Afr9t' £ L'/ni)c-� Telephone No..S5K 3l� - 9s s Inquirers Mailing Address �4iii/J/xQli&l// ilA /a/iC)GC/AflC// / jM- /J / /5 V Building Intent S<ey/r' 7 1, 4,4, djoining Lot Numbers iX4/2, /t f �, j 9Y/ y,,--` s By signing this application I assert my understanding that the purpose of this inquiry is to determine whether the aforementioned lot(s)qualifies for protection afforded certain heretofore-undeveloped land and that to the best of my knowledge this lot(s)has never previously been built u . Signature of Applicant714At Date of Inquiry -3 D DEC ION (for office use only) Does not conform to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A, Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption and/or the applicable zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. ason Conforms to the applicable provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 40A, Section 6 d/or Section 104.3.4, Para.: of the zoning bylaw,as per the information provided on this date. Comments:4 re_..I, i7 ' !1 Q 1/C 6'6?025�, . 1 err,. �t-rcf T / K 4 Protected pursuant to the applicable provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 6,Definitive Plan Exemption. Application is incomplete. Comments: Adequate road access must be present. A determination of adequate access shall be made by ('� lanning Board pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 41 prior to the issuance of a building permit.(if li FEB 1BU) /:Shall satisfy Title V requirements.(See Health Dept.) 0 20 4�, BUILDING DEPT / . ►/ hall satisfy Conservation regulations, if applicable. By Shall satisfy the • , Kings Highway Regional Historic District Commission(if applicable) i Investigator's Signature /54-7„.„04.2........ Date . - 2 " d 7 Rev. 8/02 . M . 9 .; .. i 1 1 I I .. _ :l- I . I I 1 . 1 ttooKiS46 Pact 276 MAUACUUarTTI QUITCLAIM DUO NY CORPORATION MONO YO M1 The 24613 JORDAN—PEIRCE CORPORATION, a corporation duly established under the laws of Massachusetts, and having its usual place of business at Springfield, Hampden County,Massachusetts, for consideration paid,and In full consideration of Ten thous and (10,000) Dollars, grants to FREDERICK A. ROBINSON and CAROL A. ROBINSON, husband and wife f tenants by the entirety, Brier Circle, Bass River, South Yarmouth, Mass. with quttrlatm teem:ants the land in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, being shown as Lot 15 on a plan entitled "Pheasant Cove', Subd.yision plan of land in Yarmouth, for Scott Jardw n d% at 0r g4g, 1966, by Barnstable Survey Consultants, Inc. recorded with Barnstable Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 229, Page 31, bounded and described according to said plan as follows: WPSTERLY by Pheasant Cove Circle, one hundred twenty (120) feet; NORTHERLY by Lot 14, one hundred sixty-six (166) feet more or less; EASTERLY by line marked "Edge of Marsh", one hundred twenty-seven (127) feet more or less; SOUTHERLY by Lot 16, one hundred twenty-five (125) feet more or less. Containing according to said plan 16,550 eq. ft. more or leas. The premises are conveyed together with the right and easement to use the 40 foot wide private ways shown on said plan for all purposes for - which roads and ways are commonly used in the Town of Yarmouth. The grantor reserves the right and easement to use that portion of the granted premises which lies within the private ways shown on said plan for all purposes for which roads and ways are commonly used in the Town of Yarmouth, including without limitation, the right to install and maintain all residential utilities and necessary appurten- ances thereto, in, over, under, along and upon said private ways, and also reserves the right and easement to use a five-foot wide strip of land abutting said private ways for the installation and maintenance of any such utilities or appurtenances thereto. The grantor further reserves the right to grant such rights and easements to the Town of Yarmouth and/or public service companies and to grant any other rights and easements to the Town of Yarmouth which are necessary to establish said private ways as public ways. The premises are conveyed subject to the Restrictive Provisions and First Refusal Covenant set forth in the deed from Jordan-Peirce Corporation to M. G. Stratton et al, Trustees, recorded with said Deeds in Book 1464, Page 638, which are incorporated herein by refer- ence, to an easement held by the Cape & Vineyard Electric Company and the New England Telephone & Telegraph Company for the installation and maintenance of transformer pad mounts and other appurtenances within an area five feet in width and ten feet in depth at the South- westerly corner of said premises as it abuts Pheasant Cove Circle insofar as the same is now in force and applicable, and to real estate - taxes assessed by the Town of Yarmouth as of January 1, 1971. For authority, see vote recorded with said Deeds, Book 1454, Page 214, COMMONWEALTH OF MAS:ACNUSETTS' TV 1.1ns ;!;C kNtclittflif o P.8.11037 L • • • . . . , - tr - • • • _ . 3(, � — ii 2_ z \ \ , 032E12) C. 1, i.�.. 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I soix1546 rh v7 in wititton suOrtztf, the said JORDANcr-PEIRCE CORPORATION has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed, acknowledged and delivered in its name and behalf by DONALD H. PEIRCE its Treasurer hereto duly authorised, this I f Z.L4 ,,, ............ : c.•..• . day of September, in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-stile/ r.) 4 Ca Signed and sealed in presence of ---4:4;`11•:'"--1•1"- :. C• tn 4. Dikti-FZITIaa5...QP. 1911ATICIL. ."4,1;;;;•ii;.....00:,,' .. 1„.....'' ' by , ...g.-1-,-.4/74- • iv.....yeirce , Ievfovro ex,e ail, alommanwratt4 nf filissarOsetts HAMPDEN, as. September If, 1971. Then personally appeared the above named Donald H. Peirce, iilo•Y4 4144'g and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be the free act and deed of the Jordan-Peirce Corporation, before me 4. , .,i4.1„t.r,..-.., Notary Public IEWINOVIGat • • My ccatralasiort expirai 19 G. ARTHUR CRAIG NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION CXPIRES 1.5 JULY J977 i gal OCT 261971 41111111111 • % 1 I • . • - „. - , - V. **: ,,• - • . , : t.igt . ' . • • • 4-774 h' ACCT# 149. 45 MAP 132 LOT J1` A LOC OO 97 PHEASANT COVE CIR Plan OWNER I BOOK PAGE DOC. CERT. PROBATE DATE _ / /, /t/+ 0 7 5621 :, ;( Clo‘cb) 7 ivilLiliM P bavoti 7-1/ bOi'S C r) 'o)) phi if co, w9-vof.4 to 6 g 3 G 9 6W,00) -/717 111 M2 ACCT# 149. 44 MAP 132 LOT J15 Ad LOC 00103 PHEAS.,W COVE CIR Plan OWNER I eOvti rnvc DOC. CERT. PROBATE DATE I _ • ^ ` ' ACCT# 154. 3 MAP 132 LOT J14 LOC PHEASANT COVE CIR � |P - - / / @O p^Gc ooc �csn ,noo^ru o*rs o~wcn | �oo^ . . -- � C /,:,6 4,4, Z� . / A,46',b C' /411�'A/L V � `'-- / J �/ �� / ��� '� D w/=� / �/^ «~e� x� ~,� / "~ / ' � ' . ' � \ ' ' ~ _ ` � � '